Chapter 11: I'm still a virginity!

Xiao Feng's things are not much, just a small cardboard box full of his own things! Xiao Feng picked up the small cardboard box, looked around the familiar office where he had worked for most of the year, and felt a surge of excitement at the thought of what the future held. He smiled, his eyes falling on the sexy young lady Liu. Then, Mei swept from An Ya and Meng Yan, one by one, and finally gave Liu a big, bright smile. "Sister Mei, Sister Ya, and a few beauties, I'm leaving! Thanks for taking care of everyone during this period of time. I'll contact you again when I have the chance in the future!" Oh, and could you do me a favour and say hello to Manager Jiang for me? I won't be making a special trip to say goodbye to her anymore.

  'Feng Zi, this guy of yours is also really, so soon to be a deserter! Originally, I was still going to let you pick up a few unmarried beautiful girls in our office to be your girlfriend. Once you're gone, there won't be much of a chance, so you'd better make the most of it!' Although Liu Mei said jokingly, her eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief. Xiao Feng was delighted to discover that beneath this seemingly flirtatious and carefree young woman's playful exterior, there was a sensual side he'd never imagined.

'Oh, yes! Our Mei'er also said that she would love to have you, a virgin, once if she had the chance! I didn't expect you to recognise her sinister intentions first and retreat early, but I'm so glad you did! An Ya was delighted to joke from the sidelines, seeing that the scene was a bit sad.

  An Ya's words were a resounding success! Not only did a few unmarried little girls listen to the puffing and laughing, their little faces scarlet, but even Liu Mei, the sexy young woman, jumped up and reached out to twist the soft flesh of An Ya's chest. Her mouth was also laughing and scolding: 'An Ya, you little slut, I think it is you who want to enjoy Xiao Feng as a virgin, right?' You have the nerve to talk about me! Well, if you're interested, we'll ask Xiao Feng to go out tonight and find a hotel for you to enjoy yourself!

  Xiao Feng looked at the two gorgeous young women, his eyes alight with desire. They were both stunning, with breasts that seemed to dance with life. Laughing and joking between them, their breasts glimmered with a spring light that seemed to call out to Xiao Feng. He couldn't take his eyes off them!

  Office of another small beauty, Wen Jing, smiled and reminded the two: 'Ya sister, Mei sister, you're naked! Oh, I see Xiao Feng's eyes are fast looking out.'

 When the two women heard this, they stopped frolicking and looked at Xiao Feng with flirtatious and affectionate eyes. Xiao Feng looked back at them and said, 'Two sisters, don't listen to Wen Jing's blind words, I can't see anything.'

  Liu Mei smiled charmingly and said seductively, 'Then do you want your sister to let you have a good look!'

  When Xiao Feng saw Liu Mei making a move to pull down the small suspenders on her shoulders, he couldn't help but feel his heart jumping with excitement. He quickly shook his head, 'No need, I should go, let's get together again sometime!' With that, he took off without looking back, causing a few girls to giggle. The wonderful little episode certainly lifted everyone's spirits and banished the sadness of parting.

  When Xiao Feng arrived in the lobby, Wang Renjian and two guards were waiting for him. Mi Jiajia, the front desk attendant, looked worried, but her face brightened when she saw Xiao Feng.

  When Wang Renjian saw Xiao Feng, he immediately said to the two guards behind him, 'Let's get started! Search his belongings and make sure he doesn't take any company items out.'

  Xiao Feng shot Wang Renjian a cool look, then put his belongings on the front desk. He held his hands and watched the search with a keen interest.

  'Brother Feng, I'm so excited to hear how you managed to offend this bitch Wang and get into this situation!' Mi Jiajia walked up to Xiao Feng with a big smile on her face and whispered excitedly, "I've got something to tell you!"

  'No worries! I came to the company bright and early and met this wild dog of his. That's why I'm like this, so you might want to keep a little distance from me, just in case you get bitten by this wild dog of his too! It'd be a shame.' Xiao Feng whispered excitedly.

