Super R-P-S Battle [3]

Soon after, the laughs died down and everyone settled back into their positions. 

Sonny still wore his bratty grin, while Chelsea and Johan wore satisfied expressions. Lola too now sported a slight smile, but it looked kind of guilty.

Nick so dearly wanted to change all their expressions, but he bid his chance.

"It's my turn," Johan said, briefly casting his gaze over each individual. He used his eyes to communicate that it was time the next round began.

A second later, he calmly voiced, "Rock, paper, scissors… shoot."

Once again, from around the circular table, hands shot forward.

Johan drew rock.

Chelsea drew rock.

Sonny drew paper.

Nick drew scissors.

And Lola drew paper.

Nick, with his higher intellect, could easily simulate the results in a few seconds since he was familiar with the game. And he did.