A Barrier

What excited him most after defeating Duskfang was the prospect of acquiring a new skill for completing the [Battle Quest] along with the skills he'll get from using [Essence plunderer]

[You have earned a Power Stone]

[Strength +5 | Agility +5 | Energy +5]

[You have obtained a new weapon: Duskfang Blade] 

[You have obtained an accessory: Raging Boots]

As always, the rewards for completing a battle quest were generous. The more dangerous the fight, the greater the prize—that truth had held up every time.

But Grey knew that his real reward came from using his unique ability: [Essence Plunder]. That was the game-changer.

He crouched over the fallen beast, Duskfang, its massive form lying still on the ground. Placing his hand on the creature's thick hide, he whispered the word that brought his power to life. 


A faint glow pulsed from his arm, deep and shadowy. A wisp of eerie purple mist escaped from the dead beast, swirling upward before sinking into Grey's body. He felt a surge of energy ripple through him, accompanied by a familiar, satisfying sensation. 

[You have used Plunder to steal the skill: 'Mirror']

[Mirror: Create a clone that has 50% of your stats. Clones vanish after taking significant damage.]

A grin spread across Grey's face. Victory tasted sweet.

He'd wanted this exact skill, and now it was his.

Duskfang had been a tough opponent, especially with its ability to create clones. But now, that same trick was added to his arsenal. And with the other skills granted by his title, Grey's power only grew stronger, his list of abilities expanding with each conquest.

He rubbed his hands together, eager to test his new skill on an unsuspecting enemy. His mind raced with the possibilities, already imagining how he would use the [Mirror] skill in the next battle. 

There was no stopping him now.

Grey turned his attention to the weapon he had just acquired.

[Duskfang Blades: Dual daggers forged from the tooth and fang of the beast. +5 to Strength | +2 to Agility]

As he finished reading the description, his lips parted in awe. A grin spread across his face. He loved weapons and accessories that came with free stat boosts.

He swung the daggers experimentally, marveling at the satisfying hum they made as they cut through the air with precision.

The blades felt perfectly balanced in his hands, an extension of his own strength. But after a few moments of playing around, he casually tossed them back into his inventory.

Next, he summoned the accessory he had received.

[Raging Boots: Crafted from the tough hide of Duskfang. Adds +20 to Agility]

Grey's eyes widened, and he gasped at the sight of the huge number. He couldn't help but grin, a grin that stretched so wide it felt like it could reach his forehead.

"Twenty points...," he muttered, shaking his head in disbelief. His agility was already impressive, but with the added boost from the boots, he'd be moving at lightning speed. He couldn't wait to test it out.

Not to mention, he still had [Stat Stones] from slaying the sabretooth hoard earlier. He hadn't had the chance to use them yet, but if he had powered up before his fight with Duskfang, things might have gone even smoother.

But then again, facing near death had awakened the full potential of his title's power, so in the end, it had worked out perfectly.

Now, he was sitting on a mountain of potential power, with stat boosts and rewards waiting to be absorbed. Without wasting time, Grey sat down and pulled out the Stat Stones.

One by one, he tossed them into his mouth, biting down as each stone dissolved. A surge of electrifying energy coursed through his veins, the sensation both soothing and invigorating. He could feel his body changing with every swallow—growing lighter, stronger, faster.

With the last shard consumed, Grey exhaled deeply. His entire body felt like it was buzzing with energy. Rising to his feet, he summoned his stat window. His eyes scanned the numbers, confirming the massive growth he'd undergone.

Grinning again, he leaped into the air, and to his surprise, he practically floated. His body was so light, it felt like he could fly.

Grey noticed Apollo standing behind him. He turned around, a grin playing on his lips as he asked, "Strong enough for that fight?"

Apollo snorted, arms crossed. "Not quite."

Grey had no idea just how powerful the monkey was, but the thought of finding out one day excited him. It was only a matter of time before they clashed for real.

He walked toward the exit, eager to glimpse the chaos he could sense outside. As he approached the doorway, however, he was stopped by an invisible force—a barrier. He placed his palm against it and felt a slight resistance pushing back.

"What the hell is this?" he muttered.

