15 The Magus and the Martyr

It's flowers...

This was a paradise that seemed to exist only in fairy tales. The air was fragrant, the sunlight warm, and countless pink petals swirled in the air, surrounding the lost intruder.

The dream felt real yet illusory, a mix of both. Walking amidst the fluttering petals made it impossible to tell whether this was fantasy or reality.

In this ethereal scene, like a mirage, Roy wandered, half-conscious. Guided by a vague feeling, he began to ascend the smooth marble steps of the towering structure before him.

"Come closer, come... come..."

The voice in the dream echoed faintly through the layers of petals, and Roy felt himself drawing ever nearer to its source.

At last, he was just one step away.

"Oh, brave young one, you are so close to touching the legendary miracle."


Who was speaking to him?

The voice and these petals felt strangely familiar, but he couldn't recall them. He couldn't remember.

Lost in the depths of this dream, his head felt heavy, making it impossible to think. He could only rely on instinct, moving forward, following the voice.

As the voice grew nearer and nearer, so too did the distance to the top of the tower shrink.

Finally, just as he was about to touch the curtain and cross through the illusion, what he saw was...


"To indulge in the falsehoods of a dream is not your calling, my accomplice."

"Wake up, open your eyes. There is something far more important for you to do now. Pay no heed to the intrusion of this deceitful dream. Remember, you are already in the midst of a war."

The familiar voice, the arrogant laughter, and the unmistakable sense of familiarity jolted him awake. In the instant when black flames engulfed the sea of flowers, the dream shattered.

The intense heat of the blazing black fire transformed the tranquil flower field into a hellscape in an instant.

And with that, the gentle whispers of the flower-like spirits in the dream disappeared, just like the burning flowers, completely vanishing from sight.


In a Deeper Layer of the Dream.

The black flames ignited the illusion around them, following the petals. A figure from hell stood amidst the flying sea of flowers, glaring menacingly at the presence before him.

"To sneak into someone's dream when they least expect it, like a parasite, is quite fitting for your role, Incubus."

"But what are you trying to do? Should I take this as a declaration of war?"

"Oh my, as expected, you saw through me, didn't you? What a headache. I thought I was being quite discreet. At the very least, it should've taken you a while longer."

Atop the tower, Merlin slowly opened his eyes, a troubled look on his face as he gazed at the unexpected visitor.

He, the distinguished Magus of Flowers, an Incubus, was being chased out of a dream. How embarrassing. If Morgan and Viviane were to hear about this, they'd surely mock him for quite some time.

However, if the one doing the chasing was none other than the infamous Vengeance Demon, it was a little easier to accept.

"Your repugnant scent... no matter how deeply hidden in a dream, I can still detect it. Don't underestimate an Avenger's sense of smell."

"Tch, it's only because your abilities just happen to counter mine. Talking big, aren't you? I'm still have a shot at becoming Grand Caster, you know."

"Do you wish to die?"

The Count's golden eyes flashed fiercely, and the surrounding illusion began to dissolve into flames. He glanced indifferently at Merlin.

"Unless you give me a good reason, it'll be hard to let you leave today."

"Oh, come on now? I didn't plan to do anything bad to him. Why so agitated? Besides, you can't kill me in a dream anyway, right?"

"But I can make it hurt."

"Ahaha, let's not go that far. Getting burned by your flames is no laughing matter."

"Relax, I only want him to help me with a small task. And I'll definitely give him ample compensation... he won't lose out."

"What are you planning?" The count stared coldly at him.

"Nothing much. It's just that this Holy Grail War is different from the usual monotonous ones. I'm a little curious. After all, it's not every day you get to see a Foreigner and an Avenger together, plus there's a Ruler in the mix."

"A Foreigner who seems to have seen the entirety of the Holy Grail War, two forces like Avenger and Ruler that appeared to counter calamity... this Grail War is shaping up to be quite the spectacle."

Merlin shrugged, smiling as he spoke.

"Don't look at me like that. The Grail War involves my king, after all. Naturally, I'll keep a close eye on it. It's perfectly reasonable to follow the drama over thousands of battles, right? Although I've witnessed countless Grail Wars across the world, this one, with so many variables, is a first for me."

"The Foreigner seems to be a soul from some foreign realm that has descended into this world. As for you, Avenger, you've been forcibly bound by the Counter Force to restrain two malignant elements. But, you two seem to be getting along quite well. There's at least some trust between you. However, how long will you both keep your secrets from each other?"

"Ruler has already arrived in Fuyuki City. His identity this time is likely both a contestant and a referee, bending the rules. You've known about this for some time, haven't you? You've experienced it, even committed some pretty outrageous acts. But you haven't told your Master. Similarly, your Master is aware of the general course of the Grail War, yet hasn't fully disclosed the truth to you."

"You both like keeping secrets, don't you?"

Merlin grinned mischievously at the Count of Monte Cristo.


"Whatever. With the way you two act, you're better off dealing with it on your own. I just think this Grail War is a bit special and want to stir things up."

