Not what we expected to see

- Total disappointment! And I was waiting and wanted to try something very tasty! The capital of the largest country in this world, I thought. The most delicious and best food should be here, I thought.

From the upcoming book about the countries of the ninja world "Beautiful cities and what's interesting about them"

"The capital of the Land of Fire turned out to be completely different from what I expected. If you want to visit it for the variety of tasty and high-quality food, then I don't recommend it. In terms of various meat dishes and delicacies, you can find something incredible here only in the Daimyo palace, as a result, in this regard, I was extremely upset.


As it turned out the next day, the capital is the center of fashion and various merchants and entire guilds engaged in the manufacture and sale of clothing. Here you can find anything from ordinary Haori to the ANBU uniform of any hidden village, although I still do not understand how they have not been closed yet, after all, selling Shinobi equipment that exactly repeats the outfits of the original ANBU can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

During the 5 weeks that we spent in the capital of the Land of Fire, we literally walked around the entire city and most of the retail outlets, Ban even somehow somehow managed to get an audience with the Daimyo himself, Ha! That's how my brother is a cunning bastard!

Well, I liked the capital absolutely completely, although there is no luxurious choice of meat dishes or a huge variety of other types of dishes, but there are quite a lot of spices and cheeses here. Unlike Kiliya, I have no preferences in types of food, but I really love it when there is a variety of seasonings and various additives. In general, if you are looking for very high-quality clothes or want to stock up on spices, then I recommend the capital of Fire for a mandatory visit.

As for the hotel, this time we got to the most ordinary hotel that did not stand out in any way. At first we thought so, but as it turned out, the "Red Dragon" is a hotel with the best level of service in the country, and also maintains perfect cleanliness. Every day while we were here, you could have your clothes washed for free, and you were also given a standard breakfast and dinner, but for an extra fee you could order improved portions or additional dishes from the menu.

Also, although Kiliya already spoke about the variety of clothes and various guilds, she forgot to mention the private craftsmen who create custom-made clothes. While we were in the capital, I asked them to make us 7 sets of spare clothes, exactly repeating our old ones, and for Kiliya's clothes, we even managed to find enough materials to copy her outfit 1 to 1, but I had to replace the material for the belts.

Also, from the rather interesting thing, the Capital has beautiful architecture, and the city itself is built taking into account the various passages between the districts, so that people can move around calmly without wasting extra time, and the most important thing, in my opinion, is that there is a very high-quality and large sewage system. To maintain it, a mission to Konoha is issued monthly to clean and repair the sewers."


- Did you find anything?

- No, only what was already in the scrolls of Orochimaru and Kakuzu, probably it was not worth wasting your time on knocking out an audience with the Daimyo and exchanging scrolls for a rejuvenation drink, as a result, his scrolls are useless.

The exchange took place quite quickly and without bargaining, as soon as the Daimyo heard and saw what the drink does, he gave away some ancient scrolls with the history of ninja clans without questions. The drink is made quite simply for a blood mage, it is essentially a condensation of life energy that is programmed to heal, rejuvenate, improve and similar effects to improve the body.

- Well, at least it has become clear that we will not find the location of the seal from the scrolls of Uchiha and Senju, do you at least remember what the place where it is sealed looks like?

- I only have images from my past life, I remember when I was going through this story in the game, there was some kind of rock shown there, inside of which there was a passage to a cave, and in the cave there was a hole that needed to be dug up and the seal removed.

- So we're heading to Konoha next? I hope at least the Akimichi will have delicious dishes, and we need to take the scrolls from the Sarutobi clan. While Hiruzen is still alive, we'll have to negotiate with him, as the head of the Sarutobi clan.

Our duo has one last spurt left before they can determine at least the approximate location of Hikari Uchiha. Also, although Ban and Kiliya didn't discuss it, over the past few weeks Ban has become quite comfortable with the Kusanagi blade, this blade certainly can't compare to his beloved Nodachi, Saber and Halberd, but the idea of ​​converting it into a grimoire or staff has been in Ban's head for a very long time.

- Then I think it's time to pack our things, tomorrow we'll go to Konoha, but first we need to exchange gold for Ryo, after all, in Konoha I think there will be a lot of interesting things that can make us buy it, spending our money reserves. It's good that there is still a lot of gold.

- Well then, Ban, while you're sorting out the trade with the Hokage, I'll look at the local main characters, I wonder if Naruto will be as annoying in reality?

- Okay! Then get ready and we'll go to the village Hidden in the Leaf, apparently it's getting close to 12 noon now, I think if we leave within half an hour, we'll be at Konoha tomorrow, taking into account the overnight stay of course.

At the same moment, Ban got up from his chair and went to the exit of the hotel, he went to change money, Kiliya began to pack her things, and the next destination is Konoha.


Getting to Konoha was quite easy, the path to this hidden village is not hidden at all. This time, the brother and sister decided not to use teleportation, but to get there with a merchant's caravan from the capital, as soon as the merchant heard that they were quite strong warriors and only required to take them with them for protection, for him this was a huge plus, because additional protection and consider it free is still good.

