"Don't worry Christel, Westmarch won't attack at this time, Moving the Westmarch army is complicated."
"Sister Kashya, if they have already sent that letter, they are ready to come... I hope Lakrii will give us a chance to talk... but"
Christel hates the times when he must act under pressure. Although his skills in management and decision-making have been more than trained in his previous life. It doesn't take away from the fact that he still disliked these moments.
Now Christel leads a small group of five. Guided by the Kashya, Roxene who acts as the priestess and is in charge of healing and support, Jaina, who would not let Christel go without her and Fenrir, for support in the forest thanks to her druidic abilities.
Although Akara didn't want to let him go with just this small group, Christel couldn't take anyone who would put Lakrii on guard.
He couldn't take Alysha and much less Moreina. Although with Alysha it can make the negotiations not even start, with Moreina they will surely be shot just when they see her.
Kashya is the card to be able to get close to Lakrii, although she may feel hurt and even angry, she will not attack Christel's group if Kashya is here.
They also carry portal scrolls and a rune of protection that creates a mana bubble around them. The ones that will give their time to escape if something goes wrong.
According to Christel's plan, he had to first go for La Condesa and put her under his skirt. But now, he must go straight for Lakrii, start negotiations, or at least they can lend some support in defending Tristan's side.
If the start of negotiations goes well, even if he still doesn't conquer Lakrii, she can prevent Westmarch's army from entering the Dark Forest with ease.
The problem is that there is no timeline that explains the important points and events of Sanctuary, it took a few years for the team of three heroes to fall completely under the corruption of the terror of the Lord of Terror.
Diablo will take complete control of Aidan's body, and use Aidan's nascent love affair with Adria, and sire Leah, who now, if these things happened at the same time, must be Alysha's age or a year younger. Now she must be living in Caldeum with Adria
The fall of Tristan was about a decade, and the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eyes were expelled from their Monastery a year later. By that time, Alysha was about six or seven years old and only has fragments of memories, and her memories of Moreina were blocked, maybe Akara had something to do with this, but Christel don't want to ask.
Also, Lakrii left the -Sisterhood temporary base- when she was completely rejected by Kashya, who at the time felt bad about the abandonment and betrayal by a -fallen into madness Moreina-.
According to Alysha, that was when she was about 10 years old. Since much of her training was taught by Lakrii, who is her teacher, but Alysha told Christel that she sometimes felt anger in her eyes when she looked at her and sadness.
Christel thought of a Potions Master who also spent years raising the son of the woman he loved and the bully he hated so much.
Lakrii, although abandoning her sisters in heartbreak, did not completely detach herself from the affection for her family at that time, so in the following years, she sent wood and animals to the Camp Rogue for construction and care.
So being pessimistic, Christel calculates that Lakrii has been in contact with the spirit of The Countess through the Blood Rose for five years.
According to the Lore, The Countess was revived a year after the new defeat of Diablo and his two brothers at the hands of heroes by a group of occultists calling themselves "Bloodsworn" led by former Blind Eye Sisters member Lakrii.
Now we are about to defeat Andariel, then, the heroes will depart east, pass through Aranoch, cross the twin seas from Lut Gholen to Kurast City, enter Kurast Docks under the guidance of an Assassin member of the Viz Jaq'taar, Natalya.
With Natalya, enter the Temple City of Travincal, and arrive at the now blackened Temple of Light.
Where the heroes will face the first Primal Evil Mephisto and where Carthas will fulfill his mission as a Paladin.
Christel doesn't know if Diablo and his Brothers have already built and opened the portal to hell. One of the only artifacts that can unite two dimensional planes. The heroes will use this hellish gate to chase down Diablo after defeating Mephisto.
After this, it will be perhaps a year when they learn that the Elder Brother of the malevolent triplets was actually walking on the Sanctuary plane and had used the gate to go to Mount Arreat and has been summoning a demonic army of Elite Evils to open their way into the mountain while keeping Harrogath's barbaric army busy.
All to get the World Stone, but he is defeated right in front of the stone by the heroes who arrived just in time...
"I have to say that putting aside, the messy timeline, these Primordial Evil beings are so slow to move forward..."
"Christel, cows already do a lot to take us a long distance, don't ask too much of them"
"I didn't talk about cows hehehe~"
Christel named two cows as -Evil- and -Primordial-.
"There are eyes that observe us from the darkness of the forest"
Fenrir whispered and everyone looked at the Dark Wood in front of them. It's late at night and the distance from Tristan to the Dark Wood is the same as from Tristan to Camp Rogue.
So, Christel's team of five will rest outside the forest, to go in early in the morning. But Christel has other plans.
Looking at another road, there is one that leads to the Black Marsh. The Countess's Castle now has no enemy, and Christel is not afraid of ghosts. So, he plans to use his three Sanctuary Clay Golems to escape underground and go after The Countess now.
"You sleep, I will do the first watch and wake Kashya after midnight..."
"I'll stay with you..."
"Jaina, I need you to rest too, tomorrow I need you awake, you too Fenrir"
"Well Christel, be careful..."
