[WP] Chapter 24: Words of Sublimation

[WP] Chapter 24: Words of Sublimation

"Investigator" or "Time and Space Explorer" is not a special profession of Saint Byron's Comprehensive College. The core spirit rune is the concept related to [Time], or the ring wizard who has obtained the spirit rune related to [Time] can travel through time through the relic [Time Key] with a level fluctuation from poet level (level 5) to angel level (level 1) and explore the past before the time point of the sixth era.

[Time Key] is a one-time relic, and different keys open different eras. All time keys are related to the fallen old god [Father of the Infinite Tree].

This is an extremely powerful old god, belonging to the camp of good gods. If you come into contact with relevant knowledge and traces, you have a chance to obtain the golden [Miracle] spirit rune. According to legends and some ancient stone tablets, the [Father of Infinite Trees] fell in the chaotic era of the Fourth Epoch, but he integrated his body into the continuous infinite space and time with the help of his concept of "infinity" to communicate the past and the future.

The [Key of Time] is the [relic] left by the fallen old god. Because the fallen old god exists in continuous space and time, the time jump can be opened by borrowing his relics, and it is not limited to the time point before the Fourth Epoch when the [Father of Infinite Trees] fell.

It's just that for some reason, no [Key of Time] that can go back to the past time point of the Sixth Epoch has been found so far, which is also an important topic for the ring wizard to study time.

In short, the doctor asked Shade to draw the two-spirit runes, and while delivering the news of Shade's core spirit runes to the academy, he briefly introduced common sense in this regard to him.

Spirit runes belong to the language of the past and are not repetitive. Unless you have seen spirit runes with the same meaning, you can't make them up, so you can use this to prove that you are not lying.

But before Shade could ask questions like "What about time stability?" and "Will there be a time paradox?" the academy's reply came back:

"If Shade Suellen Hamilton is willing to join the History Academy, the History Academy is willing to list him as a key training target and provide him with a keeper-level relic for self-defense after he joins the academy."

"What do you mean?"

Shade looked at the doctor.

"We value your talent, but your status as a correspondence ring wizard remains unchanged. As a key training target, you do not have to complete more mandatory practical credit tasks, and you can buy books cheaper in St. Byron's. As for the literal meaning of the Secret Keeper-level (Level 3) relic,"

The doctor shrugged:

"They are always like this, generous to talented people, but they will never break the rules."

"So should I agree?"

"Unless you have a reason to refuse."

The writer answered simply, and she picked up the blonde hair on her temples:

"There are always some key training targets every year, but I think there is no harm in this."

So, Shade successfully became a first-year correspondence ring wizard student at the History College under St. Byron's Comprehensive College.

To become a ring wizard, you need to be exposed to the four elements, and the four elements are also required for the advancement of ring wizards.

For each ring, at least one golden [Miracle], silver [Blasphemy], brass [Enlightenment], and black iron [Whisper] spirit rune must be engraved on the life ring to accumulate enough spirit to complete the sublimation of the ring number.

There is an upper limit to the amount of spirit accumulated in a certain ring, so engraving four spirit runes is no different from engraving four hundred spirit runes and then sublimating. Even engraving too many spirit runes is disadvantageous because the spirit runes required for each ring advancement must be engraved in this ring.

Under normal circumstances, engraving spirit runes is not a simple matter. It is also very important to correctly balance the contradiction between the number of spirit runes and one's own magic and spell research.

Ring wizards from one to four rings are called low-level ring wizards; from five to eight rings are middle-level ring wizards; and above nine rings are high-level ring wizards.

This division is not due to numbers, but when the fourth and eighth rings are upgraded, in addition to the four required spirit runes, it is also required that one of the sixteen spirit runes in each ring of this stage form a series of meanings with the core rune of the ring wizard himself, which is called the "sublimation language.".

In Dr. Schneider's group, only the fifth-ring doctor himself completed four sublimations.

When he was promoted from the fourth ring to the fifth ring, he used the black iron whisper [Run] at the first ring, the silver blasphemy [Malice] at the second ring, the brass enlightenment [Hound] at the third ring, and the golden miracle [Light] at the fourth ring, and his core rune [Dream] to construct the sublimation language for the low-level ring to the middle-level ring.

[The hound of light runs in the dream of malice.]

The rune types of sublimation language are not limited; the doctor just happens to meet four of them.

If the conditions of the Word of Ascension are not met, then it will never be possible to advance from the fourth ring to the fifth ring or from the eighth ring to the ninth ring. And because the four spirit runes used must come from different fourth rings, there is no chance to make up for it.

The choice of the Word of Ascension can be made with the help of past examples, which constitute the [Sublimation Code] with thousands of records. Ring Wizards look for examples based on their core runes and prepare from the beginning of each stage, so each faction regards its own [Sublimation Code] as its most important secret.

