Ghost Walk

Grey placed his hand on the body of the cockatrice and wasted no time activating [Essence Plunderer]. Immediately, a notification popped into his vision.


[Ability detected: Blade Scattershot]

[Unsuitable for host]

Grey felt disappointed, but it made sense, after all, he didn't have feathers he could shoot out blades like the cockatrice did.

However, before Grey could retract his hand from the cockatrice, another notification popped up, widening his eyes in pleasant surprise.


[Searching for a more compatible ability for Host]

[New Ability detected: Iron Carapace]

[Iron Carapace: Solid iron scales interlock to form a durable carapace, enhancing your defensive capabilities and shielding you from harm]

[Would you like to plunder it?]

"Yes," Grey said, and immediately he felt something flow into his arm that caused him to feel a slight jolt. Grey then checked his stats window.

Name: Grey

Race: Human

Title: Necrotic Heir

Strength: 22[+2]

Agility: 20[+5]

Stamina: 21

Vitality: 20

Intelligence: 13

Energy: 130

Element: [Lightning Manipulation-20] ~ Skills: [Voltedge-1] [Lightning Enhancement-1] [Overcharge-5] [Static Surge-1]

Ability: [Essence Plunderer-0] [Berserk-0] [Quickstep-0] [Iron Carapace-0]

Equipment: [Bane Sword]

Iron Carapace was indeed there, meaning [Essence Plunderer] was the real deal.

But was there a limit to how many abilities he could copy from the same target?

What if the cockatrice had more than two abilities?

Would they be available to Grey when he used [Essence Plunderer]?

The only way he could find out the answers was by experimenting.

He knew now that [Essence Plunderer] could raise the number of abilities he possessed, making him stronger. Grey balled his fist, excited by his prospects.

"Cough... cough." Apollo cleared his throat, indicating he was still there.

He had remained so quiet Grey had forgotten he even existed.

He didn't want to distract Grey in his fight.

At first, he thought the fight would be close, but Grey had surprised him by defeating the cockatrice with overwhelming strength making Apollo excited.

"Good job defeating the cockatrice, but you could have done it in fewer moves."

"I'd love to see you try. You seem to be all talk."

"Really then..."

Instantly Apollo sprang into Grey's path, his fist hurtling toward him. It was quick, but Grey anticipated it just in time. He used [Iron Carapace] encasing himself in an armor of iron scales that absorbed Apollo's powerful blow upon impact.


Grey was knocked back, the iron scales cracking from the intense force of the collision

"How about that for strength?" Apollo asked, exhaling over his fists, but Grey just grinned and readied [Bane Sword].

"Now things are getting fun."

Apollo sighed, seeing Grey eyeing him with battle intent.

"Put the sword away. I told you I don't intend to fight, only to obser..."

Apollo didn't get the chance to finish as Grey used [Quickstep], appearing in front of Apollo and slashing down with all the force he could muster.


An explosion resounded, lightning crackling out of the fumes caused by the impact of Grey's attack. Apollo landed away with a light thud, a frown on his face.

"If you're not planning to finish me off, consider this a training session. Or are you afraid I'll wipe the floor with you... Peanut?" Grey smirked, stepping confidently through the dissipating smoke, his coat billowing behind him.

A vein popped on Apollo's head.

He didn't enjoy listening to Grey being cocky and was especially pissed Grey had called him Peanut, so he decided to show his might to put Grey in his place.

"Alright," Apollo said, his breath crystallizing into icy mist as frosty aura enveloped him. "Since you crave it so bad, I'll show you the might of a celestial."

Grey's heart thudded excitedly.

Apollo's strength was above his, but this was what he wanted. Only by fighting someone stronger than him could he grow.

Grey said, using [Lightning Enhancement], his coat ablaze with dancing bolts of lightning.

He intended to go all out from the start as it was the only way he stood a chance.

"Alright, Apollo, let's do this!"