  'I'm not afraid of it! The big deal is that I won't do it either. With this girl's good looks and ability, where else can I not find such a job?' Mi Jiajia gave a little pout and said with a big, bright smile,

 Xiao Feng was about to speak, but suddenly heard a discordant voice ringing out, making him jump in his seat.

  'Jiajia, don't pay attention to that kind of person. He dares to go against Director Wang, and he deserves to be fired! Just like this kind of rash young man, I don't think he will be able to get any good results in his life. I think you'd better stay away from him. If you want to make a friend, you should also make friends with such a young and promising young talent like Director Wang.'

  Xiao Feng listened to the frown, side face and the voice to see the past, see another receptionist girl, Xiao Li, rushing to Wang Renjian to show off. To be honest, this woman looks good! After all, like Jiang's company, such a large group of companies treat the quality of the staff is still attached great importance to. A receptionist is the company's face, naturally, will not be poor where. Xiao Feng always feels that Mi Jiajia is a bit pretentious, although every move seems to have a lot of flavour. But compared to Mi Jiajia, such a lovely beauty, there is always something missing.

  As if that wasn't enough, Xiao Li is also a bit of a workhorse. She's been said to have had a thing for a lot of the company's bigwigs, which just makes Xiao Feng even more annoyed. At this time, although he heard her openly mocking him, he didn't mind at all! After all, it's not a competition between women based on their appearance. Just next to Mi Jiajia was a little unhappy, with a pout on her small mouth and a sparkle in her eye as she said: 'Hey, you this slutty fox, you want to pander to Director Wang? Go for it! But don't belittle Brother Feng. He did not provoke you. He will have success in his life, I just know it!'

'No worries, Jia Jia! She's absolutely right. I wouldn't be where I am today if I hadn't made a few mistakes along the way. I've got to dash, but I'll catch up with you later when I can! Xiao Feng saw that the two security guards had already rummaged through his things, so he was eager to leave and see Wang Renjian's look that made him sick again for a minute.

  'Brother Feng, wait a minute! President Jiang has already called to give instructions. I'll go and talk to you about going to the finance department to collect this month's salary.' Seeing that Xiao Feng was eager to leave, Mi Jia Jia was happy to let Hu Li go and said to Xiao Feng in a hurry.

  Xiao Feng was originally set on showing his independence and not going to collect that little bit of salary. But then he thought about the two months' rent he owed and, with a newfound determination, he nodded and said, 'Jiajia, thank you, I'll go over there now.'

  Xiao Feng turned on his heel and made his way back to the lift, ignoring Wang Renjian's leering eyes. The finance department was on the third floor. Xiao Feng was eager to get his due salary back, even if it wasn't a huge amount. It would definitely help solve the immediate problem!

 When Xiao Feng arrived at the finance department, he went straight to the cashier's office and said his name. The girl in charge of payroll looked up at him with a smile and said, "Hello, Xiao Feng! Come on in!" 'Xiao Feng, right? Well, just now, Manager Jiang has already called to take care of you. You have been dismissed, so even though this month is less than a month, you will be counted according to a month. And in addition, you've worked for seven months, less than a year, but according to your salary, you will be counted according to a month. So, you have worked for seven months, less than a year. In addition, you have worked in the company for seven months, which is less than a year. But don't worry! According to the regulations of Shanghai, you're entitled to economic compensation for the dismissed personnel. Your salary is three thousand yuan per month, so it should add up to six thousand yuan for you. This is your salary, please point it out.'

  Xiao Feng took the money and smiled. 'No need to count it, I trust you, thank you so much!'

  The girl saw Xiao Feng's smile, full of sunshine and happiness. For no reason, her pretty face flushed with excitement, her heart then beat a few beats faster. She watched Xiao Feng's dashing back as he turned to leave, a look of regret sweeping across her face, but also a look of anticipation for what the future held.