Chapter 9.1 Old and new everyday life

- Don't twitch.

The monotonous and strict voice of Lute once again annoyingly sounded from behind, while her hands' movements felt somewhat familiar on my wings, causing only a slight discomfort from the tugging of feathers or whatever she was doing with them.

- If I were you, I'd listen to her, Verg, otherwise you'll be stuck here for another hour, Adam lazily stretched out on his side, watching my suffering, which I can only call this execution, sipping cold tea through a straw for variety. - It's your fault that your wings look like they've been in the trash. With another slurp, Adam scratched somewhere behind his wing.

Adam had dragged me to "practice" on Earth, where I needed to gain "field" experience and gather "inspiration" for new ideas. Plus, there was a task to understand the abilities of Adam's angels, but that wasn't the main point. I was back on Earth, back home... It felt nice to return, especially with wings, but the occasion didn't lend itself to contemplating earthly beauties.


The heat of the flames scorched the skin of my shell as the shell of the demon Zarguliir, a lower-tier entity from Goetia, burned right in front of me. The screams of cultists, the smell of blood, the sensations of demonic energy or Evil…

The first battle felt like a combat game or military drills. A lot of adrenaline, if I still produced any, many new sensations. There was no fear, just excitement, no doubt or stupor, only a research and combat zeal. Surprisingly, under the cover of one of the strongest angels, killing, banishing, and conducting a couple of experiments on the demon's soul was easy.

I was allowed to kill two, or rather finish them off, as Adam personally covered me, giving orders that I obeyed without question. The rest of the time, I simply tried to observe from a safe distance, taking measurements and watching the tactics and fighting style of Adam's Valkyries.


After the clean-up, there was the purification of the cultists' activity area from all negative emanations, the destruction of all "heresy," and the rescue of all those who could be saved from the souls of people… Those who were dragged into the cult unwillingly or were its victims. At every stage, I took notes, made "pictures" using observational weavings to reproduce the details later in the lab, and interviewed Adam's Valkyries…

- Ouch! Lute hit some spot on my wings that I wasn't even aware existed.

- Don't twitch, Lute repeated in the same tone, her hand movements never pausing for a moment.

The first day of "practice" was eventful, full of diverse data that would significantly advance my research, and if I could get a whole demon for study…

- Just accept the pain like a man – silently and stoically, Adam droned monotonously, one hand picking up a paper, lazily skimming its text. - Besides, you have about…

- An hour and a half left, Lute reported without stopping her actions, her eagle-like eyes scanning my back, seemingly tracking every atom of dirt on those feathers.

Just for principle, I wove to record her actions, intending to analyze the algorithm of her movements later, build variation schemes, and create a comprehensive formula that would care for the wings without the need to endure this…

- …And how's your first day on Earth? After a couple of minutes, smirking, Adam asked slyly, shifting some papers, continuing to take short sips from the straw. - Have you discovered a new side of humanity? More sarcasm, but it was a good question…

- It's hard to be surprised by something I already knew, but seeing it with my own eyes… Another flash didn't evoke the usual reaction. - It's unpleasant. Adam grunted, continuing to sift through papers while sipping cold tea.

Seeing people intentionally walking into the arms of Hell, selling their souls for some simple material goods, just to gain a short-term benefit for a few years… Or simply living in their own world, dragging others into their delusions, convincing them of their righteousness. Naturally, our group didn't immediately fly off to destroy the next cult nest; there was a meeting and analysis of the findings from other departments regarding this object.

But how I wished to forget the vile things people are capable of. It's one thing to simply tolerate such things, but another to fully realize and see everything with my own eyes. To witness all that pain and vice, literally seeing how a person loses all chances of redemption, how they gradually close every door to salvation for themselves… Voluntarily, not even seeing how it looks from the outside.

Disgusting, simply revolting.

This is wrong; humanity shouldn't be like this. It's one thing to commit crimes; those can be tracked down and punished by other people, but demons and Hell… It's like reading a horror story turned into reality, and if you consider that I can directly observe how their souls are "polluted" and how each cultist condemns themselves to suffering after death…

- How long, - ouch, - will these drills continue? Lute seemed to be finishing up as she moved to the base of my wings, where the most sensitive muscle parts were.

- Until Annihilation, Adam set aside what seemed to be the last paper and leaned back on his couch. - Our standard "baptism of blood" practice for the newbies, seeing how much they freak out, how well they absorbed everything drilled into their heads… Adam shook his head, taking a couple of sips from the straw. - In general, just do it well as quickly as possible, and make it shake all of Hell, and you'll be freed sooner. Adam smirked, closing his eyes.

- Can't you just blow buildings away with a wave? I reminded him of the previously demolished church where the cult had settled, turning my head towards the first person, ignoring the unpleasant sensations from Lute. - Especially since that's just what I saw…

- Meh. Adam shrugged, fully lying back on the couch, swinging his legs over the side and making himself comfortable with his wings. - I'm always up for something new in this regard, so surprise me and remember: the bigger the explosion – the better. Adam raised a finger in a mentoring manner. - Besides, you need to justify your knowledge of the Ether somehow.

Adam had been informed about my use of the Ether, without details, just that Sera taught me for this project. Pure truth. I kept quiet about the rest, and Sera hadn't filled Adam in on that, at least she hadn't told me.

Surprisingly, Adam didn't rush or pressure me with his part of the projects. At first, he just gave me a brief description of the task: "make it at least go bang," clarifying that I should be more careful with the Ether… He also somehow got a hold of the text about the first Rebellion, with details about battles and events… I definitely need to read it.

- Then, I'd like to… At my pause, Adam turned his head toward me, lazily closing his eyes. Lute continued her maneuvers. - Recall that I recently did you a favor and…

- You wanted to visit your family bypassing the damn paperwork? Adam smirked understandingly, with no hint of mockery in his voice. - Name the time, place, and I'll organize it. I nodded gratefully.

We sank into silence, broken only by the rustling of my feathers under Lute's hands. We were in Adam's office, one of them, which didn't differ much from mine with Sera, except there were no big windows, just some working office on Earth, not counting the decor and atmosphere.

At this point, Adam deliberately turned his head slowly toward me, and his tone seemed overly kind, just like back at the training ground.

- You know, Vergil, at that Hellish, Amazing, and just utterly fucking crazy Fair, you and Sera had… a certain Incident. The overly calm and kind voice suddenly shifted to a more threatening tone, keeping the dialogue's calmness.

Lute's fingers suddenly tightened at the base of my wings, where she was currently working. The sudden pain didn't prevent me from realizing Lute's unpreparedness. If Adam was plotting something, he hadn't prepared Lute, and she had simply acted on reflexes, or she was an excellent actress.

Wincing from the pain, I responded.

- Which one exactly, Adam? My voice didn't hide my anxiety, remaining calm. - Emily was surprisingly persistent, t-

- Yes, yes, that little one can do that, but it's not about that. Raising his voice, Adam interrupted me, standing up from his chair. - It's about your and Sera's little descent into the Tunnel, specifically about its end. I felt a drop of sweat on my forehead; Adam was suppressing me with his threat, abruptly changing the conversation's tone.

Where...? Although never mind, I'd be surprised if anyone hadn't noticed. Are we in Heaven or some other place where individual privacy is respected, not putting an Eye wherever possible?

- I think Sera's private life only concerns… I was sharply interrupted by Adam.

- Oh no, Vergil… Adam stood up from the couch, slowly approaching me, while Lute held my wings firmly at their bases.

- That's precisely my problem. Adam loomed over me again, almost habitually…


The Spire of the Highest Seraph of the Golden City, a couple of hours later.

- …And we talked. I finished a brief recount of today's outing on Earth, sitting in my usual spot across from Sera, sipping tea. The office of the Supreme Seraph was characteristically full of papers, including today's reports, flying over our heads, with each piece of paper being sent to its designated place, new ones arriving as if from the walls, completing a small cycle in which they were filled and joined the first group.

Beautiful music.