On the ground level of the building, zombies filled the area, actively searching and reacting to any noise.

Everyone had become a zombie except one person:

The receptionist, Wendy.

She was hiding behind the counter, her hand over her mouth to silence the sound of her heavy breathing.

Confusion and fear filled her as she didn't understand what was happening. A few minutes ago one of her colleagues had suddenly collapsed, and she called for help.

But as the medic tended to her coworker, the patient rose gradually, as if lifted by invisible strings, and bit the medic on the neck, munching on flesh hungrily.

After that, multiple scenes like that began to happen, causing panic.

Then the system appeared in front of her.


[Wendy Spivot detected, suitable to be a player]

[Integrating System]

Wendy felt a slight headache.

[System Integration Successful]

[System Activated]

More notifications began to appear in front of her, but she ignored them as the situation around her couldn't afford her getting distracted.

She saw the medic that had bitten someone slowly rise to his feet, despite bleeding profusely and missing a massive chunk of flesh from his neck. The sight terrified Wendy, and her body froze.

Noticing her, the medic growled, frantically walking towards her.

The sudden movement caused Wendy to panic, and she fell to the ground.

The zombie stood directly in front of her, and she couldn't do anything about it, so she shut her eyes, awaiting the inevitable.

But nothing came.

Wendy slowly opened her eyes and saw the zombie wasn't in front of her anymore. It had walked past her, ignoring her like she wasn't there.

Wendy was relieved and confused at the same time.

Did the zombie not see her?

Not that she was complaining.

She stood, her body still trembling. Seeing that the zombies were distracted by others, she decided to seize this chance to move and find somewhere to hide.

But as she sneaked, her feet stumbled onto a corpse, and she fell with a yelp.

The noise drew the attention of nearby zombies and Wendy truly believed she was dead this time, but the zombies looked away once again like she wasn't there.

Wendy wondered if she was invisible to them, and as if answering her question, her stat window appeared in front of her.

Name: Wendy Spivot

Race: Human

Title: None

Strength: 8

Agility: 5

Stamina: 7

Vitality: 10

Intelligence: 15

Energy: 100/150

Element: None

Ability: [Ghostwalk-1]

Equipment: [Steel Bat]

She indeed had an ability that made her invisible.

[Ghostwalk: Mask presence from all forms of detection, becoming ethereal and intangible, able to pass through walls and avoid physical harm]

[Cost: 2 energy points per second]

Wendy had 150 energy points, which meant she could stay invincible for a minute and fifteen seconds.

Her ability was active, so her energy points were decreasing gradually.

Now aware she had limited time, she swiftly kicked off her heels and hid behind the counter.

Wendy was confused as to what she should do.

Should she risk going out the entrance?


Wendy shook her head, it was obvious this was a zombie apocalypse, and it would be just as chaotic outside if not more so than inside. But she couldn't stay here forever.

As she contemplated, she heard sounds that sounded like dogs barking.

She stood to check and saw what looked like a huge dog pounce on one of the zombies.

It ripped its head off the zombie cleanly with its claws and then pounced on another, biting into its skull.

Wendy's eyes widened in shock.

It certainly wasn't a dog.

It resembled a sabertooth, its massive form adorned with razor-sharp claws and teeth that gleamed manacingly.

As Wendy stood there in a daze, the beast's feral eyes darted in her direction, and automatically, Wendy activated [Ghostwalk].

Her heart pounded in her chest. The sabertooth's eyes didn't leave her location, and then it began to draw closer. Wendy wondered if the sabertooth could see her and if her ability wasn't working.

[Energy Points: 20/150]

Only ten seconds until she was exposed.


Wendy wanted to flee but drawing the beast's attention by moving was what she was afraid of.

[Energy Points: 4/150]

"F*ck it!" Wendy yelled and then ran off, not minding anymore, but then her energy ran out, and dizziness hit her, causing her to almost fall to the ground.

Her visage was revealed, and the sabertooth sighted her and then pursued.