Chapter 12.1 "With good intentions........"

Heavens. Golden City. 1918. Sin Department, Director's Office.

If a person sets a goal to change the world, or at least a part of it, how can they achieve that goal?

On one hand, the task seems impossible and overly complex. It is indeed so; if changing the world were easy, Lucifer wouldn't have been cast down, Lilith would have been the First Wife, and perhaps Eve wouldn't even exist.

On the other, more practical side, such a goal is the sum of a multitude—an enormous multitude—of others.

"Change human nature, eradicate Sin, give everyone the opportunity to enter Paradise, help Eve, the Mother of Humanity, and, if possible, correct the 'anomalies' that arose after the Fall and the distortion of Creation by Lucifer."

A daunting task, and that's the truth, only…

"So you wish to learn about the Pillars of Creation?"—the mechanical voice of my old friend, companion, and former Director Dante was surprised. "I don't hear every day that angels even know about the existence of this phenomenon, let alone see an angel who wants to work with it..." He crossed his arms in front of his mechanical face.

"Usually, such a metaphor is reserved for the Third Circle and only it, but still..." Dante leaned back in his chair, folding his hands over his belly.

I leaned back in my chair, closed my eyes, and smiled.

"I recently learned about it and would like to delve into such a wonderful and intriguing field of activity!" My smile nearly turned into a grimace.

The mechanical halo began to spin faster, and steam started to waft from the Director's face.

Dante was clearly puzzled.

How to achieve such an impossible goal? You break it down into numerous, simply countless sub-tasks and tackle them as they arise and as needed. The result of solving them will be the fulfillment of your goal.

Change human nature? Determine what human nature is, where it originated, how it influences people, find working analogies, that is, whether it has changed (and it has), discover methods to change or touch human nature, and find ways to spread your solution to all of humanity.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, and there's already so much to do… Luckily, I'm in Paradise; I have eternity, though I would prefer to manage it in a couple of decades…

Right now…

"Hmm..."—Dante tapped on the table, actively moving his gears, literally. "I can help with this direction, but I sense that this is not all..." Interest and excitement arose in his tone, the same kind I heard when he nominated me for the position of Project Director for "Oblivion."

Dante and his experiments… He will reach the edge someday, although, knowing him, he will definitely find a way out, albeit with losses.

Pillars of Creation. A metaphysical definition of the foundation of Creation, hypothetically influencing which can change the basis of the Universe.

On paper, it seems simple, but the details… The devil is in the details, and we're not talking about Lucifer, not yet.

The Pillars of Creation are just an abstraction for everyone else except the Highest Seraphim and God Himself. Our minds simply cannot grasp this concept, and it's not that we are foolish or unable to understand something akin to teenagers. No, it's as if we are trying to turn modern apes into humans. They simply cannot do it; they have a fundamentally different nature, a different kind.

This concept of the Pillars was invented for lower souls that had no contact with Creation in its dawn and cannot grasp the essence accurately. Yet, thanks to this abstraction, some Cherubim, junior Seraphim, and even Lilith can influence the Universe.

No, altering the Pillars, or even touching them, is incredibly difficult. One must possess power at least equal to Lucifer's, and even he cannot interfere too much with Creation.

As Sera said—she was very surprised by my knowledge—even the Seraphim, both the Highest and 'ordinary', gather almost in full strength to create a new Law or Rules.

"I can help you with this; I know a couple of libraries where such things definitely exist, but they are under the direct control of Uriel, so you'll have to ask for permission from the Supreme Seraph." There was no smirk, but the monotonous mechanical voice conveyed the emotion perfectly. Either I finally learned this trick from the Archangels.

"No problem, I appreciate it." A gentle nod toward Dante.

"We both know it's not that simple."—the Archangel remarked slyly.

Silence was his answer.

Earth. London. 1919. The Apple Family Home.

How can one destroy Sin and guarantee Paradise? Personally, I hope that by changing nature, I will also change Sin, or it will disappear as a result of changing people. The worst-case scenario is that Sin adapts to its new hosts, and I'll just add to the workload of the entire Paradise… They won't thank me for it.

Unless one accepts as an axiom that Sin, like bacteria, can adapt and evolve… It sounds absurd, although some authors from Heaven assert just that.

"…And that's how I ended up in the Temple of Heaven, under the guidance of my great-great-granddaughter."—Eve concluded while preparing some dish, presumably soup, from the Old World.

