Uchiha again and the journey continues

- Shin?

- Yes, as far as I remember, this person was your test subject, he has a great talent for accepting other people's genes, and if you transplant Uchiha cells into him, you can make a very strong representative of the clan.

Now Ban was next to Orochimaru, as Kilia said, he decided to tell about Shin Uchiha. It just so happened that this is almost the only Boruto arc that he still remembers well, and why it was deposited in his head, Ban himself does not know.

- No... I don't have anyone like that.

- Hmm.

In fact, Shin should get to Orochimaru much later, and his time has simply not come yet, no matter how Ban tries to find him now, the chances will be minimal, and if he does find it, it should be a child of about four years old.

- Why did you come to me?

- I don't like the way you look at Hikari, and helping me find the Uchiha's body is much easier for me than trying to kill you.

The conversation did not want to build, Ban went to the table that was next to Orochimaru and, creating distortions, a scroll appeared on the table.

- What is this?

- Scroll of seals from the era of warring states. It contains information regarding Hikari, now let's see who else from the Uchiha is sealed.

Sitting on the next chair, Orochimaru began to study data on various ninja, about an hour passed in this lesson.


Personalities that drew the attention of Ban and Orochimaru:

Kaku Uchiha - Was sealed 20 years before Madara was born, was an extremely dangerous opponent due to his excellent mastery of the element of Fire, incredibly proud but cowardly, could arrange a fiery Hell on the battlefield, but in one of the battles his squad was caught in a trap and all his clansmen were killed, Kaku himself tried to escape without even trying to fight when he saw how half of his squad died in the first attack, was caught while fleeing and sealed in the same way as Hikari Uchiha. He owned a three-tomo sharingan.

Kitsuki Uchiha - Owned Mangekyo, in the battle where he was caught, his beloved died, after which he used Izanagi to save her, but when everything became an illusion, his beloved was killed again, which is why Kitsuki fell into a rage, not distinguishing between his own and others, until he was deprived of consciousness and sealed, he managed to kill fifteen members of the Senju clan and nine Uchiha. He was sealed when Madara was one year old.

Hayato Uchiha - also the owner of Mangekyo, a man of thirty years old, was an elder of the Uchiha clan, his eyes were already on the verge of blindness, in the battle after which he was sealed, he took on his opponents, ordering the rest of his squad to run away. He was sealed one hundred and fifty years before Madara was born. He was also famous for his appearance and that in his youth he was often mistaken for a woman, by nature he was an extremely cruel tyrant, he preferred to use intimidation and anger tactics in battle, for example, catching someone from the Senju and starting to send him in parts to his native clan was no problem for Hayato.


- So three...

Pensive Orochimaru began to think about who to choose, but Ban decided to interrupt him.

- Who will you choose?

- Hayato... Kaku does not own Mangekyo, and Kitsuki is missing one eye.

Previously, Orochimaru did not know about Izanagi and Izanami, while they were studying the sealed Shinobi, Ban had to explain what these techniques were.

- It makes sense, but what to do with the blindness of his eyes?

In response, Ban heard a rather long explanation, earlier when Orochimaru studied the seals on Hikari's body, he decided to save everything and study it in more detail, although at first glance they looked rather primitive for Orochimaru's level of knowledge, but it was still worth checking.

As a result, Orochimaru can now completely repeat all these seals and maintain the safety of the eyes at a fairly good level.

To clarify, the seals on Hikari's body partially block blindness, the deterioration of vision from using Mangekyo is minimal, one can say that it is absent, but the usual aging and deterioration of vision with age still remains.


Why should Orochimaru think about how to make sure that his eyes do not deteriorate from old age? He almost has a spiritual fuin ready to gain immortality.

- Hmm... I wanted to ask, my immortality is based on the fairy drink, and this is essentially a huge source of energy on which the whole forest was held, but... Is ordinary yin chakra enough to gain immortality?

- Hikari told you right?

In response, the sanin saw an affirmative nod of the head, after which he continued.

- In fact, I was surprised when I realized that for such immortality almost no energy is needed, even a dog with such a seal will not age, but... In order to maintain regeneration, a lot of chakra is needed, that is, people with a small amount of chakra will stop aging but will not be able to regenerate well, as tests have shown if a person loses an arm with such a seal, then regeneration depletes his chakra reserves to a minimum, which causes headaches, but this test was carried out on a person with a chakra level even lower than most civilians, and in four hours the arm grew back to the elbow.