In the three stages of low ring, medium ring, and high ring, the same core spirit rune can be used to connect the Word of Ascension. Therefore, the large number of core spirit runes is just more options, which does not have much impact on the difficulty of advancement.

If you don't want to use the experience of the past "Word of Ascension" or the core spirit rune, which is rare and there is no example to refer to, then you can only try it yourself, and if you are lucky, you can always meet the conditions for sublimation.

But Shade will not be eligible to view Saint Byron's Ascension Codex until half a year later and determine the choice of the most important spiritual rune for his first ring. The academy is also worried about the reliability of the correspondence ring wizards and also needs to make sure that the correspondence students who become extraordinary people will not regret it. Moreover, the advancement of ring wizards is difficult, and half a year is not a delay.

Although the number of spiritual runes in each ring is unlimited, it is quite difficult to obtain spiritual runes. In addition to the required credits obtained through study exams and the practical credits obtained through academy tasks, the promotion of the grade of the academy also requires the corresponding grade and the number of rings.

Therefore, it is quite normal to study for two or three years in a grade. If the spiritual rune string of the sublimation language planned in the fourth ring cannot be found, even if the conditions of the four spiritual runes are met, people will still postpone the promotion time.

Of course, regarding the textbooks, the basic course of the ring wizard, the keeper-level relics promised by the History Academy, and the investigator tasks of the History Academy, these will be discussed after the academy has sorted out Shade's textbooks in three days.

At that time, not only will there be a syllabus and training program provided by the academy, but all four people in the same group will also be present to advise Shade.

So after confirming that he had joined the History Academy, Dr. Schneider announced that Shade could leave.

"Leave now?"

Shade was still memorizing these common sense things at the last second, so he asked in surprise.

"What else do you have to say?"

The doctor also asked in surprise.

"I mean, I joined the academy, and there is nothing."

It was Miss Louisa, a woman, who understood what he meant:

"Mr. Hamilton, these are indeed the only admission procedures. I want to repeat the doctor's words: please remember that we are correspondence ring wizards, and we are not closely connected with the academy. We train ourselves and obtain knowledge from the academy, and the academy gives us practical tasks to meet the credit requirements. We are just correspondence."

"Okay then."

Shade, who had been sitting for almost an afternoon, stood up, and the doctor and the writer also stood up to see him off. The latter had something to see a doctor today, so he couldn't leave for the time being.

When Shade was about to come to the door of the room with the two of them, the doctor suddenly said:

"Also, there are two taboos you need to remember. St. Byron's Comprehensive College stipulates that all ring wizards of this college are forbidden to set foot on the new continent. This is a taboo in college. The common taboo for ring wizards is that they are forbidden to commit suicide.

Setting foot on the new continent will be considered by the college as automatically giving up student qualifications. The suicide of a ring wizard will at least cause a crisis no less than the loss of control of the keeper-level relic."

"New World" refers to the great geographical discovery fifty years ago. The land discovered outside the current "Old World" is somewhat similar to the great geographical discovery of the previous world. There are no humans on the new continent, but the products are extremely rich.


Shade asked, puzzled.

"We don't know the rules of the academy, as for the prohibition of suicide."

Miss Louisa looked at the doctor:

"The doctor thinks it may be related to the 'other me'. If we commit suicide, the 'other me' may do something."

The doctor shrugged:

"That's it for now. We haven't encountered a ring wizard who committed suicide.

Shade, remember to come three days later, that is, Wednesday at ten o'clock in the morning. At that time, in addition to the affairs of the academy, the regular study meetings within the group, and our fixed school year tasks, you also need to understand. Oh, speaking of which, you can study your spirit runes these days. This notebook is lent to you."

It was only then that he thought of turning to the desk and taking out a black-cover notebook from the locked drawer and stuffing it into the bookcase. To Shade, it looked quite old:

"Regarding the magic of developing spirit runes, you can try it yourself first, but since you have just gained power, it is estimated that it will not be very smooth. Your most important task in these three days is to rest. The inauguration of a ring wizard is harmful to the soul and body. You should use the three days of bed rest to read the notes. You will probably sleep until noon tomorrow. See you in three days. Remember that you need to pay back 10 pounds within a month."

The farewell was a bit too sudden, but Shade knew that he had disturbed him for too long, so he sorted out his chaotic thoughts and said seriously:

"See you in three days, Dr. Schneider, Miss Louisa, thank you."

"Don't thank me; I just came here to bear witness today."

The writer said, but she seemed to be in a good mood.

"Don't thank me, I said. I just want to find the fifth ring wizard for the team."

The blue-eyed doctor looked at Shade and answered very softly.

PS: The truth of the ring wizard system is related to the worldview of this book. The words of sublimation (or world of ascension) have a history and cannot be put together casually.

(End of this chapter)