Wasps in the world of Diablo, Griswold

There are waves and waves of skeletons with broken shields and rusty swords. Accompanied by faults called -Cavern- they attack our shelter point. 


Fenrir and I have prepared the field in front of us with thorny vines, also my golems create quicksand. 


But the number of enemies is so great that these preparations were cleared by the first waves of enemy attack. 




"What's that?" 


An animal monster appeared behind the skeletons, it is like a goat standing on its hind legs and brandishing a double-bladed axe, 


She must measure more than two and a half meters, her hooves hit the ground with force, demonstrating her enormous weight. 


"It's a Nigh Clan, a hellish goat, they have strong defense and heavy attacks, but they're slow. Even so, they are smarter than the fallen and have a lot of battle instinct." 


Moreina introduced me to the creature. While stretching the rope of his -The Raven's Wing- 


Fenrir transformed into a bear, attracting the attention of the infernal goat, while Shira, hidden in the shadows, delivered piercing attacks from behind. 


Jaina and the others protected the flanks, preventing the skeletons from surrounding us and Aliza's girls cast a series of magical protection spells and helped purify the corpses so that they could not be revived by the shamans or the skeletons would rise again. 


Christel looked up at the sky, and the sun was starting to get closer to the horizon. At night it will be more dangerous, but they have also been prepared for the moment. 


In a wagon Christel brings a secret weapon, although experiments have been done in controlled environments, this is the first time it will be used in a real battle. 


"Jaina, make ice walls at five o'clock. Roxene, go with Visala and Visanti, start placing the portable Tesla tower. Let the night fall, but let our light rise" 




"Got it Christel!" 


Jaina ran to our right, and with a series of special metal arrows and a shard of sapphire gem in each arrow. She shot at the ground and walls of ice were raised. 


Thanks to the Warriv trade in the north, gems of different natures have been obtained. Although very expensive, but placing these gems on weapons, makes the attack have special attributes. 


Seeing that goat standing, Christel thought that it wasn't the only one inside the city of Tristan, it's better to have a defense to protect the small tesla tower. 


The war team is very important and defines who will win the battle. 






*Sssp* *Sssssp* *SsssssP* 


When Fenrir and Shira managed to knock down the goatman with the help of Alysha's spear. 


Two more goats appeared, and skeletons with bows and arrows also arrived. 


"It seems that the enemy has seen that they cannot knock us down with melee attacks, and they have launched the artillery..." 




"Aliza, Elexa, can you cast light spells all the way to the location of those archer skeletons?" 


"Mm, if we attack together it can come." 


The two priestesses clasped their hands together, and with a prayer of spells, condensed a sphere of golden light. 


"I'll help!" 


Christel stood in front of the two girls and mobilized the sacred angel energy in her belly into her hands, a milky white light floated like feathers towards the golden sphere of the two priestesses. 


With the help of this new sacred energy. The sphere grew in more power and size. Christel stepped aside and took up her bow again and attacked with mana-condensed arrows, and launched a series of attacks on the Failed who were rushing forward. 


Aliza and Elexa with their strength, released their attack, the sphere disappeared from their hands. Unlike magicians who throw a fireball from their hands and travel the distance. 


The light attack of the priestesses does not advance, somehow, it disappears and appears on the skeletons. 


The sacred light at the moment of appearing, is as if the heat of the sun melted the snow. The bones began to burn and black smoke came out. 


But that's not the attack, in an instant, the sphere of light shone brightly like an explosion. Shattering all the archer, shaman, and fallen skeletons nearby. 


"Good, attack!" 


With this blow, for a moment, Christel and her group didn't worry about ranged attacks, except for the fireballs of shamans. But they are easily knocked down by the arrows of Jaina and the others. 


But the enemy learned quickly from this experience. Throwing another group of skeletons, but this time they mobilized them separately. 


"Christel, the tower is on!" 


"Great, take out the -wasps-! Hehe, let's see their power" 


Moreina watched as the priestess twin girls carried something that looked like a black metal tube one meter long, with wooden legs to put it on the ground, at the back of the metal tube was a black box. 


Although Moreina doesn't know what it is, but it seems to be some kind of weapon, but does she imagine that fire will come out of the tube? 


Moreina wants to see what toys this girl brought. She already knew the usefulness of the so-called Tesla tower, it was an artifact that gave electrical energy and could also give mana. 


After the girls loaded one of those tubes, they went to the wagon and took out another. Although it is not very heavy, but it still needs the two girls to work together. 


Christel only brought two, as they are the ones that have been built so far. 


After placing the two wasps, Christel moved a few small levers into one position and began to absorb and connect the energy emanating from the tower behind them. 


After showing Visanti and Visala how to aim and shoot. He gave them the order to shoot. 


"Girls, attack those archer skeletons and teach them the power of the Sisters of the Sightless Eye!!" 