"But, I do suggest you warn your Master sooner rather than later. Make him realize that this Holy Grail War is vastly different from the systematic ones of the past, and that it diverges greatly from the path in his memory. Otherwise, you're both in for a rude awakening."

"My request is simple. Since you've been sent by the Counter Force to deal with the unsettling elements in this Grail War that could threaten the world, I'd like you to also keep an eye on the matter of the sword's sheath for me. As payment, I'll guide your Master's magic in the dream. Though I'm more skilled in swordsmanship, I'm sure I can train a modern magus to a decent level."

Merlin rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

After all, he was quite intrigued by the nature of that Foreigner's existence.

"So, what do you think? Interested in making a deal? With my help, his progress will be rapid."


Fuyuki City.


The elderly priest Kotomine Risei stood before a massive cross, bathed in the moonlight that streamed through the stained-glass windows above.

"All the Masters participating in the Holy Grail War are now converging on Fuyuki City." Kotomine Kirei, the robust, middle-aged priest standing below, addressed his father who was at the altar.

"I've already dispatched Assassin to monitor the entire city. They will gather information on any developments in the Holy Grail War immediately."

"Is that so?"

Kotomine Risei nodded in approval, gazing at Kirei. "You've done well, Kirei. Everything is proceeding as planned. Just follow your teacher's instructions."

"Even though the Church has been given the responsibility to oversee the Holy Grail War, you are also a participant in this war, as well as Tohsaka Tokiomi's disciple. So following your teacher's directions won't violate the rules."

"This Holy Grail War should bring an end to the generations-long magical ritual. We will do everything in our power to maintain the secrecy of the mystics."

Kotomine Risei turned his gaze to the giant cross before him, bowing slightly. The cross in his hand gleamed faintly.

The Holy Church, a mysterious organization in the hidden world, held a status equal to the Mage's Association's Clock Tower. However, the Church's purpose was not the pursuit of the Root like magus, but rather the eradication of heresy and the preservation of mystery.

From its inception, the Holy Grail War had shown signs of extreme instability, even threatening to expose those very mysteries.

Thus, it was natural for the Holy Church to assume the role of overseer for the Grail War. Even the founding Three Families, in the face of such a colossal entity within the hidden world, could not oppose the Church's position of authority.

The best testament to the Church's overwhelming power was the Command Seals. While each Master possessed only three, the Church, as the overseer, controlled dozens.

This was the primary safeguard ensuring stability and secrecy.

"Yes, Father Risei, upholding secrecy and peace while providing salvation to humanity... this is the mission bestowed upon us by the Lord. It is the creed every executor must abide by."

Footsteps echoed.

And a gentle voice followed.

Kotomine Kirei furrowed his brow slightly and turned his head. He saw a boy standing at the door, smiling at him.

The boy was small in stature, draped in a dark red robe, a silver cross hanging from his chest. In his right hand, he held a black-covered book, and his slightly disheveled white hair flared out.

Though he appeared young, his smile was something Kirei had never seen before. It was pure, filled with confidence and warmth, and just looking at it gave one a sense of serenity.

"You are... Shirou, I presume?"

"Yes, it's nice to meet you, my brother." The boy greeted Kotomine Kirei.

Shirou Kotomine.

This was someone who had abruptly entered Kirei's life.

Since childhood, he had heard his father, Risei, mention this brother he had never met.

But for over a decade, they had never crossed paths. Regarding this brother, his father had always shown an unusual...


It was odd.

And it made Kirei feel quite uneasy.

Now, upon finally meeting face to face, he began to understand his father's feelings.

This boy gave off an unsettling aura... not like a normal human but more akin to a saint or some transcendent being.

As a warrior, Kirei's instincts also detected the formidable power hidden within his brother's slender frame.

Vigilance. Kirei regarded this brother with utmost caution.

"So, Shirou, you've come to Fuyuki City."

"Yes, Father, I've returned."

"Good. You've come at the right time." Risei glanced at Kirei before continuing.

"Kirei, return to your teacher now. I have some matters to discuss privately with Shirou."

"I understand."

Without questioning the reason, Kirei maintained his stern expression and promptly left the church. As he stepped out the door, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

The unsettling feeling had vanished the moment he left the chapel.


"What is it, Master? Do you need us to do something?"

Several shadowy figures appeared from the night, kneeling before Kirei.

His eyes remained calm, but there was a slight shift in his gaze.

"Keep a closer watch on the church."


The shadows nodded and then dispersed.

Inside the chapel, after sensing Kirei's departure, Shirou slowly lifted his gaze.

Looking at Kotomine Risei before him, he couldn't help but sigh.

"The Holy Grail War, huh? Such a familiar magical ritual… it's quite nostalgic."

"However, this time, I won't fail again."

"As you wish, O noble martyr." Kotomine Risei replied, bowing slightly as he withdrew his gaze.

"I will now transfer the role of overseer to you and then depart. I hope you achieve redemption."

"Very well. Thank you for your assistance all this time, Master. May the Lord bless you."

"The Lord will protect His followers. I firmly believe in this."

"And I shall make sure that the Lord's miracle, His Kingdom, the ideal Kingdom of God, descends upon this world."


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