Along the way, there were surprisingly many problems, ranging from trivial cart breakdowns, which happened twice in 3 days of travel, to attacks by bandits. Gangs are used to not touching merchants heading from hidden villages to some city, or at least being very careful, because merchants leaving a ninja village most likely order security, and ordinary bandits cannot compete with ninja. But quite often, when heading to a ninja village, merchants simply do not have the opportunity to hire Shinobi as security, and bandits can deal with ordinary guards and mercenaries.

They left the capital by lunchtime and arrived on the morning of the third day after leaving. Ban and Kiliya initially thought that they would be able to get into the village together with the caravan, but since they were only bound by verbal agreements and did not have any documents on employment, they had to go through the check at the gate separately, and they had to wait until the merchant's entire caravan was checked first, and only then go to check themselves with Izumo and Kotetsu, the eternal guardians of the gates of Konoha.

Kotetsu glanced at Ban and Kiliya and then took out a form, exactly the same as those he had filled out while checking the caravan members.

- Names, purpose of arrival, occupation.

- Ban and Kiliya arrived to buy scrolls from a shinobi clan living in Konoha, and also to simply explore this village, we are tourists.

- Tourists? And do you need a sword for decoration? And why is it so long, did you make it for your height or something?

- We are not Shinobi if that's what you mean? And the sword is called nodachi and it is specially created 195 cm long, it was originally invented for ordinary people without the skills to use chakra to chop down horses and interfere with opponents. In general, I just love cold weapons and study them, and an old friend taught me how to use nodachi.

Kotetsu looked at Ban for a few more moments, then let out a tired sigh and filled out Ban's questionnaire, after which he asked the next question.

- And you? All the same? Only I don't see a weapon on you, I know that you were guarding the caravan, but since he said that you are not Shinobi, you hardly know techniques, and therefore you hide your weapon somewhere, show it and I will finally fill out this form.The next moment, Kilia reached for her leg, pulling out a rather long rectangle from a special pocket on her thigh, it looked like a metal rectangle about 25 centimeters long, after which she activated it with one deft movement of her hand and it opened up like a butterfly knife into a straight dagger.

Next, Kotetsu simply entered notes into the questionnaire and went to the table in the room next door, took out a small brochure from there and gave it to Kilia.

- These are recommendations and instructions on how to behave in the village, a list of what you definitely can't do and where you can't go, you must read it. Welcome to Konoha.


From the upcoming book about the countries of the ninja world "Beautiful Cities and What's Interesting About Them"

"Arriving in Konoha, the first thing I wanted to do was restore justice! Immediately grabbing Ban by the clothes and pulling him towards the territory where the Akimichi clan restaurants are located, the path to which was suggested by the first local resident I came across.This time, I was absolutely completely satisfied with the results of my search for delicious meat, in the Akimichi clan restaurants the meat is served in large portions with excellent roasting, excellent taste, excellent quantity and even surprisingly reasonable price. It is clear that for food of this level they do not charge little, but the prices were not at all what we expected to see, and they were cheaper than we thought.

After lunch, we went to look for where to rent a room for accommodation, as a result we chose one of the Hyuga clan hotels, as it turned out, the Hyuga clan makes good money on the hotel business, they occupied a niche of high-quality and inexpensive hotels, and hiring staff non-clan members constantly make a profit without wasting their clan members' time working in these establishments. The hotel was wonderful, by the way, at the highest level, but apart from the ideal condition and service, it is very difficult to single out anything else.

It also turns out that Konoha has a lot of different souvenir shops. Brother even bought himself a ferret mask, although I must admit this mask looks pretty cute, but why does he need it?"


When Ban finished buying a mask as a souvenir, Kilia heard a phrase that reminded her of one of the purposes of arriving in Konoha.

- Apparently, it's time for us to go home, we need to prepare food for the children, judging by the time at the ninja academy, the end of classes is coming soon.This phrase was said by one girl of about 28 years old to another, but having heard it out of the corner of her ear, Kilia immediately dragged her brother towards the academy, the location of which she found out in advance.

Kilia and Ban stood on the other side of the street and watched the gates of the academy as the students came out.

- Oh, look, a pink-haired girl and a blonde next to her, probably Sakura and Ino. And there goes a funny chubby guy with a strange hairstyle, as if he wanted to put panties on his head.The feeling when you you see characters in real life that you know from your past life only as pictures, and in your new life you see them as real and alive... This feeling is extremely strange and quite difficult to repeat.

- I see, and there's Sasuke, the boy with red marks on his cheeks looks like Kiba, and the boy in glasses is Shino. Hmm, I also see Hinata. But where is Naruto?

After this phrase, as if by magic, a figure with blond hair and dressed in orange clothes loomed on the horizon. Only... they saw only a girl with scars and stripes on her cheeks, and a rather sad expression on her face.