Chapter 28 – Attack of the Dark Sect

Tian Ling had been in a trance within the simulation arena for six months, deeply immersed in the relentless pursuit of mastering his new technique. Every move he practiced, every breath he took, every strike, was an attempt to perfect the skill that could be the key to his survival. The sound of his sword striking echoed in his mind, as if he were battling an invisible opponent, shaping his technique. Yet, the journey was proving far more challenging than he had anticipated.

His muscles moved through sheer muscle memory, but he still felt something was missing—a small fraction of the skill remained undiscovered. In his mind, he visualized the technique as a sword cutting through the wind, but the execution was far from perfect. Even after hundreds of attempts, something continued to block his progress.

"This isn't enough," he muttered to himself. "What am I missing?"

He took a deep breath, trying to calm his mind. The arena around him was silent, but his thoughts were a whirlwind. He had made progress, that much he knew, but what was missing to reach true mastery of the technique still gnawed at him.

Meanwhile, in a dark and desolate region, surrounded by twisted and charred trees, the dust was slowly settling. An imposing figure, radiating a powerful aura, emerged from the darkness that covered the area. Every step the figure took seemed to make the ground tremble. With a satisfied smile, Bai Jian, the master of the Dark Sect, surveyed the ruins around him.

"Finally, I've reached the perfected Soul Realm. It cost me a future of cultivation, but it was worth it," he murmured, his voice filled with pride. The power flowing through his body was palpable, and the confidence that emanated from him was as thick as the shadows around him. The area seemed to bow before his presence, as if nature itself acknowledged his ascension.

The air was heavy with the dense energy he emitted, and the landscape around him reflected his destructive power. Trees that once stood tall were now twisted and charred, as if consumed by the dark power radiating from Bai Jian. The remnants of an ancient battle were visible in the ruins around him, reminding him of the price he had paid to achieve this power.

In another part of reality, Tian Ling slowly opened his eyes, the transition from trance to real consciousness bringing a wave of confusion. He intended to dive back into his meditation, but something disturbed him: incessant alerts echoed in his mind, a disturbance he couldn't ignore. His brow furrowed as he tried to focus, but the system notifications were relentless.

Crossing his arms in a gesture of determination, he accessed the new world monitoring feature, curious to see what had happened during his isolation. He never imagined something so grave could occur during his intensive training, but the constant alerts made it clear that chaos was looming.

[Jin Yu has been attacked by a disciple of the Dark Sect.]

[Jiang Zenhai has been attacked by an elder of the Dark Sect and has been gravely injured.]

A series of alarming notifications flooded his screen, and unease grew in his chest. The system continued reporting events he never expected so soon. The attack on the Serene Mist Sect, the looming battle... it all triggered his instincts. As he clicked on the names of his friends to check their condition, an even more alarming notification appeared. His mind was briefly overwhelmed with panic, something rare for Tian Ling but understandable given the circumstances.

[The Serene Mist Sect is under attack by the Dark Sect. You have the following choices:]

[1 - Help the sect. Running isn't always the answer. You will receive a random Mythic Realm and a lineage upgrade.]

[2 - Flee. You only live once. Don't risk it—abandon the sect and live as a fugitive, hunted by the Dark Sect. You will receive a jar of random pills.]

Tian Ling frowned at the gravity of the situation. The Dark Sect, which many had considered a distant threat, was now a terrifying reality, so close that he could feel the imminent danger.

"They're attacking now?" Tian Ling muttered, his mind racing. "Is that why everyone is getting hurt? But the Dark Sect isn't strong enough to face us, unless they have someone in the Perfected Soul Realm..."

As his suspicions were confirmed, he pondered his options. The choices the system presented were always tempting, and running seemed like the easy way out, but his honor and loyalty to the sect spoke louder. He couldn't just hide while his friends fought. Abandoning the Serene Mist Sect wasn't an option. Thus, he decided that action was the only way forward.

"There's no need to think too much. Obviously, I'll choose to fight!" he declared, determination surging within him. Without hesitation, he chose the first option.

With the decision made, Tian Ling felt adrenaline rush through his veins. Confidence reflected in his eyes as he stepped out of his cave. Upon looking around, his heart sank. The floating islands of the sect, which were once symbols of beauty and harmony, were now in ruins. The scenery, once filled with serenity, was now engulfed in chaos, destruction, and battle. The grand palaces, which once gleamed with the light of friendship, were now collapsing, with walls crumbling and disciples fighting desperately.