- … Sera took a sip, closing her eyes. - Just talked? Sera asked cheerfully, probably well aware of everything left unsaid.

- Just talked like civilized angels. I calmly replied, taking a sip from my mug.

- Are you saying that Adam didn't threaten you with terrible retribution if you dared to glance my way "wrong"? Sera took a sip, but the mug didn't prevent her from seeing the small sly smile hidden behind her calm tone. The white eyes of the Seraph sparkled with a playful gleam.

- …I can understand the First man; after all, I acted the same way towards my sister's husband… I leaned back in the chair, which, despite its monumental appearance, was quite soft. - You know, threats of retribution and persecution are pretty common in such matters…

- Really? Sera tilted her head slightly, the corners of her lips rising in a gentle smile. - You mean to say you threatened to tear your brother-in-law's soul apart? That's a great sin, Vergil. The Seraph shook her head.

- Either way, I still insist that we just talked. I continued my line unperturbed, taking a little more tea from the mug.

- Don't you want to provide testimony that he could use against you? Sera's smile widened at my antics. - Your words are not mine. I saluted with my tea mug, simultaneously allowing the enchanted teapot to pour a new portion of the wonderful drink.

The office sank into silence: Sera quietly observed the papers, which were falling in small parts onto the table, while I closed my eyes, sorting the "videos" of today's battles and observations of the Valkyries for future analysis, as the papers continued to cascade over us like a waterfall. The atmosphere of the office became serene, like a cabin in the midst of rain.

We enjoyed such a moment for a few more minutes until Sera broke the blissful silence, pulling me out of the bliss of the archiving cycle with her words, demanding all my attention.

- William, I want to talk about yesterday's… Sera, awkwardly, which was quite strange for her, hesitated.

- Incident? I suggested an alternative, raising an eyebrow. Sera shook her head.

- …The kiss and everything that happened in the Tunnel. Sera tried to keep a steady tone, but even to me, who had known her for two and a half years, her nervousness became evident.

- …If you don't mind talking about it and it doesn't cause you any discomfort. I set my unfinished cup of tea on the plate, placing my crossed hands on the table. Sera shook her head negatively.

- Just a little, so… Sera hesitated, momentarily looking away from the window. - Please, let's not leave anything unsaid or hidden meanings; I… am somewhat old-fashioned in this regard. She confessed reluctantly, her cheeks darkening towards the end. - And not experienced enough… Sera added even quieter.

- ...Whatever is convenient for you. – I nod.

- ...

- ...

It must look amusing. Two angels occupying the most important places, simply sitting, silent and looking at each other. I'm not sure how exciting or unusual this topic is for Sera, but noticing her slight awkwardness, it's my duty to fix this discrepancy.

- How about we pretend this is just another agenda item? – I echo my words, summoning two pairs of quills, one slightly larger for Sera, and two stacks of parchment.

- Just imagine that it concerns two other angels, and we decided to play Jophiel. – Sera looks slightly surprised as she accepts the quill that flew into her hands, gesturing for the paper to land.

- ...So, first. What do "these" angels want? – I smirk, meeting Sera's gaze.

- ...I think one angel would like to try what she has been observing for all her eternity, to enjoy the new chaos and... – Sera begins to settle into a familiar rhythm, filling out the paper according to some template. - To feel all those emotions that most of her brothers have already experienced? – she bites her lip with the nib of the quill, as if asking me.

- The second angel doesn't mind this "project" – we both chuckle, - but he has his own fears and doubts. Not about himself, – seeing Sera's worried look, I quickly add, - only about whether this angel will cause discomfort or problems for the First. – I similarly make a note on my paper, not adhering to any template. - He worries about how the First will perceive this "project," whether he will even understand her, whether she will understand him, and whether this might lead to discord in the future?

Sera was taking notes, frowning at my words, occasionally making a frustrated face.

- ...The First wouldn't mind; she has always wanted something like this, even tried... – Sera grimaced. - But it didn't work out. I... the First doesn't fully understand all of the Second's feelings, the feelings of humans; she... – Sera looked into my eyes, her face full of a plea. - She would like to entrust this part of herself, hoping that the Second can give the First unforgettable memories, completely changing the tempo of her eternity. – For the first time, I hear Sera's voice so vulnerable. I can't see it, but I can definitely feel my eyes widening, my pupils dilating.

- Then I suggest these two act slowly, gradually. – Noticing the question in Sera's eyes, I add, - There's no need to rush to know every facet of a relationship. Every person is different; every relationship is special, the most honest and sincere among them. – I let the quill and parchment soar, the letter continues. - It's perfectly normal if one partner wants a slower, steadier pace in the relationship, regardless of what others might do; they are the ones who will live this relationship, only these two. – Sera's eyes widened in astonishment.

- ... – Sera's cheeks slightly darkened, highlighting her small white "feather-dots," – I also recommend that the First follow this advice, but also consider... – a new pause, - the inexperience of the partner, which could lead to misunderstandings, as many things, as noted in the analysis, – she lightly tapped the empty paper, provoking our laughter, - The First may not understand some obvious things to the Second, so I would recommend frequent and sincere conversations between future partners, if appropriate. – At my nod of agreement, Sera continued at a calmer pace.

This peculiar game continued, where each of us, in a half-joking manner, expressed our wishes and hopes for this relationship. Each hid their excitement behind a work tone. Sera gradually fell into a "working rhythm," completely shedding her embarrassment over the topic.

- I'm sure the First would want a walk in a mysterious forest, ending with a candlelit picnic… – one of Sera's suggestions.

- I can confirm that this couple could enjoy something forbidden, something that would bring a certain thrill and fear of discovery for both, yet completely safe in reality… – a small hint from my side.

So we continued until we realized it was already night outside, and our discussion topics had transcended mere work questions. By this time, the flow of parchment had ended, and the remnants had been automatically sorted and prepared for tomorrow.

- ...I suppose Emily will be slightly displeased? – I gesture to dismiss the tea set, rising from my chair.

- You could say that. – Sera shook her head, also tidying up the office, preparing it for our departure. - I hope she won't be mad at you, but if she is... – finishing up with the office, she "floated" towards the exit, not touching the ground, levitating on her wings. - Better say I held us up. – Sera turned to me, waiting by the office door.

- This was a very important conversation; Emily will understand. – I nod, stepping over the threshold of the office, feeling the breeze from the door that closed behind me.

- And I am sincerely grateful that you were able to find... an appropriate form for conducting it. – A gesture to close the door, a small seal, symbols flashing on the office door, and we began moving towards the exit of the Spire.

Sera can teleport us to her apartment, and I can already manage some things in this regard if it's about objects, but there's progress. But we both need a proper conclusion to our earlier dialogue.

I've long noticed the growth of my form, both after the "ascension to Heaven" and after becoming an Archangel. Even though my height of one hundred ninety-three centimeters somewhat faded in comparison to Sera's figure, I still reach her midriff. That's accounting for an inch from my shoes…

I'm starting to understand where Sera could have seen our resemblance to Adam and Lut... What's the difference? A two-meter tall giant there, and here's this beautiful creature around three… Thank goodness Sera doesn't resemble Adam in behavior… Although, considering this is a more reversible pair...

My thoughts were interrupted by the sensation of fingers on my shoulder.

Blinking, I turn to see Sera beside me, who doesn't take her eyes off me, her cheeks darkening.

Someone wants to hold hands? Why not.

It's a bit awkward now since we look like a mother leading a child through a museum, but I'll leave that joke for later.

- ...How about going somewhere tomorrow? – I quietly suggest, breaking the silence of the empty halls of the Spire. The Supreme Seraphim ends his working day last, unless there's an emergency, like an "Uprising." - Just the two of us.

- ...As a "date"? – Sera still doesn't turn her head towards me, continuing to walk while holding my hands. - I mean... I wouldn't mind, of course, Archangel Vergil. – Sera spoke in her usual tone, but the slight darkening of her cheeks didn't fade.

At this moment in the hall, we had to descend on our wings, a moment lost on us, engrossed in conversation.

