Chapter 2.1: Heavenly Everyday Life.

-Diary of Vilma Jung, a person (or is he really a person?) who found himself in Heaven-

Entries of my stay in Heaven, I hope these writings will remain between me and these pages, and that these Eyes cannot look through souls straight into the personal; otherwise, I don't even know which is worse - Heaven or Hell.

Template for entries:



Day One:

To be honest, I don't know where to start. How can you describe the feeling that you've been wrong your entire conscious life? The believers were right, and after death, we face either Heaven or Hell. I wonder why angels didn't convey this truth to humanity. Surely there must be some good reasons; otherwise, it just seems foolish.

Heaven… it's hard to capture these first sensations in just a few sentences, but I'll try. "Magical," "Magnificent," "Divine." If God exists (even now I'm not sure), He definitely put in a grand effort. This is truly a place where everyone would want to be. On my way to this new home, where I'm currently writing this entry, I saw countless places to spend time: something akin to theaters of plays, but with pictures on the walls, various cafes where I hope they serve good tea (they must, it's Heaven), and many parks, both on the ground and in the sky. Even the floating stones and platforms are simply breathtaking.


Neighbors dropped by, two of them. Both women, or at least I'll assume so. They have similar builds, meaning no pronounced breasts or hips; one has one eye, the other has three. The one-eyed one has small wings instead of ears, while the three-eyed one has stiff streams of flame, or hair that looks like flame. The one-eyed one is dark blue, and the three-eyed one is a blend of beige and brown, merging into a pleasant pattern all over her body. They wore minimal clothing: a toga on the one-eyed one, shorts on the other.

They welcomed me to Heaven, helped me settle in, and treated me to some delicious cookies. They complimented my appearance. Until I decide on their gender, I won't make any conclusions. They mentioned places I could visit for fun or to have a good time.


They helped me figure out flying. They taught me how to summon and retract my wings. It turns out that to hide the wings, you just need to do the same actions as when you summon them, but with the intention of putting them away. Why? I have no idea, but I want to find out someday.

Also... They helped me make my first flight.

It was... indescribable. Once, while I was alive (better to say "on Earth"), I conducted a homemade ritual that led me into a lucid dream, which I could control, just as Jean Gid said. That dream was nothing compared to flying on my own wings in reality.

Now I understand why most of the Righteous (see Glossary) don't wear much clothing. The sensations of flight, the wind... It felt as if I had learned to walk anew or seen a sunset for the first time... I don't know. It was magical (though I might be judged for such a statement, considering that discussions of "magic" are forbidden here due to Sin and other matters).


Tomorrow, I want to visit the places that the One-Eyed and Three-Eyed ones suggested.

(P.S. I should try to remember the names of the angels; it would be awkward later...)

Day Two:

I went flying in the City. After gaining the ability to fly, I don't want to walk around like a freshwater fish again. Apparently, I'm not alone in this. Almost all the Righteous, when they first tried flying, prefer to stay airborne, at least for the first couple of weeks.

What can I say about the café, theater, park, and club? The café is just a café; everyone was served for free. Some little cafes even used some sort of levitation charms (WONDER, I need to get used to this—though I don't want to). I was told that these are more advanced angels, but unfortunately, I didn't learn more about it. (Note to self: find out more about this Wonder and how to perform such tricks.)

The theater was the biggest surprise. I expected that the "Television" here would be more advanced than on Earth, but I didn't expect that it had already become a mass product. Some kind of "Movies"—a book, just visualized for the audience. The same story, but performed by actors filmed on camera. Amazing. It's obvious that different laws apply here, as some moments didn't make sense for a book, and parts, like detailed descriptions or certain scenes, were skipped for the sake of "cinematic quality," if I remembered the definition my neighbor in the hall mentioned correctly. By the way, this neighbor was some kind of bear, a polar bear in a dress.

The park is just a park. It's beautiful, with birds flying around, music playing, and a nice spot to read comfortably. There are benches, gazebos, and something else whose name I didn't catch. Quite lovely.

The club. I went in and out; it was very noisy and they were selling alcoholic drinks. Apparently, if you drink in the glory of God, it's allowed. Maybe I'll drop by when I'm in the mood or want to meet an angel.

By the way, I already mentioned that flying in the foggy morning above the very fog in the forest where your home is located is just A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Divine.

Day Four:

I'm feeling bored.

Food, cafes, parks. Theaters still bring some pleasure, but only when you turn off your logic and immerse yourself in visual contemplation.