Right now, Eve was cooking in the main kitchen of her house while I was studying Scandinavian mythology from earthly literature and what I could find in Heaven.

After the conclusion of our "alliance," when Eve agreed to participate in the Plan, a name I haven't yet devised, she helped in every way she could.

She recounted everything she could, all the little details she could remember. She also granted unquestionable access to her body. No sex or debauchery; I'm not a bastard who would touch another man's, even if lost long ago, wife. Moreover, Eve herself doesn't desire that.

No, her body is necessary for me to analyze the Fruit and the Curse of God.

Indeed, instead of blood, she has roots, the source of which lies in her heart. Her soul… Let's say it's a completely rotten wound filled with bile, parasites, and pus, and that's still better and more pleasant.

No, her soul, by itself, is almost identical to Adam's—that is, the one created by God Himself, if we believe Adam and Eve. But…

The Curse of God. I don't know exactly what it is, but it… somehow affected her; that's all I can say for sure. I know I'm missing something, but I still can't figure out what the reason is or try to understand it better.

What is known for certain is that because of it, she cannot truly die and cannot enter either Paradise or Hell. When her body dies—whether violently or of old age—her soul migrates to a new body, meaning an embryo that has not yet had a soul, and then the cycle begins anew. That's all.

No change in the soul, no change in character, not even this split personality. This doesn't explain why her eyes occasionally turn red; Eve doesn't know either, nor does it explain her frequent mood swings.

"…Will we have more tests?"—Eve asked anxiously, prompting my sigh.

"Eat well; I need to understand the processes of your body and the Curse, and then we'll proceed to magic..."—I tiredly enumerated, finishing the "Gift of the First," Adam's favorite soup, the recipe for which I now knew. Eve said she created it with the help of angels—not Seraphim, but someone from the Archangels; she doesn't remember who, but Adam and her children really liked the recipe.

The secret lies in some… miracle. You take the ingredients and then extract their "concept," meaning you prepare their parts in a special way and apply their properties without needing to use the ingredient fully…


What if…

I suddenly jumped up and summoned my journals. I need to write this thought down!

"Virgil?"—Eve asked in surprise, pouring tea.

"Not now."—I shook my head in response, filling my streams of thought with ideas.

…What if… to use this Curse as a foundation? It affects Eve's nature; it is, technically, part of all humanity, since all people are descendants of Eve…

It was the same in Scandinavian mythology, where dwarves took the "sounds of wolves" and the "clanking of chains" to create their works of art!

Of course, much needs to be refined, but this… has potential! If we remove the parts about "distortion of character and soul," leaving only the "influence on nature"…

"…You know, you look quite foolish standing like that with that smile, Virgil?"—Eve quietly asked, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

The project will finally move off dead center!

What if I also use the necessary Weaving… No, the Song!

Weaving is complex for the mind, but the song… The Song has already proven, with Emily, Adam, Lute, and even Sera, that it is the most suitable for the minds of the uninitiated.

The project name—The Song of Light!

Heaven. Office of the Supreme Seraphim. 1919.

"What does 'Watch over the Gates of Eden' mean?" – my own surprised voice triggered a sense of déjà vu. Sera, whose eyes now looked at me playfully, apparently felt similar emotions.

It wasn't surprising, even predictable. Sera, who had been acting somewhat strange, apparently due to this news, had just informed me of this... news.

A typical day in the office of the Supreme Seraphim. The morning was filled with paperwork, which I handled personally while Sera disappeared into meetings, project discussions, or sessions with other Seraphim. Throughout the day, there was more paperwork as Constructs resembling me conducted inspections and project evaluations, necessitating my oversight—thankfully, two out of four streams of consciousness were enough.

The evening was supposed to end with wrapping up urgent paperwork that needed to be completed quickly and some meetings, perhaps a few leftover tasks from yesterday. But at the beginning of the day, Sera decided to inform me of a change in our schedule.

"Watching over the Gates of Eden is a great honor and a sign of great trust from the Third Circle," Sera said, nodding instructively, a subtle smile never leaving her face. "Also, it's a place where the angels of the Third Circle can..." her eyes darted to the side, and her lips twitched, "take a break from the bustle of their Duties and Obligations." She squinted, even... winked with her right eye?

Sera was stroking my head while I finished sorting important documents that required special signatures, which couldn't be forged or automated through Weaving.

