Chapter 10.2 - "Lusty Weekend"

Spire of the Supreme Seraphim. A Month Later.

"What do you mean by 'time off'?" Sera asked her secretary-assistant, looking him up and down, her expression reflecting her confusion at his slightly smug smile. "And what about…" Sera wanted to remind him of the crucial meetings with the Higher Seraphim, which only she handled, but…

"They've been rescheduled. The good Lords and Ladies gave their approval since the timelines and the non-urgency allowed it," Virgil gently informed her, delivering quite shocking news while keeping his hands behind his back.

Sera perked up, looking at the empty table and not seeing the usual stream of paperwork. She turned back to the Archangel.

"What did Michael and Gabriel say?" Sera couldn't believe that the two Seraphim, holding some of the most important positions in Heaven, would simply "reschedule" their meetings! Absurd, they should understand—

"A good thought, Archangel Virgil. It's high time Sera took some time off," came Michael's voice. "Sera needs to unwind; make sure she has a good time, Virgil!" Gabriel's voice, as always, carried notes of mischief and jest, escaping from Virgil's mouth.

Excuse me, what?!

"They turned out to be understanding Seraphim and heeded my words in the letters, postponing all non-urgent meetings and discussions," Virgil nodded, closing his eyes as he took Sera's hand. His soft smile slightly eased her discontent and relieved her tense anxiety.

"But all the paperwork…" Sera conceded, deciding to remind him just to see how the sly Archangel would respond.

"Everything is done; part has been handed over to Emily, and part…" His smile turned into a smirk, the kind he used when he was right about something. "Has been given to the Construct, which fills out these papers on its own, using my knowledge matrix in this area. This project is already bearing fruit, freeing up two days for us." Sarcasm and satisfaction dripped from his voice, and Sera…

Sera scrutinized his words… and couldn't believe they were true. Emily, indeed, was nearby, sorting through stacks of papers with the strange "Construct," cheerfully chatting with Adam, who was also in her quarters, along with Lute…


Does she really have a day off? The Supreme Sera of the Golden City?!

Surreal. Absurd. She should always be working; her duties are extremely important, too complex to trust to anyone else...

Damn it, even her Gaze, which oversees the proper filling out of papers sent where they need to go, and two Constructs, taking the form of Vergilius, conducting meetings with the necessary angels and checking the Department of the Second Circle, each in different locations...

Could it be that Vergilius...

"Even though it's not Christmas, good relationships don't need special dates to spoil a partner with gifts," Vergilius said gently, taking her hand. Sera turned her surprised, slightly lost gaze to Vergilius's face.

"A small gift—a two-day weekend that you can dedicate to whatever you like." His soft smile, caring tone, and those blue eyes glowing with the energy of the Ether... "Moreover, if you allow it and somehow take care of the issue with the Third Circle and the Higher Seraphim, then such weekends could become a regular occurrence..." Vergilius further astonished her, turning his gaze to the window.

Two whole days that she could... spend however she wanted. The last time she had such luxury was in Eden, before the Fall...

"Vergilius..." Her words... how much feeling was in them, each emotion she wanted to convey to Vergilius, whose eyes returned to hers. "I love you."

The words, spoken with all their emotions, completely sincere, made Vergilius blush slightly. A rare occurrence, although Sera suspected that his embarrassment wasn't related to her confession but to something else...

"And that's not all!" He took her hand, beginning the process of "transition" to another marker.

A flash of blue light, ten moments, and they...

"A forest?" Sera said quietly, surveying the pleasant expanse of green wonder. The pleasant smells, the beautiful sounds of animals, and the silence of the forest itself. An ideal place to escape from Adam's constant complaints, tedious meetings, and Sessions where every angel has their Incredibly Important Opinion.

Sera respected each opinion, but how she was exhausted by the constant empty chatter about everything and nothing, filling the Session hall, dragging out the already long meeting. They didn't need to be present at every one, only at the most important ones for their Departments and Sections, but for her...

Sometimes she just wanted to find herself in a place like this forest, and apparently, Vergilius had picked up on that desire... or he knew how to listen.

"How about a little walk?" He offered her his hand, jokingly bowing as if he were a gentleman at a social gathering, inviting a lady to dance. Sera, smiling slightly, immediately placed her hand in his. "We shouldn't be disturbed; my weavings will take care of that, and simple Constructs in the form of birds..." He pointed at a bird sitting nearby, which, upon closer inspection, didn't resemble a typical paradise bird—too "mechanical." "...will provide the necessary 'song of the forest' and chase away any neighbors who decided to visit this wonderful forest by my house..." Vergilius added gloomily, apparently recalling something unpleasant.

"Don't you appreciate the good spirit of neighborliness and camaraderie?" Sera asked with a soft teasing tone, allowing Vergilius to take the lead.

"Oh, I do appreciate it, but constant visits for 'get-togethers' and empty chatter got old after the third time." Vergilius sighed wearily, and Sera encouragingly patted his head with her free hand, receiving a grateful nod. "Tell me, do you like walks in the rain?" Although it was said in a neutral tone, Sera caught the hidden small hope in his voice.

Fortunately, Sera shared her assistant's love for the more overcast weather, especially in such a quiet place. Her nod made a new instrument play in the forest—a light drizzle, with drops that didn't wet their clothes, merely sliding harmlessly off their bodies and garments, leaving only the pleasant sensation of the droplets.

Magnificent. It was especially nice that Virgil didn't ask any questions, didn't initiate any dialogue, but simply allowed them to take this walk in wonderful silence, enjoying the music of the forest in the rain…

Sera let her mind relax, drifting into thought.

When they decided to start "dating," like earthly lovers, Sera was… not in a panic, but confused.

She was a Seraph. She didn't possess the innate instincts of humans; she had no natural reactions to the scents that typically aroused men and women in their intimate games. She had no idea what to do, what feelings she should experience; she couldn't even follow the human advice to "give in to instincts" or "trust her heart," as she had no instincts, and her heart had never been prepared for such a thing, since it had never been necessary before!

Jophiel helped her. The Seraph gladly provided guidance, explaining many details of the relationship between a man and a woman, teaching her to change her appearance so that she would also develop… the physical attributes of a woman, even more pronounced.

Now she could experience the sensations that every in-love woman feels.

…It was wonderful!

The uncertainty, the fear of the unknown, the "adrenaline," or something akin to it, in her altered form on a constant basis—that was what she had been missing!

These feelings allowed her to distract herself from the hustle and bustle of her office, to forget about tedious meetings and unfinished work, sending her thoughts in a completely different direction!

Unusual, strange, astonishing!

She even asked Lute and the Shield Sisters, who certainly had experience in relationships. Two of them, Frigg and Freyja, had been Righteous Ones who joined the Valkyries around fifteen hundred years ago. They managed to offer advice on "dating" and "seduction," slightly adapted for the present age.

She didn't want to create elaborate intrigues just to give Virgil a "hint" that she had "changed her hairstyle" or "switched dresses," merely to compel him to notice the small details of her appearance, somehow making her enjoy such attention… Why should she teach him anything when he was the more experienced and knowledgeable one in this matter? She would only make a fool of herself and present herself as a bad… girl.

