"... By the way, Christel, it's not that I don't believe in you, but how do you know Celine is okay?"
Momo asked, separating herself a little from me and looking me in the eyes.
The beautiful violet eyes of the Deviluke girl were bathed in water, deep down you could see sadness and hope.
"Why Celine tells me..." Christel pointed to her foot and said. There was a vine that, if you followed it all along, you could see that it came from the greenhouse.
"That's the branch that almost tripped Mikan!"
Rito, somehow brought back to life as if nothing had happened, pointed and said.
"The one who tripped Mikan-chan was you!"
"iiyyy!" Rito became shy and fearful when the other girls pointed him out as guilty, especially Yui, who is the director of the disciplinary committee of Sainan Academy, and who always pursues Rito for his antics every day.
But from this sentence, both Yui and Mikan and the other girls remembered the recent event and the kiss between girls appeared in their minds, all of them having a blushing face again.
"Is Celine really okay?" Momo asked again with a slightly more relaxed, but still worried, look.
"Of course, let's all go, it's only a matter of time before it evolves. Can you help prepare something for the visits? Nana, can you help Mio?"
Mio replied calmly, only when Christel arrived and said that everything is fine, her concern was reduced by ninety percent. And although she knows that she can't do anything and that makes her feel somewhat uncomfortable, but she can do this, prepare some snacks and drinks. So she replied somewhat happily.
"Mm Christel-onechan" Nana also replied in the affirmative.
She also feels a little sad for Celine, but if his sister-in-law says she's fine, she can only believe her.
Over time, who has lived on this planet and has stayed in this house, has discovered that the girl who is said to be the fiancée of her older sister, is very responsible and intelligent, she also works and earns money for the house, something she does not do.
Unbeknownst to Nana, Christel is becoming a figure she wants to become and a guide for her.
In addition, she has seen that Christel has an affinity not only with animals, but with plants, it is as if it were her and Momo together. Anyone who gets along well with animals and plants is worthy of your friendship.
Nana followed Mio into the house. But someone else too.
"Please let me help, I can't break into your house without helping like this without warning..."
"Ehh! I want to help too..."
Yui and Haruna followed Mio and Nana into the house.
"We're going too!"
"Yes, we can help too..."
Mio and Risa, Haruna's friends also followed the girls to the house, they could not just stand by watching their friend go to help.
Tenjouin Saki, who came just to follow the others, has seen everything that has happened on the periphery, but when they saw that the other female classmates were preparing to do something, she didn't want to stay as a useless girl who does nothing.
Looking around, she didn't see tables or chairs, although there are some garden benches, they are not enough for everyone and they could not place food or drinks there.
"I can help you find some garden tables and chairs..." Saki said a little shyly, but with a princess attitude.
"OH~ it's true, Lala, go get a table and chairs for all of us to sit on, we can have a picnic and celebrate Celine's evolution..."
Christel realized that there was a missing place for everyone to sit, Saki, this blonde and somewhat haughty girl had good foresight.
"... This young lady is her name?"
Saki, when she saw that the blonde girl who seemed to be the owner of the house spoke to her, a little nervously introduced herself to the golden-haired girl.
"HO HO HO HO, I am the young lady of the Tenjouin group. Tenjouin Saki (天条院沙姫)-. Second year of high school at Sainan Academy, YO HO HO HO HO~"
'Tenjouin Group, now that the Neon state government is pushing for us to sell shares of the companies, maybe reaching an agreement with this Tenjouin Group is not bad...' "Nice to meet you Miss Saki, can I call you that? My name is Christel Ourada Velky but you can call me just Christel, third year of high school at Kuoh Academy."
"Do you study at the Kuoh Academy of young ladies who say they only accept noble daughters or from rich families?"
Saki was surprised, it's the first time she has met someone who studies at Kuoh Academy, what she doesn't know is that she is now in Kuoh City 2 hours away by fast train.
"I don't know if it's just for noble or rich daughters, but now they've accepted male students... I would like to have a few words with you a little later, but according to your offer of help, can you accompany Lala for tables and chairs?"
"Sure, leave it to me, Rin, Aya, Let's go! YOO HO HO HO HO HO~"
Saki placed the torso of her hand in her mouth and laughed like a queen as she went with her two followers -Fujisaki Aya (藤崎綾)- and -Kuyou Rin (天条院沙姫)-
"Maria, you can help with the tables and chairs, don't make a mess Lala...
"Of course!!" Maria trotted along with Lala and the others.
"... Let's go see Celine, Momo, Yami, Mikan, Miss Kurosaki Mea..."
"Come on, just call me Mea, I'm Yami's younger sister after all..."
"Okay Mea, later we can play you kill me hehe~" Christel joked directly with Mea.
"Christel-san is joking with me hehe~" Mea replied, but she saw Yami stand in front of me as if on guard.
"My target..." Yami said in a voice seemingly unfeeling. But a tone in the nuance of his voice said something else.
In this world Christel has not fought with anyone, and apart from the ambush they suffered a couple of days ago by the no longer alive Zolgear, she has not seen the level of combat of anyone else.
Christel wonders if Mio and Maria can fight Yami and Mea in a two-on-two matchup.
Since Celine knows that Christel walks to the greenhouse, her vine moved next to him. Since she felt Christel arrive at the house, she hurried to take out a vine to say hello, but it is true that she feels a little weak, that is why the vine moved so slowly and Rito believed that it was a branch that her younger sister would trip over.
When Christel entered the greenhouse with Momo, Mikan and her classmates and friends, and the two killer girls, she could see Celine.
