In the neon-lit dystopia of Neon Edge, Kaius Steel is a dreamer trapped in a city controlled by technology and wealth. Born into poverty, his mother died from cybernetic overload during his birth, and now Kaius struggles alongside his father, scraping by in a world of crime and corruption. While the rich enhance their bodies to perfection, the poor drown in fleeting pleasures.
Determined to break free from the chains of poverty, Kaius seeks a way to change his fate. As he delves into Neon Edge’s dangerous underworld, he faces failure, a collapsing society, and a powerful elite that will stop at nothing to keep him down.
Can Kaius turn his dreams into reality, or will the city crush him like so many others?
i love it so far. But sometimes when im reading it feels so distant. But thats complain on high levels. Its written Great.