Lute, as a Celestial Being born in Heaven, was able to help her better. She gave advice on… "the bed," teaching her deeper changes to her appearance, allowing for heightened sensitivity in her female sexual organs… Sera tested this and was pleased with the results. The books of her former colleague Amedeo described the process of a simple celestial being realizing her new body remarkably well.

Moreover, Amedeo had a small "training" collection, co-authored with Fidelia and, surprisingly, Virgil. The collection of small instructional books explained how a Celestial Being, or a newly arrived Righteous One, should properly engage in "indecencies," as the authors jokingly referred to intimate games.

They walked through the forest, enjoying the music of nature, stopping by small streams to watch fish swim by or observe animals: small families of bears, wolves (or whatever they were?), foxes, and hares…

Sera had prepared well for the next step in her relationship with Virgil, but… she simply didn't know what to do!

Every good book, the quality of which was determined by Jophiel, states that every case is individual, that each angel has their own "erogenous zones," and that advice is only helpful in general, most common situations. Moreover, each date may or may not end in sex!

Sera was confused. How could something so simple be so complicated?! How did Adam manage this all those years if there were so many nuances and pitfalls involved in maintaining a healthy, long-lasting relationship?!

Sera had to admit that Adam was better than her at this. He had built a healthy relationship, as he and his women understood it, with Lute and the Shield Sisters. They had long lived in harmony, enjoying each other's company without voicing any complaints or showing dissatisfaction with such an arrangement. Everyone was content.

"...Do you mind if we stop here?" – Virgil's quiet voice was like thunder in the silence of the night.

They stopped at Virgil's house. Apparently, this forest was part of the Archangel's estate, and now they were on the other side of his home, on a small porch sheltered by a roof, from which they could see much of the treetops, as raindrops quickly pattered down on the porch, cascading downwards.

A cozy warm light bathed a small corner with two undoubtedly soft and comfortable gray cushions, with a small coffee table between them. This wooden table was slightly smaller than the one in their office, standing on a wooden floor made of boards of different shades of wood…


- "Is it… a picnic?" – Sera asked quietly, as if not quite believing it herself, looking around the porch.

- "Not a blanket on some meadow, but I thought this would be the coziest option that we would both enjoy. But if you want…" Sera didn't let Virgil finish his thought, taking his cheek in her hand and leaning in to press her lips against his.

A quick kiss, expressing all her gratitude. Sera blissfully closed her eyes, catching the sound of the tea set clinking against the table with the edge of her ear and…

Her favorite sweets. Sera noticed, torn from her pleasant distraction.

Chocolate-milk bars with various fillings: strawberry, peach, apple, banana… Milk and dark chocolate, pancakes that practically screamed their freshness and deliciousness, and those soft wafers…

And all of it had been prepared by her Virgil. With love, undoubtedly very tasty and delightful.

- "Shall we sit?" – a gentle smile, a hand gesture inviting her to sit across from him, but…

Jophiel, as well as those books, recommended otherwise.

Sera settled next to Virgil while the teapot poured the liquid and stirred the sugar in the cups on its own.

Sera and Virgil silently took their first sips of tea.

- "Is all this…," she gestured toward the laid table, "and more, all this for this… date?" – Sera asked, wanting to hear Virgil's reasons.

- "Not just that," Virgil shrugged. "On one hand, I just wanted to make you happy, and besides," his smile turned into a smirk, and Sera involuntarily mirrored it, "I remember your words at our 'meeting' on this issue." With a teasing tone, Virgil closed his eyes, taking a sip from his cup. Sera's eyes widened.

He remembered? Angels have almost perfect memory, but concentration… Even angels can sometimes overlook things…

- "I know that it's not uncommon for Celestial Beings to have excellent memories, but it seemed appropriate…" Virgil continued awkwardly, glancing at her face, which bore a soft smile.

- "I appreciate this, Virgil. Thank you very much." She quickly kissed him on the forehead, returning to her tea, as the bowls of her favorite bars floated closer to her. She picked one up and took a bite, enjoying the sweet flavor as the peach melted on her tongue.

Sera closed her eyes in pleasure.

Now, she had to respond with equal gratitude.

"Forbidden, something that will spark the thrill of being caught, but won't cause harm…"

She could speculate about the possibilities for a long time and might not even come to what her… boyfriend would truly like, but one thing she remembered clearly.

Virgil, as she once saw in his soul, in his most secret desires, wanted to visit Eden…

Forbidden, but if no one tells and she hides his soul under her wing… For the past thousand years, no one has really been keeping an eye on Eden, a transplanted copy of that Garden from Earth in that era, still remaining the greatest fragment of Earth.

Only Adam, as the First and Most Pure in Soul, had the right to enter the New Garden, some of the Higher Seraphim, including her. No one else.

Watching over Eden had become a sort of "simple and easy" duty, as Gabriel said, whose subordinates often patrolled the gates of the New Garden, so why shouldn't she, for once, treat herself to a day off in such a "legal" way? Especially since Virgil's Constructs and, surprisingly, competent Emily could handle the simplest and least important parts of her work, leaving the most significant tasks, which could be resolved quite quickly, freeing up a day or two…

Indeed, Virgil had given her a wonderful gift.

- "I always wanted to ask…" – Virgil began, his voice not different from the one he used during their usual "get-togethers." Sera looked up at him while eating another candy bar and picking up a pancake filled with chocolate. Virgil often called her a "sweet tooth," but he never dared to mention it in front of outsiders, even Emily, which allowed Sera to indulge him in such liberties. – "How do Seraphim view humans, especially after Lucifer's actions?"

It was a good question, one that shouldn't be revealed… But this was Virgil, and he had a special relationship with things like "ancient and sacred" knowledge. Moreover, he had long demonstrated the competence to keep such secrets. He had even created another "mental" weave to store such thoughts in his mind, ready to vanish in an instant, protecting the sacred to the last.

- "Seraphim love humans, without a doubt, but…" – this was the hardest part for a simple soul to understand. – "Some of us are somewhat… biased against humans, who are descendants of Eve, who committed the Original Sin…" Sera replied quietly, looking into the liquid of her cup.

- "Didn't humans have to distinguish between Good and Evil?" – she didn't see, but she could definitely feel Virgil tilt his head in question.

- "I don't know," Sera admitted with a sigh. "All of humanity is part of God's Plan, even Metatron, the Last-turned-First, doesn't know the entire Plan, especially regarding humanity as a whole." She raised her eyes to the silent Virgil.

His gaze seemed to look far away, into the rain-soaked forest, which fell with a slight strength. He wasn't looking at the trees, but rather… to the Heavens, wanting to receive answers…

- "So, what Lucifer unleashed upon Earth could be part of this Plan?" – Virgil asked tensely, posing what was perhaps a rather interesting question for her.

Sera, like other Higher Seraphim who were more benevolent toward Lucifer, had asked herself this question. "What if Lucifer's Fall and the Evil that inhabited the Earth are part of God's Plan?" Even Michael, the one closest to Lucifer, had directly asked her and other Seraphim this question.

The answer was unequivocal.

"No." None of the Seraphim could know for sure, but everyone was convinced that Evil was not meant to destroy the original Plan and Purpose of God.

