Chapter 3.2."Superbia et Exsultatio".

In extasi, cor vibrat,

Sublimis anima volat,

Superbia, altae se praestat,

Nobis lucem, viam dat.

I was in ecstasy.

For the first time during my entire stay in Paradise, I felt truly happy. No cafes or like-minded companions could replace what my soul craved with all its being. From the very first day of my assignment in the Department, from the moment I was given a task for my probationary period, I was granted access to numerous closed sections that were off-limits to an ordinary Righteous One. Of course, I was sworn to silence, but that was a small price to pay for access to data about Sin throughout the history of humanity.

Magic truly originated from Lucifer. He wanted to give people a way to use Wonder independently of their faith. So that literally anyone could perform magic without needing the help of the Holy Spirit or the Light.

This... says a lot about Lucifer himself. Why did he do it? To mock Heaven? To prove to the Father that people would easily reject His gift if given a more accessible alternative? Regardless of his motives, he succeeded.

The latest data from this decade concludes that people are increasingly disbelieving in the supernatural. No matter how hard the Church tries, no matter how much guardian angels guide humanity, people are gravitating more and more towards magic and Sin. Even without doing anything himself, as his similar activities are no longer mentioned, Lucifer has almost succeeded in eradicating earthly Wonder.

It turns out that in the Old World and for a couple of centuries afterward, people widely used Divine Wonder. Most myths about gods originated from these individuals who harnessed miracles.

What is "magic"? Only Lucifer himself can truly answer this, as he remains a Seraph who might know more about this aspect of God's Design than anyone else—perhaps even more than other Seraphim. If we try to explain it from a human perspective, magic is almost the same as Wonder, except instead of asking the Light for help, a person directly appeals to the Cosmos. The analogy isn't perfect, but neither I nor Dante know any more than that.

All rituals, all runes, all spells are "prayers" and "wonders" for the Cosmos itself. It's unclear why, but magic is weaker than Wonder. The common belief is that magic is a derivative of Wonder, a copy that is inherently weaker, as its source is not God but the Cosmos, bypassing the ultimate authority.

The Cosmos is God, but magic is not based on faith, which makes God deaf to the words of the "mage." Yet, the mage can still achieve their goals. My experience is proof of that: in Paradise, cleansed of Original Sin, I can effortlessly create a stone using Wonder, while I couldn't even manifest a projection of a stone on Earth using a ritual. Wonder requires faith in God and the Holy Spirit, whereas magic demands extensive study, preparation, and skill.

But what's more important are Dante's personal insights about the Ether—the smallest particle of the Cosmos from which everything is made. No one knows exactly how either Light or Darkness was created, and no one even attempts to study it, not without reason, mind you.

Light is God; its understanding is limited by faith. If you try to look deeper… Dante's warnings about "conversations" with the Highest Cherubim and his vivid descriptions of the "journeys" of the Seraphim clearly indicate the danger of raising my voice too loudly about magic.

When knowledge replaces faith, and that knowledge undermines belief, it constitutes a penetration into God's Design, which is Sin, as God does not wish for His servants to know more than necessary. God's servants are expected to have faith, and in return, He grants them miracles.

Darkness, however… is true Evil. It's like trying to stop a typhoon with bare hands or survive the heat of the Sun while orbiting it. Only the Seraphim have some understanding and attempt to grasp it. Only they can peer into the abyss and not be blinded.

I need either to become a Seraph or get as close to one as possible. Sera or Lucifer are my only viable options. I can at least find a way to approach Sera without needing to rise in rank, while the latter... well, just in case.

"I will not fall from Heaven."

Studying the Ether implies creating a new way to use what Wonder is based on. Of course, Dante and I are not Seraphim, but trying to adapt it for ourselves... We would literally be stealing parts of the machinery, inserting them into our own, and attempting to understand what each part does. A scientific method, in other words.

And it's thrilling...

As I pondered, I kept half an ear on my colleagues discussing the upcoming collaborative project—a kind of treatise or directive for the Righteous on how to maintain purity. But more importantly...

"Today, we finally received a statement from a Seraph." Our mechanical Supervisor's voice was briefly drowned out by gasps of surprise; even Remigius stirred. "A request from the Supreme Seraph of the Golden City, Sera." A request from Sera herself—what could she possibly want from our office? Isn't her role just to ensure the safety of souls in the City? Though...

— The details of the request are not yet disclosed; it's only a request for the acceptance of a large project, — Dante said, placing his hands on the table, fingers intertwined. — Approximately a year from now, the entire Department will be under the leadership of Adam. — Now my own surprised gasp joined those of the others.

— The only thing known about the details of the upcoming work is its secrecy, — his mechanical voice lowered. — Each of you will need to take another Vow of Silence, and the rest must convincingly say that we are working on a common project and ask others to believe it.

Seraphim and their secrets. Honestly, the longer I live in Paradise, the more I realize that sometimes this place is almost identical to Earth. It's no wonder humans were created in the image and likeness of angels.

