Chapter 5.1 Workdays and Business Meetings

In the tall spire of the Third Circle's administrative building, in the assembly hall somewhere on the nth floor, a place that has no stairs leading to it because no staircase leads to it, a place that can only be reached by flight, be it the wings of an angel or the Miracle of the Righteous… Who knows, maybe even some demon, possessing the ability to fly, be it wings, magic, or some other method, maybe even using Ether… To teleport, for example! Seraphim somehow do that…

Anyway, in this hall now gathered in full force the Department of Sin, including Lieutenant Lyut from the Department of the First Man… And each of them (except for myself, but even here I'm not sure) looked at my figure, which, placing my hands on the table, crossed them in front of me, remained silent. They were silent - I was silent. Harmony.

No one broke the silence, not even that… Dante-the-bastard, who had just signed me up for an adventure that I… wasn't quite unprepared for, but rather unsure about the question – "can I handle this?". All I did before that was just quietly study the material that my… Borrowed by my Leader, adapted methods and invented formulas, similar to mathematical ones… Oh yeah, also worked with papers and learned to cook. Plus, a little bit. Just a little bit. Automated the Department's processes.

Where's the catch here? That's right, in my work history there is no word "Management", "Command", "Resource Allocation", and also… What was it again… Oh yeah. "Working with the Third Circle."

I'm only forty-five years old, forty-three on Earth, plus two in Heaven (instead of birthdays, in Heaven they celebrate the day a soul enters this very Heaven). Young, taut, and…

Okay… If I keep sitting like this, we'll be here for a long time, and Lyut's time is not infinite. Although, who knows. Maybe if Adam or the Seraphim order her, she'll just stand here for a hundred years.

I'll talk to Dante-the-bastard later, but right now I need to get back to the topic.

Namely, Sera's Project.

The goal is to somehow (any way that works, if I understand correctly) alleviate the suffering of the soul upon death. And also, this soul is "sort of" in Hell. That is, to alleviate the suffering of the Sinner after his death from a weapon in Hell itself.

What is this suffering? Why does the soul suffer after death? Okay, the last question is pointless, since this is a "sort of" Hell, where the soul is supposed to "sort of" go, then the Sinner should suffer. He deserves it.

But the first question is still relevant. "Burns" or "suffers torment and pain" are not complete answers. What exactly causes the soul to suffer? The death itself or the weapon? What happens to the soul when it suffers? Does it tear apart into pieces that "incorrectly" merge, or is it like being "scratched" by claws? And what happens next? I haven't been given an answer to any of these questions, and it's simply not in the public records. Adam mentioned that something may be known to the Higher Cherubim, but go there and get it. This alone will take months, and it's unclear what will be needed further down the line.

Lyut, on the other hand… Obviously, she definitely knows about this topic… She must be… He-he-he… Let's try.

"Mrs. Lyut." I begin cautiously in a calm voice.

"Just Lyut, sir." The angel responds in the same tone. "By order of the Higher Seraphim and Commander Adam, I am obligated to answer all your questions that will help complete the Project." Not a single hesitation, not a stutter, only military bearing.

The others simply listened silently, sitting in their places.

"Lyut, I want to ask a series of questions about…" I pause, choosing my words. "These souls of 'potential' Sinners who are 'sort of' in Hell."

"I will answer all your questions that do not violate my Vows, sir." Her eagle-like gaze of golden eyes focused on me.

"Okay, Lyut…" I summon the journal with a weaving spell, marking out new pages for future Project entries. Code name "Salvation." "First question. What exactly causes the suffering… Of the object: the weapon, the surrounding space, or something else?" I closely watched her expression, keeping the pen poised over the journal page.

Lyut, for the first time in our meeting, changed in appearance: for a moment, a flicker of… uncertainty? I can't say for sure, it was too fast, but Lyut still gave an answer:

"I don't know all the details, but the First Department believes that the suffering is caused by the weapon with which the shell… of the Object is killed." On the last word, she laughed merrily. "Personally, I think the soul experiences fear and trembling before falling from the blade…" She hesitated again. "Or firearms."