Shouts and the sounds of attacks echoed through the air. Tian Ling focused on his friends and advanced, his sword at the ready. He soon saw Jin Yu battling a disciple of the Dark Sect, her beauty and grace standing in stark contrast to the chaos of the fight around her. With a swift motion, he struck, easily dispatching her attacker.

"Tian Ling!" Jin Yu exclaimed, surprised and delighted to see him. "You... you made it!"

"This isn't the time for emotions! We need to protect the sect," he responded quickly, his intense gaze fixed on her.

Within moments, Tian Ling joined her in battle, and soon both were facing numerous enemies. The Dark Sect disciples, even though they had superior numbers, were unable to withstand Tian Ling's power. With an elegant move, he slashed through the air with his sword, energy erupting like a storm, shielding Jin Yu and taking down their opponents.

The fight was just beginning, and as Tian Ling continued to cut down his enemies, his mind remained focused on a single goal: protecting the Serene Mist Sect and his friends.

"How did you get so strong?" Jin Yu asked, marveling at his skill. "Your technique... it seems even more formidable now!"

"I've been training," Tian Ling replied with a modest smile, sweat trickling down his forehead as he breathed deeply. "But we don't have time for that now!"

As the battle intensified, they quickly moved toward Elder Shen's island, where Lin Fei, Jiang Zenhai, and Zhao Xun were fighting against other Dark Sect disciples. The scene was pure chaos: explosions of spiritual energy echoed through the air, the ground was cracked from powerful attacks, and the sky was filled with dark clouds and occasional lightning.

"Serene Sword!" Jiang Zenhai shouted, unleashing a powerful strike at his adversary. His sword glowed with a golden light as it cut through the air, striking his enemy's chest and sending him flying back with a scream of pain.

"Brother, I can't hold out much longer. My spiritual energy is almost gone," Lin Fei said desperately, his hands trembling as he gripped his sword.

"Me too," Zhao Xun agreed, wiping sweat from his brow as he watched the enemies closing in.

"Damn it, I'm almost at my limit too..." Jiang Zenhai thought, frowning as a powerful attack came from above. He tried to dodge but wasn't fast enough.

"Shadow Sword!" a loud voice echoed in his ears as he took a devastating blow to the back, leaving him gravely injured. Jiang Zenhai fell to his knees, blood soaking through his robes. He gritted his teeth, struggling to stay on his feet, but the impact had been crippling.

Three figures appeared before him, holding swords and emitting powerful auras. They were elite disciples of the Dark Sect, each with a cruel look on their faces.

"Surrender, and you'll have a less painful death," one of the Dark Sect disciples said, his eyes gleaming with malice as he raised his sword for the final blow.

"We'd rather die than surrender!" Jiang Zenhai replied, his voice trembling with pain, but his resolve unwavering.

"Damn it, why are there three elite-level cultivators here? They're at least at the sixth level of the Spiritual Core," the Serene Mist Sect disciples thought. The power gap between them was clear. The enemies were stronger, faster, and relentless.

"Since that's what you want, I'll grant your wish..." Before he could finish his sentence, a sharp sound rang out. His body was sliced in half, blood spraying everywhere, shocking the other two Dark Sect disciples so much that they immediately stepped back.

"How is this possible? There wasn't supposed to be anyone this powerful here!" one of the disciples said, fear and shock in his eyes, while the other replied, his voice trembling.

"I don't know either. We need to retreat and report this immediately. Let's get out of here!"

They turned to run, but in that instant...

"Do you think you can intimidate my brothers and then just leave?" Tian Ling's voice thundered across the battlefield. He stood there, sword raised, his gaze firm. His body radiated an aura of power that made the enemies hesitate for a moment.

With a swift gesture, Tian Ling summoned a colossal sword of Qi that tore through the air with incredible speed. The Dark Sect disciples barely had time to react before the sword cleaved through them, their bodies reduced to nothingness as the energy consumed them. Not even a single trace of their presence remained as the devastating strike echoed across the battlefield.

A heavy silence followed, the battlefield still in shock from Tian Ling's overwhelming power. The disciples of the Serene Mist Sect who had witnessed the scene could hardly believe their eyes. Jiang Zenhai, who was still struggling to stand after his injuries, stared at Tian Ling, wide-eyed with disbelief.

"How... how did they fall so quickly?" Jiang Zenhai thought, his mind racing. "They were at least as strong as elite disciples, and yet... one strike? Just one strike from Tian Ling?"