- A date. – Sera quickly replied.

- Then we'll go on a date. Do you want to go to a special, crowded place?

And thus, we started a new round of our dialogue, then another, about how "under no circumstances" should we mention this to Adam, which he already knows, but Sera begged not to give him extra reasons for jokes, promising to write a direct order banning any discussion of "personal life" for the assistant to the Supreme Seraphim if Adam insisted too much.

It seems we reached her home for the first time "by our own means," a small cottage built in the architectural style of the center of Heaven, preserving the spirit of "the end of the nineteenth century," with little silk details, various greenery, and a choice of color scheme in light blue tones... We discussed many details that we didn't manage to cover in the office. Sera seemed to bloom, invigorated by the novelty, constantly proposing numerous ideas or voicing her opinions on mine. I had never seen her so animated.

Emily also noticed this when we entered the hallway of their home. Emily, of course, was sulking at both of us for "leaving her at the mercy of Boredom and Idleness!" but quickly changed her verdict regarding the two guilty angels, as soon as she prepared a couple of pancakes and chocolates that she liked so much.

And we still need to sort out the data and material from the "practice"...

Why do I feel less energetic about it?


Lucifer was bored

Year after year, century after century, millennium after millennium…

The same, the same year after year. One script, different actors and different props. The same host.

If a rational being is observant enough, he begins to notice the "pattern" of history, a part of which repeats itself over and over again, and people, as if for the first time, make surprised faces, realize "new lessons" and after a couple of generations everything starts anew.

A real bore.

He, the Second Seraph, the Beloved Son, Lucifer Morningstar was bored with the constant repetitions of intrigues of these monkeys from Earth, who imagine themselves smarter than him, turning to the Goetia instead of him, somehow not understanding that any of their activity goes through his Eye, which tirelessly serves…

Damn idiots.

Lucifer sighed deeply and began his annual performance on his favorite violin.

Today was "that day," the day of the Extermination of Sinners. If Lucifer of the "first thousand years after the Fall" had been asked about killing the inhabitants of his "Garden," he would have incinerated the fool on the spot. Who in their right mind would touch what belonged to him?

Now, he didn't give a damn about these souls that had driven themselves into this cesspool, filled with their own excretions.

Adam, once again, led his Valkyries to harvest souls, the City was filled with screams, and beautiful music began to stream in his house. "Ode to Salvation," a short, hour-long performance for the repose of the souls of Sinners who inevitably fall from the steel of Heaven, critically destroying the soul's structure, forcing it to settle in Hell in the form of "red eyes," one of the main symbols of Hell.

Lucifer didn't give a damn about most of the degenerates inhabiting "their city," his music was only for those he called "the lost," those souls that, according to Lucifer, should have gone to Heaven but ended up in his abode because of Heaven's "beautiful" and "ideal" rules…

Just a bunch of snobs and hypocritical bastards trapped in their self-created golden cages. Who just don't want to change the status quo, perfectly content with the current system.

This Extermination was a milder version of the "Holy Cleansing" carried out by the strongest Afanim. More humane, as Lucifer agreed, because he was tired of rebuilding the City every time, which would inevitably be cluttered up with new freaks who would end up there later, not to mention the habitats of other Sins, which were also destroyed by the "Cleansing."

Anyway, even though Lucifer played his "Ode," he never for a moment took his eyes off the Valkyries and Adam. Stupid, considering their agreements, which angels usually didn't break, unlike "his subjects," but Lucifer had long understood that Adam used any excuse to bypass the Treaty and "have some fun" somewhere outside Pentagram-City, or do something else.

Though, this time the Valkyries were awfully coordinated… As if each Valkyrie could see through the eyes of another, and Adam… Is that a goddamn meteor over Pentagram-City?!

A flash of light. A semicircular golden sphere, as if composed entirely of golden light, covered, judging by its size, about three or six districts, six pretty big districts.

As if the Exterminators didn't kill most of the Sinners. He didn't care, but it would create problems for his wife, and that wasn't good.

Lucifer's solo stopped for a moment, the Fallen Seraph turned to the window to see Adam's new "trick" with his own eyes, and a strong vibration came from the city, shaking even His protection for the house. Lucifer immediately strengthened the flow of energy in the protective charms. The shaking stopped.

What kind of alternative-gifted Seraph entrusted Adam with – a Nova Explosion?! One of the Arts of Aether, available only to the top ten Seraphim and Archangels due to the complexity of intersecting spheres, knowledge of which can lead to more dangerous research… Though this version of the Aether Miracle is kind of strange… Maybe it's something new, someone finally came up with something new?

The music resumed, Lucifer turned away from the window again, placing the golden violin on his shoulder, and in the distance, in Petnagram-City, a new flash appeared, taking away district after district, absorbing thousands of souls… It's even poetic, Lucifer noticed, a kind of art of destruction, filled with the beauty of a single moment.

Definitely not Adam's authorship, he's not that spiritually refined to create such a picture…

Though, this "piece of dust and earth" managed to achieve one of the highest ranks of Heaven, destroying districts and instantly destroying the souls of lesser demons of the Goetia. Even though he was constantly led by the hand, hidden behind God's "skirt" and constantly taken care of… Lucifer could allow himself to admit that Adam could actually call himself an Archangel. Even if it was a pitiful parody, an imitation…

A new chord, a new flash of light in the city, and the screams gradually receded from the part of the City closest to his mansion.

Despite what his brothers thought of him, Lucifer could still admit his mistakes, even if it was… too late.

Adam, as Lucifer admitted, hadn't done anything to Lucifer. He remembered how this innocent being was born from God's Light, knowing nothing, spending his leisure time in Eden on "incredibly important missions" from God Himself.

Which consisted of weeding beds and taking care of animals. Just God's Perfect Creation…

Lucifer also admitted that most of the tragedies in Adam's life were his fault, but let this Bear not understand or acknowledge it, because Adam also forged his fate, just like Lucifer.

Lilith. His beautiful wife, his favorite flower of the Universe, his Queen… Adam didn't understand her, he simply couldn't understand that someone equal to him, born similar but not identical, could simply differ from him in views.

Lilith was curious, she wanted to know more than just the Garden, she wanted to see more, she wanted Freedom, she wanted to see all of God's Creation, and Lucifer kindly showed her a small part of it… He still remembers that beautiful night when he and Lilith flew over the still virgin Earth, inhabited by some reptiles… Lucifer remembers those joyful eyes, how she looked at him, how attentively and mesmerized she listened to his ideas…

They were like they were made for each other.

Of course, at first she was faithful to Adam, and Lucifer himself didn't plan to go too far, not wanting to violate the Plan, but… Then she called him, her tear-stained face told Lucifer everything, and then… Everything happened too quickly, but none of them regret it.

Lucifer won't deny his feelings, which were born over time, which he told his brothers and sisters, but… He deprived Lilith of the Garden.

Lilith never blamed him for it, but he saw how she was saddened by her exile. Then he created a new Garden. Their Garden. How happy she was then.

But most of all, Lucifer regretted his impulsiveness towards Eve. Poor girl, who naively listened to him and Lilith. His words found their way to her heart, and she had no idea what she was agreeing to at the request of one of the Seraphim, and Lucifer simply didn't want to think about anything else, completely confident that God simply hadn't taken that into account…

Adam and Lilith didn't understand, Eve herself didn't understand, even his brothers didn't fully understand, but He… He was the best of them in the field of Aether and God's Miracle. God entrusted him with this part of the Plan, so Lucifer immediately saw what the Apple did to Eve's soul.

But that naive fool didn't attach any importance to it, saving this reminder for the future, so that he would know what he had done, so that he would always remember whose fate he had forever ruined.

That Lucifer acknowledged. One thing is when Adam and Lilith didn't suit each other, their breakup was a matter of time, not ten years, but ten centuries, but Adam and Eve… He simply had no right to deprive the First Man of his happiness a second time, but he did it anyway, realizing it only after millennia.