Sera shared these thoughts with Virgil, causing him to ponder even more deeply.

- "And you?" – Virgil asked quietly, lifting his blue eyes to her, which sparkled with broken glass, fragments shining with white-blue energy. – "What do you think of Lucifer and his actions? Did he have the right to love Lilith and have a child with her?" His tense voice didn't disturb Sera as she took another sip of tea.

Charlotte Lucifer Morningstar. The daughter of Lilith and Lucifer, reports about whom surfaced around a hundred years ago. Adam and the Valkyries reported that one day Lucifer brought a little girl, so similar to him, out onto the balcony of his estate. The girl combined the traits of her Fallen Father and Sinful Mother, promising to become the best version of both parents, if she hadn't already.

Her character was unknown, and her future goals were as well. Adam didn't provide any characterization, and the Valkyries, especially Lute, were too negatively biased to give an accurate assessment of their brother's daughter.

- "I don't approve of this. His actions broke Adam, hurting him deeply." Although Sera sympathized with Lucifer, she did not forget that he harmed an innocent soul, one that had done nothing to him. Calling those "childish" taunts and jabs something terrible would be an understatement; they were just words. – "Lucifer destroyed the original Purpose by ruining everything created by us and the Lord; he deserved his punishment, whether he acknowledges it or not." Sera sighed, taking another sip.

- "But, does that mean Lilith is also a victim of circumstances?" – a new question that, in a proper setting, would require taking the angel to the Department of Heresy, and then to the Department of Enlightenment, to its farthest corners, to the Kindest Afanims of Heaven…

But Sera knew that with this knowledge, Virgil was only reinforcing his own beliefs, carefully limiting himself. He wouldn't fall into Sin or walk the path of Lucifer; he was too smart for such foolishness, especially if all the details were explained.

- "Originally – yes, but she chose Lucifer's embrace instead of waiting for Adam's apologies, which he intended to offer, along with a new performance on a newly created musical instrument." Sera replied curtly, taking another sip.

- "But weren't Lilith, Adam, and even Eve inexperienced children who, by earthly standards, hadn't even become teenagers yet?" – Virgil pressed, sowing seeds of contemplation that had never troubled Sera before, not after a couple of centuries post-Fall. – "Lilith didn't know the consequences; she simply couldn't predict them, and all questions were punished. How could she not make a mistake? Isn't that too harsh a punishment? Eternal torment for a simple youthful mistake?" Virgil was just asking to be transformed into a Cherub, Sera noted irritably, but quickly calmed herself by tasting a wafer and sipping tea.

To be honest, Sera hadn't thought about it in this way. It was obvious to her that Lilith and Lucifer's actions had to have consequences, no matter how justified they seemed by intentions and decisions, but… What if, as Virgil said, "they changed their views"? What if both the Traitor and the Sinner, by some divine miracle, regretted their actions, recognized their mistakes, and accepted the righteousness of Heaven?

Sera shook her head.

This changes nothing. They distorted Creation; they literally destroyed the bright future of Earth. They deprived the descendants of Adam and the potential children of Lilith, not Eve, of everything the Lord wished for them. Even if they realized their wrongdoings, it doesn't negate their actions. It softens the punishment, Sera admitted to herself, but it doesn't cancel it.

This thought she shared with Virgil, who apparently decided to change the topic.

"...Quite fascinating, but I'm more interested in the practical side of the consequences of the Fall…" A smirk slightly alarmed Sera, but in a good way, expecting a clever twist. "How did the angels and Heaven as a whole react to the new way of creating new angels and Seraphim?" His satisfied smirk and the cheerful demons in his eyes completely justified Sera's expectations, making her suppress a smile.

"Some angels did indeed ponder that question, but otherwise, everything remained the same, until gradually…"

They chatted and had a great time. Virgil joked, and Sera tried to make "earthly" jokes about events and "popular" humor on Earth. It didn't quite work out, but she was honestly trying; the results were evident on Virgil's face, in the form of a soft smile and pleasant laughter.

After finishing their tea, they moved to his house, which was also "intimately" decorated. A soft yellow light created coziness, and the dark, brown colors, alongside abundant greenery, created a contrast of "absolute" and "minimalism" in her home. She would need to ask Virgil to lighten up her home's decor.

They settled on the sofa; she lay on her back, propping her wings, while Virgil lay on her, facing down.

They continued their quiet conversation; Sera didn't even pay them much attention, focusing her thoughts elsewhere. Virgil even started drawing something.

Sera's thoughts repeatedly returned to the lessons learned. Should you kiss after a date? Should you invite someone to bed? Is it the man's or the woman's responsibility to drop hints? The problem of having a wealth of knowledge but a complete lack of practical experience made it hard to distinguish the necessary from the practical.

Should she give him a gift, a hint? Should she hold him tighter now? Does she want sex? Definitely; that's why she changed her form, but…

"...That's what I was talking about, Sera." Virgil's voice pulled her out of her thoughts again. Her eyes darted to the source of the sound, to the paper…

Did Virgil say something? Sera… didn't remember? She hadn't been paying attention, clearly…

The drawing that Virgil had made…

"...This…" Sera panicked a bit. What did Virgil say? What would Lute say? "Do you like it?" Virgil looked at her oddly but then smirked, shaking his head.

On the simple drawing, more of a colorful sketch, she was depicted in… a very, very erotic version of a nun's attire, revealing her thighs and legs, with a small neckline that was barely noticeable… Virgil, as if he knew, captured her slight discontent or irritation, but…

He even captured her marks on her body perfectly… Did he remember them so well? Had he looked at her body so attentively when she invited him to spend the night at her place?

"Sera, I told you that…" Virgil was saying something; the words reached her, but she wasn't processing them.

Wait. Were those hints?

Jophiel and those books constantly mentioned sex after a date, that a woman or a man would make certain actions that their partner should understand to move to a new level of intimacy—sex. What was she supposed to do with this? What if he didn't want that? Maybe he was just pointing out his desire for her to dress like that someday? Or was it a hint to create an atmosphere for intimacy?

"Sera." Virgil's quiet voice slipped by as Sera focused almost all her thoughts and concentration on the main questions of the future.

Did Virgil want her to dress more revealingly? Was it common for partners to suggest clothing styles? The book "The Basics of Female Charms" mentioned such things, but it discussed hints and manipulations to change a man's clothing style. But here…

"Sera." His voice grew louder, but Sera was still lost in her thoughts, though she noted it in the back of her mind, marking it…

"Sera." His voice became softer, and Virgil placed his hand on her shoulder, pulling her out of her thoughts.

"...Virgil?" Sera asked, her tone half-nervous. Oh no, now he…

"Please, calm down. I'm sorry if I upset you or…" Virgil sighed, and his apologetic tone instantly made her forget her earlier anxiety.

"It's nothing, it's just… I thought you wanted to…" Sera trailed off, her calm voice turning more anxious.

Virgil fell silent, looking at her. He lowered his gaze to his hand on her shoulder, then stunned her.

"Do you want to have sex?" Just like that, he said what should really have been a silent message and agreement between partners. She knew; she had read…! Stumbling over her thoughts, Sera realized how Emily must have felt when she scolded her for trying to cook after only reading a couple of recipes and kitchen guides. "If you don't mind." Virgil nodded, taking her hand.

