Chapter 20: Obsidian Vault

As Dante and Selene emerged from the underground ruins, the harsh daylight hit their faces, momentarily blinding them. The wind that rustled through the trees was a sharp contrast to the suffocating air of the dungeon below, yet there was no relief. The weight of the orb in Dante's pack felt heavier than its physical mass, and both of them knew the battle was far from over.

For a few minutes, neither spoke. The silence stretched, each step feeling like a whisper of the tension they carried. Selene's gaze wandered back to Dante every so often, observing the toll their recent encounter had taken on him. His shoulders were hunched, and though his face remained stoic, there was an exhaustion beneath it—a mental and emotional strain she recognized too well.

"That was too close," Selene finally broke the silence, her voice tight with unease.

Dante didn't respond immediately, his mind still entangled with the shadows they had barely escaped. When he spoke, his words came out slowly, as though each was weighed down by the lingering presence of the dark force they had faced.

"I shouldn't have tried to control it," he admitted, his hand absently touching the side of his pack where the orb lay wrapped. "The power… it's not something I understand. Not fully."

"You couldn't have known what it would do," Selene offered, but there was doubt even in her own words. She, too, felt the unease that hung over them, a creeping sensation that something far more dangerous lurked behind their every decision.

"I should have," Dante countered, his tone a mix of frustration and regret. "I can feel it, Selene. The shadows—it's like they're alive, waiting for a chance to break free again. That orb isn't just a relic, it's… it's something more. A key, maybe. To what, I don't know yet, but it's tied to everything."

Selene slowed her pace slightly, turning to look directly at Dante. "We need to be careful from here on out. If that orb is as dangerous as you think, we can't afford to make any more mistakes. Not with what's at stake."

Dante nodded, though his thoughts were elsewhere. The creature they had faced in the ruins was only a fragment of what the orb was capable of summoning. He had felt the pull of its power, the way it beckoned him to surrender, to embrace the darkness that had nearly overwhelmed him.

But it wasn't just the orb that worried him. There was something deeper, something ancient and malevolent that he had sensed when they had been in the heart of the dungeon. An echo of the past, perhaps, or a warning of things to come.

The road ahead led them through a dense forest, its towering trees casting long shadows across the path. The wind howled through the branches, the sound eerily resembling distant whispers. Every step they took seemed to stir the air, making it feel as though they were being watched.

Selene's hand hovered near the hilt of her sword, her sharp eyes scanning the trees for any sign of danger. The silence was unsettling—no birds, no rustling of leaves from small animals. It was as though the forest had gone still, holding its breath in anticipation.

"I don't like this," Selene muttered under her breath. "Something's wrong."

Dante's eyes narrowed, his senses on high alert. The forest felt off, its natural rhythm disrupted. "It's too quiet," he agreed. "Keep your guard up."

As if on cue, the shadows at the edges of their vision began to shift. At first, it was subtle—a flicker here, a movement there. But the longer they walked, the more prominent it became. Dark shapes darted between the trees, moving too fast to be seen clearly.

Selene's pulse quickened, her hand tightening on her sword. "We're not alone."

Dante's gaze swept the treeline, his hand instinctively reaching for his dagger. The orb in his pack pulsed faintly, as though reacting to the presence of whatever lurked in the shadows.

"Stay close," Dante whispered, his voice barely audible over the wind. "Whatever they are, they're waiting for us to make a move."

Suddenly, a figure stepped out from behind a tree, cloaked in darkness. Its form was humanoid, but there was something unnatural about the way it moved, as though it were made of the very shadows that clung to the trees. Its eyes gleamed with an otherworldly light, locking onto Dante and Selene with a predatory hunger.

The air grew colder, and a low, guttural growl echoed from deeper within the forest. More figures began to emerge from the trees, their numbers growing with each passing moment. They surrounded the path, cutting off any escape routes.

Selene's sword was out in a flash, the blade glinting in the pale light. "Looks like we've got company."

Dante drew his dagger, his eyes fixed on the shadowy figures. "They're drawn to the orb," he realized, his voice filled with dread. "They want it."

Selene's lips pressed into a thin line. "Then let's make sure they don't get it."

Without another word, the first of the shadow creatures lunged forward, its movements quick and fluid. Selene was ready, her sword meeting the creature mid-strike. The blade passed through its form with a hissing sound, as though it had sliced through smoke.

But the creature didn't fall. Instead, it reformed, its body twisting and reshaping itself. It lashed out at Selene with a clawed hand, forcing her to backpedal to avoid the blow.

"These things aren't like the one in the ruins!" Selene called out, her sword flashing as she parried another attack.

Dante leaped forward, slashing at one of the creatures with his dagger. The blade cut through its arm, but like the one Selene had faced, it simply reformed. The shadows that made up its body seemed to shift and flow, never staying in one shape for long.