Like all other people, Lyut. Okay… Having written down what was said on the page, I asked a new question:

"Lyut, do you know what exactly happens to the soul when it… dies?" She simply shook her head… Let's write it down: the object suffers because it's killed… Does she know anything useful besides the part about the killing?

"What is expected of our Department, by Adam and Sera? We need to come up with one or multiple solutions that each of us must implement in reality?" She looked at me, slightly lost, which is surprising for such a woman.

… I think if the Department comes up with a lot of solutions, that would be good…" – an unsure tone, her gaze losing its sharpness. Lyut isn't the type who sits in an office filling out paperwork, answering questions from other Departments, is she? Let's write it down like this: Lyut - a unit commander, an angel of action and strength…

Okay, and what do YOU expect from our Department? – at this question, each of my colleagues, including the Leader-bastard, looked at Lyut, to which she didn't react at all, only returned her gaze and regained her firmness in posture.

Sir, I am here only for consultation with the Project Leader, I have no such duties. – classic Lieutenant. I've known such people in my earthly life… Then we can try this:

Lieutenant Lyut. – my tone, hopefully commanding, she straightened her back even more and, it seems, raised her chin higher. – I, as the immediate leader and curator of this Project, need to speak with your Commander, at a time that is free for him, can you organize this meeting? – no details, only what I could find out myself by looking into the text of the Cherubim. Adam can still send me off, like he did recently, but if he's free and I prepare his favorite ribs… How nice it is to have the right connections, right?

… I will pass on your request to my Commander, but I cannot promise that he will accept your offer, sir. – I just nodded at that.

Dismissed, you are free to go. – She even saluted, striking her chest, leaving the room with a graceful step.

As soon as the door closed, I slowly turned to Dante, and the others…


"Wow, that's…"

"How unusual!… "

"Magnificent material for…"

"… "


Each of the "Sins" decided to express their words to me, but I didn't listen, I just looked at this…

"Why?" - I tried to convey all my attitude towards this act of my Leader and Partner in Research.

"Angry? You shouldn't be. Young angel, not even half a century old, brilliantly fulfills the Seraphim's assignment…" - in Dante's voice, you could hear anticipation, and through the connection, I sensed excitement, caution, and… cunning? I need more practice. – "Having proven yourself before the Supreme Seraphim of the City, you'll get a chance to rise straight to the Third Circle's office, opening up for us…"

"What are they…" – a melodic female voice said.

"Talking with their heads, Fedelia." – a low voice answered.

Neither I nor Dante paid attention to the others, right now something else was important for both of us…

"If I succeed, Dante. If" - I think he felt my anger through the connection, because he switched to a calming tone, playing positive emotions (I can't make out this piece) in the connection.

"Virgil, you have the entire Department of Sin at your disposal, you have my help, you can even go for consultation to the Seraphim himself, how can you possibly lose with such starting conditions?" – he was clearly using some kind of weaving, because my negative emotions disappeared, and it became easier for me to think. – "Verg, think for yourself, what you can achieve by becoming Sera's assistant, you'll be able to push our…"

"The Leader is evil~…" – another quiet female voice.

"Maybe we should…" – a quiet male voice echoed the female one.

"Nah, I want to see if they'll fight." – Frol, I recognize this mockery everywhere.

While my colleagues were busy with God knows what, I interrupted Dante.

"I understand, Dante." – his stream of thoughts interrupted, yielding to mine. – "One question - why didn't YOU want to 'prove' yourself? Have you done something wrong in the eyes of the Third Circle?" – that's when I slightly touched a nerve. I hope so, because through the mental connection, I sensed irritation.