— That's all; thank you for your attention. — My colleagues began to gather: some immediately flew out the window (on wings), while others practically dashed out of the hall. — Vergilius, please stay behind.

And here it was, the moment of truth.

As soon as all my colleagues left and Dante and I were alone in the hall, he spoke:

— William, — the Archangel said, predictably sharing everything he had learned. — I was very impressed with your work on your project. Your contribution to increasing the Department's productivity is invaluable, and your inquisitive mind craves new challenges... — His voice even took on a more human tone.

Of course, organizing old data and rewriting it using new methods and templates isn't exactly groundbreaking. The only ones who would truly appreciate such work are the other Departments that intersect with Sin, necessitating data requests from our office. Damn, just to avoid handling paperwork like Dante or any other higher-ranking angel, studying the Ether is worth it.

Lucifer created magic for those without faith, and we will create the art of the Ether to conquer bureaucracy. A brilliant plan and a solid line for my personal file.

— ... But I want to ask you, — he leaned slightly forward, and the light in the room dimmed a bit. — How would you feel about the opportunity to work together with me on one of my projects?

The project "Etherius," aimed at discovering a new way to harness the energy of the Cosmos, which had been associated with Wonder for the sake of research and systematization. None of the angels knew its true nature, so it felt like throwing a dart in the dark, hoping to hit the Divine Throne.

What can be said about Dante? A dark horse—I literally don't understand why he's bothering with me when, by all accounts, he should be indifferent. The only somewhat plausible hypothesis is that he wants to find a scapegoat in case his plan fails. If we end up igniting a portion of the Cosmos or spawning a new wave of disbelief among people, I'd be lucky if they just "overthrew" me from Heaven. More likely, I'd be turned into a Junior Cherub, losing my identity and leaving only echoes of my former soul. I wonder if all Junior Cherubs are angels turned into infants, or if there are some unbegotten among those little ones?

Either way, it's worth the risk.

— Of course, Mr. Supervisor, — I nod, smiling. — I wouldn't refuse the opportunity to work with such an experienced angel on such a complex endeavor.

I couldn't read his emotions; he was just a fully white humanoid figure, made of mechanisms and various golden and dark components. An "android," as he might be called in science fiction. Even his wings and halo were mechanical. But he rose and walked toward me, and I did the same.

When we stood facing each other in the dimly lit conference hall, we shook hands firmly.

— I hope for a fruitful collaboration, — he said, shaking my hand with a grip that was truly ironclad.

— Likewise, Mr. Supervisor, — I replied. He didn't squeeze my wrist, but I felt the binding of a Non-Disclosure Pact. Interesting...

— Just call me Dante, — his voice finally took on a distinctly masculine tone. — After all, now we're both in the same boat.

— Of course, Mr. Dante, — the honeyed words lightly stroked his ego, lifting the mood. — I won't let you down.

— Of course, of course... — But why did his voice suddenly change? — Willy (original Vitalik).

Here's a Douchebag.

Am I really going to be humiliated by every Archangel I come across?!

Pov Adam

Adam was bored.

If he were bored in Heaven, he could just go with Luc to unwind or hold another training session with his Exorcists. But no, his long tongue and lack of tact had brought him to this hole on Earth, a place teeming with animals and insects, and, for some reason (though he had his suspicions), an unusually high number of snakes, which was not typical for this continent.

Right now, he was sitting on the roof of a local church with his new friends: a small white snake with red eyes named Lucignit, who was currently coiling around his left arm and trying to bite it, and a black snake named Mrazilit, who was constricting his neck. This was the second snake after the first one he had "accidentally" crushed. At least these guys provided the illusion of company while he engaged in yet another task he had done countless times before. Another idiot had decided to fix—resolve—create problems through yet another demon, likely one from the Goetia, judging by the foul-smelling emanations.

Lucignit broke his fangs trying to bite into his wrist.

This carrion from the lower ranks of the Goetia, or whatever they called themselves, was definitely not a Prince or one of the Sins. Otherwise, Sera wouldn't have sent him alone for cleanup. If it were one of the Princes, they would have sent their best Exorcists along with him. And if a Sin had somehow slipped through... a pair of Wheel Cherubim would have incinerated yet another manifestation of those abominable creatures, leaving Adam with a holy fire to roast marshmallows.

Now, hidden from human eyes and other demons by wonders, he flew toward the place where the summoning ritual had presumably taken place. It had been recent; the stench of filth, or rather demonic energy, was still strong. There was no sign of destruction or distortion yet—the demon had just landed on Earth.

At a glance, Adam would give it two or three days at most. The demon likely wanted to stand out in its circles or simply decided to have some fun. Adam didn't care about the reasons; he had a job to do, and he would get it done. Meanwhile, Shlulit was still trying to strangle him… just like...

Shaking his head, Adam flew on, creating light with his wings that purified the vile and rotten emanations of this place. Purification, forgiveness, and the redemption of human souls weren't his strong suits. No matter how amazing he was, Adam fully acknowledged his flaws... all of them. He missed nothing.