"I… I thought something like this should… happen a bit differently?" Sera didn't know; she had never experienced anything like it. She had no idea how it "should be." She was a Seraphim, who simply hadn't been created for this, only absorbing it from humans.

"Everyone finds their own approach." He began to soothe her, starting to stroke her back, and her wings felt… many threads? Was this another weaving from Virgil to relieve stress? If so, he was forbidden to stop, which she conveyed with her gaze, eliciting a smirk from him. "Some want a romantic evening by candlelight, under the moon with pleasant orchestral music." Virgil leaned Sera closer, literally settling the unresisting Sera on his lap. "Some don't need that; they just agree on a place and time, eat, maybe prepare a bit." He gently stroked her head, fully calming her, even massaging her ears and the area around them, which, it turned out, were particularly sensitive, drawing a quiet sigh from her.

"For some, a date like this is enough, and others just do it on impulse." Sera relaxed, completely forgetting her earlier worries and allowing Virgil to continue his narrative. "The main thing is the comfort of both partners. So, forgive my bluntness if you expected something different."

"I don't mind." Sera said softly, feeling Virgil nod.

"Then I ask, if you want to have sex, how would you like it?" He leaned closer to her. "I'll accept any option, even a refusal." His gentle smile and understanding eyes looked at her with their usual twinkle.

Sera pondered. Not like when Vergilius had questioned her about Lucifer, but…

- That is… - Sera began, distracting Vergilius from massaging her shell, eliciting her soft sighs. - Can we do… sex right now? - her breath quickened. This shell was strangely thrilling, but how did she adore these sensations. Did Gabriel and Adam constantly experience something like this when they did this? She had missed a lot, if so.

- If that's what you desire. - Vergilius nodded.

- It is. - Sera replied too quickly, prompting a smirk from Vergilius, and she distinctly felt the heat of her cheeks.

How can he be so calm?

Sera understood that Vergilius, then William, had partners in his life on Earth, perhaps even in Paradise, but…

Sera took a deep breath, and Vergilius pressed a particularly sensitive spot on her back, relaxing her wings and causing a moan mid-breath.

It didn't matter. Sera wanted new sensations, that was somewhere down the list of reasons, but…

She wanted to find a kindred spirit to whom she could pour out her burdens. She had found one. She had Emily, and now Vergilius, who had always supported her, understood her desires, and accommodated them. She wanted to give back at least a portion of what Vergilius had brought into her life.

Perhaps she sounded like a woman in love, but how she desired to simply be a "normal" woman in love, completely forgetting the immense responsibility behind the walls of this house, forgot about Duty and Obligations. Forgot about Adam's complaints, the annual anxiety over the souls of Sinners, which had recently eased thanks to Vergilius's "Salvation" project.

Sera asked how to "do sex."

"18+ Сontent"

Vergilius was in his robe, sitting on his bed on the second floor of his own house. He was anticipating the moment Sera would work up the courage to leave the shower and emerge in a similar white robe.

Vergilius was excited yet calm. His usual state for the past few months. Had he anticipated this date escalating to this? He had considered this possibility and was prepared for it. As he was prepared for other variations, even complete failure, where she would leave disappointed, permanently damaging his character.

No panic or anxiety before his date with a Supreme Seraphim, older than humanity itself, who had personally witnessed the creation of Adam, the First of mankind.

No nervousness or excessive planning at all.

Vergilius knew about Sera's "unofficial" visits to the Seraphim of feelings and love. It was hard not to guess the reason for the meetings when you started a relationship. Vergilius had conducted his own research as well.

He was not afraid to delve into the darkest corners of this Creation. He had looked through Amedeo's books, her most depraved ones, he had looked through Azura's books, who, it turns out, also writes similar literature, not even hiding her name.

The only thing he gleaned, apart from a few entertaining solo evening sessions, was a kind of… misunderstanding by the Heavenly beings, born in Heaven, of human customs and feelings. This is one of the few concepts that Heaven has adopted almost entirely.

There were many literary works, training materials, and miracles created to allow the Heavenly beings to experience human "delights." Almost always, the Heavenly beings responded only positively to these practices.

He turned to Fedelia, an expert in this field. Surprisingly, she approached his question with seriousness and professionalism. Even this woman has standards and norms – no sex or implications of it at work, during working hours and with clients.

She provided consultation on all his inquiries, and right there, took an Oath of Non-Disclosure of personal information about his partner. Usually, this is not required, but when the partner is a regular Angel, let's say a Cherubim or Archangel, who work in "controversial" areas, then such Oaths are mandatory. How she was surprised to find out who his girlfriend was.

It turns out that Seraphim cannot become pregnant, which is logical. Sex is used more as the most pleasant way to create a new soul, only with the consent and certain actions from both partners. Seraphim, often, are not familiar with human feelings and customs. It is necessary to explain thoroughly and take this fact into account, so Vergilius offered directly, seeing how confused Sera was.

The same question when Sera naturally asked "how to do sex," which was very funny, but he heroically didn't let a single muscle twitch on his face. He didn't want to offend Sera, who had exposed herself so deeply to him, it was too cruel, even if it was just a joke to laugh in her face. Simply a stupid act.

Vergilius shook his head.

Sera explained that with the help of Johiill and the Shield Sisters, she had changed her shell to make it identical to a human woman's physique matching Sera's, which raised the question.

"Will I be long enough?" Jokes were jokes, and among men it was a common joke, at least when he was still working in the public sphere, before entering the magical realm.

Vergilius, in his Earthly days, had had several women, and he had had a few good contacts in the medical field at the university, so he knew that women don't need enormous size, as the size of the vagina is roughly comparable to the size of men's penises. The vagina can expand, roughly by a factor of two, but the sensations depend on the woman and her preferences.

All of this data fits the standard build for a woman, from half a meter to almost two.

Sera, on the other hand, was somewhere around two and a half to three meters, maybe more. She was taller than Adam, taller by about two and a half heads. That is, approximately three meters.

If math didn't fail Vergilius, and Anatomy hadn't yet killed itself against the wall, watching the various abuses inflicted upon it by the Righteous with their strange forms, then Sera, being a humanoid woman, had proportions… corresponding to her height.

No problem, the weave to change the shell, in preparing for this scenario Vergilius had taken that into account, but…

Damn, he was 190 centimeters tall, and she was a natural one and a half times taller. Which positions would be best, how…

- Vergilius. - a quiet and embarrassed voice was like the clang of steel in the quiet night. - I… I'm ready. - Sera entered the room.

She was wearing a white robe, hiding most of her body, leaving only her wrists with a small part of her forearms and her feet, those places where there were few of her markings, and… What was this… a "choker" around her neck? Or what are these "fashionable" things for women (and not only, but Vergilius didn't even think about that) used for underwear and too revealing bikinis. Yes, it was a white-silver ribbon that tightly wrapped around her neck, descending in lines towards her chest…

"Did she put on some underwear?", a thought flashed through Vergilius' mind as he nodded to Sera, tapping the spot beside him where Sera sat, slowly approaching the bed… Seemingly unconsciously swaying her hips, or were these Vergilius' hormones at play? Definitely the latter; Seraphim lack human instincts.

