Chakra and Mangekyo

- Well, let's start with asking you a question. What is chakra?

The question was directed towards Orochimaru, who was already ready to listen to the information he was interested in, but after hearing the answer, he decided not to delay and answered right away.

- Chakra is a combination of spiritual and physical energy, from what I was able to study, chakra itself should consist of yin and yang in equal measure. That is, the original balance of chakra is 50% to 50%, but due to the inclinations in different techniques, ninjas have a bias towards yin or yang, and a completely equal balance is very rare. But chakra itself is a unification of the spiritual and physical, which is transformed in the chakra center and transmitted through the body through the chakra channels.

All those present listened to Orochimaru's answer, some out of pure interest and some with the goal of gaining useful knowledge.

- I see, and mana, in short, is the same thing, only it is transformed either by the soul or the magic core, and the initial balance of mana is not fifty-fifty, but the bias goes to spiritual energy. There are also other types of energy such as mana and chakra, for example, prana is the energy of faith, it can accumulate both from your followers and from yourself, although the prana created by yourself greatly depends on your life expectancy.

Ban interrupted himself and turned to the table, taking a fruit similar to a pear, he bit it and gesturing with his right hand continued.

- I can also highlight Ki, this energy almost entirely consists of your physical power, with small admixtures of the spiritual. Well, as the opposite of Ki there is Reiatsu, and this is literally the power and energy of your soul, and most likely you will not meet anyone except spirits, gods and shinigami who can freely handle Reiatsu. My sister and I tried to learn this since we have experience of leaving the body into a spiritual state, but as a result we got a pfft, and perhaps in the future we will return to this direction, but now we do not need it. Hmm ... Well, that seems to be all, do you want to know more about Mana?

Ban understands that his interlocutor does not really like long conversations and discussions, and decided to briefly tell what he knows, and if Orochimaru is interested in something in more detail, then of course he will ask, and knowing that he is interested, there will be no need to spend a lot of time and effort on everything.

- My interest has not changed, mana, what is it good for?

- Well ... Mana is a more universal version of chakra, the magician can use any elements he wants after studying the section of this magic, of course there is an innate predisposition, as well as types of magic that cannot be studied without talent for it, but on average, the magician himself chooses what he will learn. If a person wants to work as a combat mage, then most likely he will go into elemental magic, create hurricanes, summon tsunamis, summon lightning, and so on and so forth. If a person wants to be a doctor, then he will study healing magic, necromancy, spiritual types of diagnostics, and so on. For example, my sister does not like to fight with her own hands and weapons and therefore delved into magic, as a result, she is very strong in one elemental direction and has a huge talent for another type of magic, but I studied space magic, this is something like a mixture of fuinjutsu and spatial techniques, well, if it is simpler, then Mana is more universal but more difficult to study and more difficult to use.

- What do you mean by the fact that it is more difficult to use?

Ban thought for a while and began to formulate his thoughts in the most understandable version in his opinion.

- If talent, knowledge of seals and a sufficient supply of chakra are needed to use chakra techniques. For spells you need - occasionally talent, knowledge of suitable runes or chants, a sufficient supply of mana, sometimes sacrifices are needed, but the main problem is to keep a correctly constructed spell in your head, of course there are sections of magic where it is not really needed, but such magic is often weaker than the option where you completely control and know what you are doing. To make it clearer, imagine that in order to use the technique of the same fireball, you would need to imagine in your head how to create it using fuinjutsu. Several sentences consisting of complex symbols that you need to keep in your head, and the main thing is to remember everything correctly.

Abruptly interrupting and making a thoughtful face, Ban looked at his interlocutor and then said.

- And probably that's all, I don't see the point in talking about magic in more detail, you don't own it anyway.

Then the room fell silent, Orochimaru began to think about the new information, and Ban began to eat the delicacies on the table, offering red grapes to Hikari at the same time. The girl tried it but did not feel any particular problems with it, of course it was very refreshing, but there were no difficulties.

A few minutes later, Ban first looked at the Uchiha and suddenly, as if realizing something, turned his face to Orochimaru.

- Orochimaru, I offer you the opportunity to unlock your talent for magic, in exchange I need you to check the scroll of forbidden techniques. When we were in the Land of Rain, we found one master of fuin who was able to remove the protective seals on the scroll, we need to make sure that everything was removed and done correctly. I also need your help regarding the situation with Hikari. Are you interested?

Sanin heard his words and began to reason, the first request would not cause him any difficulties, but the second... First, we need to find out all the circumstances.

- I don't see any problems with the scroll, although I'm surprised that you even have it. But what exactly does this girl need my help with?

- She's an Uchiha.

After these words, Orochimaru began to look very interested, and in his eyes there were notes of desire to get such a sample, which began to get on the nerves of the young Uchiha a little.

- I don't recommend planning anything against her, and not even because we'll protect her, but because she's even more dangerous to you than Itachi.

- More dangerous than Itachi? Ke-ke-ke, you probably don't know what that little devil is capable of. Without Mangekyou, there's no point in comparing anyone to him, the Sharingan is too dangerous a dojutsu.