I sighed.

Honestly, I had almost forgotten this idea about Eden. When you have the opportunity to help someone like Eve, the Mother of Humanity, such trivialities as visiting some important garden... tend to fade from focus.

"That sounds wonderful, but what about this?" I nodded toward the important paperwork. Sera smirked, giggling.

"What you suggested—I'll pass it on to Emily." Sera said with a mischievous tone, causing me to choke slightly, looking at her in surprise.

Sera continued to lean against my chair, gently stroking it. Her eyes no longer concealed the hidden joke within, and her smirk became more pronounced.

"..." The incredulous look didn't even need to be acted out. This was Sera, the very same Sera who kept Emily on a tight leash until a lucky Angel came along who simply hadn't read the etiquette on interacting with Seraphim in Heaven...

Sera looked away, sighing.

"...Adam will help Emily." The smirk vanished, and her cheeks darkened slightly.

"Did Adam embarrass himself again?" I shook my head, sending the last papers into the flow after stacking them and tapping them on the table. Sera sighed tiredly.

"More likely he's just ruining his image again." Sera shook her head, covering her face with her hands. I weaved a relaxing aura, for which I received a grateful nod and smile.

"Does Adam even have a public image?" I innocently asked, tilting my head, for which Sera playfully tapped my head with her long fingers, causing me to laugh lightly.

"Such high-ranking individuals as Adam must conduct themselves appropriately, setting an example for other souls," Sera sighed, completely closing her eyes, almost reclining against the back of her chair. "He does a terrible job of it, but at least he maintains some standard."

"Another one of those Laws or Rules of Paradise?" I said, rising from my chair, adjusting and cleaning our clothes with a weave of magic.

"Another law and set of rules…" Sera sighed even heavier, nodding, as with a gesture of her hand, the paper in the air of the office began to dissolve in white light, while all the items we had used floated back to their places.

Sera stretched, puffing her chest out; my eyes involuntarily darted in that direction. They swayed, and were even larger… If Sera left her form like this, she definitely wanted an interesting continuation after this silly "Inspection."

Could I have spoiled and twisted Sera so much that she wouldn't mind sex at the Gates of Eden? No, rather, she was simply mastering the art of feminine sexuality; those conversations with Lute and the Shield Sisters were bearing fruit. I should get each of them a gift.

"So what does this 'Inspection' entail?" I asked quietly while Sera sealed the entrance to the office, causing white symbols to flare up around her.

"Everything as you can imagine," Sera shrugged, floating nearby.

In an instant, she flew close and enveloped me in her wings.

A white light, and we were transported to…

The Gates of Eden, which resembled the Pearl Gates of Paradise, only silver, without the Chains of the Afanim above them. Instead of open wings, there was one large Eye on the Gates, surrounded by small… tongues of flame? Or perhaps vines above the ground. Sometimes the engravings on these stones are so difficult to read… I'm a Mage, not an architect.

"Usually," Sera began, instantly capturing my attention. She pointed toward the gates with her right hand. "The guardian angels, Dominions, or Watchers, must patrol the entire perimeter while the strongest, or a group of the strongest among them, guards the Gates themselves." With a motion of her fingers, images appeared before us…

Valkyries? I can say for sure, as the helmets or masks resembled knightly visors, or some strange headgear, but the tone of their clothing and the style weren't that different. Seeing my confusion, Sera nodded knowingly.

"Yes, part of the Valkyries, several of the Shield Sisters, and a few retired souls were created even before the Fall," Sera said with a gentle smile, meeting my curious gaze with hers. "Adam gave them new names when they devoted themselves to the First Man, entering into his service." The images depicted what Sera had previously mentioned. Most of them were flying around the walls of the Garden, while three Watchers stood at the entrance. "The Watchers were under the command of Aziraphale, one of the Cherubim guarding the Gates." The images were complemented by a white-haired angel with a flaming sword. He resembled Lucifer from Sera's descriptions, lacking a nose, his face only vaguely human, without the marks on his cheeks, creating the impression of a doll.

"That's why we will…" Sera took a deep breath, and the space around us… distorted? It literally wavered slightly, and Sera quickly flew to me, covering me with her enlarged lower wing. "...stroll through the Garden," she whispered in my ear, leaning closer.


"We don't have much time, so we better hurry." Sera whispered quickly and quietly, leading me along with her wing. A quick glance at my feet confirmed that I was no longer touching the ground.

