Chapter 3: Demon Sight

The city of Arkaine looked so different to Dante now. What once seemed like a sprawling maze of concrete and steel was now a hunting ground. The night air felt alive, as if every shadow held secrets, every corner another danger lurking. The streets, normally bustling with nightlife, now seemed eerily quiet, as though the world had sensed that something dark was stirring beneath the surface.

His steps were quicker, more precise, his senses heightened beyond anything he had experienced before. He could hear the distant shuffle of footsteps, the scurrying of rats in the alleyways, and, faintly, the growl of something far less human. The stench of sulfur lingered in the air, a reminder that he wasn't the only hunter in the night.

[System Notification: Demon Scent Activated]

The putrid scent of decay once again filled his nostrils, tugging him toward the west. His newfound abilities responded immediately, guiding him as if the system itself had embedded instincts into his very soul. There was no hesitation. Dante's body moved with a purpose, driven by a force he couldn't fully comprehend.

As he neared a dilapidated part of town—a place where even the police feared to tread—the scent grew stronger. The faint light from flickering street lamps barely reached this far, casting long, jagged shadows that seemed to writhe with malevolence. Dante stopped at the edge of an old, crumbling warehouse. The scent was overwhelming now, and he knew he was close.

Another demon.

His heart raced, but it wasn't fear that gripped him—it was something darker, something primal. A thirst for battle. His hand instinctively reached out, summoning the ethereal blade once more. It flickered to life in his palm, its cold, dark energy pulsing as if it shared his hunger.

"Come out," he called into the night, his voice low but commanding. "I know you're here."

A low, guttural laugh echoed from the shadows, sending a chill down his spine. Slowly, a figure stepped into the dim light, its form hunched and twisted, much like the first demon he had faced, but this one was larger, its claws longer, dripping with a viscous black liquid that sizzled as it hit the ground.

"Hunter…" the demon hissed, its voice grating like nails on a chalkboard. "You reek of the system's stench."

Dante's grip tightened on his weapon. "And you reek of death."

With a snarl, the demon lunged at him, claws extended. But Dante was ready. His enhanced reflexes kicked in, and he sidestepped the attack with ease, bringing his blade down in a swift arc. The weapon sliced through the demon's side, black blood spraying from the wound.

The demon howled in pain but didn't stop. It turned, slashing wildly at Dante with a speed that caught him off guard. The creature's claws grazed his arm, ripping through his jacket and leaving a shallow cut across his skin. Dante hissed in pain but didn't falter.

The battle raged on, Dante dodging and striking with precision. Each time his blade connected, the demon grew weaker, its movements slower. But just as Dante was about to land a killing blow, the creature let out a screech and leaped backward, retreating into the shadows.

For a moment, silence reigned. Dante's chest heaved with exertion, his muscles tense, eyes scanning the dark for any sign of movement. The wound on his arm burned, but he forced himself to push past the pain. There was no time to stop. He had to finish it.

Suddenly, a sharp, piercing sound filled the air—a woman's scream. Dante's eyes widened as he recognized the voice. Without thinking, he bolted toward the sound, his body moving on instinct.

The scream led him deeper into the warehouse, past rusted machinery and piles of debris. The scent of sulfur was thick here, almost suffocating. Dante's pulse quickened as he rounded a corner and came face to face with a sight that sent his blood boiling.

A young woman, no older than twenty, was pinned against a wall by the demon. Its grotesque form loomed over her, its claws digging into her shoulders as it bared its fangs. The woman struggled weakly, her eyes wide with terror.

"No!" Dante roared, charging forward with his blade raised high.

The demon turned just in time to see the glowing edge of the weapon coming down on it. With a snarl, it released the woman and leaped back, narrowly avoiding the strike. But Dante was relentless. He pressed the attack, his movements swift and brutal, driving the demon back with each swing.

The creature screeched as the blade sliced through its torso, leaving a deep, jagged wound. Black blood poured from the injury, and the demon staggered, its strength failing.

Dante didn't give it a chance to recover. With a final, powerful strike, he plunged the blade deep into the demon's chest. The creature let out a blood-curdling scream as its body convulsed violently, black smoke billowing from its wounds. Then, with one last shudder, it dissolved into nothingness, leaving behind only a faint wisp of smoke and the acrid stench of sulfur.

[Demon Defeated: 2/3]

Dante stood over the spot where the demon had fallen, his chest heaving, adrenaline coursing through his veins. Slowly, he lowered his weapon, the blade flickering out of existence as he released it.

The woman collapsed to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. Dante knelt beside her, his voice soft. "It's okay… you're safe now."

She looked up at him with tear-filled eyes, her body trembling. "Th-thank you…"

Dante helped her to her feet, his gaze scanning the area for any sign of more demons. But the warehouse was eerily quiet now, the only sound the woman's ragged breathing.

"Do you live nearby?" he asked, trying to keep his voice calm despite the chaos that still roiled inside him.

She nodded weakly, wiping at her tears. "Yes… a few blocks from here."

"I'll walk you home," he said, keeping a protective arm around her as they made their way out of the warehouse and back into the dimly lit streets. The city still felt dangerous, like every shadow could be hiding another monster, but Dante's senses remained sharp, ready for anything.

They walked in silence, the tension between them thick with unspoken fear. The woman clung to his arm, her body trembling as if the shock of what had happened hadn't fully worn off. Dante kept his eyes forward, scanning the darkness for any sign of danger.

When they finally reached her apartment building, she turned to him, her eyes filled with gratitude. "I don't know how to thank you…"

Dante shook his head. "You don't have to. Just stay safe."

She hesitated for a moment, then leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. Dante froze, surprised by the sudden gesture, but before he could respond, she disappeared into the building, leaving him standing alone on the sidewalk.

His heart was still racing, but it wasn't from the fight. He touched his cheek where her lips had brushed, a strange warmth spreading through him.

"Focus, Dante," he muttered to himself, shaking his head as he turned and walked back into the night. There was still one more demon to find, and he couldn't afford to get distracted.

As he made his way through the streets, the system chimed once more.

[New Ability Unlocked: Demon Sight]

The world around him seemed to shift. Suddenly, the shadows became clearer, as if a veil had been lifted. He could see faint outlines in the darkness, movements that weren't visible before. The scent of sulfur became sharper, more distinct, and Dante realized that he could track the demons more easily now.

"This will help," he muttered, a small smirk forming on his lips. For the first time since this nightmare began, he felt like he was getting a handle on things. The system was a curse, yes, but it was also giving him the tools he needed to survive.

But as he walked, a new thought entered his mind—something that had been nagging at him since his encounter with Lilith.

Who were these demons? And why was he chosen to fight them?

There were no answers yet, but Dante knew one thing for certain: this was only the beginning. The world he had once known was gone, replaced by a dark, dangerous reality where demons roamed and hunters like him were all that stood between humanity and destruction.

He had taken his first steps into the abyss, and there was no turning back now.