I visited the One-Eyed, by the way, she has a halo—two crossed rings with eyes. I asked her about boredom.

It turns out I'm not the only one. Almost every Righteous develops a "schedule" for their eternity.

She (I'm still shy to ask about her gender; I hope she's a woman) shared her schedule and mentioned a couple of others she knows from her acquaintances.

The average routine for a century (100 years) for a Righteous:

From a week to a year—rest, similar to what I've been experiencing these past days.

From the first to the tenth year—some activity (drawing, singing, theater, cinema, etc.).

From the tenth to the fortieth year—work (First Circle: guardian angel for a person, working with newcomers, working with Lesser Cherubim (see Glossary), entertainment events, Support Department).

From the fortieth year to the seventieth or eightieth—individual choices; some Righteous may work in the Second Circle, some take another rest, and some continue with their previous activities.

The remainder—rest.

And so it goes in cycles, though it varies from Righteous to Righteous.

Plus or minus, the variety in each century adds progress to humanity, which brings new entertainments along with new souls.

To me, it sounds terrible.

Day Five:

Here, everyone sings.

No joke, some angels just start singing: either to themselves or to others. Some have background music (?!?), while others don't.

No one reacts at all; some even join in, harmonizing.

It's absurd.


(editor's note from the second month - yes)

Day Seven:

Symbolic. I met Adam. On the street. He was just passing by, going about his business. He stood about two meters tall, maybe two and a half, dressed in a white robe with blue patterns, featuring golden sleeves and what looked like the letter "A" on his chest. He also wore a white mask-helmet with two long black horns ending in golden, hook-like tips. Honestly, he looked more like a demon than an angel. Though his large golden wings set him apart.

Next to him was an angel with a black halo (the first one I'd seen; the others had warm spectrum colors) and black wings, black on the outside, with gray feathers on the inside. She wore a completely black outfit with white shoulder-length sleeves and knee-high boots. She also had a similar helmet, but entirely black, with curved black goat horns.

Both had constantly changing faces. Apparently, the helmets transmitted facial expressions, and you could eat and drink through them, judging by the slurping sounds when Adam sipped something through a straw.

But back to Adam. As he passed, I was preoccupied with something else. I was observing a child in Paradise, a year old. A real child, with a halo and tiny wings. Unlike that Lesser Cherub, he didn't have a mature voice. He was just an ordinary earthly child, except he was in Paradise. He was born here, as his mother later told me. "Unborn," she called her child's kind. It's astonishing—while some suffer and live, others are simply born in a place of Bliss and endless peace. Inequality. Just the way I like it.

Regarding Adam: the mother couldn't soothe her baby, apparently, he had air bubbles in his stomach that were troubling him. Adam approached, said something to the mother, reached out, and with swift, deft movements, helped the baby burp. Afterwards, the little one fell asleep, while the mother gazed at Adam with admiration.

I hope I'll get to talk to Adam again; he seems like he has a lot to share.

Day Thirteen:

I found a new company. They're just like me. All eager to learn more, each about their own interests, but we share one passion. Their names are Thomas, Richard, Anna, and Elizabeth. They're great, and we had a lot of fun.

We met when they saw me making notes in my journal (see Research Journal), asking a Righteous about the currency of Paradise (see Day Fourteen). That's how we found each other.

We visited cafes and went to a club where we took a private booth to discuss various topics.

Thomas: studying nature; he was a biologist and sailor. He wants to understand the connection between the Theory of Evolution and Creation. It's a fascinating subject, especially since, according to him, it actually happened. He learned this from the Supreme Cherub (see Glossary; Second Month, Day Seven). He looks like a humanoid with an octopus head.

Richard: a zoologist, studying heavenly creatures, desires to enter Eden (I'll be the first). He shared a lot about the species inhabiting Heaven; I remembered some of his descriptions, while others were beyond me. There's an anthropomorphic wolf-deer (he has horns on his face, plus hooves instead of paws).

Anna: music. She strives to delve into the depths of notes to enchant the souls of angels, including Seraphim. She sings beautifully. She's a humanoid red fish with a crest instead of hair, almost no clothing, and pronounced sexual features. It seems she has a thing with Richard. Not great.

Elizabeth: astronomy. She studies stars and other planets. It turns out Paradise, or Heaven, is also a planet, just an unusual one. I didn't get a full account of her story, too busy, but it's an artificially created place woven from Light, whatever that means. She's an anthropomorphic blue owl in a dress.

