After Boss Falco laughed to his fill, he turned to Nick and finally asked, "Kid, why do you want to waste your time like this? Is this how you intend to pay me?"
Nick just glanced at Boss Falco and sighed.
"Why am I here, boss?" he asked. Surely, the boss didn't insist on picking him up just to ridicule him.
Wearing an amused smile, Boss Falco sighed too and shook his head.
"At first, when you started singing, I said I'd let you finish first and tell you your voice isn't that bad. But halfway through, I realized I just couldn't lie like that. Damn," he said and laughed again, totally ignoring Nick's question.
Nick just shrugged. "Compared to how my voice was before, this is a vast improvement, and it will continue to improve. And I won't even call my voice bad when I've heard worse from top musicians."