- I know the powers of the Sharingan very well, and their rarity with their features. That's why I'm saying that for you, she's not an enemy, but a walking nightmare. After all, you lost in an instant when you fell into Itachi's Tsukuyomi.

After Orochimaru's last words, he became very tense, since Ban couldn't know the information about his skirmish with Itachi. True, one thought came to his mind in time, earlier they said that they came from another world, although he does not fully believe such information, but still there is a chance that they were in the analogue of our world where they had already communicated with Orochimaru, and therefore feel quite comfortable in his presence, and therefore could have heard this story from another version of Orochimaru. But still, he thought about the words about Tsukuyomi, why mention it? And he heard the answer to his question after he asked the question himself in Ban's direction.

- Hikari has Mangekyou like Itachi, and she has the same Tsukuyomi, plus she has a number of abilities that will greatly help in the battle with you.

Well, why did Ban tell such information? Kilia, hearing his words, could only think about such things, and how was he going to awaken mana? Will he again start persuading his sister to help with such a situation? The girl, of course, is most curious about what could happen as a result, but Ban should have at least asked whether Kilia would do this.

- I know your love for researching the Uchiha, but I ask you to think about it. What is more important to you? Researching one of the many members of the Uchiha clan, or connections and reputation with the immortals?

Such an argument was incredibly important to Sanin, after all, Itachi and his younger brother continue to exist in the world, and there will still be an opportunity to get the Uchiha body, and he will most likely never meet other immortals.

- Okay, then I agree to the deal. What exactly needs to be done for the girl?

- Well... For starters, I think we need to tell her full story.


The retelling of Hikari's life took a little time, at first Orochimaru did not understand why the conversation turned to the era of warring states, but when he learned that the girl came straight from these times... Sanin was extremely intrigued, after all, he is a scientist and although such a situation does not apply to his specialization, but to study Hikari, is there any noticeable difference between people now and people who lived almost one and a half hundred years ago?

As a result, it all came down to the fact that Hikari has a huge number of fuin tattoos on her body, and her eyes were transplanted from one of the clan members.

During the dialogue, the Uchiha herself intervened, telling a story that she remembers the time when her Mangekyo had just awakened, then she was constantly used in every battle and her eyes began to quickly go blind, but then they began to apply fuin tattoos to her, and when her vision was already very bad, in a panic they decided to transplant eyes from another Uchiha, later she heard some conversations about the weapon's cousin recently dying, and connected these events, deciding that she had her brother's eyes transplanted, although she was not sure whether he had a Mangekyo.

Now they were all in the same room where Orochimaru was conducting diagnostics, and Hikari was standing dressed only in underwear very similar to sportswear, similar to what is often worn in the modern world for fitness.

- Well? What are the results?

The question came from Naruko, and Orochimaru, looking at her, then moved his gaze to Ban and began the report.

- The seals are nothing special, if I had put them, the end result would have been more effective. They are aimed at improving the chakra reserve, strengthening the body, and slightly increased regeneration, I also see several rather tricky combinations ... To begin with, I can say that the eyes that she has now were most likely not originally Mangekyou, you, Hikari, probably have or had some kind of power capable of accumulating chakra, and when you were transplanted with ordinary eyes that are not Mangekyou, this stored chakra that previously remembered that you had Mangekyou, stimulated the new eyes, forcing you to re-awaken the next stage.

- Yachihoko ...

Hearing Orochimaru's words, and then how Hikari muttered the name of her technique under her breath, Ban immediately connected all the threads.

- It turns out that Hikari had a Mangekyo, she used it very often and recorded a lot of chakra with the help of Yachihoko, and when her eyes were transplanted, the chakra from the past Mangekyo awakened new eyes, but... Why doesn't she go blind?

- What does this mean?

Orochimaru did not yet know about the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, and also did not have the information that absolutely all Mangekyo users go blind over time.

- Any user of the Mangekyo Sharingan goes blind over time, this is a disadvantage of these eyes, and it can be corrected by transplanting the eyes of a relative who awakened his eyes to the level of Mangekyo, and since Hikari was transplanted with ordinary Sharingan, the blindness should not have disappeared.

This information was very useful for Orochimaru, and also greatly influenced his plans regarding the Uchiha and how to get a body with Sharingan, putting it in his head he began to think about the situation in more detail.

If she should go blind, then why doesn't it happen? Half a minute later, the sanin gave an answer in his hoarse voice.

- Perhaps because of the chakra of the past Mangekyo, as well as because of the fuin seals on the body, a combination of all factors, namely the presence of the old chakra, experience using Mangekyo earlier, seals that improve regeneration and strength of the body, and perhaps the eyes transplanted to her could be somehow modified. You said that she has three Mangekyo techniques, and initially upon awakening there are one or two, that is, most likely the fact that she was grafted with the technique of another Mangekyo, most likely sacrificing them for this, could have contributed to the final result, namely the Mangekyo Sharingan that does not go blind.

When Orochimaru finished speaking, he was asked about the result, whether there were any deviations, and whether he could improve anything?

- There is no point in changing the existing fuin, they are certainly not masterfully made, but they are quite high-quality, I can add a few of my own that will help enhance the effect of the existing ones.

- Okay, then let's do what needs to be done, and then we will begin to awaken your magic.