They were intrigued by my field, even though I called magic "Wonder." They were still interested in hearing about my research on Earth, as well as finding out that my actions caused quite a stir in the Department of Law Enforcement when I opened a rift between Heaven and Earth.

We spent the rest of the day at the club and then went our separate ways.

By the way, I got the nickname "Virgil" not because I led each of my new friends through drinks, successfully convincing the bartender to serve us all, but because I introduced them to the course of Magic.

Nothing else.

(P.S.: We really are in a soap opera, since even I took part in their musical number. Horrible.)

Day Fourteen:

Boring. After a whole day of socializing, I didn't feel like going to another "bash," as Thomas called those gatherings. I just wanted some time alone, and I was met with complete understanding and support. It's surprising how, when you have eternity ahead of you, things like "schedules" for meetups become so simple.

About the monetary system in Paradise. As the Guide told me (I still can't remember her name; I need to find out), money is a convention in Paradise, needed only to indicate the urgency of a service for the payer.

Money operates within the First, Second, and partially the Third Circles. As the Guide mentioned (I need to come up with a shorter name—how about "Vaya"?), services are free but time-consuming. If you want to receive some permissions out of turn or something similar, you can pay with an "eye" (coin) or "wings" (banknote). If there are multiple payments for a service due to urgency, each request is considered individually (it's written on a template used in the Support Department), from which a queue is formed, either by status or some other criteria; I didn't get more details because my interlocutor was just a regular Righteous.

Forget about eternal bliss and rest; I'll head to the library and learn something useful.

Day Nineteen:

It turns out there are many libraries in Paradise, catering to all tastes. I was primarily interested in history.

In short, the Great Flood really happened. It wiped out all the descendants of Adam and Eve, leaving only Noah's lineage, most of the animals, and a devastated ecosystem that the Seraphim later restored. I couldn't find a reason for the Flood that differed from the one in the Bible, but if the Angels (the High Council) orchestrated it, there must have been another reason.

It appears that Eve was not the first woman. That title belonged to Lilith, the First Sinner, who was created not from Adam's rib, but in the same way as him—from the "dust of the earth." From what I gathered, Lilith refused to obey the laws of the Seraphim; her character isn't described in detail in the records, only that Adam repeatedly urged her to take the "Right Path."

This entire story feels one-sided, portraying Adam as a lamb and Lilith as Evil. However, if I understand anything about magic, both Lilith and Adam were Created, not born. Like Jewish golems or more complex beings, they should have had some programming embedded by their creators.

They were both created in Eden, a place where Evil was not supposed to exist. Both were made from the same material, equipped with almost identical functions and knowledge. The only thing left unknown is character, which isn't discussed beyond "Adam was pure and innocent" or "Lilith was greedy for control and disobedience." This is the first sign of the author's subjectivity.

I need to get to the bottom of this—ideally, I'd ask Eve herself, her children, or someone from the Seraphim.

Subentry "Day Nineteen":

It turns out, Eve is not in Paradise. Strange. No text mentions that Eve ever made it to Paradise, just like Adam.

I'm not even sure Adam actually ate the Fruit. Later records state that Adam was pure and righteous even after being expelled from Paradise. I don't fully understand—if he didn't eat the Fruit, why was he cast out?

As for Eve, there's nothing after Adam's death. It's as if she evaporated. Did she end up in Hell for Original Sin? Possibly, but I want to find out for sure.

Day Twenty:

It turns out, you can curse in Paradise—hard. I overheard a Righteous berating the Sinners in Hell. It was interesting to listen to; I got caught up in it.

Hell is quite a fascinating topic in Paradise.

All the texts refer to it as "Gehenna, created by the Fallen Seraph Lucifer."

However, according to the Bible, he was an Archangel. Either the Bible was written by angels for humans, or they distorted the story for some reason, choosing to exclude Lucifer from the High Council. Why do I think he was there? If the texts are correct, he should be the First Creation of God or Light, as stated in some writings. I don't know the reason, but that's yet another topic for exploration.

Speaking of Hell, it's mentioned everywhere that "Lucifer was cast into a place as far from God as possible," implying that Hell already existed.

I think Lucifer created Hell during his "Rebellion," or it was a consequence of that "Rebellion." But why? The theme of the "Rebellion" itself is unclear. Did he intend to burn Heaven down or usurp power? There are many possibilities, but not a single mention of his actions or character to make a reliable assumption or build a hypothesis.

