Chapter 6.1: Unexpected Promotion and New Acquaintances

Spire of the Supreme Seraph. Four days before the general meeting of the Department of Sin.

"... And then I start shooting..." Adam shapes his hands like a 'gun'— 'Bang-bang!' and there's no building with two Overlords! Adam was as always expressive, constantly changing his tone from serious to playful, seasoning his performance with the voice of his facial pantomime. His mask-like face didn't hold one expression for longer than ten or twenty seconds; he used his mimicry and gestures to convey all the feelings and emotions from the last Extermination. The faithful lieutenant Lute sometimes chimed in, explaining what was probably happening in reality and providing exact numbers of the slain Sinners.

"Adam," Sera said in a tired voice. Adam immediately fell silent, somehow breaking into a sweat under his mask and robe. Again with the antics. "I'm not interested in how you exterminated the Sinners; I need to know the results of the Department of Sin's methods assessment." Sera wearily massaged her face. In recent months, she had gotten used to a different company that respected her time and nerves...

"Hehe..." Adam nervously chuckled, but then quickly composed himself and became serious. "Almost everything proposed is crap without a stick." Lute nodded in agreement.

"... Explain." Sera turned fully to Adam and returned her face to a serious expression.

"All these songs or 'energies,' of course, sound good on paper..." Adam shrugged. "But they almost always fail in execution or have quality defects." Adam clasped his hands behind his back while Lute,passed a small stack of papers to Sera.

"The same prayers have a limited range of effect, and besides," Adam grimaced. "It's clear that our bright minds in the Department have never done fieldwork, or they would have thought of the obvious things any warrior knows." Adam looked at Sera, whose gaze had lifted from the reports of the First Department.

"Using these prayers, even that sexy little monk, consumes too much energy." At the questioning look from Sera, Adam raised a warning hand. "No, for an ordinary angel, the cost isn't high, but that's the problem. My three girls almost collapsed from the excessive use of that 'method' from the sexy monk in the Department of Sin." Now Adam didn't hide his irritation. "I had to assign six to keep an eye on them until the end of the Extermination."

"But..." Sera wasn't strong in military matters, but she knew about humanity's wars, so...

"If we try to cover the whole cesspool with a prayer, then I have to do it." Adam pointed to himself, and Lute nodded. "That means taking my subordinates out of the fight and the end of my fun as a damned killing machine, turning me into some kind of jester who just sings lullabies for souls, like some damned Junior Cherub."

"But these..."

"If we take a different approach and fly over separate areas instead of evenly distributing ourselves across the city, we'll lose in both quality and quantity of kills." Adam shifted his gaze to Lute.

"If we concentrate our forces only on areas where miracles are occurring, our cleansing metrics will drop significantly; we'll stop meeting our Clean-Up quota or we'll need another day for Extermination." Without a single stutter, in a calm, strict voice, Lute reported.

"I don't want to descend into this rotting hole any more often than I already have." Adam crossed his arms over his chest.

"What about..." Sera frowned.

"The miracle that's applied to a single Sinner during a Clean-Up is inherently ineffective; such tricks are better suited for me, as I can scatter them left and right, rather than for my girls, who might just collapse from exhaustion if they push themselves too hard, as they usually do." Adam shot a sullen glance at Sera.

"Unless..." Adam's brow relaxed, "that blessing from Snowflake for my girls' weapons has proven effective: autonomous, no brain-numbing involved, requiring nothing more." He slapped Lute on the shoulder. "Lute."

"The spears captured souls on their own, demonstrating this with a blue glow, and then... the souls went somewhere; I could feel it perfectly, how the souls of those filthy Sinners crumbled to dust, drifting into the void of the Cosmos..." As she spoke, Lute's smile turned into a grin. "It was beautiful."

"What the Crazy One said." Adam pointed a finger at Lute, who nodded. "I had a great time, along with the music of the crumbling Sinners' souls. Awesome." Adam gave a thumbs up, and his mask expressed joy: a kind and cheerful smile, a naive dreamer's gaze, and a tongue sticking out.

"..." Sera didn't share Adam's love for the destruction of Sinner souls, considering it somewhat... excessive punishment, but... Sera took a deep breath. "If you say so." Sera set aside Adam's report and sat down at her desk, taking a pen in hand and starting to fill out the papers.