Without hesitation, Grey made a fist and swung at the barrier. His punch landed with a solid thud, causing it to tremble slightly, but it didn't give way.

"Don't bother," Apollo called from behind. "Even I can't break it."

"You know what it is?" Grey asked, turning toward the monkey.

"Not exactly," Apollo shrugged, "but I know how to get rid of it."

Grey gave him a prodding look, silently demanding more. Apollo sighed before revealing the answer.

"You have to defeat the strongest being in this building. It's the celestial way of saying you need to get stronger before facing what's out there. Like a tutorial."

"A tutorial?" Grey echoed, confused. "So all the fights I've been through were just... training?"

"Exactly," Apollo confirmed. "To prepare you for what's waiting outside."

Grey's curiosity spiked. "And what's outside?"

"Monsters. Way stronger than the ones you've fought so far."

Grey's eyebrows shot up, his pulse quickening. The idea of even stronger monsters should have terrified him, but instead, it thrilled him. His heart pounded with excitement. He couldn't wait to face whatever was out there.

But one thing nagged at him—if the strongest creature had to be defeated, that meant Duskfang wasn't it.

"Wait," Grey said, frowning. "If Duskfang wasn't the strongest, then who is?"

Now that Grey had grown stronger, he could sense the creature's presence much clearer. Its power was undeniable, and its energy felt like a storm waiting to be unleashed. That was exactly why he wasn't ready to leave yet. There was no way he could let a walking mountain of skills, weapons, and power stones just slip away. The creature was a treasure trove, and Grey wasn't about to let it escape.

From what he sensed, the creature was moving quickly—heading straight toward some humans. Most likely, Nathan's group.

Apollo's voice broke his focus. "Oh, it seems to be engaging your friends. The chance of them surviving that thing is nonexistent. They'll all die. Unless, of course, you decide to save them."

"I know," Grey muttered, clenching his fists.

He was torn. Nathan and the others had tried to beat him senseless just hours ago, and he had walked away, driven by his own thirst for power. He told himself he didn't care about them. If he did, he wouldn't have left them in the first place.

Apollo watched him closely. "You can't leave the building without killing the beast anyway, so what's the dilemma? It's not like you have a choice."

Grey shot Apollo a strange look. "Why are you so interested in convincing me to save them? Why do you care?"

Apollo shrugged. "I don't care. I'm not trying to convince you, Grey. I'm just pointing out that you're not as cold as you pretend to be."

"You don't know me," Grey snapped, his voice growing harder. "Just because I have power doesn't mean I have to save everyone."

"Right," Apollo nodded, "and I wouldn't bother convincing you if that's what you really believed."

Grey's brow furrowed, and his chest tightened in frustration. Apollo had an infuriating way of seeing through him. The truth was, no matter how much Grey tried to deny it, he was concerned. He didn't want them to die.

They had their flaws, sure, but they were brave and willing to risk their lives to help others. Then there was Wendy.

He couldn't ignore the thought of Jace, Wendy's brother, judging him, calling him heartless for not stepping in to save her. Worse, he couldn't shake the memory of Amy, her last words ringing in his mind before they parted ways—telling him to come back.

Grey let out a heavy sigh. It was pointless to keep pretending. His mind was already made up, even if he didn't want to admit it.

"I have to kill the monster to leave the building anyway, so why not save them in the process, right?" Grey said, trying to convince himself as much as anyone else.

Apollo snorted:

"What are you, a tsundere? Just admit your feelings, you piece of shit."

Grey hissed in irritation and turned away:

"Just so you know, I'm not doing this because I think being strong means I'm responsible for helping others."

"Sure," Apollo replied, sarcasm dripping from his words. "Great power doesn't mean great responsibility. I completely agree with you 100%."

Grey raised an eyebrow at Apollo's obvious mockery but shook his head, choosing to ignore it.

He couldn't afford to get sidetracked by the monkey's antics.

"I do hope this creature is stronger than Duskfang."

Apollo leaped onto Grey's shoulder, his eyes glinting with mischief:

"Oh, it certainly is."

Grey his heart pounded with anticipation and he replied:
