Moon Lyria, Lunar Transformation?

"-Wall of Bones-" 






"-Dragon's Talon, -Dragon's Claw-, -Dragon's Tail-" 


*Sssssssk* sssk* ssskk* 


"Big Sister Moreina, Griswold can't be stronger than you!" 


"It's not even a tenth of my power, but this Griswold receives energy from the Hell Fissure, that's why it's so strong..." 




"Tssssk, don't laugh little blonde girl, see how I treat you later!" 




The fight against Griswold, the final boss of Tristan, has already been going on for more than 30 minutes. Christel has managed to keep the farm on her thanks to using Raynare's holy light on her body, but the consumption of mana to withstand the blows and maintain her shields is great, most of the corpses of hellish creatures in the field have disappeared, swallowed by the sun vines. 


While Christel strikes and uses walls of bones as defense abilities, Shira, Moreina, and Jaina maintain control and armor-piercing abilities. 


But Griswold, despite already having a lot of damage to his body, is still as unbeatable as at the beginning. 


'Shit, if this goes on like this, we'll really end up being defeated by exhaustion...' Christel looked around at a glance. 


The creatures in the dark have been arriving for 20 minutes. And although at first they could be controlled thanks to the Wasps, when they ran out of bullets, Christel had no choice but to let the twins return to being priestesses and support with their magics. 


Alysha and Fiona, the two spear girls, have split into two groups, to hold our flanks. 


Thanks to the light, our field of vision is good, but the creature known as Griswold sometimes summons creatures that crawl on the ground. 


These misshapen things come from the fissure in the cathedral to help Griswold. 


But, although there are not many creatures on the lower floors of the Cathedral now, for someone to now go to run 16 floors is useless if we do not know how to close the fissure that connects this plane with hell. 


Although it is not reflected, Christel knows that they cannot continue like this until dawn, they are not perpetual motion machines. 


'I'll use that...' "Guys, give me some prep time, can you hold it?" 


"Leave it to me, though not my specialty, I've also learned some of Lakrii's sword dancing moves." 


Moreina answered Christel, tucked her legendary bow on her back, and pulled out the two blades from the sides of her waist. 


'If Lakrii were here, it was simpler, the Countess would also help a lot, and the blood rose...' 


Christel regrets that there are still many generals to be conquered, but there has not been time. 


"Well, just a couple of minutes!" 


Christel used walls of bone again to support Griswold for a moment and walked away, leaving her place to Moreina melee. 


'I need to get into that state again...' Christel closed her eyes and focused her attention on himself. 


In about four months of studying and cultivating the Eye Sightless, Christel has identified places where they can be improved. 


But when she was inside Moreina's spiritual sea, when she tried to recover her heart and that of the other Rogues, she had an inspiration that made her take a leap in her cultivation and discover hidden parts of that spiritual training method given by an angel. 


Although Christel doesn't know if what she found in the Eye Sightless method was purposely hidden by Lycander, or if it's a hole in her knowledge. But the path he found to rescue the souls of the Fallen Rogues was shown by colorful threads that he could detect when he reached a state immersed in the Eye Sightless. 


Since then, he has been exploring and repairing the original cultivation method, removing things that are unnecessary, and maximizing the enhancement of the spirit and soul. Creating a new method that is purer and does not conflict with the original method. 


'Finding the threads...' 


In the outside world, although they were all in their own fights, they had one eye on Christel's body. 


A colorful light began to envelop Christel's body, and everyone recognized that it is the same as when she entered Moreina's spiritual sea. But this time there was no magic array at his feet. 


At this moment, a silver moon with a slight pink hue appeared in the darkness of the sky. 


Then everyone's distance of sight widened to the horizon, the infernal creatures began to help with pain and lamentations of torment, their strength diminished greatly, especially Griswold, whose moonlight affected him strongly. 


The weaker biological creatures fell to the ground and no longer moved, the others were paralyzed and writhing. Instead, the deformed beings crawling on the ground and coming from the city of Tristan seemed to be burning in boiling oil. 


Dark smoke was rising from Griswold's wounds and his screams this time were more of pain than anger, and in his dead dark eyes, it seemed that an unknown fear was noticeable. 


At this moment, a portal opened in the square of the city of Tristan in red. Carthas, Korgar, Lyara, Zara, Valen, and Isendra, along with a group of Elite Rogues, exited the portal. 


When the last Rogue came out, the fiery red portal closed. But they instantly noticed the anomaly in the sky and surroundings. 


"It is Lyria, the second moon that rules destiny in the heavens..." 


"As it appeared now, Lyria's trajectory is intermittent and sporadic, only followers of the Lyrian Moon can know her trajectory and I understand that today there is no Lyrian moon..." 


"It's Christel...." 


An electric sound came from a bag on the side of Isendra's waist. 


"Akara, do you know something?" Isendra took out a double-sided mirror and Akara could be seen in the mirror. 


"Yes, the first time I met Christel months ago, the Lyria Moon shone on her..." 


"They seem to be fighting at the entrance to the city, let's split in two, Carthas go with Lyara and Zara to look for Cain, Korgar uses jumps and get closer to where Christel is fast..." 


"I'll go ahead!" Isendra used teleportation and disappeared from the portal group. 


Above Griswold, a ball of ice froze him for a moment, and wisps of electricity appeared in the area and destroyed the creatures that were writhing and screaming in pain. 






A huge sword fell on the frozen Griswold, though not crazy to split him in half, leaving a terrible wound on his right shoulder. 


The ice broke into pieces, but Griswold has not regained his mobility. Moonlight continued to illuminate the area. 


"Lord Korgar, Lady Isendra, when did you arrive?" 