Sometimes, as Sera observed, she missed that Ether miracle that Vergil used; he somehow managed to utilize the Ether itself to simplify paperwork, making her job significantly easier. Vergil never mentioned that he used the Ether, well aware that such a privilege was reserved for the Third Circle and certain individuals from the Departments of the Second Circle. The laws governing the Ether were complex for an ordinary mind; their true nature was only accessible to Seraphim and, partially, to Afanims, the strongest among them and the closest to God.

Sera herself did not fully understand all the boundaries of this art; she was not among the top ten Seraphim, though she had participated in the Creation, and even she had not been fully informed. She understood very well how dangerous this knowledge was, how much evil could be wrought with its help. Lucifer was a perfect example of careless disregard for the rules. It was only after his "rebellion" that rules and restrictions on the use of the Ether were instituted, leaving such privileges only for those who had proven their control and willpower.

And here, right in front of her, as if it were the norm, the Ether was being used. Without any overtly negative consequences for her soul, Sera felt that the Ether merely entwined and lightly brushed against her essence, just as Vergil had said. Except... the method Vergil used... She couldn't see it fully, but his soul... His holiness, the halo, as the simple angels called it, was changing. Sera was not a scholar; she did not possess the knowledge that the Seraphim of the High Council had, nor did she have access to the most secret books from the collections of Heaven. But even she noticed "something."

Vergil's method was unique, at least to her. She had never seen a simple soul so easily apply something that required a deep understanding of the Universe and the Gaze. A gaze beyond the veil, a glimpse into God's design. Usually, after undergoing this rite, an angel was never the same, yet this simple Angel, who wasn't even a century old, effortlessly did what demanded immense faith and Knowledge.

But this was dangerous Knowledge. The Seraphim didn't impose a ban on the use of the Ether by ordinary Angels or Archangels for no reason, and what Vergil was doing... was dangerous. This was a realm where mistakes could cost a soul, and excessive use was unpredictable. Therefore, even the Seraphim used the Ether only in long-tested ways; otherwise, they risked being cast away from Him.

What Vergil was doing...

Sera... was not against it. Perhaps other Seraphim would forbid this angel from such practices, perhaps they would reprimand him or impose Punishment...

But Sera was not one of those; she herself... as Adam once said, "was smeared beyond all measure." With the Council's approval, she initiated the annual purges of Hell to prevent any uprising. Sera was not as perfect and pure as many in Heaven believed, and the fact that she was close to someone who openly, albeit unknowingly, acted similarly... violating the fundamental principles of Heaven, spitting on the Rules... inspired her, even... pleased her?

Sera couldn't quite make up her mind, but one thing she had decided for sure. If Virgil wasn't harming the surrounding souls of Heaven and Earth. If he wasn't causing irreparable harm to his own soul, then…Sera would turn a blind eye to it, just like…

" …and so I say to this scumbag - "I stick my dick in the psychotics, but not in the damned. Big difference, baby." - Adam was telling something to Lutt, who was mesmerized listening to her Commander. - "Then, when this wretch attacked, I immediately incinerated her with my middle finger." - Adam almost shouted, - "But I just wanted to know if I could shoot a beam of light with my cock…" - Adam sadly slumped his shoulders and hung his head, to which Lutt, sympathetically nodding, patted him on the shoulder.

"Adam." - this wretch didn't even have the decency to straighten up, looking at her, without changing his posture or the look of a beaten kitten. - "Stop your delusional stories and get ready for…"

"Yes, yes, Sera-Kera." - Sera's gaze pierced Adam, to which he again "sweated". - I mean…

"We are ready to hear your orders, your Majesty." - Lute stepped slightly forward from her Commander. - "Please forgive our behavior." - Lutt bowed lightly, taking Adam by the collar of his robe with her right hand, lowering his head to the same level as hers.

"Yes, yes, forgive me Sera." - Adam's voice spoke of everything but the sincerity of his apologies, but that was enough for Sera.

She wanted to move on to the next item on their report, when Adam asked in a conspiratorial tone:

"By the way, Sera, what about your new assistant?" - Adam smirked, raising an eyebrow. - "Didn't you get a new secretary who helped you with the scribbles and brought you coffee in bed?"

Sera's eyelid twitched. Twice.