- Sera. - Sera flinched slightly as Vergilius softly called out. - Now we're going to 'do sex' – both smirked at the absurdity of Sera's earlier words, spoken in haste. - Just relax and don't worry. - Sera took a deep breath, smoothing her hair, nodding. - We'll start slow; at any word from you, we'll stop. There's nothing wrong with stopping if you decide to end it, if it's too stimulating or too exhausting for you. - Vergilius' gentle smile prompted a similar one from Sera.

- I won't be offended if you decide to stop; don't do anything you don't like. I don't need that at all; most important is our mutual comfort. - Sera smiled, and Vergilius took her hands.

- Ready? - Sera silently nodded, her cheeks flushing dark.

- Then I begin. - Vergilius began stroking Sera's cheeks, moving to her neck, eliciting soft moans from the Seraphim.

- One word from you and we stop. - One word and we… - Sera seemed to be in a trance, her eyes darting around his face and body, exposed by the robe as Vergilius leaned in. we'll stop.- - Sera's nod, and she placed her hands on Vergilius' shoulders, leaning in, closing her eyes.

They kiss. This time, Virgil tries a 'deep kiss', with his tongue, eliciting a surprised 'Mhm!' Sera, whose body twitches.

He runs his tongue across her palate, sucking and lightly nibbling on her tongue, nibbling on her lips. Sera seems to be in a trance, letting him do anything to her. She tries to repeat after him, attempt after attempt, finding the support of Virgil's understanding allowing her to gain experience.

Virgil ran his hands over her body, feeling her muscles twitching with each stroking of certain places that Virgil tried to memorise. He kept his dressing gown on and off for now, stroking her breasts, stomach, shoulders, and open legs. Sera stops, looking apologetically into his eyes.

- ...W-wait, now. - she rises on the bed, quickly removing her dressing gown, tossing it somewhere in the room, exposing...


Virgil correctly surmised the intimate lingerie. Either Jophiel is a hidden 'pervert' like Amedeo, or Sera isn't very knowledgeable about revealing lingerie and what kind to wear the first time around. Although, considering Sera wasn't shy about stepping out in front of him in a top and shorts... Not that Virgil minded.

Not very wide, about twenty centimetres across, white and silver ribbons that covered the nipples of her voluminous breasts, going down to cover her crotch. If Sera was the size of a normal woman, he would have given her a size D, maybe a DD, but given her proportions... Just huge soft pillows, to put it in censorious terms. Considering her body markings that added even more spice to her body...


'A sexual bombshell,' Virgil characterised the big woman's body.


- H-how's that? - Sera is doing surprisingly well for someone who 'didn't know what to do', apparently his contrived confidence has had an effect.

- Just perfect. - Her admiring tone made her cheeks darken even more, and Virgil desperately remained in his 'calm' frame of mind, wanting to make their first time memorable without creating unnecessary incidents.


Sera sat back down next to Virgil, allowing him to caress her body again with his hands, eliciting contented moans and small twitches of her body and wings. She covered her eyes and leaned back, giving Virgil full access to her body.

Virgil ran his right hand along her body, exploring every millimetre, watching Sera's reactions carefully, seeking to discern the smallest details of reactions to each point.

With his left, he pulled the ribbons aside, exposing her snow-white nipples, the colour of the markings on Sera's sheathed skin. Sera averted her gaze until Virgil finally tore the ribbons, tossing them aside, the edge of her eye taking in the view of her bottom...

Sera moaned as Virgil began to play with her right nipple, taking the left one in his mouth, nuzzling into her breasts, which rose and jiggled erotically with every heavy breath and sharp movement Sera made. She wrapped her arms around Virgil, running them over his back, trying to mimic the actions of his palms but being thwarted each time by the influx of new sensations.


She climbed under the dressing gown, which was almost completely asleep, revealing a well-built body with snow-white skin and... As Sera noticed the thought that for a moment pulled her out of the bliss that Virgil had... Some dark lines, almost invisible even to the angelic eye, all over his body. Not like hers, but as if... his shell was cracking.

She noted the thought, back drowning in an ocean of new feelings. 'Since Virgil didn't take any action on it, it's not that important...' - A thought flashed through Sera's mind.


Meanwhile, Virgil's left hand travelled down to her lower slit, eliciting a loud moan from Seraphim, who twitched and spread her legs wider, throwing her head back.

He ran his fingers caressingly over her lower lips, gently playing with the small pea above it, making Sera moan even louder.

Virgil played with one nipple with his mouth with his tongue, nibbling and sucking, exploring every reaction from Sera, who seemed to enjoy every sensation, especially the biting and slight pulling of the nipple. Virgil didn't forget the breast itself, kneading it, gently squeezing and squeezing, massaging it, trying to give his partner as much pleasure as possible.

He was actively using the Weave, the threads of which were quickly running through Seraphim's shell, further enhancing the pleasurable sensations, making her shiver and moan even more.

Sera ran her hands over Virgil's shoulders and back, trying to pleasure her partner in the same way, but she was distracted by the increasing sensations from all over her body that seemed to surge through her mind, causing her to lose concentration time after time.

Sera could feel the tension below her navel, her breathing quickening and her movements becoming more ragged. Her eyes rolled upwards and her moans became more frequent.

Virgil could feel her lower lips cramping, so he stopped playing with Seraphima's breasts, causing her to give him a puzzled and displeased look, to which he only smirked as he leaned down to her crotch.

Sera, feeling Virgil's hot breath, leaned back on the pillows, grabbing the sheet with one hand, placing her right hand on Virgil's head, palm going through the halo.

Virgil gently ran his tongue over the lips of Sera's crotch, eliciting a long moan and a tossing of her head. He licked the lips gently, gradually speeding up, changing the pace and style of his tongue, occasionally touching and almost imperceptibly to himself, but very sharp to Sera, nibbling on her grey-white clit, causing Sera to moan even louder.

Virgil pressed his tongue over the lips of her pussy, penetrating her with his tongue, beginning to gently explore that part of her body...

- V-Vergil! - Sera arched her back, wrapping her arms around his hair, clutching the sheet. Her wings extended sharply, spreading out.


The softly sweet liquid splashed into Virgil's face as he continued his actions, intensifying his partner's orgasm.


- William! - Sera squeezed his hair even harder, stretching her legs out, fully spreading her six wings. More of the wonderful tasting moisture splashed onto Virgil's face.


'Caramel, sugar, and... Peach,' Virgil grinned, standing up, finally throwing the dressing gown off himself, tossing it to the far side of the room.


'Now to modify the shell part a bit. It will take about... twenty-five, maybe thirty centimetres for optimal process...', Virgil used a weave, changing himself to fit the desired dimensions of his woman. With a slight glow in his lower body, his shell changed.


Sera, covering her eyes, was bringing her heavy breathing in order, though she didn't need air at all, she had somehow hitched her breath coming off two bursts of orgasm.


Her eyes, with a slight delay, focused on Virgil's naked body, her eyes travelling to his cock...


'Are they supposed to be this big!!!', Sera thought nervously. Lute had told her that the usual size for humans was around fifteen, twenty-five at most. Sera knew it depended on build and hereditary from parents.


