
- Hey! Why so abruptly?

Naruko decided to express her indignation, after all, she had only just tasted strength and she really liked it. Having felt the adrenaline and dominance over the enemy, she even began to understand Ban and his desire to fight, the feeling of defeating a bunch of opponents is simply incredible.

Kilia was able to catch the tone and notice the look full of indignation and desire to continue the battle and immediately realized what was happening.

- Oh no...

Hikari raised a questioning look and was about to ask a question, but she was noticed and the meaning of the look was interpreted correctly.

- Naruko becomes the second Ban, and for me, one of him was already enough, if there are two of them, then this is my nightmare.

Hearing these words, Naruko made an angry face, she did not like the comparison with a man eager for fights, however, as soon as she wanted to say something in response, she saw Kilia's skeptical look and thought for a second. And then it dawned on her that she really liked the feeling of fighting, the feelings she got from defeating her opponents, and as a result, she decided that since she really liked it, there was no need to resist.

Everyone around her noticed these changes, and Ban, understanding the essence, smiled very happily, holding out his hand clenched into a fist towards Naruko. She, in turn, correctly understood the meaning of the gesture and hit him back.

- Wow... they've already gotten along.

- I don't think they should have been left alone for 4 days, you said that she wanted a quiet life like me, right? In my opinion, now she's more like my clanmates, who were eager to fight, wanting to destroy as many Senju as possible.

- Unfortunately, I can't predict the outcome, I decided to trust her desire to live a quiet life, there were no such situations before, who knew that her brother had such a strong influence on others.

While the two girls were exchanging phrases, Ban had already moved away from Naruko and checked Hinata's condition, as a result, nothing bad had happened to her and he returned his attention to the surroundings.

Naruko only now noticed that they were still in the village, and having recognized the room, she wondered why they had come to the Hokage's office.

Ban had previously knocked out of the Konoha ninja, whom he had quietly kidnapped during the fight with Kiliya, when she was throwing water needles, information about where the scroll of forbidden techniques was. He was lucky literally on the second try, and the idea to ask the ANBU ninja paid off, as a result it turned out that the scroll was in a hidden seal behind the portrait of the second Hokage, and how to get it from there without possessing chakra, he did not quite understand.

- What are you doing?

- Do you see the seal? There is a scroll with forbidden techniques here, and as far as I could find out, there is also a scroll of seals from the era of the warring states. I really don't understand how to get it out so that it doesn't get destroyed along with the seal itself...

Ban looked at the girls in hopes of finding a solution, but no one said they could help in this situation. He only looked closely at Hinata, who looked away, it seemed that she had already been trained in something similar at least a little, but it was unlikely that she would agree to help.

- Okay, then the old-fashioned way!

- The old-fashioned way?

- Kilia, what is he going to do?

Naruko and Hikari didn't understand what he meant, as a result, when she asked Kilia, she only received a thoughtful look as if she was trying to understand what he meant. And when he had already come close to the painting and moved it aside, putting it on the wall, it dawned on her.

- Ban! Are you serious?

In response, she only saw that Ban ignored her and began his spell.

- Section 2: Cutting

With the help of spatial magic, he simply cut out a square around the seal, which made it possible to simply pull out the part of the wall on which the seal was located and take it into his spatial pocket.

- He stole the wall now?

- Not a wall, but a part of the wall, and not just a simple one, but with a seal. Let's find a fuinjutsu master somewhere and let him remove the seal.

- Hmm... convenient!

Having taken what he initially teleported to this place for, Ban decided to pay closer attention to the Hyuga nearby, they kidnapped her for a reason, kidnapping Hinata is an action that few would think of, and therefore Naruko should get quite a lot of experience for it.

Coming closer to the girl, he crouched down so that their eyes were at the same level and began to peer into Hinata's white eyes.

Such a scene rather surprised Naruko; not understanding why he was doing this, he looked questioningly at Kilia.

- Check.

- Check?

- Yes

- ...

For the first time in all this time, he felt irritation towards Kiliya, she began to understand that they were still brother and sister with Ban, and at least in some ways they were similar.

- Can you give more details?

- He is interested in her reaction, most likely, if I understood his thoughts correctly, then he wants to take her with us, not forever of course, but I think she can travel with us for a couple of months, if of course her reaction shows that she has enough courage to withstand the unexpected.

- Good!

Having sharply shouted this, Ban turned towards the others, looking at them, he turned back to Hinata and picked her up, putting her on his shoulder.

- Let's take her with us!

- Why?

- M? Naruto, aren't you happy with your friend's company?

There was no answer to the last phrase, Ban clearly understood that Naruko did not mean this, but still he had already decided to implement the spontaneous idea of ​​​​taking the Hyuga princess with him. He was simply interested in how the two friends would behave when one was a kidnapped group of which the other was a member.

Ban wanted to say something else, but he was interrupted, several ANBU ninja entered the office, and a few seconds later Hiruzen himself appeared. A couple of minutes earlier, it was reported that something was wrong in his office, and he hurried to return from the battlefield to his workplace, as a result of which he found there again an absurd scene of Ban holding a girl on his shoulder and in the background behind him a hole in the wall of the room was visible in the place where the portrait of Tobirama Senju should have been.