"Don't worry Sister Kashya, besides, I don't think Lakrii's sisters will attack us now, but I will conjure crows and vines for protection and alarm system."
Then, with the help of Christel's vines and dream flowers, the four of them fell asleep peacefully.
Christel left a Clay Golem to take its physical form, and with the other two golems as underground travel vehicles, she ran in an easterly direction.
After advancing for a while, Christel surfaced where he can run faster on a spirit wolf, two hours later, almost at midnight, Christel finds herself in front of an old and semi-destroyed castle.
"The Forgotten Tower... Are you awake now, Countess?..."
Christel crossed the outer walls of the castle, it's not difficult, the large metal fence is broken. Continuing along the path of what appears to be gardens, Christel made her way to the main gate of the Castle.
"The vines on the walls and pillars, metals with so much rust, rotten wood from doors and windows... My calculations are not so wrong, it has been at least 20 years since this place was destroyed..."
Watching nature regain its dominance, Christel on guard watched her surroundings. Although there are no enemies, there may be wild animals.
Pushing the timbers of the broken front door, which collapsed like dust. Christel entered the Forgotten Tower with a mana bubble as a shield.
The entire interior is so dark that if it weren't for the light emanating from the mana shield, Christel wouldn't see anything, not even her nose.
"I remember that you have to go down many floors to find the sarcophagus where the body of The Countess is, finding the access to the lower levels is going to be the problem, or so someone who is not me would say, hehe~"
Christel raised her hand pointing to a place, two Clay Golems came out of the ground breaking the stones and with their strength like bulldozers they collapsed a place where there was a mountain of stones and woods.
The Golems then took the form of two pink-haired young girls and stood on either side of a dark hole in the floor.
"I have a very broad spiritual perception, nothing is hidden from my heart eyes, hehe~ but. I don't know how to fly yet..."
Christel looked up at the black hole and there's no way down other than by jumping.
"I will be able to transform myself again?.... Forget it, I go down with vines..."
Christel has been trying to get back into the form she used to defeat the Boss of Griswold World, but she hasn't been able to. He closed his eyes and felt himself but gave up. Then, he raised his hands again and a bunch of vines like huge pythons entered from all sides of the castle walls and headed towards the large hole in the ground.
Thanks to the vines, Christel was able to descend.
In the first three levels of the Forgotten Tower Christel encountered no enemies, but when she went down to the fourth floor.
"Grrrrrrrrrr*bobino growl*"
"hehe~ compared to Tristan you are very weak..."
A sphere of ice with a diameter of half a meter was shot out of Christel's two outstretched hands. As advanced a distance, the ice sphere began to shake and shoot cones of ice around.
Penetrating and leaving frozen some goat-men who wanted to attack with their two-handed battle axes.
Around Christel, there were ghosts that wanted to attack him, but with the mana shield and ice armor they couldn't do anything.
A wall of fire rises a few meters from Christel, burning all the goat-men and rats that were in the place.
"Ordinary people or ninjas shouldn't set fires in places like this or they would die when all the oxygen was consumed.... But my fire is special~"
Christel advanced with her leather boots and high heels. Stepping on the ground full of ashes. Arriving at a door in a new hallway, Christel stepped aside and let the two pink-haired girls move forward.
When the girls were in front of the door, arrows shot out, the pink-haired girls raised their hands, and a shield of earth blocked the arrows.
The girls ran to the new room and the noise of wood and metal colliding began to be heard.
When Christel entered, he could see a pile of bones and weapons strewn on the ground.
"Skeletons, it's good. I was worried that Moreina would be bad at math and there would be Corrupted Rogues here..."
Christel raised her right hand with the palm facing up, a colorful magic formation appeared and began to spin, then, wisps of a gray mist began to gather in Christel's palm formation, creating a pearl that was darkening.
"If Malachar saw me, it would be another sermon on how necromancer magic could corrupt my heart, but, I can't leave these fragments of souls behind~"
After wisps of mist no longer appeared, Christel finished channeling soul magic, took the black pearl in his right hand and with his left hand, opened the collar of his shirt, took out a small white bag that was tied with a pink ribbon and opened it.
Inside the white bag are many black pearls, he threw the new pearl from his right hand with the others, closed the bag and put it back in his clothes.
Christel then continued his way to the next hole in the ground and went back down with the help of vines.
On the fifth level, there is nothing but silence, Christel started walking and conjured a new ice sphere, the light of the blue ice magic illuminated the entire area.
"This must be the last level"
Christel surveyed the surroundings, and unlike the previous four floors, this one looked more like a nobleman's room.
In the background I could see a platform where there is a large sarcophagus, as if it were from Egypt. Behind the sarcophagus is a large red bed with the bedding already torn and worn by time. Even though the place is full of dust, the areas of the bed and sarcophagus are unusually clean.
Then Christel looked to the side of the room, there is a broken hole in the wall, some vines with red spikes entered through that hole in the wall.
A very thin vine went to the sarcophagus and hid in the back where Christel couldn't see.
"The Blood Rose~"