According to his memory in what was seen in the animated series, the Celine of today is very different, its size is not as large as in the original, but its trunk really changed, it was no longer a single trunk that resembled that of a palm tree, now there were several intertwined.
Despite looking a little droopy and with a brown trunk as if suffering from drought, it did not look as bad as I expected.
The top of Celine, which should be a nine-leaf flower, but sunflower-like, with a huge mouth in the center, is now a white sphere, is large, and has the appearance of a berry.
Although Christel doesn't know the disease that Momo had diagnosed, but the idea that with a berry you could cure this giant white berry, just because of that could make sense, or so Christel believes, maybe and she doesn't think too much about it.
But Christel knows there's no need to go to a planet in another galaxy to heal Celine, just keep giving her vitality and nutrients for her transformation.
Christel is waiting for him, after Celine is born, brings some tests to the world of Sanctuary and hopes that Akara can investigate the plant and see if it can be useful for other monstrous plants, such as the Blood Rose that is growing in the Dark Forest.
The giant white berry seemed to beat, not physically, but Christel could feel how a spiritual sea was creating a connection within the white berry.
Celine's soul may already be inside this berry, but she is not done making her spiritual connection yet.
Perhaps because evolution is rapid, Christel can notice the pulsation of her spirit with the white berry or with what is inside the white berry.
Perhaps this is how a connection of a being is created within the mother's womb. At least Christel now knows and is very sure that spiritual space exists, and a person's soul resides in their spiritual space.
And while perhaps the soul can leave the spiritual space, it is certainly a very important place for the growth of each individual's soul.
By practicing the new method she created based on the Sightless Eye, Christel has seen her spiritual sea. And she believes that perhaps because of this spiritual sea is that her soul was reborn in a new body and created a connection with the body she has now since she was in her mother's womb.
Life is very interesting, and it seems to be made up of three things, apart from other things if you go into more detail, but the main thing seems to be a body, a soul, and the spirit as a blank space. He has also researched the hellish creatures as the fallen, but those do not seem to have a spirit, but there is a hint of soul.
It's just that the soul of creatures like the Fallas or the skeletons and zombies are inside the physical body, as pure energy. But that of living beings, they are not in the body, but in a space that Christel calls the Spiritual Sea.
He calls it that because it looks like a misty sea when it is in its normal state, when it is interfered with by other things that move the individual's thought, the spiritual sea can become a prison, as in the case of Moreina, in the city of Tristan and in the depths of the Cathedral of Tristan. eternally fighting against a shadow of Diablo and his allies.
The spiritual sea is a way of giving infinite possibilities to thinking living beings such as the human being.
Christel placed her hands on Celine's trunk, and conveyed with feelings not to worry, to go to the berry and then come into the world.
Although Celine gives feelings that everything is fine, and transmits them to Momo and Christel, the truth is that she also feels nervous and afraid.
But since this Momo, I didn't want to worry her, now that Christel is there, she feels calmer and can feel Christel's thoughts.
Although she doesn't fully understand what she means by going out when she sees the world, it's true that she wants to stay forever by Christel's side and Momo and the others.
Time passed minute after minute.
Mio and the others had prepared sandwiches, Maria, after finishing with the tables and chairs, also brought a grill and took out meat.
Maria loves meat and knows that Christel also likes to eat a lot of meat. Then, with fire magic, she lit the coal in the presence of everyone, although Mio tried to hide it.
But after the girls traveled in a spaceship, knowing that Yami and Mea are aliens, that someone casts magic didn't seem so strange to them anymore.
Saki and Haruna brought food inside the Greenhouse for Christel and Momo. Although they found the giant plant scary, it didn't scare them much, as everyone in the house seemed worried about this plant.
Saki spoke for a moment with Christel, then Rito came out that he wanted to deliver the gift to Haruna even if it was sent by Christel, so all the girls knew that the gifts they received earlier from Mikan came from this golden-haired girl who looks younger than all of them. Except Mikan and her friends who are also the same age as Christel.
All the girls thanked them very much for the gifts, and exchanged phone numbers with Christel, with the promise that they would also prepare gifts. Christel refused, though, saying that it was special to Mikan.
But after much denial, I accept.
Then Risa remembered the girl who did a live presentation of a cell phone a while back when she saw the phones of Christel, Mio and the other girls.
Then they saw the phones of Mio, Maria, Lala and twins Momo and Nana and were surprised that something like this could be done. Also, the design is so beautiful, like a mirror, they quickly wanted to have one too. Although they didn't want to take advantage, saying they would buy it and they didn't want it for free.
Christel only had to promise them that they would have the opportunity to have one before the official launch. It's not that Christel doesn't want to give them one now, it's that these are made with Devilukiane technology, and everyone in the house can defend the smartphone.
So you can give them, but already the actual final design created by human technology.
As the girls talked about the smartphone, suddenly a white glow began to emanate from the giant white berry.
"EH? What's wrong?"
"The white sphere shines"
"Christel..." Momo turned to see Christel worried.
"Don't worry, Celine is coming into the world..."
After giving Celine a couple more potions, bringing forward her birth, Christel knew it was time for her to come out of her fruit. Then he stood up and walked over to the Celine plant.
When I get to the front of the plant. Celine's entire trunk shone for the last time, and the light was directed towards the white berry.
Then the berry shone with a stronger light, almost cutting everyone off. A break was heard, and the cry of a little girl echoed throughout the greenhouse.
Christel saw a small Creature come out of the broken berry and fall. Then, with the help of telekinesis, he guided the small body into his arms and caught it.
Then, everyone could see what fell into Christel's arms.
"A baby?!?!?" X18