Chapter 23: Into the Abyss

The oppressive silence of the Abyss stretched on for hours, the endless void above them a twisted mirror of the darkness seeping into Dante's soul. He led the way, Selene and Lillith following close behind, their steps barely audible in the desolate landscape. Each step forward felt like a journey deeper into the unknown, where danger could lurk around every corner.

The sky was a sickly gray, as if the heavens themselves had been drained of life. The path before them twisted and turned, disappearing into the horizon, but Lillith seemed confident in her navigation, never once faltering as she led them onward.

Dante glanced at her, studying the woman who had become their guide. Her expression was impassive, but there was a cold determination in her eyes, a silent resolve that told him she was no stranger to the horrors they would face. But there was something else too, something he couldn't quite place. A shadow behind her gaze, as if she knew more than she was letting on.

"How much farther?" Selene's voice broke the silence, her tone sharp as always, but with an underlying edge of impatience. She hadn't taken kindly to Lillith's presence, and the tension between them had only grown since their departure.

"Not much farther," Lillith replied, her voice soft but firm. "The sanctuary lies beyond the Abyss, hidden in the heart of the Wraithlands."

"The Wraithlands?" Dante asked, frowning. "I've heard of that place. Isn't it said to be cursed?"

Lillith nodded, her expression grim. "Cursed or not, it's the only place where the Abyss has no power. It's the one realm where those who are touched by the shadows can find peace."

Selene snorted. "Sounds like a fairy tale."

Lillith shot her a cold look. "Fairy tale or not, it's real. I've seen it with my own eyes."

"Then why haven't you stayed there?" Selene countered. "If it's so peaceful, why leave?"

Lillith's gaze hardened, and for a moment, Dante thought she might not answer. But after a long pause, she sighed. "Because peace comes at a price. And some of us aren't willing to pay it."

Selene raised an eyebrow. "And what price is that?"

Lillith's voice dropped to a whisper. "The sanctuary takes everything."

Dante and Selene exchanged a glance. The vagueness of Lillith's answer was unsettling, but they had little choice but to trust her for now. They continued their trek in silence, each lost in their own thoughts.

As they walked, Dante couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. The shadows at the edges of his vision seemed to pulse with a life of their own, creeping ever closer, whispering to him, beckoning him to give in. He clenched his fists, forcing the darkness back, but it was growing harder to resist with each passing moment.

"How do you know the sanctuary will help?" Dante asked, breaking the silence once more.

Lillith didn't answer right away, her eyes focused on the distant horizon. When she finally spoke, her voice was quiet. "I don't. But I've seen what the shadows do to those who don't seek it out. The longer they linger, the more they consume. You've felt it, haven't you?"

Dante hesitated, but then nodded. "Yes."

"The Abyss is patient," Lillith continued, her voice barely more than a whisper now. "It waits, watching, biding its time. And when it strikes, it's already too late."

Dante shuddered, the truth of her words striking deep. He had felt the shadows creeping into his mind, warping his thoughts, twisting his emotions. He had seen glimpses of a future where the darkness claimed him entirely, and it terrified him more than anything.

Selene, however, was less convinced. "And what about those who make it to the sanctuary? What happens to them?"

Lillith's expression darkened. "They disappear. Some say they find peace, others say they lose themselves. No one really knows."

"Then why take the risk?" Selene pressed. "Why not find another way?"

"Because there is no other way," Lillith snapped, her patience wearing thin. "You think I haven't tried? You think I haven't searched for answers, for a cure? The shadows can't be destroyed. They can only be contained—if you're lucky."

Selene opened her mouth to retort, but Dante held up a hand, stopping her. "Enough," he said quietly. "We're here now, and this is the path we've chosen. Let's just focus on getting to the sanctuary."

The silence that followed was thick with unspoken tension, but Selene didn't argue further. She cast one last glare at Lillith before turning her attention back to the path ahead.

Hours passed, and the landscape grew more twisted the farther they went. The ground beneath their feet was cracked and dry, and strange, jagged formations jutted out of the earth like broken bones. The air was heavy with an unnatural chill, and even the faintest sound seemed to echo unnervingly in the stillness.

At last, the distant outline of a massive structure appeared on the horizon. Dante squinted, trying to make out the details. It looked like a fortress of some kind, its towering spires piercing the sky like blackened teeth.

"The sanctuary," Lillith said quietly.

Dante felt a wave of relief wash over him, but it was short-lived. As they drew closer, he realized that something was wrong. The air around the fortress was thick with a suffocating energy, a dark presence that made his skin crawl.

"This place…" Selene muttered, her voice tinged with unease. "It doesn't feel right."

Dante nodded, his eyes narrowing as he studied the fortress. There was something off about it, something that set his instincts on edge. The closer they got, the more the shadows within him stirred, as if recognizing something familiar.

Lillith stopped abruptly, her gaze fixed on the entrance to the fortress. "We're here," she said, her voice tight with tension. "But be warned. The sanctuary is not what it seems."

"What do you mean?" Dante asked, his eyes narrowing.

Lillith turned to face him, her expression grim. "The sanctuary offers peace, but it also tests you. The darkness inside you will be drawn to this place, and it will try to claim you. You'll have to face it if you want to survive."

Dante's heart skipped a beat, his mind racing as he tried to process her words. "Face it? How?"

Lillith shook her head. "I don't know. Everyone's trial is different. But whatever happens, you can't let the shadows win."

Dante swallowed hard, the weight of her warning settling heavily on his shoulders. He glanced at Selene, who was watching him with a mixture of concern and determination.

"We've come this far," she said quietly. "We'll face whatever's inside together."

Dante nodded, grateful for her unwavering support. Together, they stepped toward the entrance of the sanctuary, the massive doors looming before them like the maw of a beast.

With a deep breath, Dante pushed the doors open, and the darkness swallowed them whole.


The moment they stepped inside, the air changed. It was as if they had crossed a threshold into another world, one where the laws of reality no longer applied. The shadows here were thicker, more tangible, swirling around them like living entities.

Dante could feel the pull of the Abyss more strongly than ever, its whispers growing louder, more insistent. He gritted his teeth, forcing the darkness back, but it was a constant battle, one he wasn't sure he could win.

Selene and Lillith moved cautiously beside him, their weapons drawn, but there was an eerie stillness to the place, as if it were waiting for something.

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the chamber, low and haunting.

"Welcome, Dante."

Dante froze, his blood turning to ice. The voice was familiar—too familiar.

It was his own.