The flashes and tremors stopped, and the screams ceased to be heard, although, Lucifer noticed, a couple of souls, probably some Lords, were running towards his mansion, somehow finding out that the Exterminators never flew near his mansion… Idiots.

In a moment, the shells of the Sinners were destroyed, sending their souls to form new shells.

Honestly, Lucifer expected more from God's Chief Creation - man. In the first millennium, he was very passionate about this idea. Instead of the usual deserts of the City, there was a Garden that was not inferior to Eden, or even surpassing it, and what can we say about the City of the Apple, whose beauty was not inferior to the Golden City.

This place, "Hell" as it has been called for the last thousand years, was his "Paradise." A place where any soul could end up, regardless of his misdeeds. Lucifer still believes that any rational being is free to do whatever he wants, not being limited by any frameworks, if that's what he needs. That's why he approached Lilith, they both had similar views.

Although Lucifer was considered the Sin of Pride, he was the right Sin of Pride. He didn't care what the Sinners said or how they treated him, because he didn't even consider them rational. Just primates who haven't grown out of their primitive games of "whose stick is bigger."

Goetia… For the first millennium, Lucifer could punish them severely for encroaching on his Pride, but then it got so boring… It remained to simply pretend to be a "Wicked" and "Just" lord, but even that was getting worse and worse, because he didn't care about these intrigues and machinations… He would rather create new ducks.

Lucifer struck a new chord, surrendering to the music and diving deeper into his memories, returning to his beautiful wife, beautiful Lily.

He and Lilith were… children, to be frank. As soon as they were expelled, they began to behave just "childishly," acting out their "revenge" in a childish way. Heaven had Eden - Lucifer created his own; Heaven had the Golden City - Lucifer created theirs with Lilith; Adam and Eve were wed under God's Eye - Lucifer and Lilith became husband and wife under Lucifer's blessing; Adam began to preach God's Faith - Lucifer and Lilith decided to start preaching their own; people had God's Miracle - Lucifer invented Magic. The latter was not so much out of childish revenge as out of Lucifer's sincere desire to help people like Cain, whom God had turned away from. Back then, Lucifer sincerely didn't understand why some were allowed to create like angels, while others had to simply lie in the mud. Therefore, Lucifer combined the pleasant with the useful and created a different way of using God's Miracle.

Magic. His Magnum Opus. One of his best creations, and it was so wasted…

Mr. Quackus, Mrs. Quack-Quack began to play along with his violin. Quackus played the keyboard, piano and organ perfectly, while Quack-Quack was good on wind instruments. His favorite ducks always supported his compositions and always knew when to join his performance. His room was filled with the sounds of the piano, supported by female vocals and flute.

If today is a time of revelation and diversity, if we take the new toys of the Exterminators as a sign of God, then Lucifer should also match.

These… Degenerates, Sinners. They couldn't appreciate all that he had given them. They were just… Awful! Damaged, insignificant, they didn't appreciate anything given, they never even said "thank you," they just took his grace for granted, and what happened afterwards, when more and more souls began to enter his "Paradise"…! The Garden was destroyed, a small section survived only near his mansion, and the City… degenerated into this Spit, a spit on his work!

Lucifer had long stopped being angry about that stupid reason.

Then, after one and a half thousand years, he doubted for the first time. These souls must have been poisoned by Evil, which he had released on Earth, otherwise their behavior was inexplicable! How lousy he felt then, drenched in the blood of the shells of souls, when they decided to resolve their differences not through his judgment…

Lucifer understood where this Evil in people came from. From Eve, the "First Woman" and Mother of Mankind. That same Eve whom he persuaded to taste the Fruit, ignoring the consequences…

Lucifer… saw how Eve was changing, saw how the Fruit was affecting her, but he allowed himself weakness. Adam and Eve quarreled, a rarity, because Adam had learned from his mistakes and became a better husband, but Lucifer didn't care then, because "he wanted to hurt the one who had taken Lilith's Paradise from her even more"…

He succumbed to temptation and the pleasant embrace of Eve, striving once again to prove something to Heaven, only exacerbating the situation for Eve's soul. Thank God, Adam and Eve didn't break up then, he really became better, Lucifer unwillingly admitted, but Eve…

Now even he can't find her on Earth. She won't get into either Heaven or Hell, doomed to constantly wander between the two edges, constantly change faces and personalities, doomed to go completely mad, because her naive and kind soul was never suited for such a nightmare…

If one of his brothers asked him if he had ever made mistakes, the only thing he would say is his offense towards Eve. She didn't deserve such a fate, and the moment to fix everything had long passed.

Lilith… He could never fully decide on her attitude towards the Second Woman. Lilith always kept this topic away from their family life, and Lucifer was not averse to pretending that it was not their fault that an innocent soul, who did not deserve it, was ruined.

It seemed that Lilith was happy with their Fall. She was finally completely Free, now only she could control her destiny, and Lucifer always helped her. But she, like Lucifer himself, gradually wilted, her fire of "resistance" extinguished, she became more and more passive, as did Lucifer himself.

Lucifer allowed more somber notes to slip into his solo, and the musical instruments changed their tone to a more somber one. Lucifer's workshop dimmed slightly, as if the colors themselves dimmed along with the change in tone. Lucifer didn't open his eyes for a moment, surrendering completely to the music.

Lilith took on all the "main and practical" part of their "Paradise," and Lucifer was satisfied with his creation and entertainment. He always supported his wife, always protected and gave advice. When the first "animals," the future Goetia, of their "Garden" began to appear, then… They were both surprised. Instead of kind and unusual creatures, aggressive and dangerous creatures were born, who only desired destruction and hunting. They found common ground, recognizing Lilith and Lucifer as their Queen and King, but this fact shook their common faith in their ideals with Lilith. "Features of their World," Lilith said then when they were in the bedroom, in each other's arms.

Lucifer supported Lilith in everything, even in war.

"The First Uprising of Hell Against Heaven." That's what the first attempt by Lilith to "restore justice and change the outdated Laws of Heaven" was called. It was the only Uprising in which Lucifer himself participated, the most successful, because then the "demons," as Heaven called HIS creations, were able to break out of his "Paradise" and get to Earth, practically one step away from Heaven.

Then… He and Michael, his favorite until then (maybe even now…), brother, really fought. Each had doubts and hesitations, but each struck with full force. Then Michael almost defeated Lucifer, but Satan, the Sin of Wrath, came to the rescue… It was then that Lucifer learned that angelic power can completely destroy souls, and Hell lost its first soul.

The rebellion was crushed, all his creations in Hell were destroyed, and the new souls of humans were getting worse. Then he finally turned his back on humanity. Finally realizing how cruel and terrible they were.

The further "rebellions" never equaled their first. Except for the Third, when they even quarreled with Lilith, who once again persuaded him to join this senseless slaughter. Thankfully, she remained faithful to him, knowing perfectly well that Lucifer would incinerate the soul of any fool who dared to encroach on his property.

The music was ending, the last notes were playing.

But any rational being has a limit. A limit when any activity, even the one he loves most, can get boring if it doesn't bring any substantial results. Lilith wanted to change the Rules and Laws of Heaven, she wanted to change God's Plan, she tried to give humanity Freedom, which she had acquired herself, but…

She also saw how the Sinners behaved, saw the cruelty of demons towards the souls of people who, having come to Earth, decided to "have some fun," saw what all her "rebellions" led to: the destruction of all their work, the destruction of innocent souls whose death they wanted to avoid, complete chaos…

Lilith saw the Sinners' attitude towards all her attempts to "make them better," the complete lack of gratitude when she protected their souls at the expense of her own strength… Therefore, the "Fourth Uprising" was led not even by her, but by some Sinner who came with his legions and armies to the Queen and asked for blessings. Gishgamesh or Bakarech? Some earthly king-warrior who decided to prove something to Heaven. Lilith was impressed by the fool who somehow rekindled the fire of "resistance" that was slowly fading.