'Either created like Adam's,' flashed through her mind, but she quickly shook off those unnecessary thoughts.

- "Doesn't a woman need to... return the favour?" - Sera clarified in a shaky voice, not sure she could properly satisfy Virgil, not after his earlier 'work'.


- "No need, it's entirely up to the partners, we can try it when you get used to it, but for now..". - Sera took Virgil's hint, leaning back, spreading her wings, immediately placing a pillow under herself, receiving a grateful nod.


It was just as Jophiel had taught, 'Consider the size of your partner, especially your own.' In Paradise it was common for partners to be of vastly different heights, so Sera had access to the proper level of literature.

She spread her legs wider, one hand opening her lower lips, trying to give herself the most 'inviting look', covering her eyes and smiling seductively as she blinked.

Judging by the reaction of Virgil, whose eyes seemed to light up (rather flashed with blue energy), and who immediately snuggled closer to her, resting one hand on her leg, the other introducing his...

Sera felt a discharge in her sheath, moaning loudly, and Virgil exhaled heavily.


'Damn, this is just divine!', Virgil thought. The walls were squeezing perfectly, as if not wanting to let go, it was as if they were stimulating his cock that didn't even begin its movement, it was...


'Just fucking amazing,' was the common thought of both angels.

Sera felt no pain, no negative reaction from her sheath, only pleasure and a feeling of being filled. Her heavy breathing became intermittent as she stared at the site of penetration.


- "Ready?" - Virgil's quiet voice that placed a palm on her cheek pulled her from her thoughts.


Instead of answering, Sera leaned into Virgil, kissing him, immediately letting his tongue into her, allowing him to give her even more pleasure.

Virgil began to move. Slowly at first, letting Sera taste the sensations, gradually speeding up, the slaps of their flesh getting louder and harder. Virgil's thrusts were perfectly hard and fast, making Sera's eyes roll back.

Virgil played with her breasts with one hand. Sucking on her nipples causing such pleasant pain, immediately giving pleasure afterwards. Sera tried to wiggle her hips to match Virgil's movements, which through their connection projected the right images of his... whatever. She realised what needed to be done, doubling their pleasure.

Her legs wrapped around Virgil's torso, taking him in a lock while his hips changed the pace and amplitude of the movement. Her wings unconsciously covered them both, but neither of them paid attention. Her arms went round Virgil's shoulders, then back to the sheet, squeezing that one.

Moans and spankings filled the room. Sera occasionally called out her lover's name while Virgil quietly said the name of his beautiful angel.

Sera felt the throbbing of her partner's cock and began to move her hips more vigorously, pressing Virgil harder against her, causing him to speed up.

With his left hand, he actively guided her clit, bringing her closer and closer to the final climax that covered her eyes.

The throbbing intensified, as did the sensation of another orgasm, Sera rolled her eyes and Virgil bit her nipple especially hard, squeezing harder with his other right hand. This was the final push for Sera, that by letting out the loudest moan allowed the wave of orgasm to overwhelm her.

Virgil, with a loud growl, poured into Sera's bosom, filling it almost immediately with white seed.

Virgil collapsed onto the equally tired Sera, both breathing loudly and intermittently, recovering their breaths and withdrawing from their overflowing orgasms.

Virgil could finally smell the room, their sweat and secretions didn't smell, but this... The smell of pheromones, 'the smell of sex' as Amedeo had written, Virgil thought.

Lazily, with a weave, he summoned a bottle of water, which immediately opened, diving into Virgil's hand, which immediately drained it in three long gulps. Another weave and the same bottle with a litre and a half of water appears next to Sera, who moans gratefully.

Refreshed, Virgil lifts himself up, leaning on Sera's lovely belly.


- "Another round?" - Virgil asks with a grin, to which Sera repeats his grin.

They did this for the rest of the day, taking minimal breaks between visits, only drinking a little liquid, from water to Blackout Scout, which the cunning Virgil had prepared in advance, adding small changes to the composition, causing not so much intoxication as more excitement to parts of the shell, intensifying the sensations.

Sera, having tasted both drinks, became more active in the process.

She tried being on top, practically squeezing Virgil into the bed, but quickly leaned back on her side, for Virgil had difficulty reaching her breasts, due to her height.

Sera, as it turned out, liked to experience as much sensation as possible in sex. Teasing her nipples, slapping her beautiful buttocks or breasts, even a little choking, which prevented her shell from getting energy from the air. Virgil even gently bit her ear feathers, causing the walls of her pussy to squeeze his cock especially hard, and Sera cummed almost immediately.

He took her doggy style, with her back open and Virgil able to stimulate her wing bases as well, she was on her side, he pulled her legs up to her head, letting her hold his legs up while he thrust hard to give her more pleasure.


It wasn't until dawn that they both decided to stop, settling instead under the blanket. Sera cradled Virgil in her arms, covering him with her wings on one side, tucking him away on the other so as not to disturb his back or accidentally throw him off while they slept. Lute described in detail how Adam could turn on his other side at night, dashing Lute off the bed.

Sera laid her head next to Virgil's head, smiling softly as she covered his eyes, the Archangel sniffling softly, almost exhausted.



She kissed his forehead, mentally wishing him good dreams so she could follow him.


They still had a full twenty-four hours ahead of them.

"End of 18+ content"

Morning, though to say day, greeted me with a simply stunning sight.

Sera was sleeping peacefully to my left, quietly, quietly, while her left wings were covering me... Sweet.

Yesterday... Today, was... Gorgeous. With none of my past women had I experienced such sensations.

There was a mind connection between us that by the middle of the night I was able to turn into that 'emotional' mind connection, I don't know if it was anything like what Adam had described, but Sera appreciated it, working her hands more actively, especially trying to make me feel good with her mouth....

She was clearly inexperienced, but had a lot of desire to learn, so through mistakes with nibbling on the head and the cock itself, Sera was able to make me feel good.

The strange thing was that she liked rough sex, where almost all of her erogenous zones were engaged... Spanking, nibbling, a little choking, even scratching her back....

It was as if she wanted to feel the whole range of emotions, to try out all the possibilities of her body, to experience all possible sensations...

Just a beautiful woman.

Seeing Seraphim stirring, calling for a new Construct that would cook us breakfast-lunch-dinner. This specimen was humanoid, with dark 'metal' for the entire body. Inspired by the paintings of some of the authors in the Paradise Gallery, I came up with a design for the final, last Prototype, after which Incarnation technology can be created and improved.

Skinny build, metal parts, with only eyes on the face and a small horizontal dimple in place of the mouth. The eyepieces glowed with the blue glow of my weave as the consciousness matrix was successfully uploaded.

Protopit passed all the tests with flying colours, as expected of him, he was the perfect performer of the uncomplicated tasks that evolved into filling out paperwork and helping Emily.

Although, to be honest, it was that Song, teaching and prompting Emily, that only helped to make the templates correctly, practically seeing her hands in the manner of body movements in the rhythm of the music....

Sera frowned unhappily, muttering something under her breath as the light from the windows hit her face. Grinning, I weave the curtains closed, causing Sera's face to relax.

Breakfast is cooking up the product of a successful project, the potential of which is immense. I find myself in bed with the Supreme Seraphim, my favourite woman and a great friend.