Day Twenty-Two:

I learned the name of the Guide—Elena. I asked one of her colleagues in the Department about the services of the First Circle.

I wanted to find out about my family. My parents are still alive, but my older brother died three years before my own death at the age of forty-six. There's a service in the Department to learn the fate of relatives. Luckily, one of the workers (I want to believe it was my charm and a chocolate bar) had some free time to find out.

It turns out my brother Gregor ended up in Hell. I don't even know what to think. We got along well, but we lost touch when I delved into magic. Now I regret not having seen him more often.

What's worse: not knowing what will happen to a relative after death, or knowing for certain that they're suffering eternally in Hell?

The rest of my family is doing okay, which is a relief.

Flying through the forest in my area is a great remedy for bad thoughts.

Day Thirty:

I'm fed up. There's no information on magic. In every library, all I find is "unclean power, spawned by the Devil." The Devil is just one of the many titles for Lucifer.

There are plenty of epithets and disdain for this art, but no details.

Regarding Wonder. It's believed that God's Wonder comes from Light (or God), and that by praying and gaining Faith, you can perform miracles: walking on water, turning one liquid into another, and so on.

Nothing about "Sacred Energy." Here, people simply recite prayers or use "inner light," the presence of God within everyone.

I've learned a few tricks from other angels: telekinesis, levitation (without wings), summoning—calling objects back—and a couple of prayers.


I'm just doing what everyone else does; I'm using a ready-made tool instead of trying to understand its principles. I know "What" I'm doing, but I don't understand "Why" or "How" it works. I don't un-der-stand.

It's nonsense. By the way:

Prayer—rituals or rituals came from prayers. If you recite the prayer for the cleansing of sins, it's as if you're being cleansed. It's mandatory for those who want to drink or engage in sex. Yes, it exists in Paradise too, but only with consent and certain allowances. Until I find a reasonably decent-looking woman and am absolutely sure she's a woman, I won't go near that topic.

Second Month. Day One:

I am William Anderson Jung. I'll write this at the beginning of each entry. I've started introducing myself simply as "Virgil" without a surname. I've learned that many Righteous do this to mark the beginning of a new life, leaving the old behind. But I don't want to. What started as a joke has grown to the point where I'm beginning to lose myself.

The days are passing quickly, almost unnoticed; I'm starting to lose track of time.

By the way, I found a new favorite café: "Eden's Hearth." The owner is a buffalo. The difference from others is that there's no coffee—only tea. The owner's name is Thomas.

The tea is magnificent. Especially the varieties called "Royal Reserve Tea," which combines the aroma and taste of sweet tea and cocoa, and "Gentleman," which gives a feeling of morning freshness and lifts the overall mood. I have no idea how he does it, but the tea is simply wonderful.

Second Month. Day Seven:

I hope this becomes a tradition—gathering important information on the seventh day of the month. This Sunday, in my favorite café, I met an Archangel. He had bright golden wings that even glowed, slightly larger than those of other Righteous.

I sat down and struck up a conversation with him. He shared some insights about the Ranks of Angels, which allow for new wings, enhanced (or changed?) souls, and the development of abilities in Wonder.

He was brief, not revealing much, but in general terms, he described:

Angel: A Righteous being, a simple celestial, First Circle; basic abilities with Wonder (prayers and simple use of "Sacred Energy"), ordinary wings, no duties; can "look" into the souls of humans, but not angels or demons.

Archangel: Golden or fiery energy wings, possibly more; Second Circle, rarely Third; advanced Wonder (prayers, skilled use of Sacred Energy), can create and shape, generate pseudo-life like Golems, more flexible use of Sacred Energy, greater reserves; can "look" into the souls of angels or demons, but not those stronger than themselves; may become Dominions, Powers, etc.; medium duties.

Highest Cherubim: A second pair of wings, Third Circle; supreme Wonder (most flexible use of Sacred Energy, unknown specifics); numerous duties, may become Ophanim, whose Eyes are everywhere in Paradise; many responsibilities.

Seraphim: A third pair of wings, Third Circle. Unknown abilities, possibly the power to create as was done when the Earth was formed. Highest responsibility.

Each promotion involves complex bureaucracy; to earn one, you must prove yourself or demonstrate usefulness to Heaven, showing results. There hasn't been a single example of an ascent from Highest Cherubim to Seraphim, only cases of new births.