After the fourth failure and the beginning of the Exterminations, which were carried out, as if mocking her, by Adam himself, Lilith finally began to adhere to Lucifer's model of behavior. They grew closer to the Eldritch family, Lilith started spending more time in the mansion and in the solitude of their garden, where there was the only place with the sky, stars, seasons and weather, something that the first Sinners destroyed and Heaven finished off.

The music ended, and Lucifer theatrically bowed to the surrounding audience, his favorite set of ducks. The Extermination was in full swing, now only the beginning of the morning, the Valkyries were still strangely coordinated, methodically destroying the Sinners, and Adam was flying somewhere in the center, apparently looking for some Lord personally.

Lucifer put his favorite violin on the shelf next to the window, glancing briefly at the views behind him, turned to his Table. His main workplace, where he creates his creations.

The intricate design should not deceive the casual eye, because only a fool would think that a Seraph, one of the First Ten, the very Second, the one who was entrusted with the Miracle itself, needs anything that might be needed by some earthly "magician"… He held a couple of human instruments, but only because they felt so good in his hand.

And they also like his daughter Charlie.

Daughter. Lucifer didn't know if any of his brothers and sisters had children, but he himself, nine thousand years after the Fall, finally had one. The most beloved, the most beautiful, the most darling, just a little sweetie..!

"Okay, I'm going off track again," Lucifer shook his head.

When they had their beloved Charlie with Lilith, they were like eight thousand years younger. How many memories, how many incidents, how many mistakes, because none of them knew exactly how to raise a child, and Asmodeus or Satan were not good helpers.

Daughter. Lucifer didn't know if any of his brothers and sisters had children, but he himself, nine thousand years after the Fall, finally had one. The most beloved, the most beautiful, the most darling, just a little sweetie..!

"Okay, I'm going off track again," Lucifer shook his head.

When they had their beloved Charlie with Lilith, they were like eight thousand years younger. How many memories, how many incidents, how many mistakes, because none of them knew exactly how to raise a child, and Asmodeus or Satan were not good helpers.

You can't ask one of the Sinners, those bastards ended up with him because they're clearly not cut out to be good parents!

So Lucifer made small excursions to Earth for some parenting guides. It was funny to see the faces of the cultists when they heard the demands for "books about good parenting" instead of the usual goats or lambs.

Yes, the Law and Rules of Heaven forbid him from fully leaving not only Hell, even the Ring of Pride kept him here to some extent, forcing him to settle here, because he was also "punished" like the Sinners…

Especially Lilith, the First Sinner.

He could agree with that title, she's so "sinful" in bed…

Lucifer shook his head, returning to creating some new trinket, needed only to keep his hands busy.

Charlie. His Char-Char, his Sunshine, his Angel. Their favorite daughter with Lilith, whom they protect with everything they can. She breathed new life into their eternal monotony.

This little girl loves to frolic around their mansion, loves to play with his wings or her mother's horns. And how sweetly she is puzzled by some of his creations! Just pure gold, not a child.

The Sins saw her, she is even close with the Eldritch children, especially with the son, although she has a kind of childish feud with their daughter… Oh, these children, with their "feud for all eternity"… They'll pout at each other for a couple of centuries, then they'll become the most faithful comrades.

Charlie is already ninety-one years old, and she has already mastered all available musical instruments and even started to be interested in a trident! His little girl will be the best she-devil in Hell!

Lucifer sat in the workshop for another two hours, melancholically pondering the past, or cheering himself up with memories of his daughter, when the door creaked open slightly.

"Dad, are you in there?" - Charlie's quiet voice instantly chased all extraneous thoughts out of his head.

"Of course, Char-Char, I'll always be here for you" - The King of Hell turned to his daughter too abruptly, causing her to flinch.

"Mom made pineapple pizza, and I wanted…"

"Pineapple pizza." That cursed abomination, whose love came from somewhere for both his beloved women. He expressly forbade this encroachment on the sacred art of cooking, on one of the few legacies of human culture that he does not despise. He forbade it in his house, but these bitches (of course, he doesn't mean it seriously, not Lilith and beloved Charlie) still find ways to smuggle this culinary abortion into his house.

"…Of course, dear." - With a heavy sigh, not wanting to upset his daughter, although Lucifer began to suspect that Lilith had deliberately taught their Charlie to beg him like that so that they could enjoy their favorite food with his daughter.

"Yay!" - Charlie jumped, taking her father's hand.

They went downstairs to the kitchen while the Slaying was in full swing outside the windows of the mansion.

Every time there was a particularly loud scream, Charlie squeezed his hand and a note of frown appeared on her beautiful face.

Lucifer just hoped "this" didn't escalate into something stupid.

* * *

Heaven. Two hours after the Extermination ended, Adam's Office.

Honestly, after these couple of months of closer interaction with Adam, Lute and his Valkyries, I'm starting to understand how Sera became so resilient to his antics. After all, such nonsense comes not only from Adam.

"But Sir! – Lute whined somehow, crawling on all fours, while Adam drenched her with water from a hose, while the other six Shield Sisters stood aside, fully equipped, looking pitifully at their Commander.

"Get your form right, Lute, I'm sick of this bullshit."- Adam said monotonously, increasing the pressure.

"But I want to be a Dark Crusader of Star Dust!" - Lute shouted plaintively, supported by nods from her sisters, who looked similar – lots of blood stains, roughness and a "post-battle" look on each.

"Whatever". - Adam replied laconically. - "Don't drag this cartoon bullshit into our work."

"But Sirr…" - Frigga started, wringing her hands.

"Today should be a small festival for fans of that animation, so we with the Sisters wanted to…" Freja continued, without looking up at the annoyed Commander.

"All of us go there, costumes for the atmosphere, because there will be a competition for them, and we wanted to try performing as a team." Sigrin summarized in a confident voice, in which only nervousness could be heard.

Adam didn't answer, continuing to water Lute's wings. Usually – a big mistake, but this time, apparently, Lute understood that she was not in the right, so she didn't even comment.

They didn't even notice me, absorbed in their argument, although I have been standing here for two minutes, admiring how Lute and the Sisters are trying to persuade Adam to let them go to some "fan meeting." The only thing I liked was the cold steam from the water that was drenching the wall of part of the training ground, where Lute was crawling on all fours.

Everything was fine, I was about to leave quietly, leaving the necessary papers on Adam's desk, whom I was looking for out of my own, as fate has shown, stupidity, wanting to hand them over personally, but then I was noticed…

"Archangel Vergil, Sir!" Frigga, one of my favorite Sisters, noticed me, drawing everyone's attention in this hospital to me.

"Please, grant the Shield Sisters permission to go to this event in our working uniforms!" Even through the holo-eyes, I saw that pitiful look in her yellow eyes, I'm sure there was a real tear there, because Frigga at work and in everyday life are different angels…

"I am your boss and I decide where and how you go, especially if you can not only disgrace yourselves with your antics, but also risk exposing the fact of the Extermination with all this blood of Sinners, you stupid whores!" The hose was definitely created by Adam, because the pressure increased as soon as Adam expressed more vivid emotions. Lute began to cover herself with her wings. "Don't move, Lute, you'll wash faster, you'll go to your party faster."

"But the Crusaders of Star Dust must always be brutal and pompous!" Lute tried to defend herself. "Their armor is covered in the blood of their enemies, and they themselves…"

" I don't give a fuck". - Adam shattered her.


Then Lut looked at me with her holo-eyes, behind which I could definitely see her pitiful face. Amazing woman.

I looked straight into her eyes, she into mine. She nodded. I rubbed the bridge of my nose.


"Adam, I'd suggest letting them go to that 'fan meeting"... - Adam turned to me abruptly with the look of a man completely betrayed in his best feelings.


"And you're Brutus?! When did you become a supporter of this "animation" to send MY girls there to embarrass themselves?!" The water pressure intensified, but now the water wasn't hitting Lute, stopped by my weave, causing it to pool in the air. Seeing this, Adam flung the hose away irritably, vaporizing it. - "Especially since, for once, I'm keeping secrecy, and those stupid fucks just decided to give a damn about it, thinking the other angels wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the blood of a demon and a Sinner!" - Adam waved his hands indignantly.