Adam, the First Man, is a good friend of mine (possibly a close acquaintance, you can't say for sure here), I am in good communication with his Department, especially Lut.

Actively socialising with Emily, 'Junior' Seraphim, who seems to have a teenage crush on me.

Life is definitely a success, as every day in Paradise is the best day.

* * *

Polygon of the First Department, 1899.

Angels have golden blood. Ichor.

A small discovery, obvious, literally right under our noses, but so… strange.

Frol, Dante… they used different, more "civilized" methods to analyze the parts of the shell, where there was no need for a needle, as simple people required to extract a sample, but Adam…

After that "party" at the House of the First Family, Adam became… Not so much kinder, as I became "one of them" in the First Department. Adam shared more candid thoughts and began to let slide things he used to demand, like those constant demands to release my wings when I was with him and Lute.

Adam even started inviting me to "trainings" and sessions, where he personally led, which was already a great honor for an ordinary Angel, and the Shield Sisters or regular groups of Valkyries began to "toughen" me up…

On the very first day I accepted such invitations, I… learned the color of my blood. There was no panic, definitely not… Maybe I had been too harsh in using my Weaving on the Valkyries and Lute, which broke my nose… up to their blood, but they didn't even flinch, only praised me for finally "taking the reins" and starting to fight seriously.

Periodically, I checked ALL the Valkyrie gear. Fortunately, the "Constructor" project was successfully completed, moving into a stage of constant improvements and additions. My "copies" accelerated the process, which would have taken weeks down to four days. Truly, a magnificent creation.

The enchantment, which was eventually named the "Eye of the Valkyries," was a blessing and a miracle for the First Department, which seemed to equal them with the Afanims, much to Adam's and the Valkyries' delight, those who knew about this little detail. The others just laughed at this simple name. Ignoramuses.

Right now…

"Get up, Princess, you haven't taken all my hits yet to lie in eternal sleep!" Adam's mocking tone only fueled my anger, forcing me to rise again and again to shatter that mask.

The First Department taught that anger and other emotions should be turned into strength instead of letting them command your mind; they should be used as fuel. There's no place for emotions on the battlefield; you must provoke your opponent into making a mistake. The Valkyries sometimes wore excessively erotic outfits that barely covered their breasts and groins.

As Adam said, they occasionally held such "mud games" among themselves, which ended appropriately, and Adam didn't care as long as it didn't interfere with work or harm the Department's reputation. They didn't take an Oath or Vow from me, hoping for my prudence, for which I was grateful. The result – the Valkyries were unfazed in most skirmishes with Sinners or demons.

Right now…

A flash of blue energy. A surge using Weaving instantly moves me three and a half meters from my position, Adam's wide-open eyes already turning in my direction, and a stream of energy in the shape of a blade suddenly bursts from my outstretched hand, aimed to…

Adam simply flared his wings, dispersing the stream that now surrounded us both. The Valkyries were settled around the edges of the polygon, mostly cheering for their Commander, though there were a few who either supported me just out of opposition or genuinely cheered for me.

Adam's surge was too fast, even with enhanced perception of Weaving. My body couldn't react in time. With the energy of his wings and Weaving, I dashed to avoid the incoming stream of golden energy from Adam…

Just a little more.

I dodged, leaving behind a new flash of blue, to which Adam only smirked and, not slowing down, elegantly turned quickly, maintaining momentum as a golden club, created just moments ago, rushed toward me, three to seven meters away from Adam, but…

From the surrounding cloud of my energy, beams of energy shot out, which Adam simply dodged, but then…

The air sharply transformed into a thread that completely wrapped around the robe of the First Man. In an instant… Adam's mask cracked, and a single scratch appeared on the robe, where the most threads converged...

Thirty-two threads charged to one hundred forty percent of the usual energy volume, enhanced by lightning charges, to create a flow that…

The thought of calculations for future adjustments slipped into a second stream of consciousness, and Adam just laughed briefly.

"In the name of my name, you actually did it! You managed to hit me; it only took you a year and my complete relaxation, and I almost died…!" Adam feigned, still chuckling. "Out of boredom, if you had kept me in that position, I would have died of a heart attack in two days of this nonsense." Adam shook his head. The tiny crack on his mask, on the right side of his face, vanished instantly, as did the scratch on his robe.

The Valkyries who cheered for me, seriously or not, were celebrating, collecting their winnings… The others booed and "buuuu-ed." But I didn't care.

"So, Vergilius, now let's break down where you messed up…" Adam began to list all my mistakes, of which there were a ton, not to mention the choice of battle strategy based on the assumption that Adam wouldn't take me seriously and wouldn't kill me in an instant.

Adam praised me for considering this, noting that in real fights, this could work, but only if I wasn't some big shot or a powerful and well-known angel like Adam, whom only an ignoramus would underestimate in battle tactics. It took Adam only a moment to end this circus and bury me on the spot, but as he admitted, "against a dead, half-dead young Lord – it'll do."

A great compliment from Adam, to be honest. Over the past year, such training had become somewhat of a norm.

After further deepening my relationship with Sera… Time started to… move forward way too quickly.

Adam's antics became the norm of the day, and our communication with Lute, while she covered for the sleeping Adam during the Meeting, became routine. Lute poured her heart out, expressing everything that had been bothering her over the week, while also giving advice on building relationships with a Celestial who didn't understand people. Plus, there were several amusing tidbits, like what to gift an "unknown but tall" Partner, what gestures of affection work best, and so on.

Emily… This Seraphim is either in love with me, or she has started practicing a special kind of intimacy and breaking personal comfort zones as part of her usual behavior. Even so, these gestures of affection, the ways of expressing them, clearly seemed to be overheard somewhere or read from books; they were so clumsy…

There's no need to be too harsh on the Seraphim, who understands nothing of human customs and traditions, rather than asking—straight up confessing feelings to someone like Adam, who might not give in right away but will tease you until you want to bash his head in!

I was in that position, and I tried. After that unexpected hit at his "party," where I was taken last Christmas Eve, Adam became more cautious and no longer allowed himself to be hit so easily. What a jerk.

As for Emily… I tried to have a serious conversation about it, but Emily constantly made up excuses to avoid it. "I need to go to the Throne of God to get some papers," was one of the funniest.

Honestly, I don't even know how to react to such things, but if she doesn't want to discuss it in Heaven, then on Earth, where I still take Emily once every two months, she can't dodge it.

Earth, Italy. 1902.

"And yet, did you know you can put literally ANYTHING on a pizza?!" Emily squealed excitedly while we… waited for our order at a local pizzeria.

With a simple Weaving and the Constructor, which easily assumed the appearance of an ordinary person in the right clothing, here we were, waiting for two pizzas, which this gentleman on the right would pay for.

An ordinary, unremarkable appearance that I had basically pulled from my head. Emily wanted to make his skin red and his hair green, but that would be too… People would think my Constructor was a member of some cult or political party, given the new movements and trends; Italy was in for some rather grim years… This century would be frightening for humanity.

"Yes, yes, Emily, Italians are genius chefs, who of course didn't invent yet another variation of a dish unique to each culture, considering the specifics of their geography," I said, resting my chin on my hand.