Second Month. Day Eight:

I dropped by my favorite tea house, and there was an "Exorcist," as she called herself. I recognized her by her halo and wings, the same as the woman who was with Adam. I struck up a conversation and learned that she works for Adam. She's one of the Powers, angels who protect order and Paradise as warriors.

She's strange, clearly has some mental issues. She answers questions about Hell a bit too sharply. Could it be that the demons down there are constantly trying to invade Earth, and they, led by Adam, are fighting them off?

Regardless, she was an interesting conversationalist. However... it seems she prefers women. Great.

Just when I found the first angel I was sure about, and then this...

Second Month:

I'm tired of idleness and information hunger. I want to work. I want to research something. Enough resting.

Tomorrow, I'm heading to the Department of Research and Development. I'll be applying to the Sin Department; they say they study magic there.

It was around 7-8 AM. After a month and a half in Paradise, I decided to work in the Second Circle. By Righteous standards, I'm a workaholic—after all, I haven't even reached half a century before diving back into work. But what's the point of Paradise if I can't do what I love? All the entertainment became stale after the fifth or tenth Circle, and the places of rest and bliss no longer brought peace. The libraries were filled with incomplete or irrelevant information. How does one stay sane here?

Now, after a week, my application for an interview at the Department of Research and Development in the Second Circle has been approved. Why did it take so long? Others want in too, but there aren't that many compared to other Departments. Still, as I was told, it could be worse—some have to wait for years, and even wings don't help.

(Wings are the term for paper currency in Paradise, featuring wing illustrations; "wingies" refers to them.)

As Elena's colleague told me (I didn't catch her name...), you'll be accepted into the Department regardless, especially if you published a couple of scientific papers during your lifetime and can actually do something.

They'll simply place you somewhere, expecting you to be just another Righteous soul looking to dispel boredom through scientific activities.

But I wasn't interested in mere scientific work. I wanted to explore the mysteries of magical arts, to understand the secrets of Creation. I want to create as the Seraphim did. Maybe even help humanity with its imperfect nature... Make it so that everyone ends up in Paradise... Not a bad starting project. Long-term, sure, but I could invest a hundred or two years into it. And then, ascension to Seraphim wouldn't be far off...

So I need to start somewhere, and the Department of Sin is the very beginning.

As I was told in a reply letter, I will be interviewed by one of the Archangels who works as a kind of "manager" or "deputy director" of the Department, to help navigate this heavenly bureaucracy with its new terminology.

This is a problem because the Archangel can "look" directly into your soul, whatever that means. Presumably, he will be able to tell whether I'm lying or speaking the truth. Maybe he'll even understand my desires and ambitions.

Will he cast me down to Hell for that? Will there be consequences for such desires?

So, I'm currently reading prayers, asking for forgiveness for all this. I don't know if it will help: if it does, I lose nothing; if it doesn't, I'm already in deep trouble.

Right now, I'm sitting in a waiting room of some administrative building in the Second Circle of the DRD (Department of Research and Development). It seems like some kind of "subsidiary" or something like that. The interior and furniture here are the same as in the other departments; only the symbols change. Strict marble walls, soft lighting, lots of glass (or whatever this material is) windows, spacious. It feels like you're not in a city administration, but somewhere in a museum.

Then I receive a signal that the interview is starting—a brief ringing of bells indicating the Archangel's arrival and his readiness to see me.

I stood up and walked through the door.

The Archangel greeted me sitting on a large white cushion, or whatever these things are called, with his legs crossed and hands clasped on his knees. He was humanoid. He didn't have the usual wings; instead, his (for some reason, I know it's a he, perhaps it's a feeling of the soul) head was replaced by small wings with eyes, some of which had gold on them, likely serving as a halo. He was dressed in a white robe adorned with various chains.

He radiated an aura of calmness; next to him, it felt as if you were not at a job interview, but at a friendly conversation, where you simply gathered to discuss a couple of questions. At the same time, there was some kind of... aura? Holy energy? The lack of material on magic doesn't allow me to delve into that direction, leaving me to guess.

"Good morning," the archangel spoke in a calm voice (where did that come from?). "Please, take a seat." He nodded toward a similar cushion slightly to his left.

Responding in kind, I stepped forward and... flopped down onto the cushion. Hmm... comfortable, nothing pinching, no discomfort... Strange.

"I've been told that you wish to work in our Department, Mr..." Without changing his posture, he slightly turned his wings, eyes focused on me.

