First day of summer

Kilia's morning didn't start with breakfast or even beer. The first thing she did when she woke up was that she didn't feel Ban nearby, he wasn't even in the next room or in the nearby buildings, this was already unusual since if Ban decides to sleep, as he did yesterday, then the next day he almost always sleeps until about twelve o'clock in the afternoon, and now it's only 8 am.

The second bell was Hikari's suspicious behavior; as soon as Kilia met her, she immediately noticed that the young Uchiha was trying to remain silent and quickly go somewhere.

Also a little later, she saw a squad of ANBU, several of whom were clearly panicking, Kilia felt this with her abilities, she can feel the emotions of people in situations when they do not restrain them, do not have mental protection and emit them at least several people at the same time, rushing in the direction Hyuga clan. Kiliya found out where the territory of this clan is not so long ago, when she and Hikari found a restaurant belonging to the white-eyed clan. Three unusual events in literally 10 minutes would have aroused suspicion even among not very suspicious people, so she decided to immediately go back and question Hikari. However, she had already managed to feel that she should not have ignored what Ban and Naruko were planning there, if this whole situation is connected specifically with them, then she will not be surprised at all.

- Tell me!

- Em, but...

- Just tell me, if this is somehow connected with Ban, then nothing will happen to you, believe me, even if he wanted to do something to you, he could not, even if I did not interfere.


This morning Hikari woke up a little later than usual, she is used to getting up early and sleeping a little. Half past eight in the morning she sat near the entrance to the three-room suite where they decided to stay, next to the doors there was a table and several pleasant armchairs, having decided to wait here until Ban and Kilia woke up, she sat and thought about where she could go in Konoha today, but nothing came to her mind did not come because in the first four days they went around everything that they considered interesting, and the last days were not so impressive.

At about ten minutes to eight she heard the doors of their room open. She noticed Ban who was leaving the room counting a bunch of scrolls in his hands and transferring them to his spatial pocket. The first thing Hikari's eyes caught was the inscription "Explosive" on the packaging that Ban threw into the trash can without looking, through the open doors of the room, which was in the corner of the living room of this rather elite room, which looked like an apartment except that there was no kitchen here.

Literally a couple of seconds later, Ban noticed the one who, according to his calculations, should have gotten up an hour ago and gone for a walk as she had done in the past days, but today he was in for a surprise.

- Huh?!

Hikari wanted to say something, most likely to ask a question concerning either the scrolls in his hands that had disappeared in the distortions a second ago, or to ask where he was going at such a time? After all, today was Tuesday and it was clearly too early to meet with Naruko, classes at the academy start at 08:45 and usually end around 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

But Ban didn't let her say what she wanted, putting his finger to the Uchiha's lips, he said a phrase that the young Uchiha took to heart.

- Shh! Don't tell anyone what you saw, or I'll spank you.

Not fully understanding that Ban was joking, and knowing that he was a little unbalanced, she decided not to tempt fate, but simply nodded, to which Ban put on a smile full of anticipation and walked towards the exit of the building.


- Hahaha, were you afraid that he would spank you? Seriously? Remember for the future that his jokes can be very idiotic, and he will not touch you, after all, you are not an enemy but on the contrary our comrade, and he simply does not raise his hand to beautiful girls, by the way, this was a huge problem when we had to fight with Merascila and Derrier.

Kilia wanted to continue the session of interesting stories, but at that moment a series of explosions was heard from the Hokage Rock. Sighing and shaking her head, she turned towards their room.

- Let's go collect our things, I'm sure Ban has already taken all of his, but we still have a lot to collect.


- And what is this?

- Something wrong?

- You seemed to want to destroy the Hokage Rock, why did the explosions only form a laurel wreath on the sides of the kage's heads?

- Well, at the last moment, the thought came to me that these statues are the fruit of the masters' efforts, and it became a pity to destroy so much work.

- Ah, I see, well, if you look at it from this side, then I agree with you.

- Well, how else. Oy! Stop spinning around, and you below would do better to pay attention to the ninja academy building.