"Adam…" - in her voice, Lute definitely heard what her commander didn't, since she began warningly pulling Adam's sleeve.

"No, judge for yourself." - Adam clenched his fist in front of him. - "He helped you with the papers," - Adam extended his index finger, - "He brought you tea." - middle finger, - "He indulged your dubious musical taste." - ring finger. Sera frowned, and her eyelid twitched again. - "He cooks well," - pinky, Sera thoughtfully closed her eyes, turning them away. - "And he's also a good conversationalist and doesn't lick your ass!" - Adam raised his open palm in front of him. - "I'd tell you a story…"

Adam was somehow speaking too well of this angel. Too suspiciously, for it to fit in with his character over the past couple of thousand years. Lute, like a metronome, began a new act in this play…

"Manager Virgil stopped by our Department, they periodically spoke with Adam." - Lute smiled maliciously. - "He brought the First Man his favorite food and laughed at his jokes, my Commander is subjective." - Sera nodded in agreement, copying Lute's smile.

"Hey! Just because this angel has good manners and some balls doesn't make him special!" - Adam indignantly shifted his gaze between the two women.

"And also, Adam calls him "Vitalik"." - Lute's malicious smile stretched even wider.

Lute and Adam had definitely decided they wanted to convince her, since Lute, who was usually tight-lipped in her presence, decided to take the initiative and spoil her mood as well.

"And he took you to the beauty salon…" Adam said frowning.

"By your order, as payment, and it was also a rental, which I went to alone." - Lute proudly raised her head, and Adam irritably growled quiet curses, covering his helmet with his hand.

"Either way…" - Adam looked back at Sera.

"This guy has potential, one of the few souls I can remember who didn't drive you crazy when working with you." - Adam's voice became more serious, and Sera's gaze thoughtful. - "He doesn't tremble at your appearance, doesn't sing you serenades about your purity and nobility, he seems to be, " - at Adam's questioning look, Sera nodded, - "a good worker who diligently performed his duties…"

"And also, with his help, your days when you're worse off than a damn dockworker have been significantly reduced." Adam wisely decided not to voice the last thought, knowing Sera's character well.

"In general, as such a good worker, you should take Verga under your wing." - Adam snorted, and Lutt snickered into her fist. - "Before someone else takes him, who will then enjoy free time while the papers fill themselves out."

Adam once again suggests an angel for the position of her assistant-secretary. At least this time the candidate actually meets at least part of Adam's description. Last time, he said that "that very" angel had the potential to become a Seraph…Adam is learning, and this time he has made some pretty good arguments…

"Especially since you can finally re-…" Adam realized he had crossed a line when Lutt pulled especially hard on his wing feathers. Adam looked fearfully as white eyes began to appear in Sera's hair and the blue dots of her halo began to open into Eyes… - "I mean…" - Adam started sweating again, tapping two fingers together, and his smile became pitiful.

Sera was wrong about Adam.

" …I-I meant that it would be b-beneficial for you to take such a worker, because I'm w-w-worried that you…" - Adam started to babble quickly, hiding Lute with his wing, who was cautiously peering out from the crack between the feathers.

It was time to stop this circus.

"Enough, Adam." - Sera took a deep breath, closing her eyes and rubbing her temples. "I will make my own decisions about appointing myself assistants."

"I'm not saying for you to take assistants, Sera." - Adam was still covering Lute with his wing. "I advise you to stop taking on all your work, go out and have some fun, play with little Emily, for God's sake." - Sera looked at Adam wearily. "I know your duties are important, but you're not God Almighty to…"

"Adam. Enough." - this time there was no threat in her voice, only weariness and irritation. "You can go."

"Think about my words, Sera." - Adam nodded, taking Lutt in his arms, she silently settled more comfortably in the Archangel's hands. "After all, it's good for you to rest, and the Golden City won't fall apart if you entrust part of your work to someone competent." - Adam, with Lutt in his arms, quickly went out the door.

Sera just sighed deeply.

Adam, however silly and annoyingly he acted, was saying the right things. Sera had long sworn off taking ordinary souls, Righteous Ones, or simple Heavenly Beings as assistants or helpers precisely because of their excessive religiosity or too… Strong awe before one of the Seraphim.

Usually, Seraphim create their own assistants or take them from the souls of the Old World, from those who worked directly with Seraphim in enlightening other people. There aren't many of them, usually the rest, like Sera, do all their own work, having exactly the same reasons as she does… "Who else, if not me?", "What if they make a mistake?", "What secrets can be told so that their minds don't break?" and many other questions that no one wanted to answer, because even such work is not eternal. The soul can simply get bored or break, going into the First or Second Circle.

But, for some reason, Sera wants William, Virgil's real name, which she learned by looking into his soul, to not be among the "others." She, for some reason, wants him to be able to bear her secrets and share her work, making her weekdays easier.

Maybe times have finally changed and people have stopped being so reverent towards the servants of the Lord?

After all, Adam was right about one thing. Virgil's help really did reduce the number of especially hard days. Definitely not worth telling Adam that, he's already too full of himself.

But Sera should send a proposal to the Department of Sin…


Green District. Virgil's home. The next day, after the general assembly.

Standing in front of the mirror, "doing my make-up," as Fedelia says, I constantly check my "formal" clothes for going out. Literally. Into the Light, for that's the only way to describe a trip to the Third Circle for an interview with one of the Seraphim, and not a "simple" one, as far as that word can be applied to such creatures, but a whole High Seraph of the Golden City…

Once again checking if my favorite white shirt is properly tucked into my favorite dark pants, which now have gold accents around the edges, I involuntarily get distracted by my thoughts. What to do when you get what you couldn't even think about? Taking a risky step, you usually expect a maximum of double your investment, maybe an increase of ten times. But here it was at least a hundred times, unless, of course, it's all a big joke or a peculiar method of execution and punishment…

Once again smoothing the dark blue frock coat with my hand, which will be my "tuxedo" for going to Sera's office, I tried to remember all the advice from the Department. The most important were, oddly enough, from Remigius and Frol, as those who either worked, in the case of Frol, or were an assistant, in the case of Remigius.

Remigius couldn't say much, restrained by Oaths and Vows, which are the same Oaths, with the difference that you literally cannot break them, as they become part of you. Like a person wants to eat and drink, so you will fulfill the Oath, as your new nature. An Oath can be broken and receive Punishment, which is usually discussed separately. But I got distracted.

Smoothing my long, snow-white hair back with my hand, revealing my forehead, leaving two strands of hair by my temples, I continue the thought. Remigius only said that all my activity would be classified for the Second Circle, unless it affected the "younger" Seraphim, who are about a thousand or two years old. In other cases, Oaths and Vows are mandatory, as almost every Seraph affects… The complex moments of Heaven's life.

Remigius also specifically clarified that "this" position is not permanent. I can leave it at any time, having taken a couple or three more Oaths and Vows about non-disclosure, getting a mark in my personal file, as Remigius did, in fact. The problem is different…

Tying a white neckerchief, I attached a simple blue crystal to it. Hm… So far, it's just a trinket. I need to enchant it, but I don't have any ideas yet, so I'll just clean it…

Yes, the problem… The problem is that… Seraphim are not human. They are different from us, even though humanity was created in the image and likeness of angels, Seraphim are a special case. They are pure creations of Light, they, as well as the first Afanims, were the first things created by God. At least, that's the common opinion. Some Seraphim are older than humanity itself, and that's the problem.

According to Remigius, if you're lucky, you might end up with a "younger" Seraph, you won't be as heavily bound by oaths, you won't be dealing with such complex things, and also, maybe these are just rumors, that some Seraphim can fall in love with angels or even start a family with them, following Lucifer's example, although such a comparison is forbidden. Usually, these are young and not so ancient individuals who did not know the Fallen personally. But the "Elders"…

The Elder Seraphim saw Lucifer's "Rebellion" and personally carried out the "Restoration," correcting the consequences wrought by this Fallen Seraph, some of them even helped create Earth and Eden. What does this mean? It's a game of Russian roulette with three bullets in the chamber, where a shot is an old wound of the Seraph or a bad memory. The wrong word, the wrong gesture or action, perceived by the Seraph not as the angel expected… Let's just say, they turned into Lesser Cherubim and not for that.

Finally, putting on my frock coat, straightening my hair again, I make the final preparations.