"Vergilius." I had gotten used to introducing myself with this nickname; at first, it was due to losing a bet, but then it just stuck—I'm grateful that you decided...

"Elahid. Please, let's skip the formalities." He interrupted me with an raised hand. "Let's just chat: tell me about yourself, what you did in life on Earth, what you studied, and what you hope to gain from our Department. Then we will choose the most suitable direction for you..." He spoke softly, almost whispering, but his voice resonated like thunder in this quiet and serene office, which I hadn't even had the chance to examine. For some reason, all my attention was on this archangel.

And I began. I shared with him a brief history of my life: where I studied, what I did, I even mentioned the photograph I took of Heaven (at which he simply nodded, showing no reaction), and I told him about my research on the Miracle (thankfully, I remembered to replace the word "magic" with "Miracle").

What a magnificent jerk... Archangel.

The relaxing atmosphere, the calm tone, the aura, the strange energy... He just lulled my vigilance, and probably saw even more than I told him! My indignation didn't stop me from answering some of his questions.

"Who do you see yourself as in a hundred years?"

"A Seraph."

"An Archangel, and if God allows, perhaps a Higher Cherub..." He spoke as I tried to respond, doing my best not to come across as a lost sinner.

"What would you like to do?"

"Study magic."

"Study the Miracle and Sin." He showed no reaction to my answers; he simply continued asking questions.

"How do you want to apply this knowledge?"

"To change the Universe."

"To help people." Those thoughts... They're my thoughts... Why do they arise in my mind when I don't want to think about them...? His influence?

"What do you think the Miracle is?"

"Magic, not this religious nonsense…"

"God's grace." When will you leave me...?

"Why are you studying science?" — how is this...

"To never be afraid again."

"To discover new things and engage in self-improvement." Where are you even going with this...?

"Why do you do what you do?" — what are you...?

"Because it's my desire."

"Because it's my desire." I can't even...

He clapped his hands, and everything returned to normal; I took a deep breath. He snapped his fingers, summoning a folder and parchment with a quill.

"Wonderful!" he began writing something quickly on the parchment. "You are a good fit for us; I see a passion in you that is not typical of an ordinary Righteous One. You truly want to seek the truth"—the last word was said with some implication that I didn't quite understand. The parchment quickly disappeared in a flash of white light.

"Therefore, I ask you." He handed me a second parchment, no, a paper, with text on it. "Please fill out this enrollment agreement." Without giving me a chance to ask a question, he continued, raising his voice slightly:

"You will be assigned to the Department of Sin, a place where everything related to the unholy, strange, and forbidden is studied." For the first time during our conversation, his tone changed, becoming cautionary. "Take care, Mr. Jung; the forbidden is often forgotten for a reason..."

For a moment, I felt as if I would be incinerated or cast down to Hell right there. It felt like a stern father was looking at me, ready to forbid me from following my own path, fearing it might lead to my ruin.

But then, his eyes sparkled joyfully, and he clapped his hands.

"Father" seemed to take a deep breath and simply patted me on the shoulder, wishing me luck on my chosen path. Everything I choose or do will be on my conscience. That was his answer.

"But let's wrap this up." He took the completed agreement for my placement (it had my real name) in the Second Circle, obligations... were there obligations? "This was a wonderful interview, one of the best in the last year." He stood up and adjusted his robe. I mirrored his movement, slightly swaying, which he didn't pay any attention to.

"Your new Supervisor will explain everything to you." He shook my hand, which I had already offered once...

"He will expect you closer to noon, when you have rested and eaten, and now, I ask you." He gestured toward the door. "Have a good day, William."

I simply nodded and headed for the exit.

Stepping out into the Street of Heaven, I let out a breath.


Then I silently headed to my favorite tea shop.

... If this is the power of an Archangel... What can Higher Cherubim and Seraphim do? I... have never felt such helplessness... Such fear. I must learn what he knows; I must be able to stand against this! I will no longer allow...

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud sound on my right.

Turning towards the familiar meat restaurant, I saw a lively group filling it. "Exorcists," all in identical uniforms, were celebrating something. Strange, where is Adam? Isn't he supposed to be leading this procession?

Just then, a familiar exorcist spotted me and waved, to which I responded in kind, drawing the attention of her colleagues.

I didn't want to deal with them right now. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I just wanted to sip tea in a nice tea shop and then go home and cry... reflect on my mistakes and plan my Plans.

Damn Archangels...