Chapter 8: The Beast’s Final Reckoning

Dante adjusted the straps of his armor as he stood near the gate of the guild hall. The early morning mist clung to the air, giving the city an eerie, ghostly appearance. A few of the senior hunters were already gathering near the gate, their faces set with grim determination. They had been briefed on the mission earlier: a high-level demon had been spotted near the outskirts, and it was up to them to deal with it.

This wasn't just another training session. This was real, and the stakes were high. If they failed, the demon could wreak havoc on the nearby villages and possibly even enter the city.

Marcus approached Dante, his face serious. "You ready for this?"

Dante gave a curt nod. "I am. What do we know about the demon?"

"Not much," Marcus replied. "It's a class-three demon, which makes it dangerous. We'll need to be careful. Stick close to the group, follow instructions, and don't engage unless I say so."

Dante nodded again, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. He had trained for this, worked tirelessly to prepare himself for moments like these. But now that the time had come, he couldn't help but feel a knot of tension in his stomach.

The other hunters—veterans who had faced demons many times before—finished their preparations. Eva was among them, her crossbow slung over her shoulder and a confident smirk on her face as always. She caught Dante's eye and gave him a small nod of approval. He knew she was still suspicious of him, but for now, they were on the same team.

Marcus led the group toward the city's eastern gate, where a carriage was waiting to take them to the demon's last known location. As they boarded, Dante couldn't help but glance around, his senses heightened. The world seemed quieter than usual, as if it was holding its breath for the battle that was to come.

The ride to the outskirts was tense. No one spoke, each hunter lost in their own thoughts. Dante stared out of the carriage window, watching as the city gave way to open fields and dense forests. The farther they traveled, the more isolated the landscape became, until finally, they reached the edge of a thick, dark forest.

"We're here," Marcus announced as the carriage came to a halt. He stood, his eyes scanning the trees ahead. "The demon was last spotted near this forest. Stay close, stay alert."

The hunters disembarked, forming a tight group as they made their way into the woods. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves. Shadows danced between the trees, and every sound—whether it was the rustle of leaves or the distant call of a bird—seemed amplified in the oppressive silence.

Dante walked near the back of the group, his hand resting on the hilt of his ethereal blade. He could feel the system pulsing within him, ready to respond at a moment's notice. His senses were sharper than usual, his mind clear and focused.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, Marcus raised a hand to signal for the group to stop. "We're getting close," he said in a low voice. "Everyone, spread out and keep your eyes open."

The hunters fanned out, moving quietly through the underbrush. Dante kept to the shadows, his every step measured and careful. His heart pounded in his chest, and his mind raced with thoughts of what was to come.

Suddenly, a low, guttural growl echoed through the trees, sending a chill down Dante's spine.

"There!" someone shouted from up ahead.

The group converged on the source of the sound, and as they broke through the thick underbrush, Dante's breath caught in his throat. In the clearing ahead stood the demon—a hulking, monstrous figure with leathery wings and skin as dark as night. Its eyes glowed a sickly yellow, and its jagged claws gleamed in the dim light filtering through the trees.

The demon turned its head slowly, fixing its gaze on the hunters.

"Form up!" Marcus barked, drawing his sword. "Prepare to engage!"

The hunters moved quickly, forming a defensive line as the demon let out an ear-piercing screech. It charged forward, its massive body barreling through the trees like a battering ram. Dante's pulse quickened, but he held his ground, his hand gripping the hilt of his blade tightly.

As the demon approached, Marcus gave the order to attack.

Eva was the first to strike, her crossbow firing with deadly precision. The bolt struck the demon's shoulder, but it barely seemed to notice as it continued its charge. The other hunters followed suit, launching a volley of attacks—arrows, swords, and spells—all aimed at the creature's vulnerable spots.

Dante moved swiftly, his ethereal blade flashing to life in his hand. He darted around the edge of the clearing, looking for an opening. The demon was fast, its movements almost too quick for its massive size. It swatted away the hunters' attacks with ease, its claws tearing through the trees and ground with terrifying power.

Marcus shouted orders, trying to keep the group coordinated, but the demon's relentless assault made it difficult to hold the line. Dante saw an opportunity as the demon's attention shifted to one of the hunters on the far side of the clearing. With a burst of speed, he lunged forward, aiming for the creature's exposed flank.

His blade struck true, slicing through the demon's thick hide. The creature let out a roar of pain, whipping around to face Dante with a snarl. Before it could strike, Dante rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding a swipe from its deadly claws.

"Nice hit, kid!" Marcus shouted from across the clearing. "Keep it up!"

Dante didn't have time to respond. The demon was already on the move again, its rage-fueled attacks becoming more erratic. The hunters continued their assault, but it was clear that the creature was far from defeated.

As Dante circled around for another attack, he felt a sudden surge of power from the system. His vision sharpened, and time seemed to slow for a brief moment. He could see the demon's every movement, every shift in its stance. Without thinking, he moved with precision, his blade striking the demon again and again in quick succession.

The demon let out another roar, its body convulsing as Dante's strikes found their mark. But even with the system's boost, the creature was still too strong. It lashed out, its massive tail sweeping across the clearing. Dante barely had time to react, diving to the ground as the tail slammed into a nearby tree, splintering it into pieces.

"We need to finish this!" Eva shouted, her crossbow firing another bolt at the demon's head. "It's getting desperate!"

Marcus nodded, his eyes narrowing as he focused on the demon's movements. "Everyone, focus your attacks! Aim for the head!"

The hunters regrouped, launching a coordinated assault on the demon's weakened form. Arrows and spells rained down on the creature, each strike driving it further back. Dante joined the fray, his blade cutting through the air with deadly precision.

The demon stumbled, its body shaking as it struggled to keep its balance. It let out one final, defiant roar before collapsing to the ground, its wings folding over its body like a shroud.

For a moment, the clearing was silent.

Then, as the hunters lowered their weapons, Marcus let out a long breath. "It's done."

Dante stood over the demon's lifeless body, his chest heaving from the effort. He had survived his first real battle—and he had proven himself.

But as the hunters began to gather their gear and prepare to head back to the city, Dante couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. The demon had been powerful, but not unstoppable. It had fallen too easily, its movements too erratic.

Something wasn't right.

As they turned to leave the clearing, Marcus placed a hand on Dante's shoulder. "Good work out there, Dante. You held your own."

Dante nodded, though his mind was elsewhere. "Thanks. But… don't you think it was too easy?"

Marcus frowned. "Easy? That thing nearly tore us apart."

"I know," Dante said. "But it felt… off. Like it wasn't fighting at full strength."

Marcus considered this for a moment, then shook his head. "Demons are unpredictable. Sometimes they're more dangerous than others. We got lucky this time."

Dante wasn't so sure, but he didn't press the issue. As they made their way back through the forest, he couldn't shake the nagging feeling that the real threat was still out there—waiting for the right moment to strike.