"Think for yourself, what if I, an Archangel, who has been toiling in this Heaven for over half a millennium, can prove anything to anyone? Such results are expected of me, Virgil." - Dante explained to me like a little child. I don't like it when he does that… – "I'm an experienced worker, who has already fulfilled the Seraphim's orders many times, but you… are a different case." – on the last word, his voice regained good-natured notes, and the emotions once again vibrated with contentment.

"So, we'll just sit and wait?" – the same male voice… Philip.

"There were no other instructions." – the calm and stern voice of Theodore.

"I understand… Will you at least help?" – if you're just hiding behind these beautiful words just to engage in Weaving while I work on this "hack job" (Remygius always talks about such simple projects in this way) - "Only if you have absolutely no ideas, my dear friend." – damn, I knew it… – "If I interfere too much…"

He began to speak in the typical manner of my professor when he wanted to unload all the work on me while he could rest those days. The words, the context change, but the meaning remains the same.

As I said - "I will remember."

"… That's what I'm telling her, I'm developing…" - Amadeo was telling Philip something.

"London, you're on 'N'." – Fedelia decided to have some fun.

"Nutenbergstan." – Remygius answers weakly, not in a sporty way. There is no such city or village! It's a bet, considering that each of my colleagues is older than me, and also it's the Department of Sin, then… Was there such a city-village?

The others just sat and went about their business: Frol read some book, and Theodore simply straightened up, leaned back in his chair, and closed his eyes.

I clapped my hands loudly, attracting the attention of the "Sins".

"Alright…" – I leaned back, placing my hands clasped on my chest. – "Who has what suggestions on the data available?" – I'm already so damn… The "Sins" exchanged glances, a pause of a second, and….

Philip scratched his head and decided to go straight to the point:

"We can use music." – Philip decided to approach from the perspective of his last job. He was wrong, he's simply using his old methods in a new project, as always…

Remygius didn't even rise from the table, he just turned his head towards me, and raised his voice:

"I suggest we postpone the discussion until you talk to the Seraphim to clarify the details." – Remygius, as expected, offered the simplest solution. I expect he'll start working on his part of the Project somewhere… In a month, which, of course, will be better than most.

Amadeo simply raised her hand, speaking only when I looked in her direction, nodding:

We could create a Miracle analogous to the Prayer of Cleansing, which would cleanse the soul of suffering? - Amadeo, strangely enough, was serious and no longer daydreaming. Now she was somehow too composed when it came to the Seraphim's order. First time for her too?

A Miracle that cuts off any sensations of the shell, depriving it of agony. – Frol said after me, bored, folding her arms across her chest, placing the book on the table.

Theodore spoke quietly, not caring if he might not be heard. Had he not slept?

Special pills that would take away the pain? – Theodore was concise, he had stayed up late again yesterday, preparing another dish, or had he finally found himself a companion? Either way… I'll have to talk to him during our lessons, in case anything happens – to help.

Fedelia squirmed excitedly in her seat, looking at me with half-open eyes.

Pheromones that excite, allowing them to enjoy this agony! – Fedelia… actually offered a not bad idea. If these are the souls of Sinners, then why not give them what they deserve?

Dante simply remained silent.

I wrote down everyone's words, and then slammed the journal shut, which disappeared in a blue light.

Remygius is right, – the designated one exclaimed, raising his hand. – Our guesses will be meaningless if we're on the wrong path. I suggest we disperse, and I'll stop by the Boss in the evening to clarify the details, and tomorrow I'll tell the Department the details. – That's what we decided.

Everyone started to disperse, saying goodbye to each other as they exited the spire, clearly going home and enjoying Paradise.

But I still have to go to the Department, fill out paperwork… Damn Paradise and damn bureaucracy!


Evening of the same day. Exactly nine o'clock in the evening.

And so… Just take this tablet and read the prayer… Do I need to believe that I will be transported where I need to be?

Well… As they say in our Department - "You won't know until you try", why not?