Sera was not one of the First Ten, but she participated in the creation of Earth and the creation of Eden, this is a known fact. From my interaction with her, I have concluded that she is quite gentle, a fairly "human" Seraph, and so far, I have not touched any of her "old wounds." Either my charisma helped (I hope), or Sera herself is like that, but I've never had to witness her "explosions," if that's even possible. I'm not even sure these "bursts," as Frol called them, are real… But it's better to prepare for the worst than to regret later.

I looked in the mirror again, materialized my wings. Obligatory etiquette when meeting with a Seraph is a demonstration of your sanctity, halo, and submission as a servant of the Lord, in the form of folded wings. Of course, Sera and I have already had a chance to interact, but those were unofficial meetings while working on the secret Project. Now, this is, as it were, our first meeting, which you need to go to accordingly.

This is… exciting, no matter what I tell myself and how I distract myself from other thoughts. What if Sera knows about the Aether? Probably, but then why didn't she say anything before? Will they forbid me from researching while working for Sera? Will I be able to meet Dante to continue our projects? Each new question fueled the flow of nervous thoughts, and my hands began to rub the crystal on my scarf… Okay.

Okay, that won't help. Sera never took that tablet with the purple Old World symbols, I'd better use it to get to the office, that light in the Third Circle area, or whatever it is, still makes me uncomfortable… I hope it still works. Stop, what time is it now?

I look back at the wall and see… I'm an hour early. My meeting with Sera is supposed to be at eight, and it's only seven o'clock now… Okay. I'll definitely find something to do for that hour… Just don't forget to set a timer…

…If an angel needs a certain level of faith in God to become an Archangel, does that mean that some kind of "faith energy" of the angel itself is transformed, improving his wings and holiness, or is that just a formality? But if these calculations are correct, and that's the most plausible hypothesis…

The sound of the alarm clock I set for an hour passes, and I'm just starting to get into the flow of thought…

Okay, the tablet is still working, if these sensations of the symbols aren't deceiving me, then I can boldly pray.

The strange symbols flared up again with violet energy, blinding my eyes with a white flash of light and transporting me to a new place. The place hadn't changed in a week. The same table where the Seraph is sitting now, the same streams of paper that flow evenly through the air, a beautiful view of the sunrise opens up outside the window, and Sera, who is now smiling at me, isn't even tired. The beginning of the day, apparently.

"High Seraph Sera." - my right hand covers my chest with my palm, my wings fold back, and my body leans in a slight bow. Everything according to the etiquette that Frol hammered into me yesterday, to which Sera… frowns? – "It is an honor to be…"

"Please, Virgil, just Sera." – Sera's smile faded a little, and a hint of irritation slipped into her clear voice. – "Either way," - Sera waved her hand and cleared the paper from the table, which now hung in the air. – "I'm glad you accepted my offer." – her light smile became more… sincere?

" …It's me who should thank you for this, Sera." – I sigh tiredly, relaxing and retracting my wings. – "By the way…" - I start walking slowly towards the now almost familiar chair, turning it ninety degrees from the table to the window. Sera, oddly enough, does the same.

"I've been meaning to ask." – I snap my fingers, pointing my index finger towards the tablet hanging in the air. – "What's written on it? I know it's the language of the Old World, but I haven't gotten around to studying it…" - sitting in the chair, I weave in our favorite tea set and sweets, chocolate cookies and hot waffles.

Sera waits until the enchanted teapot pours her already prepared tea, replying right after she takes the cup with the hot liquid, inhaling the aroma of steam:

" …It's an old prayer to the Seraph, used by priests and clergymen of the Old World." - she took a sip of the hot liquid. - "The exact translation reads: 'I hear the Heaven that is far away among the stars; I ask the Higher Lights to hear me and direct my voice to Him, for I am in sin; I ask the Lord for forgiveness, for my sins, for the Sin of the First Mother; Please guide me on your path, help me find peace in your mansions and have mercy on me when my time comes. Amen.' The translation is slightly inaccurate, but the general meaning is this." - Sera took one cookie from the plate, immediately biting off a large part of it.

"This is… A little different from our usual prayers." – I wonder if I ask about Eve, will I be severely reprimanded? – "At least because…" - never mind, - "it mentions the First Woman." – at my hint, Sera snorted. - "Adam and Eve left a large body of knowledge about Heaven and the path of the Lord." – Sera took another sip. - "Adam spent his whole life trying to atone for Original Sin, but…" - Sera sighed wearily. - "Then, the story, you already know…"

We both stopped talking, listening only to the rustle of the paper that floated smoothly through the office, creating its own quiet music, periodically Sera and I took sweets from the plates, enjoying the cool spring wind that somehow seeped into the heights of the spire through the windows, not interfering with either us or the work of the paper flow, it seemed to help the flight of the paper.