We literally passed through the Gates without opening them; I barely managed to summon our Constructs… Two Constructs resembling us, who would simply portray our dialogue. Sera waved with her other wing, and the Constructs seemed to come to life, becoming even more like us as they began some conversation, sitting next to the Gates.

We found ourselves…

In a beautiful place. Divine, there's no other way to put it.

The air was cleaner and more pleasant than anything I had ever felt, with delightful scents; even the atmosphere here was… pure.

Numerous closely spaced tall trees of various kinds surrounded us, with roots that didn't spoil the picture but only added to it, hosting many flowers and other plants. And the sounds…

The flow of a small stream nearby, undoubtedly made of the purest water, which might even possess some healing properties.

Plants, from flowers to very strange ones unseen by anyone on Earth, not mentioned in the biosphere of Hell from the books of Paradise…

A light breeze brought relief and… sadness? It carried both calm and melancholy, as if we were at someone's funeral. Shaking my head, I met Sera's attentive gaze, as she was searching for something on my face.

Her expression was tense, and there was uncertainty in her eyes, as if she had just realized her own audacity… but decided to continue her madness.

"We don't have much time," Sera repeated, her pupils darting across my face. "I apologize if this seemed too abrupt…" she awkwardly said, looking away.

"…It's fine." I managed to squeeze out with my last free stream of thoughts, returning my gaze to nature. The others were busy analyzing and archiving what they had seen. "I really appreciate this, truly." I nodded, slowly articulating my words. "But… why?" Our gazes met again.

"…I wanted to make you feel good, like on… that date of ours." Sera's cheeks flushed slightly, not from memories, but from the admission. "I saw it in you—the desire to enter Eden." She answered awkwardly, looking into my eyes. "I didn't want to intrude into your soul, knowing how people value their privacy; this was even before our relationship!" Sera said, raising her voice slightly, her eyes looking at me with a hint of panic, as if apologizing.

My heavy sigh broke the beautiful song of this place.

"It's alright, Sera, I don't mind, but you're right," I gently took her left hand in mine, smiling encouragingly. "We have little time, and I want to explore here." I added, starting to look around, feeling Sera's relieved sigh.

"Usually," we began to move—rather, Sera started to float at a moderate pace in some direction. "This is unacceptable; if it were the same Divine Throne, I couldn't have arranged this without the direct permission of the Supreme Deacon, the Afanim Azariel." Sera spoke quickly. "Eden, however…" she hesitated. "It doesn't carry the same sacred meaning as before; now it's more of a sacred place, completely fenced off from the rest of Creation, a monument to the past, if you will." Sera nodded, mirroring my gestures as she surveyed the surrounding landscapes.

Beyond the fact that the scenes unfolding before us were among the most beautiful—if not the most beautiful—I had ever seen in this life, there was… a strange feeling.

As if it were an unfinished work of art, as if Leonardo da Vinci had not been able to put the final stroke on the Mona Lisa. The painting was still beautiful, but something was missing. Something important…

We passed—though it would be more accurate to say we flew—past many trees, fields of flowers, various plants, waterfalls, and ponds, but…

"No animals?" My quiet question echoed in the silence of the forest.

"They don't know we're here; they're also quite timid and try not to approach the entrance to the Garden," Sera shook her head. Her eyes then stopped on something, and she nodded in that direction. My gaze shot to where she pointed. "A fox." Sera replied succinctly.

Foxes are usually red, sometimes with white fur, but this was a different kind, or perhaps a pigment anomaly… This fox resembled a mix between a cat and a fox. Its ears were larger than a regular fox's, with slightly longer legs that transitioned into… a water form?

The paws of this fox, which had a tricolor pattern—white as the base, red on its head and back, and blue on its paws, as well as its chest—resembled a wave or flowing water… A strange pattern on its face in the shape of tongues of flame wrapped around a piece of its nose and passed through its eyes, completing this odd canvas.

"…I wouldn't say it's a fox… More like a 'kitsune' from Japanese mythology?" I tilted my head questioningly, weaving my magic to examine the creature. Sera, however, let out a playful huff of indignation.

The fox, noticing us, immediately dashed into the forest.

"…Aren't the animals of Eden supposed to be more…" I raised an eyebrow in confusion, watching the fleeing fox leave trails of orange flame behind. "Friendly?"