Already knowing that the black-haired girl was an Uchiha, he thought that such an act of vandalism was only the appearance of hatred for Tobirama, after all, he hated the Uchiha clan. However, if Hiruzen knew that Hikari herself hated this clan no less, or even more, than the second Hokage, he would immediately think not about revenge on his teacher, but about the fact that the place just corresponded to where the seal storing very important scrolls should be, this idea would come to him a few hours later, and he would understand what really happened, but that would be later, and now.

- Old man!

- Old man!

A double word was heard from Ban and Naruko who saw Hiruzen, the girl stepped aside Ban, after all, using him as a protective wall helps morally, and without any reinforcements from either Yachihoko or the unity spell, she knew that she was not a rival to the third hokage at all.

Ban only smiled a little, which made Hiruzen make an extremely sour face, after which he took a step forward.

- You're already back! Sorry, but we've finished our business here, I don't know if we'll meet again someday or not, but see you soon.

After saying goodbye, he enveloped everyone from his squad in distortions and transferred them to a new place.

Hiruzen only sighed tiredly, this time he was already glad that his office was not completely destroyed and these monsters did not decide to send the rest of the ANBU to the hospital along with Hiruzen at the same time.


Finding themselves about fifty kilometers from Konoha, in the direction of the land of the earth, everyone saw the place prepared in advance by Ban, not to say that it was some kind of elite shelter, but the room to which Ban went after the transfer was literally carved into the rock, as if a Minecrafter's sick dream that he could cut everything around in the shape of cubes in real life.

- Come in, I put the furniture two days ago, and this shelter should not be found, certainly not anytime soon.

Already inside, Ban put Hinata on the sofa, then sat down in the chair next to him, and then finally dispelled the binding spell and began to wait for the girls to sit down in the places they had chosen.

- So what? Naruto, what about the experience?

- Nothing yet, no notifications.

At the same moment as she finished the sentence, signals were heard from the system, and the girl herself hastened to correct her words and said that she had just received notifications.

"Experience gained by a unique action"

Unique action: Kidnapping the princess of the Hyuga clan.

Multiplier: the princess is the character Hinata Hyuga.

Multiplier: the accomplice is a unique character.

Multiplier: the accomplice is a thousand-year-old creature.

Multiplier: the action is done as part of a unique group.

Level increased 45>62

"Experience gained by a unique action"

Unique action: attacking members of the Hyuga clan.

Multiplier: the accomplice is a unique character.

Multiplier: the accomplice is a thousand-year-old creature.

Multiplier: Action done in a unique group.

Level increased 62>64

"Experience gained through a unique action"

Unique action: Sabotage in the Hidden Leaf Village.

Multiplier: The accomplice is a unique character.

Multiplier: The accomplice is a thousand-year-old creature.

Multiplier: Action done in a unique group.

Level increased: 64>67

"Experience gained through a unique action"

Unique action: Attack the Hidden Leaf Village.

Multiplier: The accomplice is a unique character.

Multiplier: The accomplice is a unique character.

Multiplier: The accomplice is a thousand-year-old creature.

Multiplier: The accomplice is a hundred-year-old creature.

Multiplier: Action performed in a unique group.

Unique Multiplier: Hiruzen Sarutobi was attacked during the attack

Unique Multiplier: 67 Hidden Leaf ninja were incapacitated during the attack.

Level increased 67>85

"experience gained by unique action"

Unique Action: You were under the buff of a unique character

Multiplier: You were under the buff of a rare character during this process

Level increased: 85>86

- I increased level 41.

- Pretty good, congratulations, you will be able to tell something new about your system.

- Well...


While Ban and Naruko were discussing the new conditions that had opened up for gaining experience, for example, the fact that she was in a group during the action gave additional experience, Kilia directed her gaze at Hinata, noticing that she was trying to listen carefully to what the two were saying in order to figure out what was going on.

- Hinata! You don't have to listen, if you're interested in something, ask me and I'll answer. It will take a long time before those two finish anyway, I know Brother well, and until he finds out and discusses everything he's learned about our situation, he won't leave Naruko alone.

Hinata, realizing that her actions had been noticed, and really seeing that no one was paying attention to her, still mustered up the courage to ask the girl a question.

- Why... why did you kidnap me? And why is Naruko-chan with you?

- In short, my brother loves fights, and Naruko becomes stronger by participating in such unique events, and kidnapping you is a rather unique action and event, which is what these two decided to do.

In response, Kilia saw a look of incomprehension, after all, the concept that a person becomes stronger simply by participating in something is incomprehensible to her, rather, she perceived these words as very conditional, that when a person participates in something like this, he gains experience and becomes stronger.

- You don't understand, right? However, you will understand with time.

- Huh? And what will happen to me next?

- You probably didn't hear then, when we were in the Hokage's office, I said that most likely Ban just wants to take you with us on a trip, there are several options for why and you can ask him yourself later, I don't see the point in building theories now.

- Okay