Memories, Younger Moreina

Christel ignored the fight between the two Moreinas, and when Lani disappeared, she managed to observe her retreat route. Christel was right, this Lani is a fragment of Andariel's consciousness.

Without realizing it, Christel's eyes changed again, the nine-petaled flower appeared in her pupils.

Watching the two Moreinas fighting, and watching the Moreina buried in the tree, you can see a connection.

"Just surrender to the Dark Master, together, we can rule these lands, and free everyone from the oppression of the bastard Leoric."

"Is your plan to govern to wipe out the entire population and sink the lands into a sea of infernal creatures?"

"You're still young! You don't understand!"

"It's rather you who is old, look at yourself, you haven't improved at all and you only blame others!"



'Any serious psychologist would be delighted to be able to observe the mental activities of his patients in this way...'

Christel rolled her eyes as she watched the fight between the Bad Brunette and the Good Brunette. Since the Brunettes weren't paying attention to her, she walked over to the Brunette in the tree.

Moreina was asleep, Christel stopped in front of her. She had to jump on some roots to be able to be at Moreina's height.

Christel took the girl's cheeks in the tree and brought her lips closer to hers.

"Moreina... it's time to wake up..."


"...Moreina, are you okay?"

"Ha~ Lady Akara... I'm fine... just..."

"What are you thinking about?"

"It's just… Is it right for us to take control of the East Pass? I feel like everything is wrong."

"It is a deal we have with the Kingdom of Khanduras… They give us the monastery, and we will serve as protectors of the borders."

"But this King doesn't give me good vibes, and the local people..."

"We will help as much as we can. Before, we were just a nomadic group, who had to fight day and night without a place to call home. Now we have the opportunity to have a safe place for the Sisters. You are still young, and it can be scary to move to a new place. Don't worry. With time, you will get used to the place."

"But... Aidan told me not to trust his father..."

"The Elder Prince? Well, he's right, you shouldn't completely trust those kings. But, doesn't the Prince follow you much? Is there something there, something else?... hehehe"

"Akara!, you know that is impossible, I..."

"Okay, okay, Kashya isn't here, don't worry… hehehe~"


"Remember to keep working hard at cultivating your inner eye. Only then can you see the truth of the world, and the truth of people. Remember, don't trust what your eyes see, pay attention to what your heart sees…"

After a short talk, a young Akara left, leaving a 15-year-old girl still standing on a huge, wide balcony, looking to one side at a huge metal and wood door, and in front of her there is a long path in a meadow. Below the balcony is the main gate. This place is a monastery specially built as a defensive fort for the main passage between the kingdom of Khanduras and the kingdom of Aranoch.

When she no longer heard Akara's footsteps walking away, the young Moreina placed her hands on her chest, and turned towards a corner of the balcony.

There, there was a beautiful girl with golden hair like he had never seen before, he had heard that there is a royal family with golden hair. Aidan and his royal family members from Khanduras have brown hair color, but this girl seems to be as if she shines just like the sun.

"This place looks very different..."

"Who are you?"


"Please don't say that Akara sent you..."

"Hehe~" Christel, who was sitting on the stone baluster, her legs dangled into the void and she swung them. She smiled upon hearing little Moreina, turned around and gave a swing.

"Sister May..."

"Little girl, you shouldn't jump like that, you can show..."

"He?" Christel looked down and remembered that she was wearing a red pleated skirt. 'What's wrong with the physics of this illusory world!'

"Cough, let's forget about that… What do you remember, Big Sister?"

"I always had a bad feeling when we came to this place years ago..." The young Moreina approached the stone railing and placed her hands on it.

"I began to help civilians, annihilating bandits who were robbing and burning villages, as well as clearing out beasts that endangered travelers on the roads of the kingdom. Together with Kashya and Lakrii, we managed to create a safe place, and people loved and respected the Sisters of the Blind Eye.

But King Leoric didn't like it, he invited us to settle on his lands, thinking that at some point we could be under his control. Aidan is good, but Leoric trying to use him to marry the new leader of the Sistherhood... when the King discovered that his plan was not working over the years, he began to attack the Sisters.

"Although we had clashes with the King, the line had not yet been crossed, and everything on the surface seemed peaceful. But supernatural events began to appear in the Kingdom of Khanduras. All signs and evidence pointed to Tristan. And my bad feeling grew..."

Christel walked over to the railing and stood next to young Moreina, from her side view, she could see the tears falling down her cheeks.


In the New Hope Cave, the heroes fought by unleashing their abilities from one area to another. The cursed things crawling on the ground, although weak, were many.

But it wasn't long before the dark mist surrounding the four women grew thicker and blacker.

As everyone became worried, Christel's light emanated with greater force, and a magic formation appeared at Christel's feet, it was shaped like a nine-petal flower.

As the magic formation began to suppress the dark fog, the phantom of a girl in red novice clothing appeared in the middle of the room.


"Hey, who is this person?"

"Be careful, don't let her get close to Christel!"

"Lani, how are you here? You!"

"Mom, who is it?"

"Hehe~ Lady Akara, what is that? Is it one of that golden-haired girl's new artifacts? Hello Sister Kashya, she must be your daughter… and they are the heroes of destiny…"

"You are not Lani. Damn Andariel... I will never forgive you for what you have done, and we will avenge Lani and the other Sisters who died because of you!"