Starting to read aloud, just in case, the prayer of purification, used by guardian angels to cleanse some human souls of their sins, the symbols on the tablet began to glow with a violet light…

I looked through the general library, these symbols are not from our era, the era of the New World, after the Flood… Could this be the first language spoken by the first people born after Eden?

The thought was interrupted by the light, which completely blinded me, and when I blinked, I found myself in a new place, with the same tablet that was now hanging above me.

Is this the office of the Supreme Seraphim of the City?

Most of the wall to my left was glass, extending the entire height of the room, and in front of me, circling me in a semi-circle, was a wall made of gold-blue material, the wall itself was more beige than white, and it was filled with various patterns, metallic drawings of Chains and… a Unicorn?

The office interior was identical to ours: minimalism (apparently this is a style in architecture and art that doesn't exist on Earth yet…), combined with pleasing patterns.

There was no furniture with intricate designs, they were simple geometric shapes: a coffee table - round with a purple pattern on it, a wide rectangular table at which the Seraphim herself was now sitting, not yet noticing me, allowing me to look around, chairs… Besides the one at which Sera was working and another one opposite, there weren't any in the room. The chairs were monolithic, in one color.

Parchments, papers, and books, apparently reference books or some kind of appendix to documents, were flying all over the office. And in the background… music was playing. It was simply a composition consisting of piano and violin, nothing special, the notes fell fairly evenly on top of each other, creating a relaxing and quiet atmosphere.

Sera herself was now looking down at the table, signing another paper or writing something to the left and right of herself. This continued for a minute.

Two minutes… Three… Five… Is she intentionally doing this, or does she really not notice me?

Excuse me, Your Majesty. – she seriously, jumped up, gasping? Is it really that easy to sneak up on the Seraphim?

… Excuse me, I didn't notice your presence, – Sera, as expected, quickly regained control of herself, speaking in the same stern tone she used at the recent meeting. – The flash of teleportation escaped me, melting into the ordinariness of this… – she pointed at all the flying streams of paper. – This important part of the work. – I nodded.

Bureaucracy can defeat even a Seraphim? If I ever want to seize power in the Golden City, I'll just create chaos in paperwork, creating a rush every two days.

I apologize for interrupting your workflow, but you said you could hold a consultation at nine… – I approached her desk and sat in the chair opposite, Sera didn't react to this at all… Interesting.

So soon? – there was genuine surprise in her voice? She expected us to start working right away, having such meager information? – …That is, of course, I will answer all your questions…

As if she had been expecting this, she put aside the papers she had been working on, and the flying stream of paper stopped when the last papers flew to their rightful place. Sera placed her hands on the table, clasped them in front of her, and looked expectantly at me. There was a slight smile on her face, almost like an invitation… Wait a minute, is this another trick of higher-ranking angels?!

This time I won't fall for it. Even though it's the Seraphim, she's not trying to expose me, it seems, it's just her… aura? I think if she wanted to, she would shake everything out of me, I wouldn't even realize what happened…

Either way, I gathered my thoughts.

…As I said, I would like to clarify a couple of questions regarding your… our Project… – she nodded approvingly, urging me to continue. – What do you expect as a result? – seeing a flash of irritation in her eyes, I quickly clarified. – How exactly do you want the Department to stop the suffering of the Objects? – Sera frowned upon hearing my definition.

Sera didn't answer for about ten seconds, until she replied:

In my vision, the soul of the Gr… "Object" after the death of its shell, breaks apart into pieces, or… – she hesitated, grimacing when she used my term. – Is torn apart? No, it's more like it goes somewhere! – as if recognizing something to herself, Sera exclaimed.

Yes. You can consider that the soul of the "object" simply goes somewhere into the surrounding space after the death of the shell. – her tone again became calm and… tired? Can Seraphim get tired?

Nodding, I continued: if the soul goes somewhere and already experiences torment there, then it's… Wait a minute.

