
Immediately Johan saw Nick, he hastened up to the counter with strong steps, wearing a deeply annoyed expression.

"You fucker…"

Nick remained on his seat behind the counter, didn't flinch a bit, and just let a corner of his eyebrow curl upward.

"What?" he asked, but Johan had already gotten to him and grabbed him by the red sleeveless jacket he had on!

"Delete them!" Johan screamed as he tried to pull Nick up, but the latter held Johan's hand and kept himself in place.

Nick grinned a bit and asked, "Delete what?"

Fiercely gripping and wrinkling Nick's clothing, Johan gnashed his teeth and threw a fist at Nick's face. 

Pa… Nick quickly caught the brat's fist before it could make an impact with his face.

"Do you really want to do this?" Nick asked with a stern glare.