"But they did, more than once..." Freya tried to justify herself quietly.


"Silence in the fucking ranks!" - Adam turned around, making the Valkyries in line stretch out.

- Let's say I can draw blood for them, even make it identical to real demonic blood. – Adam frowned at me, his face twisting into a grimace of irritation. – And about the shame... – I gestured to summon the standard appearance of the Righteous, even more hyperbolized in its design, in the worst way. Perhaps this is how those who attend such meetings look.

- They won't be the only ones showing up in strange outfits, so everyone will be embarrassed; it's just a gathering of like-minded enthusiasts. – Adam studied the summoned image for a couple of seconds, then shifted his gaze to the group of Valkyries standing in formation, with Lute now on her feet.

The Valkyries expressed repentance, obedience, and pity in their demeanor. A strange mix, but I'm no longer surprised by anything. Communicating with Adam and his Department can do that to a rational mind.

- ...If I hear even a whisper about your screw-ups, or find out that angels are starting to suspect that Valkyries are descending into Hell for their own damn whims with the Sinners, then all of YOU – he raised his voice, pointing at each trembling Valkyrie in turn. – Until the next Extermination, you won't emerge from training, and all such bullshit will be forbidden through Sera, got it! – Adam scanned the formation again, then frowned at me.

- What did you want, Snowflake? – A gesture and two stacks of papers materialize beside Adam, causing him to groan painfully.

- They already have a blessing for self-filling; just indicate the details and your appearance with a prayer, like last time. – I quietly reminded Adam, prompting him to massage his mask while nodding gratefully.

- At least something good today. – Adam took both stacks in one hand, carrying them with some miracle. – And you, – the Valkyries, including Lute, flinched again, – go on to your "meeting," while I'm in a good mood, and remember the punishment. – Adam turned toward the office, passing by me. – Damn animators... – he muttered under his breath. The Valkyries began to excitedly discuss something among themselves until my snap interrupted them.

Those silly girls really had genuine Sinner blood; you couldn't mistake it. If an angel has seen a demon even once, studied its blood, they can tell the difference with Sinner blood; it has a similar feel, just more "human," more artificial. Moreover, the structure and composition of demon blood and Sinner blood differ, but those are details.

The weaving absorbs all the blood, dissolving it into blue threads that move into the vials in my laboratory, which is in the basement of my house. With another weaving, I create an image of demonic blood, fitting into the well-known appearance of the Valkyries, as one of the many branches of Heaven's army.

- Thank you, Vergilius, sir. – Lute, along with the other Shield Sisters, saluted, to which I merely waved my hand. – If you...

- Nothing, just a friendly helping hand; go have fun, just really don't get caught up in any stories, otherwise I'll have to sign an order prohibiting these events. – I shook my head, turning toward the exit of the training ground.

The Valkyries nodded, expressing their gratitude, and Frigg even quickly hugged her, only to be immediately pulled back by Sanchi. After saying goodbye to the Sisters, I soared towards the Spire.

Flying at a moderate pace above the Golden City, it was easy to fall into a trance, lost in thoughts of the past. The beauties of Paradise had become more familiar, no longer evoking that usual delight; it seemed I had grown accustomed to being amazed every day, discovering something new that inevitably appeared in this utopia.

A light breeze and gray clouds warned of the impending "autumn" rain, reminding me of the passage of time even more strongly.

I managed to create my first Construct. Made of concrete, reinforced with rebar, crooked and skewed, but functioning through Weaving, requiring no knowledge from Seraphim or Cherubim. The model cannot execute simple commands, as even walking is a struggle for it, but considering that only a couple of months have passed from idea to realization—it's a significant progress.

Next, I need to achieve stability for the Construct, refine its shape, and weave into the formulas of enchantment and Weaving what's needed to accomplish at least one task. The "Quill and Parchment" project, which Sera and Adam love so much, is perfect for laying the foundation for creating a database for the Construct.

Adam and the Valkyries are currently compiling reports on the trials of my enchantments and weavings, but according to the Valkyries and Adam, the results are simply excellent. However, knowing myself and the Department of the First, it will be necessary to thoroughly analyze individual cases to identify minor flaws or critical errors.

But the main takeaway I gained from "practice on Earth" is the combat sphere of Weaving. Various bursts, projectiles, deceptive maneuvers, and many other weavings for destruction, deceiving the enemy, or simply moving across the battlefield.

Naturally, I was thrown to the ground. What chances does a simple researcher have in a fair fight against trained fighters, even the least experienced ones? But in "real combat"...

It was a kind of no-rules training, a simulation of live conflict where any means could be used to achieve victory.

The only one who managed to take me down was Adam.

The Valkyries had a similar tactic; though they were sharp, fast, and coordinated, they also had their weaknesses. I simply wouldn't let them get close, using weavings to monitor the flanks and rear, as well as tying them up and "killing" them to take them out of the competition. Adam, on the other hand, just smashed through all my "tricks." That's when I learned the feeling a soldier has when facing a charging airship with a pistol. Absolute despair and helplessness.

Adam pointed out that my weavings, which he called the Etheric Wonder, were only effective due to the element of surprise and were easily dealt with by the Valkyries in the second or third round. Even though I adapted my weavings, changing them on the fly to maintain my advantage, the Valkyries would come at me in small groups, from two to five angels.

The unusual nature of my magic, its surprise, sharpness, and adaptability allowed me to bypass the factors of experience and skill, bludgeoning them "with a crude stick," as Lute put it, and I managed to take her down too, even if it was one-on-one, hanging by a thread from defeat.

Though I wasn't skilled in combat techniques, I simply didn't allow them to use their advantages—except for Adam, who is in a league of his own. The Valkyries, especially my acquaintances, congratulated me on my rather decent results, and Adam, albeit reluctantly, acknowledged, "While you may suck at fighting techniques, your Wonder compensates for it." Both sides were satisfied, and I gained tools for at least some defense.

Naturally, the feeling of invincibility would last only until the first real battle, where an opponent could nullify these advantages, especially since the Valkyries primarily relied on their weapons and the abilities of their wings with minor Wonders. I mustn't forget that stronger opponents could bypass most of my weavings, so I needed to keep working hard to truly feel invulnerable.

In the distance, the Spire of the Supreme Seraphim began to come into view, marking the end of the route, but then…

"Vergilius!"—Emily's sharp voice, hovering above me, made me flinch slightly.

"Emily…"—I didn't show it physically, but my voice carried all those "positive" emotions from such a rude interruption of my peace, greeting the "Younger Sister" of Sera. "What did I say about this?"

"Not to do it unless you can immediately make amends?"—that little devil innocently rubbed her fingers, looking at me with her big blue eyes. "And I just happen to have something!"—she suddenly extended her hand, flying closer.

"Did you really manage to reconcile Hell and Heaven?"—I raised an eyebrow slowly, looking into the eyes of the flying Seraphim beside me.

"Better—resolve Sera's issues for you!"—Emily's radiant smile didn't boost my confidence. Quite the opposite.

"Please don't tell me you just dumped this on Sera…"—sighing, I rubbed my face, fully aware of Emily's capabilities, which Sera was already starting to involve in future duties.

Just once, I thought about suggesting "try giving Emily some work so she can assess it for herself" or some similar nonsense. Now I was constantly keeping an eye on her, fending her off from Sera, allowing her to rest.

Especially since Sera and I had already started "kinda" dating… Slowly, allowing Sera to fully savor all the pros and cons of a healthy relationship between a man and a woman, where even a kiss and holding hands still caused her some shyness… I wasn't against it, giving her all the time she might need to gradually adjust.

And once she got a bit used to it, we could dive deeper into this wonderful rabbit hole…

"Ve-e-e-rg…"—Emily yanked me from my thoughts again, this time tugging at my cloak. "You're not listening to me again…"—this brat whined, perfectly aware that I knew her game. No matter, I knew how to get back at her, and this little one knew it too but continued to clown around for some reason.