"They're made of pure shadow," Dante said through gritted teeth. "Physical attacks won't stop them."

Selene grunted as she narrowly avoided another swipe from one of the creatures. "Then what will?"

Dante's mind raced. The shadows were drawn to the orb, that much was clear. But how could they fight something that wasn't truly solid? He glanced at the orb in his pack, a wild idea forming in his mind.

"The orb," he muttered, his eyes narrowing. "If they're after its power, maybe we can use it against them."

Selene slashed at another creature, her breath coming in short bursts. "And how exactly do we do that?"

Dante didn't answer immediately. Instead, he reached into his pack and pulled out the orb, its dark surface gleaming ominously in the light. The moment it was exposed, the shadow creatures let out a collective hiss, their movements becoming more erratic.

"They want this," Dante said, holding the orb in front of him. "Let's see if they can handle it."

With a deep breath, Dante focused on the orb, trying to tap into the power he had felt earlier. The dark energy within it responded almost immediately, surging through his body like a flood. He could feel the shadows coiling around his mind, trying to take hold, but he pushed back, refusing to let them in.

The shadow creatures began to close in, their glowing eyes fixed on the orb. Dante gritted his teeth and channeled the orb's power, directing it outward toward the creatures. Dark tendrils of energy shot out from the orb, wrapping around the nearest creature.

The shadow creature let out a piercing shriek as the tendrils latched onto it, pulling it toward the orb. Its body twisted and writhed, the shadows that made up its form being consumed by the orb's power. Within seconds, the creature was gone, absorbed into the orb.

Dante's eyes widened in surprise. "It worked…"

But there was no time to celebrate. The remaining creatures, seeing their comrade's fate, let out enraged howls and charged forward, their forms shifting and growing larger as they prepared to overwhelm Dante and Selene.

"Dante!" Selene shouted, her voice filled with urgency.

Dante's grip tightened on the orb, his heart pounding in his chest. He could feel the shadows within the orb stirring, eager to consume more. But he couldn't let it control him. He had to stay focused.

"Stay behind me!" Dante called to Selene as he raised the orb once more.

The shadow creatures closed in, their forms becoming more monstrous with each passing second. But Dante was ready. He channeled the orb's power again, sending out more tendrils of dark energy. The tendrils lashed out at the creatures, wrapping around them and pulling them into the orb's void.

One by one, the creatures were consumed, their shadowy forms disappearing into the orb's depths. Dante could feel the orb growing heavier in his hand, its power swelling with each creature it absorbed.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the last of the shadow creatures was gone. The forest was silent once more, the oppressive atmosphere lifting as the shadows dissipated.

Dante lowered the orb, his body trembling from the effort. He felt drained, both physically and mentally, but they had survived.

Selene sheathed her sword, her eyes still scanning the trees warily. "What the hell were those things?"

"I don't know," Dante admitted, his voice hoarse. "But they're tied to this orb. They won't stop coming for it."

Selene took a deep breath, wiping sweat from her brow. "Then what's our next move? We can't keep fighting off these things forever."

Dante looked down at the orb, its dark surface pulsating faintly. He could feel the malevolent energy inside it, growing stronger with each creature it had consumed. It was a dangerous tool—one that could either save them or doom them if not handled carefully.

"We need answers," Dante said. "We can't go on blind. There has to be someone who knows more about these shadow creatures and this orb's true purpose."

Selene nodded in agreement. "The library in Eldhaven—it's ancient. There are texts there older than any civilization still standing. If anywhere holds the key to understanding this thing, it's that place."

Eldhaven. The name stirred memories in Dante's mind. It was a city of scholars, mages, and relic hunters—a place where knowledge of the old world was still preserved, if not entirely understood. The journey there would be perilous, but it was their best hope.

"All right," Dante said, slinging his pack back over his shoulder. "We head for Eldhaven."


The journey was long and arduous. The forest eventually gave way to rocky hills and barren landscapes, where the wind howled endlessly through jagged cliffs. Every step felt heavier, the weight of the orb's power pressing down on Dante more and more.

Selene noticed his growing exhaustion. "You're pushing yourself too hard."

"I'm fine," Dante replied, though the truth was far from it. The orb was a constant presence in his mind, whispering dark promises of power and domination. He could feel it trying to worm its way deeper into his thoughts, and it was taking all of his willpower to resist.

As they crossed a ridge, the grand city of Eldhaven came into view. Towering spires rose into the sky, and the entire city was built into the cliffs of a massive canyon. Bridges of stone and steel connected various parts of the city, which was bustling with activity even from this distance.

"We'll find what we need here," Selene said, more to reassure herself than Dante.