Although the girls are excited, they know that it is something very strong, so they carefully moved the tubes and aimed at a skeleton each. So when they thought they were on target, they gently pressed a button on the side of the tube. 


*Sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk sk...* 


*Trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs trs...* 


A series of friction noises with some sound of electricity were heard from both weapons. 


Despite only having touched the fire button for a couple of seconds. The Wasp launched more than 60 shells. 


Unlike modern weapons on the aqua blue planet, which use gunpowder, Christel has the tech tree of the world from They Are Billions. 


The Wasp uses electromagnetic energy to fire metal projectiles at a speed and force like that of machine guns. Its power, which is not the best. It has the ability to penetrate the flesh armor of the undead of the world of they Are Billions. 


It also has to have a speed between shots to be able to withstand the overwhelming wave of undead. 


Here in the world of Sanctuary, in the small town of Tristan, the power of these two little Wasps was enough to overwhelm the archer skeletons and everything that was put in front of them. 


Even with the lack of aim of the twin girls. The amount of bullets from the two Wasps swept away in a straight line, hitting the buildings behind the enemy and knocking down stone and wood walls that were still standing. 


"HAAA!" x2 


Visanti and Visala screamed in amazement and released the fire button. 


Christel looked and saw that it hadn't gotten too hot, the metal used is not the best, just refined black iron. But he liked the efficiency, better than expected. 


Fenrir and Shira, seeing the attack, left the humanoid goats, and moved away, they did not want to be in front of those weapons. A cold sweat ran down their foreheads. 


Moreina was also amazed. She thought that if she had been attacked with that she would be worse than a sieve. Then she thought of the name, "Wasp" 


Sh thought of an attack of thousands of wasps stinging his body. His goosebumps turned like goosebumps and she felt chills down his spine. 


"Amazing... Little girl, I think you'll be worse than the Lord of Terror when you grow up..." 


"Haa~ Big Sister Moreina, you exaggerate. Hehehe~" 'And you haven't seen the other one yet' 


Christel felt proud. With these weapons on ships, you can conquer the sea. 


'What an admiral of the navy, what four emperors, my ships will not be worse than the supposed Hades, and even better, Jujuju~' 


Christel sank into her fantasy. 


"Kill those goats, tear them to pieces... don't wait, if they are goats they can be eaten?..." 


Christel said suddenly. Jaina beside him shuddered, ran to a wasp and took aim and fire, tearing the poor goats apart. 


"Heee... well, it doesn't matter, there must be more..." 


Jaina clenched her fists and swore, she must not let Christel go astray, she can accept that she eats animals that were mutated by hellish energies and grew, but not directly eat creatures from hell! 


In addition, of these creatures, it can be said that they have intelligence, they are conscious beings, humans are not like that too!! 


'I won't let Christel eat intelligent beings!' 


'Can eating beings with intelligence be considered cannibalism? Maybe I shouldn't eat intelligent beings...' 


Christel thought of that detail, too. Completely forgetting that the bugs I use for experiments in building materials, also have a bit of intelligence and live in society... 


"Who disturbs my city! Go and bring them to me!!" 


A thunderous voice was heard from within Tristan. 








Many noises, as well as shouts and grunts came from all sides of the city. 


The sun on the Rogue girls' backs was hiding behind the mountain range. 


"Roxene, Gwinni, prepare the cart with the Shocking Tower. Jaina, turn on the lights... let the darkness not surround us" 




"Yes" x2 


You must have used the Wasps to eliminate enemies leaving the city in waves. 


For those who managed to reach the front, they were guarded by Moreina's arrows and Alysha and Fiona's spears. 


Elly, Mahala, and Shikha attacked with their arrows the elusive enemies who wanted to come from the sides. 


More goats appeared, one in particular was larger and at its feet left burn marks as it passed. 


A golden skeleton with a bow and arrow also appeared, it seemed to have the ability to increase the speed of the other skeletons. 


While shamans controlled the Fallen to get in the way of the Wasps' attack as meat shields, goats used charge to get closer. 


Fenrir summoned two wolves and a series of crows and transformed into a bear again. With the help of Christel's vines, she managed to withstand the burdens of the infernal goats. 


When in the distance, it was now only dark, and it could only be seen by the light of the flames and the lights of Christel's spotlights. 


Heavy footsteps began to be heard approaching from the city. 


In the distance, among the ruins and flames, a humanoid of more than three meters walked with heavy steps. 


He was human, he was. With a corpulent and fat body, thick arms like tree trunks, he was dressed in brown linen and red leather clothes. 


He was bald on his head, but he made up for it with a long, dark beard. 


Despite still being far away, Christel could see in some parts the lack of skin and only red muscles. 


Half of his face and neck were also skinless and the eyes were completely black. 


It is Griswold, the former Blacksmith of Tristan.