These words were spoken towards the Hyuga clan ninja who were about 15 meters below, the speakers were of course Naruko and Ban, five minutes earlier they had brazenly and treacherously lured Hinata Hyuga by asking her to meet with Naruko, after which Ban had kidnapped her, throwing her over his shoulder and holding her with one hand, having previously used household magic section 16: Binding, to tell the truth he had used it only the third time in his life, and the first two were training when he studied this section, so by mistake he had formed a slightly incorrect chain of runes in his head and instead of the usual binding of hands and feet, Ban got... Shibari.

When Naruko saw this scene, she first looked at him reproachfully, but after a couple of seconds her facial expression changed to understanding and cheerful, although her efforts in facial expression were in vain, since Ban froze a little when he saw what he did, but when he came to his senses, he looked at Hinata, who already had tears in her eyes, and her cheeks began to blush, and waving his hand, he simply forgot about this situation as a whole and put her on his shoulder. Because of the method of binding, Hinata constantly tried to adjust her position to make it more comfortable, which is why Ban told her not to fidget.

And having heard the words about the ninja academy and knowing what happened a minute earlier with the Hokage rock, some of the ANBU that managed to get to the scene immediately went to block the passages to the academy and take people out of there, after all, classes at the academy were supposed to start in just 30 minutes.

- So, did you gain experience?

- No, it seems like the action needs to be completed to the end.

- Okay, well then. Spatial Magic: Section 78 Separation.

This spell was very similar to one of Merlin's favorite spells, "Perfect Cube", it created a zone in the shape of a cube measuring 5 by 5 meters, and did not allow any living creature to enter or exit it, although unlike the perfect cube, it has a limited lifespan, and after use, it cannot be used in the same place where it was cast earlier for a couple of weeks.

- When you want to have fun, break this stick, it will teleport you to me.

The next moment, Ban disappeared from the place where he stood and appeared below in the middle of a bunch of Konoha ninja.

- Well, let's play or something.

The ninja's reaction was not long in coming, and at that very moment, a Tanto of one of the ANBU pierced his right shoulder, and a Jonin of the Hyuga clan delivered a blow that was quite unusual for Ban's senses. The blow in the style of a soft fist using chakra felt like some kind of massage, after all, there are no chakra channels in Ban's body, which by the way greatly puzzled people with the Byakugan, and the chakra penetrating his body only caused strange sensations of a massage, and the physical damage to the body that should have broken bones and left bruises simply healed in an instant and there was not much pain from it, thanks to an increased pain threshold.

Seeing this scene, the other ninja around retreated a couple of meters and began to wait for a reaction from the blue-haired non-ninja. Ban himself just smiled and hit the ANBU who hit him in the shoulder, and simply ignored Hyuga, turning around his axis, he looked at what his opponents were armed with and immediately switched to the ANBU and ordinary ninja of the hidden leaf who had blades. Still, the feeling when you are cut is not very pleasant, and Ban, contrary to all the statements of his sister, was not a masochist.

The fight itself was not very impressive, he came up, hit, broke the sword, came up, hit, broke the sword. Similar scenes were repeated for about 3 minutes until a change occurred on the battlefield, the Hokage arrived here. Having studied the situation and noticing who was the instigator of the disorder, he decided to talk first.

- Everyone stop! Writer Ban, why did you arrange all this? What ninja village are you from?

- Huh? Old Hokage? Well, you see, I'm here...

But he didn't have time to finish because Naruko broke her wand and ended up half a meter away from Hiruzen, and since he was caught off guard, he didn't have time to completely block the jinchuriki's blow and was sent flying into the nearest wall. The blow was very powerful, and all thanks to the fact that Naruko decided to distribute all her points received for leveling up the day before, while she was dealing with Ban, she managed to increase two more levels to 44, which influenced her even more, making her want to do something epic in Konoha for the sake of levels to become even more. Of course, Hiruzen was several times stronger than her in all respects, but the surprise factor played its part.

- Hey! What's wrong with you, you didn't let the grown-ups have a normal conversation!

- Sorry, I wanted to.

- Ah, I see, a good reason!

A moment later, Hiruzen returned to the place where he was before, Naruko managed to come a little closer to Ban, after all, it is dangerous for her to participate in such a battle.

- Naruko! What are you doing!

- Shut up! Old monkey!

- Naruko...

- Your hypocrisy has already gotten to me, I have not received the heritage of my parents, I have not received a normal relationship, the status of the daughter of heroes either. You are trying to manipulate me and tie me to yourself. I am already tired of this!

- Naruto, no, you are wrong, I just...