They made their way to the city gates, which loomed over them, guarded by heavily armored sentries. After a brief exchange with the guards, they were allowed inside, their presence drawing little attention among the many travelers and merchants crowding the streets.

The city itself was a marvel—a fusion of old-world architecture and new technology. Streets were lined with markets selling everything from magical artifacts to alchemical potions. Towers were adorned with glowing runes, and the air was thick with the hum of arcane energy.

But Dante's focus remained on the task at hand. They made their way to the Great Archive, an enormous building carved into the canyon's wall. The entrance was guarded by more sentries, but this time, there was a sense of reverence in the air.

Inside, the Archive was a labyrinth of shelves and scrolls, illuminated by flickering candlelight and the soft glow of enchanted lamps. Scholars and mages moved about, poring over ancient tomes, whispering in hushed tones.

"We need someone who specializes in relics," Selene whispered to Dante. "If anyone knows about the orb, it'll be one of the researchers here."

After speaking with one of the attendants, they were directed to a secluded corner of the Archive, where an elderly scholar sat amidst a pile of books. His robes were tattered and stained with ink, and his long white beard nearly touched the floor as he scribbled furiously on a parchment.

"Excuse me," Selene said, stepping forward. "We need your help."

The scholar looked up, his sharp blue eyes narrowing as he took in the sight of Dante and Selene. "Relics, I assume," he said, his voice dry and raspy. "Only those with dire needs come to me."

Dante stepped forward, pulling the orb from his pack. The scholar's eyes widened in shock, and he immediately stood, pushing his chair back with a loud scrape.

"Where did you find that?" the scholar asked, his voice suddenly urgent.

"In the ruins beneath the Blackstone Mountains," Dante replied.

The scholar's hands trembled as he reached out, his fingers brushing the surface of the orb without actually touching it. "This is not an ordinary artifact. You've stumbled upon something… ancient. Something forbidden."

Dante's heart sank. "What is it?"

The scholar's gaze darkened. "That orb is a fragment of a much larger power—a power that was sealed away long ago. It's not just a relic, it's a vessel. A prison for the shadows of the old gods."

Dante and Selene exchanged uneasy glances.

"The creatures you encountered," the scholar continued, "were likely guardians or servants of the orb's power. They seek to reclaim what was lost—to free the darkness trapped inside."

"What happens if they succeed?" Selene asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

The scholar's expression grew grim. "If the shadows are unleashed, they will consume everything. The world as we know it will fall into eternal night. No light, no hope—only endless darkness."

Dante felt a chill run down his spine. The orb's weight in his hand felt even heavier now, its dark power pulsing with malevolent intent.

"Is there any way to stop it?" Dante asked.

The scholar hesitated before answering. "The only way to ensure the orb's power is contained is to return it to its resting place—the Obsidian Vault. It was built to seal away such relics, to keep them hidden from the world."

"Where is this vault?" Selene asked.

The scholar sighed, rubbing his temples. "The Obsidian Vault lies deep within the Voidlands, beyond the reach of most mortals. It's a treacherous journey, and few who venture there return. But if you're serious about preventing the end of all things… it's your only option."

Dante's jaw tightened. The Voidlands were a desolate, cursed place—an inhospitable wasteland that had claimed the lives of many adventurers and relic hunters. But if that was where the orb needed to go, then there was no choice.

"We'll find the vault," Dante said, determination hardening his voice. "We'll make sure this thing never sees the light of day again."

The scholar nodded solemnly. "Be careful. The shadows will continue to hunt you as long as you carry the orb. And the deeper you go into the Voidlands, the stronger their presence will become."

Selene placed a hand on Dante's shoulder. "We've come this far. We'll see it through."

As they left the Archive, the weight of their mission pressed down on them. The journey ahead would be perilous, but there was no turning back now. The fate of the world depended on their success—and on keeping the shadows at bay.


That night, as they made camp outside the city walls, Dante sat alone by the fire, staring at the orb. Its surface reflected the flames, flickering with dark energy. He could feel it calling to him, whispering promises of power, of control.

But he knew better now. The orb's power came at a cost—one he wasn't willing to pay.

Selene joined him, sitting down beside the fire. "You all right?"

Dante didn't answer immediately. He watched the flames for a moment longer before speaking. "This thing… it's going to keep coming after us. The shadows won't stop."

"Then we'll keep fighting," Selene said firmly. "We'll do whatever it takes to stop them."

Dante nodded, but deep down, he knew this was only the beginning. The shadows were relentless, and the closer they got to the Voidlands, the more dangerous their journey would become.

But there was no other option. They had to see it through.

As the fire crackled in the quiet of the night, Dante made a silent vow. He would stop the shadows, no matter the cost. And if it meant risking everything… then so be it.