"Sera." – she turned her head slightly, looking at me with one eye.

"Do you have ears?" – Sera choked on her tea. The joke worked.

"Kha-kha… What are you talking about?!" – she even blushed, meaning her gray cheeks darkened, as she fully turned her head to me.

"How can you…" – she noticed my smile and slightly mocking look.


Oh! That's how she usually calls Adam, but this time… it's more embarrassed? Can a Seraph be embarrassed by such a simple question? Interesting…

Instead of answering, Sera pulled up a strand of her white hair, revealing… Feathery ears similar to my elven ones, matching her complexion, they were slightly larger than her feather-lashes, probably not even solid matter, since the tips of Sera's ears diverged just like those of a loose feather. She always keeps them tucked behind her hair, probably not even needing them. Too bad, they're probably soft and pleasant to the touch.

"They are…" I meet Sera's strained gaze with my own, "very cute, Sera, you're hiding them in your snow-white hair for no reason." - Sera's cheeks flushed even darker as she quickly hid her fluffy ears again.

"V-Virgil!" - at Sera's raised voice, I simply raised my free left hand.

"Sorry, sorry." - another sip of tea. - "But I think we got a little distracted." - Sera sighed heavily, setting her cup down on the table.

" …Right." - when her chair turned back to face the table, I realized our tea party was over. - "Tell me, Virgil, what do you expect from this position?" - the tone of her voice became her usual businesslike one, causing me to collect myself as well, turning my chair to face the table. The tea set was still on the table.

"I have no idea." - in such cases, you need honesty or truth told in a special way. - "The only thing I can imagine is helping with paperwork and maybe meeting with other angels instead of you." - Sera just nodded.

"Not quite," - she made a circular gesture creating parchment on which text gradually appeared. A contract. - "By signing, you will move from the Department of the Second Circle to the Third, receiving the corresponding privileges and responsibilities, appointed by me personally." - she drew symbols in the air with the movement of her index finger. - "Your tasks will be assigned by me, the scope of work is the Golden City. Our job is to preserve its integrity, ensure the safety of souls and its well-being. We are at the top of this pyramid, the highest authority of the City, deciding the most important issues of the First and Second Circles. The Third Circle - helps and supports, some Departments are partially subordinate to my office." - clear and calm words were literally imprinted in my memory, probably another trick of the Seraphim…

"I can only explain the details after you take all the Oaths and Vows." - at my nod, she continued. - "Also," - now I don't like her tone… - "I need to talk to you about the Aether." - I hope it's not what I think it is.

"Your wonders, using the Aether." Damn it.

Okay, that doesn't mean anything, I could… - I have no objections. - huh…? - I have no objections to your practice of this art as long as it doesn't harm you or other souls, and also… - Sera smiled slightly, maliciously. - "If you continue to apply your art as intended." - I could only nod in relief, leaning back in my chair. - "Wonderful, I won't ask about the source of your knowledge either. There's only one question that concerns me - Will you be spreading this knowledge?"

"N-no, Sera." - she knows how to scare people… - "There are only two of us," - she nodded, apparently guessing who I might be talking about. - "We also don't plan to publish our research, leaving it only for us, in view of our common passion." - I think Sera now understands perfectly who my mentor and partner is, after all, she has worked with the Department of Sin for centuries.

"Whew… Holy powers, Sera, you know how to scare the crap out of someone…" - I weave the service of our cups again, calling for a new batch of sweets.

"Work with Adam for more than a century and you'll learn to do the same" - we both nodded at Sera's words.

"Wait…" - at my question, Sera raised her gaze to me. - "If I'm your assistant now, can I touch your ears?"

"V-Virgil!" - ah… that panicked voice again from such an important and terrifying creature…

Music to my ears.

Hey guys, it's the Cat in the Hat back again! Sorry for the long break in the translations – school and work take up all my free time. BUT I'm happy to present these chapters with my own way of highlighting dialogue to make them more accessible. Take a look and tell me if you like this approach and if I should continue doing it like this?