And So It Begins IV

And So It Begins III

Silver sat quietly on the city wall overlooking the large field that would soon become a massive battlefield.

His tail swayed behind him lightly, his legs swung back and forth on the edge. Clearly he wasn't worried about falling.

'Won't be long now.' He thought as he overlooked the field.

Behind him, centaurs could be seen moving back and forth on the wall, their hooves clopping against the hard stone.

All of them wore armour and wielded bows with dual longswords on their waist where their humanoid part transitioned into their horse lower body.

Each of them had a grim expression on their faces as they went about doing preparations before the main battle started. And Silver, despite his back being to them, was observing them via his senses.

'These beings are so strange.' He thought, though he wasn't merely referring to the Centaurs.