"They should be." Sera sighed, continuing our low flight just above the ground. She looked into my eyes apologetically. "But you are a descendant of Eve, the Mother of Sin." My face involuntarily twisted in irritation. "That's why they… are wary, for during all their time here, they have only seen Adam, the purest of men." Sera carefully chose her words, nervously darting her eyes around the Garden. "Ahem… how about visiting the dwelling place of Adam and Eve?" Sera quietly asked, receiving my nod.

We moved in silence, enjoying the landscapes of That Very Eden…

Honestly, when I had pondered this in the past, there was more allure, but now that I had actually entered Eden, hypothetically becoming the fourth person to come here, even if in a copy…

"It's not so much a replica of the Eden that existed back then on Earth, as…" Sera replied to my unspoken question, evidently watching her surroundings and my reaction closely. "It has been transferred from Earth in the most detailed way possible, without any… defects." By the end, irritation crept into her voice.

I nodded.

We continued our tour of this truly epochal place. Beautiful landscapes shifted before us, and a multitude of animals hurried past, while the wind still carried that strange feeling of melancholy.

"This is the place of work for Adam and Eve." Sera said quietly, allowing me to look through her wing. "It is here that humanity was born." Her soft voice carried notes of triumph, and there was a barely noticeable nostalgic smile on Sera's face.

"The birthplace of humanity"—a bit too grand to say, but…

It was a small valley filled with a multitude of flowers and soft-looking grass. The valley was surrounded by mountains, and on its eastern side, where the sunrise should be beautifully visible, there were several small waterfalls, with a river flowing somewhere further east. The waterfall cascaded into a lake that occupied a third of the glade, and to the right of the lake, if one faced it, there was a rise leading to a small hill with a solitary tree.

"It is here that Adam invented the first musical instrument and began to play; it is here that Adam and Eve enjoyed the first sunrise and sunset." The soft, tender voice of the parent recalled the beautiful moments of their children's childhood. Sera sighed. "Though they were interrupted, and Eden was moved, Adam still sometimes visits this place and plays various beautiful music on the guitar."

"One of those moments when he doesn't bother you?" At my playful remark, Sera chuckled softly and nodded.

I didn't know what I was supposed to feel looking at the place where everything that is human literally began. The first family, the first betrayal, the first love, the first quarrel, the first sin, and the first disobedience.

"…What really happened here in Eden?" I tilted my head, looking up at Sera. "Adam shared some fragments, but back then he was…" It was my turn to choose my words under Sera's attentive gaze. "…from the perspective of a modern person—a child, at most a teenager, who wasn't very aware of the implications of his actions." Sera sighed heavily.

Of course, asking her would be subjective, as almost all Seraphim dislike Lucifer and Lilith, to put it mildly, and Adam always curses the Fallen Seraph whenever he gets the chance, though rightfully so. These emotions, from both Adam and Sera, somewhat obscure the true picture of what happened.

…Am I really going to have to descend into Hell, to the Embassy of Paradise, to ask the Devil himself? I would be surprised if I received anything other than lies or half-truths, but it's worth a try.

"Adam was created first, from the dust of the Earth and Creation," Sera began softly, slowly gliding over the glade, briefly stopping at a part where there likely should have been a garden, by the lake, by that very oak. "Then, Lilith was created." A note of displeasure crept into Sera's voice. "They were created equal, as King and Queen of the Garden of Eden, but Lilith… was too susceptible to emotions, to the new." Sera closed her eyes, and I listened, spellbound.

"They loved each other; Adam loves her still, no matter what he tells you." Sera would have continued, but she suddenly stopped, excitedly adding her words. "But, just so you know, I didn't tell you this." I nodded, and Sera sighed in relief.

"Adam forgave Lilith, even when she, under Lucifer's influence, took on his tasks, his commissions from God himself, meant to nurture and cultivate the qualities needed in the future rulers of Eden." A small flap of Sera's upper wings, and we began to slowly ascend higher, even above the small mountains. "He forgave Lilith, even when she destroyed his garden, his creations, and that ungrateful…" Sera's face contorted into a grimace of anger, but only for a moment.

We soared above the waterfalls of this valley, revealing a colossal tree. I didn't know there was Yggdrasil in Eden, if that's its name; if I remember correctly, it's the World Tree from Norse mythology. This tree was larger than any other known to man, even larger than the baobabs that grow in Madagascar, so enormous that it touched the clouds surrounding its crown. Its mighty trunk could easily encompass the area of a small village, and its roots, surprisingly well-maintained, delved deep into the earth.