"That's exactly what I'm saying!" Emily clearly picked up on the sarcasm but, being the smart girl she was, decided to ignore it. "So when will they be ready?!" She squirmed on the backless round chair with a dark red cushion.

"I'm not a timer to check on the readiness of our order every minute…" I monotonously repeated the same thing for the fifth time in twelve minutes.

"But you can definitely find out how they're cooking and what they're putting on our pizzas; maybe even…" she held her breath in anticipation, "ratatouille pasta!" She placed her palms on her cheeks.

"We didn't order that option; we just got pepperoni and meat," I replied, something Emily already knew perfectly well.

"But I reallly want to try those new flavors!" She dreamily rolled her eyes, licking her lips. "And then a fruit option, and a mushroom one, even with pineapple…"

"We're stopping this conversation and changing the subject, or there'll be no pizza at all." My stern voice made that cheeky girl huff indignantly.

"How can you!" She frowned and puffed out her cheeks. "Just so you know, the preparation for a meal is no less important…"

"Yes, yes, either you change the subject, or I will." I warned, looking into Emily's eyes, which held no remorse or understanding. Just a challenge.

Fine, little one. You asked for it.

"You know, by earthly standards, you're already…" I glanced over Emily's figure, her cheeks slightly darkening for a moment, which I wouldn't have noticed before without the habit of enhancing my perception through the "battle trance" of Song-Weaving.

Her figure had long since started resembling that of a young woman. Well-defined breasts, even through the top of her robe in the same palette as her dress with those symbols, a great figure, even her hips were clearly visible through the tight shorts, which were complemented by dark purple leggings.

Since the beginning of our communication, Emily had matured significantly as a person. She no longer pined for simple ideas like "peace on Earth"; now she was developing real ways to achieve her goals. First, she wanted to study the Righteous, their stories, and all the challenges they faced, and then she wished to work closely with the First Circle in the Department of Earth to try to change human nature.

Not a bad goal for a few centuries, maybe a couple of thousand years.

"...Twenty-one, how about asking the questions that girls 'your' age get asked here on Earth?" I leaned in conspiratorially, instantly capturing Emily's attention, her wary gaze fixed on my smile. She might have called it "cunning" or "sly," but those would just be insinuations.

"Let's say." She nodded cautiously, watching my movements closely.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" The question almost knocked the breath out of the Seraphim, making her cough and glare at me indignantly.

"W-what nonsense?!" It was the first time I heard such an angry tone from Emily, almost offended. "Who would even answer something like that?!" Emily leaned back slightly, meeting my gaze.

"Don't tell me you have a girlfriend?" I tried to smile gently, but she didn't appreciate my efforts.

"I'm not like that! I don't have a girlfriend! And in general…!" Her voice had risen to almost a shout. Outrage and anger rang clearly in Emily's voice as she looked at me almost insulted, even… plaintively?

"Is there really no one you like?" Emily seemed to finally grasp the hint, and my head tilted in question only made her more tense.

Emily paused. Her gaze darted around the room as if searching for an escape route and finding none. She quickly turned to the kitchen, but the cooks had just started preparing our pizzas, as the pizzeria had other customers as well.

Finally, she turned to me and helplessly lowered her brows, looking at me pitifully.

"...There's one angel…" Emily said quietly, immediately dropping her gaze to the table.

"Do I know him?" My calm voice seemed to only increase Emily's tension; the lack of any outrage was more alarming than reassuring.

"...yes…" Emily confessed even more quietly, still not looking up, practically shrinking in size. Her wings seemed to fold around her in a defensive gesture, and she nervously rubbed her shoulder.


Fine, I had gone too far; I didn't need to make her go through hell just to get her to confess. Let's make this as simple as possible…

"When?" Just that one question, and Emily began to sweat as if she were hearing it directly from Adam. It was unnatural, almost comical, as the sweat became visible to the naked eye. She must have copied this from some picture books or "cartoons"... an interesting animation choice.

"About two years ago…" Emily averted her gaze, her cheeks flushed darkly, still hesitating to reveal any details. I sighed.

The Rubicon had been crossed. The confession, though obtained in this way, had been made. Now Emily was slightly trembling, glancing at me briefly.

I had a few years to understand Emily's feelings and try to let them cool off. Changing my behavior and distancing myself from Emily only resulted in her becoming more upset, to which Sera and Adam had "shaken their fingers," as that sly soul told me after she first spoke to Sera and then Adam…

I wanted to distance myself to let her feelings cool—she clung even more tightly. I introduced her to other angels—she had scared them off with her excessive enthusiasm, deliberately frightening the poor Celestials. I cited my busy schedule, and that little devil started flying to my house, thankfully scaring off the neighbors, whose names and genders I never found out.

"...You know that Sera and I are in somewhat… deeper relations than just friends, even the best ones?" I rubbed my face with my palm, watching Emily's reaction with one eye as she… just nodded, not even lifting her gaze.


It's one thing to make plans and calculate possible developments, but I didn't take into account the emotions I would feel in that moment.

It's one thing to intend to flat-out reject Emily's feelings, and another… to look at a completely sincere girl who isn't even trying to manipulate my feelings. Even a superficial glance into Emily's soul revealed that she wasn't trying to hide; on the contrary, she was opening up her motives even more.

Watching how a simple, in-love girl literally shrinks into herself, trembling with her soul…

I rubbed my face with my palm.

"…Then… what do you want?" The words escaped me too helplessly, but as I learned over the years, it's best to just let Emily express herself.

"I… Emily" was carefully choosing her words, her eyes nervously darting around the room, stopping at two pairs. " I would like to… try?" She finally looked at me as if asking.

I nodded silently, encouraging her. Emily relaxed a little.

" I don't know what these feelings are, I don't know if I want to experience them…" She pondered, her gaze lingering on me, the awkwardness seemingly replaced by genuine confusion. " I just… want to know!" The poor thing, her pupils even flared with violet.

She picked up my words; I should have said less…

" What about Sera?" I tilted my head, raising an eyebrow questioningly. Emily's face twisted into a guilty, awkward expression.

"Not tell her…?" A childlike smile awkwardly stretched across her face, as if hoping for a simple solution. " I don't know if it's worth continuing, if it's worth…" Emily's tone was uncertain, as if she were justifying herself. Justifying her feelings.

I shook my head.

…"And yet, she can sometimes be such a child… Just like Sera or Adam. No one is perfect, right, Adam?" flashed through my mind.

" Sera needs to be warned anyway". I leaned in closer, causing Emily to instinctively pull back.  "Without that, without my woman knowing—no intrigues or experiments." I shook my head, and Emily hesitantly nodded in agreement.

By the way, the chefs were almost finished with our order.

" Perhaps, Emily said aloud. — If Sera doesn't mind, then we can try. I sighed, and Emily

She literally glowed, so much so that I began to worry that people (when did I start separating myself from them?) might notice us. Her pupils flared with energy; even both eyes, one in a halo and the other on her chest, opened wide.

"Thank you." Just one word, yet so many emotions…

Soon, our order was brought to us, and we were able to enjoy the pizza. The first portion of several. It seemed we had emptied half of that bakery's supplies, which meant we had to leave a good tip