This time Hiruzen was interrupted by Ban's phrase, after which the surrounding people became a little confused.

- Right! The monkey is right, you are saying everything wrong!

- What?

Hiruzen's reaction was clear, after all, he did not expect his opponent to agree with his words, especially since it was immediately clear that it was Ban who fooled her and persuaded her to arrange this whole situation.

- We decided to arrange this not because of the attitude towards you, stop chatting and let's beat some faces!

- Ah... So that's what you mean.

Hiruzen again wanted to say something, but this time Ban appeared in front of him and kicked him into another wall.

The ninja who had been waiting earlier, seeing this scene and coming to their senses after the ridiculous conversation, decided to attack Ban, some of them hadn't forgotten about Naruto and had already attacked her, although they clearly had no intention of harming her and were only trying to incapacitate her. But since she hadn't even graduated from the academy yet, it was as if they had conspired to attack her only by genin and chunin, and the jonin distributed their forces against Ban. Only with a couple hundred points in strength and agility, Uzumaki was able to easily withstand the onslaught of a chunin-level ninja.


Meanwhile, Hikari and Kilia had already finished packing their things and were a couple dozen meters away on top of the building watching the battle.

- Ban will be upset.

- Why?

- A boring fight, with his level of strength, someone like Akatsuki or Madara is needed. Although Madara under Edo Tensei will probably make his brother give it his all.

- And who is that?

- Oh yeah, we haven't told you yet, ask me later and I'll tell you.

- Okay, why did they lock that girl up and tie her up before?

- Wow, that's Hinata. I don't know, we'll ask them later. Ooo!

At that moment, Hiruzen appeared next to Ban, but this time he was holding Enma's battle staff, and swinging it with all his might, the Hokage still hit Ban in the neck, causing him to fall on his side onto the ground.

Seeing that he had defeated his opponent, Hiruzen turned his attention to Naruko, and seeing that she had already disabled a dozen genin, he set off at a fairly high speed towards the girl.

But his idea was destined to come true, and a girl appeared in front of him, very similar in appearance to Ban, and grabbing the staff with her hand, she lifted it up along with Hiruzen and the pieces of asphalt to which he was holding on, attached with chakra. Seeing this scene, the Konoha Ninja who had already relaxed widened their eyes, and then seeing how Enma's staff disappeared into white smoke due to the cracks that appeared from the force of compression by this girl, they did not believe what was happening at all.

"I won't let you touch Naruko, and it's time for you, brother, to stop pretending to be a weakling, it doesn't suit you."

Hearing the words that Ban had been pretending to be weak all this time, most of the ninja thought about what the real level of strength of this person was.

- Eh, okay, you know this is much more boring than I expected. Listen, old man, where are all your strong jonin? Kakashi, Might Guy, Asuma, and where did those mice from the root ANBU disappear to?

He received the answer not from Hiruzen, but from his sister, who was constantly walking around Konoha and sometimes heard various information.

- Kakashi and Gai are on a joint mission, I saw them two days ago when they were heading towards the Konoha gates, we saw Asuma in the Daimyo's palace, did you forget?

- Oh, yeah, I didn't think about that.

While they were talking, something unusual happened, the cube that surrounded Hinata fell apart, it should have lasted longer, but looking towards Hyuga, Ban noticed that her clansmen were already nearby and wanted to save her, it turns out that penetrating attacks with chakra-type energy can reduce the duration of such magic, after all, this is not the ideal Merlin cube. True, this is useless due to the fact that the very embarrassed Hinata was tied with ropes consisting of Ban's mana, and the essence of teleportation is enveloping an object or creature in mana and transferring it in this state. In short, as soon as the cube fell apart, Ban immediately reacted and teleported the princess of the Hyuga clan into his arms.

Seeing this scene, Hiashi Hyuga became furious and got into the 64 trigrams stance, controlling himself quite well, he was sure that he would not hurt his daughter. But still, the result of his attack was only that Hinata was already near Kiliya, and Ban himself began to reflect Hiashi's attacks by redirecting the energy from the blows to the Konoha ninja. As a result, having incapacitated about 20 Konoha ninja, Ban struck his worried father in the back of the head, sending him to sleep.

- Yeah, and I wanted to fight with Guy, anyway, okay, I'm upset, it's time to finish.