"Sorry, I was planning our schedule with Sera. What did you want?"—I shook my head, looking into Emily's blue-violet eyes, which made her fidget slightly, and all her earlier enthusiasm vanished instantly.

"...wanted… to…"—Emily whispered something quietly, not allowing me to hear it. Frowning, I stopped our flight, guiding us onto the nearest cloud, surrounding us with a weaving. Emily didn't react at all, just continued to fidget.

"Once more, what did you want?"—I sat down beside her on the cloud, wrapping her in my wing, fully covering her to create a semblance of privacy, which for some reason made her cheeks darken.

"I would like to go to Earth with you."—she quietly, almost inaudibly, repeated her earlier words.


Emily didn't look at me, searching for something in the bits of cloud we were sitting on, while I… was calculating just how much I'd get scolded by Adam and Sera.

"You... want to go to Earth with me? Not with Adam, but with me?" Emily nodded, still not lifting her gaze to meet mine. All her cheerful demeanor had vanished.

In principle, this request wasn't surprising. My constant stories, my practice in the "Phantasm," the project of transforming Wonders like "Fantasy" into Weaving, when I showed Emily Earth or worlds imagined by artists or writers. Apparently, Emily had matured to the point where she was ready to try stepping out from under the "parental" wing and do something for herself.

The thing is, no one can go to Earth without special permission from the relevant Department, depending on the purpose of your "trip"... But what if I take Emily to Earth, and there, bandits are assaulting women or drowning kittens? Emily could end up with some psychological trauma...

And Adam would be the first to skin me alive, break my halo, and tear off my wings. I would do the same in his place, and Sera... Considering our new relationship, I simply can't treat her like that.

"...Why?"—a question without condemnation, without malice, just the usual tone I used for our everyday communication. Emily perked up a little.

"I want... to see with my own eyes everything that people go through."—Emily hugged her knees, burying her face in them. "I know there's a lot of bad, a lot of cruelty, but I just..."—she finally looked me in the eyes, a certain resolve on her face. "I want to know."

What a little brat...

This wasn't the first time she hinted at something like this, but it was the first time she had directly asked for it. What next? Will she say that all people should go to Paradise? There was one like that, now doomed to spend eternity in his "Paradise," thanks to the most accurate documents available for the Supreme Seraphim to view.

But still...

Why do I even care about all this? An extra hassle, extra problems in the worst-case scenario, but why...? Why do I feel uneasy about denying this naive and kind little girl?

Damn it.

"...I'll ask Sera and try to convince her; it can't be done without that."—Emily transformed abruptly, hugging me and quietly expressing her gratitude. "I won't promise anything, though."

With a sigh, we finally made our way to Sera's office, which seemed to be waiting for us with this request. As it turned out, Emily had been bothering Sera first, and she had steadfastly held her ground this time, not allowing the little one to get her way so easily.

Even Adam, as Sera said, was against the trip to Earth, refusing to take her with him. It was understandable, considering Adam only goes to Earth in two cases: to exterminate demons or to cleanse heresy.

So here I was, drawing the shortest straw, it turned out.

Sera was generally not opposed; our words had indeed reached her sweet ears, which she wasn't ready to touch just yet, but we were getting there. Sera simply asked me about the "safest" routes, where Emily and I were least likely to encounter any immoral sights...

The route for the upcoming "excursion for exploration" was discussed with Sera, amidst Emily's excited words assuring that she "would never stray onto the path of Sin" and other teenage or immature adult declarations when given a chance to obtain a long-desired opportunity...

When Emily went out to gather everything she needed from her and Sera's house, I was able to calm the anxious Sera again, for whom this step was a significant risk as the "Elder," making her nervous.

I reassured her with a brief kiss on the lips, reminding her of the weavings for communication, and I managed to calm the Seraphim's nerves for a time.

And then… Emily and I set off for Earth.

"Is that really Olympus?! The very mountain where, according to legends, the Greek gods resided?!"—Emily had chosen a more "practical" version of her dress, opting for a form-fitting outfit that already highlighted her developing figure (probably chosen due to her ignorance), a blue gradient top with white circular patterns mixed with crosses, exposing her stomach, paired with long shorts, and white-gray-blue tights? The white shoes simply completed this undoubtedly "practical" ensemble, which had taken about an hour of my waiting time outside Emily's room.

How she shone when I praised her choice of colors…

"Yes, Emily, the one and only."—while she flew over the mountain's peak, trying to find the "gods" hiding from us, I enjoyed the air of Earth, trying to feel every particle of wind at the mountain's summit. "As you can see, there are no gods here."

"But where are they?!"—she asked, taking my arm, trying to get me to join her in this adventure, though she already knew the reason perfectly well.

"They're just scared of the Seraphim who wants to refresh their bodies and souls."—I remarked monotonously, making Emily's smile grow even wider.

"And they're right to be!"—Emily nodded. "But we have to find them; I've always wanted to smack Zeus for constantly cheating on Hera!"—she threatened, shaking her fist in the air.

"I think they're somewhere in those columns."—I pointed to the well-preserved remains of Olympus from ancient Greece.

The books of Paradise did not lie; once, people really did wield Wonders better than now. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, who created his domain somewhere underground, truly existed. Some of them ended up in Paradise, changing their names, others in Hell...

"Oh, look! That must be Zagreus, son of Zeus!"—she pointed somewhere beyond the columns and flew in that direction, pulling me along.

"Is that... ice cream?"—Emily looked skeptically at the plain white sorbet we had gotten from a local stall in central London.

"You quickly get used to the good things, especially what is served in Paradise."—I took a big bite of the frozen milk, encouraging Emily to do the same. "Of course, it's not the thousands of flavors and varieties, but this is Earth, where ingredients and methods are in short supply."

Emily didn't respond, only nodded, continuing to hypnotize the sorbet with her gaze.

"You're a grump!"—Emily pouted, accusingly poking me with her finger. "You promised there would be Wights in this forest!"—she turned away, indignantly huffing.

Wights—legends that, it turned out, were conjured by some angels who decided to play a prank. They sometimes play the role of fairies that wander through the forests of Norway, scaring the local villagers.

"Who said it would be easy, Em?"—I nodded and took her by the arm; she didn't resist but continued to show her displeasure with her expression. "We just have to try harder."

"I know, right?!"—Emily perked up immediately, continuing our futile search.

A beautiful green forest, the song of birds, the smell of fresh rain, which lightly drizzled on our walk.


"So, is that... your family?"—Emily whispered quietly, inexplicably hiding behind a wall.

Emily and I were not seen anyway. Some blessings from Sera, which I had already adapted in the style of Weaving. We simply passed through people unnoticed; we could even make obscene gestures at them, and they wouldn't budge.

I had checked this with the Valkyries, who constantly did similar things, to which Adam merely snorted.

"Correct, my mother is Martha Jung and my father is Anderson Jung."—I nodded toward my designated relatives, who were currently engaged in morning prayer at the church. "There's also my sister, Olivia Jung, but she's at work right now."

After visiting them and confirming that I was indeed me, I... I don't know what feelings I would experience if my sister or mother visited me years after my death. Let's just say they were... excited yet frightened, feeling both relief and fear.

The day was chosen specifically for when our family was supposed to gather, without children or spouses—only the closest relatives. My grandparents had long left this world; I had never met them, only encountering their medical bills in adulthood. Still, it felt shameful to seek them in Paradise or to learn that one of them might have ended up in Hell... after all this time.

My parents and sister were stunned by the revelations about Heaven and Hell. My mother was happy to learn that I had gone to a good place and was keeping an eye on them from time to time, while my father was intrigued by the new information about the universe. My sister was simply glad that I hadn't vanished into the "void," as I had often told her, but ended up "where a nerd like me shouldn't have," to which I agreed.

After several hours of dialogue, it was suggested that they all start attending church regularly, which was not particularly pleasant for my father, a distinguished Harvard professor, but he didn't express any strong negativity. They should start atoning for sins, performing noble deeds, and donating to the poor or shelters… perhaps helping someone with their work or volunteering in direct assistance to others.