"And here's the party spot," Adam thought, looking at the old factory—or whatever that large building with various huge pipes was. Humans were always changing their architecture, coming up with new buildings with ridiculous names. "Who would have thought there'd be some freaks inside..."

What would his Exorcists do? Surround the building and enter from different sides, maybe even devise a few tactics. What about the other Archangels and their subordinates? They might decide to call for backup. Adam?

He simply burst through the roof, instantly incinerating any filth that a demon might have set up. Another protective barrier, more cultists trying to summon a demon that, by the way, should still be here.

It used to be a rare occurrence for humans to summon demons. In the past, humanity understood the dangers of dealing with the creations of Hell. Most could purify a place on their own, without resorting to prayers that required angelic intervention. These thoughts didn't stop Adam from immediately incinerating two of the four cultists with beams of light and binding the last two with holy spears.

One wore a brown cloak and dark formal attire typical of the era, while the other seemed to be dressed in the style of the Ashen Serpent, that accursed... The outer layer of clothing was white, and the inner lining was blood-red, topped off with a red scarf tied like a tie. What Adam hated most about his work was witnessing the echoes of the Devil's influence on humanity—in any form.

These two were talking about something, probably again about how they didn't want or how they wished for the welfare of the people-humanity-family, Adam didn't care. They all have beautiful words that hide their rotten and terrible natures, eaten away by Sin.

...Listen here, you wicked scum... - the embodiment of holy spear made of pure Light pierced the cultist's stomach, causing him to scream in agony. Adam punched him in the face, silencing him. - You are just stealing all your plans and what you have already done, and I might put in a good word for you before Peter, to... - Adam knew that this would not happen.

Only a couple of hundred times in his entire practice, the cultist he was interrogating would repent and give up literally everything. He had to silence them when they confessed to the cult. He wasn't interested in their lives. Adam, keeping his word, did indeed intercede for such souls before God's Judgment. Most of them still ended up in Hell, but he didn't give his word that they would definitely be accepted into Heaven.

All he needed was for the soul to give "formal" consent for him to "look into" it. Adam was not interested in details, he just knew that it could work and work well, and that was all he needed.

And now he saw another story, another idiot who decided to bite off more than he could chew. How many times had he seen something like this... Disgusting.

And where did this bullshit come from? It started in the Old World, when his first incarnation, may he be damned in Hell for what he did, decided to play at cities and founded one, and then They showed up.

They spoiled His legacy even from their stinking hole, this mockery of a "Heaven" that this Seraphim wanted to create, this arrogant scum, this...

Adam drove the spear deeper into the cultist's stomach, prolonging the man's agony.

And back in the Old World, humanity freely used the Miracle and miracles. Almost everyone could in one way or another do what the Righteous in Heaven could, limited only by their bodies. But all it took was for Them to intervene, to introduce this... "Magic", this belch, mockery of God's Miracle. The essence of the Pride of the Serpent. His attempt to interfere with the Plan. His mockery of Heaven and Light.

This bullshit ruined everything that Adam wanted to give humanity, his Legacy, his attempt to redeem the Sin of his wife through their children. Because of this bullshit, much blood was shed, wars were fought, minds were distorted, just to ultimately tarnish the reputation of any manifestation of God on Earth.

Now, in recent centuries, hardly anyone even knows what the Divine Miracle is, hardly anyone can use even a small part of what was once their heritage. Nowadays, some idiots don't even believe in Him, think He doesn't exist, think there is nothing...

The cultist died. His soul did not go to Hell, he simply burned it with his Light of faith. With his wrath. Oops.... But who cares.

So, Snowflake, now you... - something unexpected happened. For any other angel, but not for Adam.

This idiot was possessed by a demon itself, which was now saying something to him. Adam didn't give a damn, he had heard all the variations of this nonsense, so he just prepared to cut off the existence of this demon while it was babbling its speeches.

God's Miracle - His grace. It is what He gives to all of them out of His all-encompassing kindness. Trying to delve or peek deeper than necessary is a waste of time, according to Adam.

Even the Seraphim do not venture into these depths, even those beings that, seemingly, are closest to the Light, do not attempt to comprehend it, but on Earth there are still idiots who think themselves smarter than beings older than their kind.

Here a demon, whose name didn't matter anymore, was already...

... And I swear by my name, angel, I offer.... - Oh. He wants something from him.

Oh really. - Adam simply showed his middle finger, from which a wide beam of light emerged, incinerating the demon on the spot.

And that's it. The demon's soul is destroyed, and now... He will have to walk through presumably every place where this demon could have left his servants and personally clean up this dump from all the crap that has accumulated. He didn't care about the humans, they will sort out their own problems. They didn't need his help, otherwise they would have come to him themselves.

"Shlyulit had already tried to strangle him, while she was tearing her mouth open trying to swallow his helmet. Nasty. Adam ripped the viper off his neck and threw it aside, letting it burn.

"If Lut doesn't prepare a week's supply of ribs for me upon my return, then I will definitely arrange a personal Hell for her and her friends."