- Got it, okay!

Ban got up from his chair and looked at Orochimaru.

- Let's go! While we were looking for Hikari, I saw a place that perfectly matched the description of where Hayato was sealed.

Hearing these words, Orochimaru even expressed surprise, after which he also stood up and headed for the exit of the room, but Ban hurried to stop him and approached him himself, after which his hand was covered in distortions and put his hand on the sanin's shoulder, and then they disappeared from the room.


The search for Hayato did not take much time, on the same day they returned back to Orochimaru's base, the Uchiha was unconscious when they found him and later this state was maintained by Orochimaru's medical techniques. After they returned, Ban returned to the house allocated to them, where his companions had been waiting for him for quite a long time.

- Well, how is it there? I went to the labs but I didn't find you there, where have you been?

- In short, after studying the scroll of seals, we found several Uchiha, there were also quite a few sealed from other clans, and even one Senju... But that's not the point, we found one Uchiha that is suitable for Orochimaru.

- O-o-o-o...

Not only Kilia but also Naruko made a surprised face, hearing that there is a suitable option for Orochimaru's body was quite unexpected, Hikari began to listen very carefully to Ban, she was interested in learning about someone who was sealed like her.

- A thirty-year-old Uchiha, who owns Mangekyo... But he's almost blind, according to records, he was a very cruel tyrant, in general, as far as I understand, they sealed him, and didn't kill him, because he was also an Uchiha elder, and a very strong one at that, and it's better to keep such a person with the ability to unseal so that he could be used if necessary, but after a couple of decades, he was never needed, and then they completely forgot about him, so he lay in the seal for more than two hundred years.

- So... This Uchiha is a cruel person?

- Yes.

- That's good, I don't feel sorry for him. But you said that he's almost blind, isn't that a problem for Orochimaru?

- No, from what I understand, the seals on Hikari's body should help maintain good vision, and the seal of immortality will also help, but before that, Orochimaru wants to somehow restore his vision.

- I see, so he will soon become an immortal Uchiha with super regeneration, his own ninja village and an incredibly strong summoning?

- Yeah... Okay, I'm going to bed, I'm really tired today.

When Ban disappeared from sight and the door to his room slammed, a question from Naruko was heard in the common room where everyone was now sitting.

- Eh? Can he get tired?

- Neither I nor he get tired mentally or physically, but if there are a lot of events that exhaust us mentally, then it can affect us.

After understanding the explanation, Naruko returned to what she was doing, namely tasting cookies produced by the inhabitants of the Sound Village. Rice cookies are usually very disgusting and not tasty, but in the Sound Village, which is located in the land of rice fields, for some reason they are quite tasty.

Kilia was about to switch her attention to dinner and then go to bed, having previously used dream magic on Ban, but Hikari turned to her.

- What next?

- M?

- Well... When are we going on our journey?

- Ban didn't tell you? Tomorrow we're going to our next stop, the Land of Iron! Ban has wanted to go there for a long time, after all, for swordsmen it's the center of this world.


From the upcoming book about the countries of the ninja world "Beautiful Cities and What's Interesting About Them"

"Initially, after Iwagakure, we wanted to visit the Hidden Sand Village, but due to certain reasons, we decided to postpone visiting this country for later.

Our next goal was the country of Metal, but before visiting it, we were lucky to visit a rather unusual place, namely the Hidden Sound Village. This is a recently formed Ninja village located in the country of rice fields. It is well hidden and very difficult to find, due to the fact that this village is new, there is little interesting in it, but we can highlight one very interesting fact.


Yes, rice. We have previously been to the cities and villages of the country of rice fields, but for some reason the rice dishes of civilians in this country and the dishes of the Sound ninja are very different.

Rice and everything made from it in the Sound Village is at an incredibly high level, everything is very tasty and high quality! Even the drawings of cookies that usually make you want to puke are in this village is very tasty.

Now let's move on to the country of Metal!

This country is adjacent to the country of rice fields, and thanks to this it was very easy to get to it.

To begin with, I want to say that there is no border control in this country, it is quite easy to get into the country itself, but! Samurai, unlike Ninja, are very organized and strongly connected with civilians and Daimyo, so almost every village, as well as literally all cities in the country of Metal, have their own samurai who maintain order and protect residents, I would even say that for ordinary people this country will probably be the safest, but the weather in this country plays a role, the entire country of Metal is covered with snow, and for those who do not like the cold, it will be very unpleasant to live here"