Does the soul experience torment "before" or "after" the destruction of the shell? Maybe "during" the process? – looking at Sera again (but not directly into her eyes), I clarified once more, to which Sera also pondered for a moment.

… Obviously, the process of killing the shell is not pleasant, but that's not what I need. – she shook her head, waving her white-gray curls, which were gathered in separate spiral curls, all over her hairstyle. – The important thing is that "after" the death of the shell, the soul begins to experience torment. – she closed her white eyes with dark gray whites.

And what kind of torment is that? What kind of, burning in flames, disintegration of the soul into particles, torment of the soul… – Sera interrupted my stream of questions, raising her palm, surprising me.

I don't know. – simple words that undermined my faith in the absolute of the Seraphim. – This role given to me in God's Plan doesn't provide me with such knowledge.

… – This is… – What about other Seraphim? – this question is literally on the edge of what is allowed, but… "I WANT TO KNOW" – my personal code of life.

… Their interference in the Project will be… – she paused, choosing her words, until she continued in a cold tone, and the smile vanished. – Inadmissible in any form. The Supreme Council is aware of this Project, the other Seraphim must not know about it. – logically, I have already made a Vow.

I remained silent, waiting for Sera to continue… And when I didn't hear an explanation, I decided to approach it from a different angle:

Thank you for your trust. – I received a similar nod in response. – Returning to our topic. So we need to interrupt the torment of the soul that occurs after it separates from the shell… – she nodded with the same smile as at the beginning. – Should we provide one or multiple solutions?

If the proposed method is approved, it will be accepted for testing, which will be conducted by Adam with his Department, whom you, if your solutions pass the test, will need to teach how to use the solutions you have created. – I nodded and wrote it down in the journal with a pen, which I summoned with a weave from my spatial pocket…

I don't know exactly what this "spatial pocket" actually is, what laws of souls are behind it, but that's what Dante called this phenomenon when he was teaching me miracles when we were just starting to work on our projects. Something like a kind of "space" that exists within the soul? As soon as I finish the "Salvation" project, I'll definitely start studying the question.

What about the literature that we might need in our research? – if the deadlines at least get shortened…

I will give you a seal, with which you can take the literature you need right on the spot. – I already love this job, and the Department will love Sera, if it didn't already.

Now… – I hesitated. There was a reason for it, this topic was not for nothing forbidden from general access, although many Departments work with it. – I would like to talk about the details of working with the soul.

Sera looked at me expectantly, and her gaze became sharper.

You see, personally, I, for my Department, they don't ask about such things. – Sera smiled understandingly. – Our Department decided that each of us would develop our own option, which we, at our verification meetings, which will be – Sera nodded approvingly. – in the future, we will present all our solutions for your review. – I hesitated again, but quickly continued, under Sera's encouraging smile. – You see, I am unfamiliar with this direction, which could hinder my work on this part of the task. Therefore, I ask you… – the most dangerous moment. – Can you teach me how to work with souls?

Sera just tilted her head slightly to the side, with what seemed to be playfulness in her eyes, looking at me.

If it helps you fulfill my request, then I will teach you. – Holy shit… – But! – there's always a "but"…

To access this knowledge, you must take another Vow. – I nodded without hesitation. – Also, you must not in any way use the knowledge you have acquired to harm any soul, be it heavenly or earthly. – another quick nod. – Then we can begin…

Sera quickly wrote the Vow, such things aren't written with ordinary ink, but with their own… "Holy Power"? I haven't been interested in this topic, and there's no material on it. In general, the angel must bring letters onto parchment from their own energy, which is then blessed with a prayer. The time and quality of the Vow varies with the angel's skill, here – the Seraphim, who finished in half a minute, although the preparation of such Vows can take weeks. I didn't hesitate and quickly signed it, after which the parchment entered my soul, passing through the shell.

The rest of the evening, until twelve o'clock at night, Sera mentored me in this direction. The most productive hours of my stay in Paradise.