Shira jumped at the chance and buried her short swords in Griswold's back, but still failed to slit his throat completely. 




A large spear of bones pierced through the wound left by Korgar's sword in his shoulder, piercing him until the spear exited his left side. 


"So Princess Christel entered a special state..." 


Malachar's reverberating voice was heard as he walked calmly. 


Everyone turned to see Christel who was inside a cocoon of light. 


"How is it? You can feel it, Mr. Malachar, Mrs. Isendra" 


"Don't worry Jaina, her spirit is good" 


Then, a glow dazzled the place making everyone close their eyes, but the glow didn't hurt them. 


When everyone opened their eyes, the moon in the sky had already disappeared, but now the glow came from a girl with silver hair, long to the heels of her feet. 


Her figure was that of a girl in her teens, thin and healthy, her white skin shone with silver light as did her hair. 


She had silver-colored eyes with a hint of pink, and on her forehead, there was a gold-colored rising moon mark. 


He was floating about a foot off the ground, perhaps thanks to the help of a pair of wings on his back. The wings are thin, transparent, and undulating, like wide, long white membranes, just like a plain and simple silk cloth dress, but long to the feet. 


His pink-silver eyes were focused on the wounded Griswold, he raised his right hand and a staff condensed with the silver light around him. 


The cane is pink and the girl's full size in height. At the top tip of the staff is a golden moon bow with a red gem in the center and a pair of white feather wings at the base of the rising moon. 


At the time the cane appeared, a crown also appeared in the girl's silver hair, as well as matching gold-colored earrings and a necklace with a rising moon on the white dress. 


Simply raising the staff gently, he pointed the moon at Griswold, and a silver light laser pierced through Griswold's chest in an instant. 


The attack didn't give Griswold a moment to even scream, he disappeared into bright dust. 


It all happened in a second, and no one had time to say anything. 


"Christel, You are Okay?" 


Jaina trotted a little and moved closer to the young woman. 


"EH? Jaina? Yes, I'm fine, Jaina, why do you look smaller? I grew up!" 


"You're floating girl..." 


The thick voice that seems to come from the lands of the dead sounded in the silent place. 


"HA! How do I go down?!" 


"hehe~ little Christel, calm down, calm your spirit... you will come down naturally..." 


Isendra smiled and spoke to Christel. Everyone began to approach and surround the girl who shines in silver light. 


"Woa, Christel became a goddess" 


"It's a beautiful pure white dress" 


"It seems that Christel has grown a lot" 


"It didn't grow, you see, it's a glass pair of slippers with a high heel..." 


"But it looks like it grew a little bit, about two centimeters or one..." 


"Even if it grew half a centimeter it is already good..." 


"Aliza, Alysha, you two want a coup!!" 


Christel held her cane with both hands still floating and threatened the girls who made fun of her. 


"Isn't it exhausting to stay afloat?" 


"Uhnmm... No, I don't feel any expense..." 


"What envy, for me floating is an unnecessary waste of mana..." Isendra said. 


Christel concentrated a little, her wings on her back moved as if flapping their wings and became smaller, Christel touched the ground softly. 


"Can you take away this transformation Christel?" 


"Uhnmm, it's not a transformation, it's just that the energy inside me escapes and that's why I look like this?" Am I supposed to be a supersayayin? I mean, it's not that kind of transformation either...' 


While concentrating on returning to the state she inspired in Moreina's spiritual sea, Christel followed the colored threads again, then saw a pink moon. 


She felt that she had an affinity with that moon, so she touched it or inside she had the desire to touch it, threads of colors were intertwined in the moon and she, then she felt that an enormous power filtered from her. 


Since he had nowhere to unleash that power, he looked at Griswold and remembered that he had to take down that big fat guy, subconsciously just shooting his energy without any technique. But who would have thought that just that lightning bolt would completely wipe out Griswold, a golden-named boss, and make him stardust. 


Trying to calm their internal energies. Christel stopped shining, her pinkish silver hair returned to a light golden blonde with pink tips, and the silver color also disappeared from her pink eyes. 


But her hair didn't shrink, it's still so long all the way to her ankles, and when she feels it, she also sees that it grew at least a centimeter. Despite Alysha and Aliza's previous teasing, he's actually very glad he grew an inch taller! 


The dress, as well as the accessories and the moon cane, disappeared. Christel was glad that her old clothes are still like that and she didn't end up naked... 


Akara and the others at Camp Rogue saw Christel's state through the double-sided mirror, they also saw the moon anomaly outside. 


Not only them, in the night of this time zone of the world of Sanctuary. Many saw the appearance of the second moon, the Lyrian Moon. 


Especially Andariel form Lani, were on the balcony of the main room of Monasterio looking up at the sky and also in the direction of Tristan. 


The aura she felt is at the same level as her. Although his demon form at his peak wouldn't be afraid of a being at this level, she's definitely someone to be reckoned with. 


Especially that Moon, it is not easy. 


Far to the east, past the twin seas, in the once-shining Temple-City of Travincal, now a ruined city, two monstrous beings stood head-to-head fighting. 


Although they seem to fight, they didn't actually use all their strength, but, even so, their own auras could destroy the buildings around them. 


Although it is still daylight in this area, thanks to the infernal corruption, it is a nighttime darkness that envelops these ruins of the city. 


At this moment, the two creatures stopped fighting instantly. They both looked in the same direction, to the west. 


Then one of them spoke. 


"What a familiar aura, it seems that a fallen goddess has come back to life..." 




The other creature could only growl, then turned around ignoring everything and headed in one direction. 


"HE HE HE, the little brother hasn't regained consciousness yet... But it's interesting, that goddess has... HE HE HE HE HE HE..."