Chapter 45 (edited)

Kara knew Perry White was the current editor-in-chief and her boss at The Daily Planet.

However, she didn't care much about that. Perry had agreed to give her a month of paid vacation, and honestly, Batman and his adventures didn't concern her at the moment.

In truth, Kara was well aware that Batman was Bruce Wayne.

But she wasn't supposed to know that. If she brought it up, Bruce likely wouldn't deny it, but it would lead to unnecessary complications.

Why bother?

Kara wasn't going to run herself ragged for a paycheck. As she'd said before, her income from her column was more than enough to sustain her simple lifestyle.

So, Kara disregarded Perry's expectations, set her work aside, and continued enjoying her peaceful life on the farm.

The farm work wasn't endless or overly exhausting. Sure, there were times she needed to manually water the crops, but for the most part, the chores were a leisurely distraction. When she was bored, she passed the time tending the fields.

She also found joy in harvesting fresh food directly from the earth. Roasting sweet potatoes or corn over an open flame became her favorite pastime.

Her family was curious about her methods, especially when it came to grilling corn. Unlike traditional skewers cooked over a charcoal fire, Kara used twigs to roast the corn whole.

The result? A perfect blend of natural sweetness and a lightly charred aroma.

Honestly, wasn't this the essence of a countryside retreat?

Kara relished her freedom.

Still, no matter how much she tried to avoid it, trouble always seemed to find her.

One night, the shrill ringing of her phone shattered her peace.

Groaning, Kara reached for the flip phone beside her bed. She glanced at the caller ID—it was Bruce.

With a sigh, she answered, pressing the phone to her ear. "Bruce? Why are you calling me this late? If this is just to annoy me, I swear I'll kick you into orbit tomorrow."

It wouldn't be the first time. Back in college, Kara had once kicked Bruce so hard during sparring that he was down for the count.

"Kara, I need your help," Bruce's deep, serious voice came through the line. "Come to Gotham. If you don't, the city might be destroyed."

Kara groaned again. She really didn't want to get involved.

"I'm just a simple columnist trying to make a living, Bruce. Don't overestimate me," she replied, brushing off the urgency in his tone.

To be fair, she'd been ignoring Gotham's escalating chaos on purpose. After all, hadn't Bruce taken down the mafia boss? Shouldn't things have quieted down by now?

But Bruce wasn't letting it go. His voice grew firmer. "Kara, you can fool others, but not me.

I know what you're capable of. Everything I learned over six years, you mastered in less than a year.

And don't forget, I was the one who recommended those teachers to you."

Kara stayed silent.

Aside from the secret of her Kryptonian origins, Bruce wasn't wrong. He probably knew her better than anyone—perhaps even better than her family.

"I need your strength and skills, Kara," Bruce continued. "Stronger than mine, even. Without you, I can't stop this. Gotham City will fall."

Kara ran her hand through her long hair, contemplating. Finally, she asked, "Who's the enemy?"

Bruce responded with two names: "The League of Shadows and Ra's al Ghul."

Kara raised an eyebrow. "Wait. Isn't that the group you joined during your training? And didn't you already take down Ra's al Ghul?"

"I can't explain everything over the phone," Bruce replied. "Just get here."

Realizing she couldn't avoid this, Kara relented with a sigh. "Fine, I'll drive over. But seriously, Bruce, I'm just a regular white-collar worker. You're asking too much of me."

Bruce couldn't help but chuckle. "A regular worker who's mastered every form of martial arts and combat in the world?"

Kara shot back, "Still better than some guy running around in a costume with a ridiculous name like Batman."


Bruce let the jab slide and changed the subject. "I've already sent Alfred with my private jet to pick you up."

"Oh, so you're calling him Alfred now? Finally dropped the 'Mr. Pennyworth' act?" Kara teased, but Bruce ignored her.

She decided to set aside the matter of Batman interviews for now. If Perry ever found out, he'd pester her endlessly, which wasn't worth it.

Still, she had one condition: "I'm not doing this for free. If I'm helping you, I want my own gear—just like yours. And I want the Batmobile and all your other fancy toys."

Bruce winced. Even a billionaire like him felt the sting of such demands.

Alfred, overhearing, asked, "Master Wayne, is something wrong?"

"No, Alfred," Bruce muttered. "Just a toothache."

Between the Batsuit, the Batmobile, and all his equipment, Kara's request was no small expense. Yet, he had no choice but to agree.

Though, in true Bruce Wayne fashion, he found a loophole. "Fine. But you can't just take them anywhere. I'll keep everything safe at the Batcave. You can use them when you need them."

Kara readily agreed. Only later, after hanging up, did it hit her.

"Wait a minute… If it stays in his cave, isn't it still technically his? Damn it!"

Bruce had outmaneuvered her. Not only had he tricked her into helping him now, but he'd also ensured she'd come back for future missions.

The man was as cunning as ever.

"Damn it, Bruce," she muttered.

It seemed her peaceful days on the farm were officially over.