Jin Yu, who had been fighting alongside Tian Ling, approached him, her eyes filled with a mixture of awe and confusion. "Brother, what realm are you in now?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly with both admiration and curiosity. "Your strength... it's beyond anything I've ever seen."

Tian Ling didn't even flinch at the question. He shook his head slightly, unwilling to waste time on discussions about his cultivation level. "That's not important right now," he replied, his voice calm but firm. "The sect is in danger, and I'm worried about the master. If she's caught up in this attack, we have no time to waste."

Jiang Zenhai, still clutching his wound, nodded in agreement. "She must be at the main palace," he said, his voice strained but determined. "That's where she would likely be leading the defense."

Tian Ling considered the situation briefly. He could see the exhaustion and injuries among his fellow disciples. They were strong, but in their current state, bringing them to the main palace would only slow him down and potentially endanger them further.

"No," Tian Ling finally said, his voice decisive. "You need to stay here and help the others. There are still many disciples in danger, and they'll need support. I'll go to the main palace alone."

The other disciples, though reluctant, knew he was right. Their eyes reflected both pride and frustration—they wanted to fight alongside him, but they understood that they would only hinder him if they were to follow.

Jin Yu looked into Tian Ling's eyes, worry briefly flashing across her face before she nodded. "Be careful, Tian Ling," she said softly, before turning back toward the battlefield to aid the others.

Tian Ling didn't respond with words, but the determination in his gaze was enough. With a quick movement, he vanished from sight, dashing toward the main palace at a speed that left the other disciples stunned.

As Tian Ling sprinted across the war-torn landscape of the Serene Mist Sect, his mind raced. The Dark Sect was clearly more prepared and more dangerous than anyone had anticipated. Bai Jian's ascension to the perfected Soul Realm was a game-changer, and Tian Ling knew that a direct confrontation with someone at that level would be unlike anything he had faced before.

"I have to get there in time," Tian Ling thought, his heart pounding as the wind rushed past him. "The master… I can't let her face this alone."

The scenery blurred around him as he moved, his feet barely touching the ground. The sounds of battle faded behind him, but he knew the true challenge lay ahead. He could feel it—the ominous presence of Bai Jian's power, like a dark cloud looming over the sect.

When Tian Ling finally arrived at the main palace, what he saw made his blood run cold. The once grand and peaceful palace was now engulfed in flames, with the echo of clashing weapons filling the air. The outer walls were crumbling, and the energy of powerful cultivators battling was almost suffocating.

Standing in the courtyard, facing several of the strongest elders of the Serene Mist Sect, was Bai Jian himself. His figure was cloaked in a dark, oppressive aura, and his eyes gleamed with malevolent satisfaction as he effortlessly deflected the combined attacks of the elders.

Bai Jian's laughter echoed through the courtyard. "Is this all the Serene Mist Sect has to offer?" he mocked, his voice dripping with arrogance. "Pathetic. I expected more resistance from a sect so highly regarded."

The elders gritted their teeth, their faces showing both determination and exhaustion. They had been fighting for their lives, but Bai Jian was clearly on another level. His movements were fluid, his strikes precise and devastating. It was clear that he was toying with them, enjoying the destruction he was causing.

Tian Ling's eyes narrowed as he watched the scene unfold. "So, it's him..." he thought, his grip tightening on his sword. Bai Jian's presence was overwhelming, but Tian Ling had no intention of backing down.

Without hesitation, Tian Ling leaped into the fray, his body a blur of motion as he charged toward Bai Jian. The air around him crackled with energy as he swung his sword with precision and power, aiming directly for Bai Jian's exposed flank.

At the last moment, Bai Jian turned, a wicked grin spreading across his face as he caught sight of Tian Ling's approach. He raised a hand, blocking the strike with a dark energy that pulsed with malevolence.

"So, you must be the promising disciple I've heard so much about," Bai Jian said, his voice smooth and taunting. "You have some skill... but you're far too young to face me."

Tian Ling didn't respond. He focused his energy, pushing against Bai Jian's defense, determined to break through. But Bai Jian's power was immense, and with a flick of his wrist, he sent Tian Ling skidding back across the courtyard.

"You should have stayed hidden, boy," Bai Jian sneered. "Now, you'll die along with the rest of your pathetic sect."

Tian Ling stood up, unfazed by the blow. His eyes were steady, his resolve unshaken. "We'll see about that," he said quietly, raising his sword once more, ready for the battle that would determine the fate of the Serene Mist Sect.