"Lady Akara, don't you find this child strange? She appeared suddenly. I have investigated her life and found nothing, it's like she just appeared out of nowhere…"

"You will not deceive us, Andariel, We trust in Christel"

"Hehehe~ I'll be waiting for you at home Akara, Sisters..."

Lani's ghost has vanished. Alysha and the other young Rogues don't recognize the person, but they have heard her story and how Andariel possessed her body and disguised herself as her to destroy the sisterhood from within.

Although Alysha is older than the others, she has few memories, but enough to recognize and remember details about people. She remembered what Christel had said a long time ago about Lani.

Her presence seems to have been expelled by Christel's magic formation from within Moreina. Only a few minutes have passed and it seems that Christel is winning. Alysha became excited, she has full confidence in Christel's victory and that they would recover all the Corrupted Rogues.

She held Moreina's hand tighter and looked at Christel and Moreina. She didn't care that their lips were connected. She thought that if Christel could create a place for everyone to live in protection and peace, Christel could have all the Rogues she wanted, even if they were her mothers. For some reason she turned to look at her mother Kashya, thought of something strange, shook her head to get rid of those thoughts, and looked back at Moreina and Christel.

Then he saw some tears forming on the line of Moreina's closed eyelids, and they began to fall.

"She is crying..."

"What's wrong Alysha?" Kashya heard her daughter's murmur and asked.

"Mom, Blood Raven is crying. She's crying!"

"What's wrong?" Akara asked from the mirror. It hasn't even been 10 minutes and so much has happened, her nervousness has been high.

"Blood Raven's spiritual activity is fluctuating in chaos…" Malachar, who was shooting out a large amount of teeth, replied to Akara.

"It seems that Christel has recovered Moreina's heart" Lyara supported, although she still doesn't know what method Christel uses to connect to what she calls the spiritual sea, the simple fact of having that ability is incredible to her.

But everyone has also realized that doing something like this is a very dangerous skill. Anyone could enter their minds and do whatever they wanted with their thoughts and memories. There would be no secrets.

At least Christel assured that magicians and those who practice the Sightless Eye cultivation method can have defenses against it.

After Lani left, the hellish creatures stopped appearing over time.


A soul cannot be corrupted out of thin air, it takes an opening for darkness to enter the heart and the person to fall. Even the noblest of heroes can have a stain on their being, and no matter how small it is, it is enough.

It is harder to corrupt someone with a strong soul, but if that soul has a strong desire for protection, no matter how difficult it is, it also becomes easier to taint that soul.

Diablo is knowledge like The Lord of Terror, his very presence instills a fear that paralyzes even the devils themselves, but his true nature, as a primal being, is Chaos.

Just by fighting Diablo, his chaotic nature could have altered the qualities of the three heroes and let darkness into their hearts.

According to Christel's understanding and Moreina's account, after they defeated Diablo, they set about cleansing the curses and allies of Hell from Tristan and its surrounding areas.

Aidan kept the Devil's horn, which he believed would be safer if he kept it himself. But living with that object continued to change the three first-generation heroes. Christel estimates that between one and two years passed.

At this time, Akara and the others noticed the changes in Moreina, but never associated it with Diablo or any other primordial being. There were also many problems, the discovery at the bottom of the Cathedral left the kingdom of Khanduras in disarray. The King had allied himself with dark forces and was preparing to launch an attack on humanity.

At one point, Moreina and Kashya had a thing, but Moreina later abandoned her. She allied herself with Lani and expelled the Sisters of the Sightless Eye who would not follow her orders. By this time, the Sisters had already split up, with half of them following Lakrii and creating a settlement in the Dark Forest. And with a large number of Rogues corrupted by Lani, few managed to escape the riot at the Monastery.

Even though Lakrii no longer wanted anything to do with Kashya and her group, she still helped them with dark wood to help them build their new camp. At some point Alysha was born in the new Rogue Camp, and later more were born from the union of other Sisters.

And also. Leah, Aidan's daughter, was born, perhaps, around the time Alysha was born. By the time Diablo 3 began, Leah would have been 20 years old. If Alysha is now 17 years old, that gives us 3 years until a winged meteor falls from the sky, and the dead rise across the lands of Sanctuary.

"...Do you think you can be prepared for that moment?"

"I must be…" Christel answered young Moreina's question.

"It's interesting those artifacts that give light..."

"I'll explain how it works when we get back..."

"Come back... You must destroy me, I don't want to hurt you anymore..."

"Leave that to me, Moreina, I need you. You have seen that this world is dangerous, and all the Rogues must unite again."

Here Christel can see more clearly. Although in reality there is a great distance between the eastern pass and Tristan. Here she seems to be within sight.

Obviously it is just an illusion, the village of Tristan in the distance, but with his eyes he can see a black hole like an abyss. His threads formed by his mysterious energy have reached the hole.

In the royal Monastery of the Eastern Pass, in the main room, there were a pile of corpses of lesser demons scattered around, they seemed to have been dried in the sun for months.

But in the middle of the room, there was a large bed with red sheets. In the middle of the bed, a young girl with red hair and clothes of the same transparent red, was sitting with her legs crossed, as if meditating.

Opening my eyes, I look out onto the large balcony. It's as if I can see the shadows of two young women, standing side by side.

"Heh~ even if you get them back. Do you really think they can continue living? A person with physical damage will always fight to survive, but when the damage is to the soul... I want to see what surprise you can give me... girl from another world.