Given that there was a bona fide angel before them, the advice was taken very seriously.

"They... seem so ordinary?"—Emily whispered uncertainly. "I mean!—she suddenly turned to me—"There's nothing wrong with that; I just didn't expect a soul that became an Archangel in a couple of years to have such…"

"Simple parents?"—I suggested, receiving a nod in response. "Nothing surprising; after all, I'm just a person who ended up where I am by chance, luck, and hard work. One should never discount luck and coincidence; I was mostly fortunate."—I nodded wisely, paying close attention to Emily.

"But let's save that for later. Do you want to see what's left of my home?"—to which Emily eagerly nodded, grabbing my right elbow.

My home... was now some sort of "cursed zone," where rumors of ghosts, witches, cultists, and curses floated around. Those damned idiots only egged on some fools to check it out, trying to summon demons or create other troubles...

The house lay in ruins; the first floor walls remained, but the second had definitely been torn down. My body had long been cremated, as my written will stipulated just in case, but as for the rest... As I learned, what was intact was taken by the family, what could be taken was claimed by the state, and the rest was looted.

Emily and I walked through these places where I had created images of rooms and surrounding land using "Phantasm," explaining their purposes and applications. I showed her that very "photo of Paradise" I had taken while still alive, causing her to look at me with some strange glint in her eyes, and then she began asking about that project.

Thus, we talked until evening, discussing details about my life, family, and home, until there was about an hour left before the end of the "tour."

Emily wanted to make the most of this time, so we found some circus performance happening today, and I, leaving her with a small Construct—a little doll whose purpose was to track her location—set off... to create earthly delights using weaving, but...

"William Young, what a surprise!"—a pleasant female voice, behind which something was hidden, caught me completely off guard. No one should be able to see us, not even those who know how to use Wonder. "How I've missed one of my favorite clients!"—the monotonous voice seemed to only be trying to feign politeness.

I slowly turned around, meeting the unnaturally red eyes of a middle-aged woman who stood out with her unearthly pale, almost corpse-like skin. Dressed in black, with a small smile and eyes... Dead eyes of a person completely indifferent to this life.

The same woman who sold me several books on magic. Mrs. Apple. A widow, long since lost her husband, living from year to year, collecting and selling interesting items. She wasn't found; she appeared herself. Back then, I had been quite lucky to stumble upon rumors about this woman, who had caused quite a stir among the female population with her appearance in London.

Despite her unnatural skin, she was beautiful, as if God himself had sculpted her. But those eyes...

"Has your memory really gotten so bad over the years, William? Can you not recognize your old friend from the magical studies?"—every word was a lie; we had crossed paths a couple of times when she sold me books, but we hadn't introduced ourselves, maintaining a kind of anonymity.

I had learned her name from rumors; she had learned mine from the obituary in the newspaper.

But what was most important...

That feeling... It was as if I were wandering through the Third Circle again, being scrutinized by a thousand eyes, as if I had plunged into a bucket of filth... Only much dirtier and more "savage."

"Mrs. Apple, it's nice to see you again, but don't you find it strange to speak with a corpse?"—I replied calmly, not giving fear a chance to seep into my voice.

"A dead person sees another dead person from afar, William."—Mrs. Apple shook her head, aligning herself with me. "Especially when that dead person appears before her in the form of an angel."—She spat out the last words, and her monotonous tone slipped in... irritation, disdain, pain?

"Just a costume for the fair."—I replied unflinchingly, shrugging.

Through weaving, I signaled the Construct to move Emily back to Paradise, just in case of a cult or demon. Only the demon-possessed can see angels. The only question is—who from the Goetia stands before me?

"Nice halo; it must have taken immense effort to create the illusion of hovering without supports."—Her voice lost all emotion again.

"Just magic, nothing more."—We both smiled.

With the thought of Emily being sent back to Paradise, I could breathe easier, knowing she wouldn't be harmed.

Alongside Mrs. Apple, we walked into a deserted part of London, completely unnoticed by people, even passing through some of them. There was silence. A tense silence, seemingly only for me, while Mrs. Apple hummed some strange, melancholic tune.

We reached my home, or what remained of it, where we stopped under a single surviving tree.

"It was a good walk, Mr. William; thank you."—Mrs. Apple made a lazy bow, to which I simply waved my hand.

"Nonsense, Mrs. Apple; that was one of my best walks with a woman, period."—I nodded, earning some semblance of a smile from Mrs. Apple.

She seemed lost in thought, somewhere else entirely, as if she were looking not at me but through me—at... everything?

"But still, I would like to ask you something."—She turned to me, peering with her red into my blue. "I ask this question of every interesting person I meet on my long journey through life, if you don't mind?"—At her slight, inquisitive tilt of the head, I simply nodded, not betraying any tension.

"Do you believe in the redemption of the soul?"—The simple question was posed with some intonation filled with various emotions and memories. In that single question seemed hidden everything that was Mrs. Apple, all her emotions poured into it, countless memories.

I didn't dare to try and look into Mrs. Apple's soul, fearing that those countless gazes would peer into me, forever changing who I am.

"If you had asked me about this five or six years ago, I would have said 'No,'"—I shook my head, looking at the emerging stars, whose light is better captured by the eyes of an Archangel than by a human. "But now, having gone through everything I have…"—I turned to Mrs. Apple, who was frozen in anticipation of my answer.

"I'll say I don't know."—Her red eyes widened slightly. "Honestly, I don't know. It's easier to say that once a person crosses certain boundaries, they're lost forever, but that would be foolish."—I shook my head, and Mrs. Apple seemed to follow every word I spoke, like a snake watching each sound that escaped my mouth.

"The most important thing I've realized is that in this world, anything is possible."—I glanced back into the widow's eyes. "If one way doesn't work, then the second will; if the second doesn't work, then maybe the thousandth will. Perhaps a different approach is needed."—I lifted my gaze to the stars.

"What if you keep losing over and over again?"—Mrs. Apple asked quietly, for the first time showing an emotion in her voice that I couldn't quite recognize. "What if you stumble time and time again, increasingly convinced of your wrongness?"

"Then…"—I hesitated to meet the eyes of the woman, her attention intensifying along with the sensation of thousands of gazes. "I would ask someone else or simply distract myself."—Silence hung in the air, and I didn't dare turn toward the potential demon, preparing to leave using weaving.

"Distract yourself? But isn't that unproductive?"—Again, I recognized the emotion—this time, confusion.

"Completely. Sometimes a person can simply burn out; one option is to switch activities while keeping thoughts of the main idea somewhere at the edge of consciousness, allowing our marvelous brain to process it on its own."—I nodded, trying to find coordinates for the Sky for more convenient teleportation, something I needed to experience right now.

Silence reigned again, this time more hostile and tense. It felt as if thousands of angry spirits were watching. Was it Sin? Beelzebub or Satan? I was just a magnet for the best stories... Perhaps somewhere around the corner hides Lucifer, and behind that cloud sits God?

"That's not the answer I expected, but it's the one I wanted to hear."—The tension seemed to dissipate, fading into the background, allowing me to look at Mrs. Apple again. "Thank you."

Her eyes... A beautiful blue ocean. As if a lifeless doll had been gifted life, Mrs. Apple's skin took on a healthier hue, and her previously empty eyes were now filled... with many emotions, from pain to surprise, but mostly negative feelings.

"Then, if you don't mind, we could perhaps meet here under this tree sometime?"—The widow pointed to a small bench, its wood somehow untouched by insects. "I'm not asking for daily meetings, but your letters would certainly liven up my leisure time. What do you say?"—I nodded, and for the first time in all our acquaintance, the woman smiled genuinely.

It was a small, vulnerable smile from an old woman who seemed to have found someone who could listen and alleviate her loneliness. It was dreadful to think that she lived alone in some grand estate, without servants she could not afford...

We exchanged contacts, and I would need to create several weavings and enchantments to enable communication across worlds...