[WP] Chapter 29: Gambler

[WP] Chapter 29: Gambler

Dr. Clay is a middle-aged man who is a little older but less than fifty years old. His figure is a little bloated, but he is well under the limit of "obesity.".

It's just that there is no hair on his head, so he wears a very obvious brown wig, which makes people look up involuntarily when talking to him at close range.

"Will Dr. Schneider not come back today?"

Shade, who was holding the cat, confirmed unwillingly that the orange cat Mia had probably never been to a similar occasion, and now she was looking around with wide eyes.

"Yes, when the Earl's butler came to invite Bill, he had already stated the time of this home visit."

The doctor repeated.

"So do you know Dr. Schneider's friend, Miss Dorothy Louisa? Do you know where she lives?"

Shade asked again. If he couldn't find a doctor, then other ring wizards in the same group could do it. It was about the evil god statue, and he had to find someone who could handle the matter carefully.

"Yes, of course, I know her. She is a frequent visitor to our clinic. She often comes to visit because of anorexia and insomnia. But I can't disclose the patient's information at will."

Dr. Clay apologized. Shade also knew that his request was a bit excessive, so he could only choose to leave a message for Dr. Schneider.

The evil god statue with the remnants of the old god is not a [relic], but its value is still quite large.

Even if the college does not recommend ring wizards to obtain the four elements by contacting such strange items, those professors with tenured positions above the ninth ring in St. Byron's Comprehensive College may be able to write down the stories of the old gods in a powerful language through the remnants of the old gods.

This is much safer than Shade being directly affected by the remnants of the old gods today, so whether it is to worry about Mrs. Lasoya's purpose or just to make a contribution by reporting this matter, it is necessary to let Dr. Schneider know about this as soon as possible.

But since the doctor is not here, he can only wait patiently. Shade can't report this matter directly to the church. It's not that he cares about the statue of the bloody old god being taken away by the church, but he doesn't know how to report anonymously.

"But the doctor will be back tomorrow, and waiting one more day probably won't be a big deal."

With this thought, he left the doctor's psychological clinic with the cat in his arms. But there was always a lingering feeling of unease in his heart, which made Shade distracted on the way back to Saint Teresa Square and almost hit by a carriage at the intersection.

Shade left home early in the morning, but because the commission to find the orange cat was too smooth, it was only two o'clock in the afternoon when he returned home.

He and Mia both had lunch outside, so there was nothing to do for the time being.

Shade left the cat at home. Mia was quite used to the unfamiliar environment. She rolled around on the sofa or looked around the room.

Shade recorded the whole process of the cat search in detail in the account book and record book left by the detective, strictly following the format of the previous detective.

After writing, he flipped through the detective's records and planned to complete the remaining two simple commissions, namely the runaway girl and the doctor, in the next few days.

In this way, after receiving the textbooks from the college on Wednesday, there will be time to investigate the detective's past acquaintances and find the secrets that Sparrow Hamilton may hide.

So Shade spent the afternoon sorting out all the relics of the previous detective and valued his property. In the evening, he took the cat out for dinner again. On the way back, he bought some breadsticks at the bakery near the square and used them as breakfast with milk tomorrow morning.

Of course, he can't forget about the high-end cat food. Since he has received the money, Shade will take good care of the orange kitten.

Therefore, after only two days in this world, Shade has become a young detective who lives in the central square of the kingdom's capital and has a cat and a job.

"Thinking about it, my luck is not bad... but I have no money."

The nighttime is spent on continuing to study [Time and Space] and [Silver Moon]. Because he came into contact with the remnants of the old gods today, the accumulated [Miracle] elements have been transformed into more spirits, making the silver light on the fingertips more dazzling.

But there is still no attack power, but the lighting is enough.

Shade also tried the ability to ignite paper, which was also enhanced by the acquisition of power. Although the young orange cat was frightened by the heat of the paper in Shade's hand and hid in Shade's arms and refused to leave, Shade was very happy about it.

Such learning was terminated at almost nine o'clock that night. At that time, Shade was sitting in the study reading the doctor's notes and was troubled by the doctor's cursive handwriting. At this time, he heard the bell downstairs ringing.

The cat, which was still sleeping on the table, immediately crawled under the desk, as if it were frightened.

Shade comforted the timid Mia, walked out of the room in confusion, and went down the stairs to the lobby on the first floor.

"Did the doctor return to the city early and see my message?"

But it wasn't. After opening the door, there was a short, yellow-haired middle-aged man in a black coat who was a little nervous. This was probably the client who came to find Detective Sparrow Hamilton.

Shade's first official commission came.

The man's name was Ragget Franklin, an accountant living in the west of Tobesk City, working for "Hunter and Lola's Textile Factory." This was not the first time he came here to conduct a commission. He was also an acquaintance of Detective Sparrow Hamilton. Therefore, after being invited in by Shade and treated with black tea, he was very shocked by the death of the former detective.

"Sudden illness, not even effective treatment."

This was the explanation given by the former detective for his death. Medical treatment in this era was not well developed, and doctors' treatment methods had just come out of the routine of "bloodletting" and "irrigation," so it was not uncommon for people they knew to die suddenly of a serious illness.

"I am the detective's nephew in my hometown. I have inherited this detective agency. Uncle Sparrow entrusted it to me before he died."

Shade introduced the identity that the former detective had fabricated for him. Seeing that Mr. Franklin believed this, he asked:

"Although Uncle Sparrow is gone, I can still complete the commission more cheaply. May I ask, What is the reason for you to come so late?"

Whether he was moved by Shade's sincerity or the promise of "cheaper," the middle-aged accountant hesitated for a while before talking about his affairs.

Although living in the capital, the Lagert Franklin family is just an ordinary family in the northern pearl of this old continent. As a husband, Mr. Franklin makes a living as an accountant, and Mrs. Franklin has a job as a copyist in a nearby private library.

Little Franklin, the only child in the family, is the most troublesome thing for the couple. He was originally a good child in the family, but since he met a group of bad friends on the street, he hung out with them all day long and gradually got addicted to gambling. He hung out in clubs and underground casinos at night, stealing money from home and squandering it.

Mr. Franklin came here for commissions twice before. The first time was to ask Detective Sparrow Hamilton to find little Franklin, who had not returned home for three days. As a result, he was found in an underground casino in the slums in the north of the city. The second time was to ask the detective to bring out little Franklin, who had been in the "Lucky Southern Cross Club" for three days.

The main business of that club is alcohol, but it becomes an underground casino at night.

(End of this chapter)