"…I don't know who started it, but Lucifer and Lilith grew closer, and then…" Sera said with displeasure as we flew over the mountains. She paused and looked at me. "Do… do you have a wish for which place in Eden to see next?" Sera asked shyly, her words slightly trembling at the end.

"The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil." My response made Sera flinch slightly, and her face scrunched up.

"It's not the same tree that was on Earth; it's just a replica, one of the few in this Eden." Sera admitted, but nevertheless, she changed our course, significantly speeding up. Time was running short.

"…Lucifer and Lilith grew closer, and then?" I reminded Sera, who was looking off to the side. She flinched again and nodded.

"Lilith started spending more time with Lucifer, often neglecting her duties, and the same could be said for Lucifer." Sera sighed, turning towards the Great Tree. "They secretly met somewhere outside the Garden, both making excuses to see each other while we all naively believed them, as we simply couldn't imagine that something like this could happen." Sera whispered tiredly.

"And then…" Sera grimaced painfully, prompting me to squeeze her hand reassuringly, earning a grateful smile. "…then, Lilith grew distant from Adam, and Lucifer began to devote less time to Duty and Obligation, dedicating his free time and talents to please Lilith…" Sera whispered discontentedly, her brow furrowing. "And then… one terrible evening…" It was clear that Sera was uncomfortable recalling this, not so much because of Lucifer's actions, but because… "That's when Adam and Lilith had their first argument." Sera confessed, exhaling deeply.

We descended, likely having reached this significant place, even if it was a copy, but…

I didn't know if the angels had preserved the original appearance of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, but it… It didn't even have a single trunk; instead, it resembled two serpent-like columns, their roots and trunks intertwining to create the illusion of unity and solidity. Near the very top, beneath the purplish-red canopy of strangely shaped leaves, even from our distance, there was a single branch where the Fruit likely hung.

Sera continued her tale.

"…At that time, Lilith was supposed to wait for Adam's apology; he acknowledged his mistake and accepted it, he did everything for her to forgive him, but Lilith…" Now Sera's voice held undisguised malice, her brows furrowed in indignation. "Lilith found solace in Lucifer, who somehow learned of this quarrel, although Uriel did everything to keep the Morning Star occupied." Sera flew closer to the Tree, allowing me to see it in detail.

It… I don't know what Sera, Adam, or the other Seraphim feel, but this Tree… There's something emanating from it; I can't quite describe the sensations—just… eerie. Dangerous and… intriguing.

I actually caught myself reaching out toward several fruits still hanging on the Tree. Thankfully, I managed to pull back before Sera noticed my slip.

"…They lay here." Sera said dryly, gazing at the Tree with sorrow. "They were cast out," she turned her head to me. "Lilith was sent to the cruel beings of Earth at that time, and Lucifer was imprisoned in his Spire; both were strictly forbidden from returning to the Garden, but those two…" Sera wearily rubbed her face. "They returned when Adam had Eve, somehow convincing her to taste the Fruit, the consequences of which we observe to this day." Sera spoke tiredly, her eyes seeming to dull.

"You know what happened next." Sera finished, leaving us in silence.

Each of us sank into our thoughts, each thinking about something personal. I didn't know if she was recalling the past, questioning it, or perhaps just indulging in memories of a beautiful time when God's Design was exactly as the Celestials envisioned.

As for me…

"What is this Fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and what did it change in Eve?" I quietly asked Sera, whose thoughtful gaze fell upon me.

"…I don't know." After a couple of moments, Sera confessed. "Only God knows, and Eve herself…"

I had asked Eve about it; she had no idea what the Apple had done to her, merely describing all the "wonderful" sensations and strange urges that came with it.

"…Maybe Lucifer." Sera concluded with displeasure, further convincing me that I would inevitably need to meet the Devil. The main thing was to remember that this was just one step toward my goal—a small dialogue, full of lies, fear for my soul and mind, and something more… "But," Sera caught my attention, raising her voice slightly. "Eve was cursed by God; I don't know the exact words of the curse, but because of it, Eve cannot truly die, cannot go to Hell or Heaven; she…" Sera's voice was filled with pity. "No matter how much she prays, no matter how much she asks, God and Heaven will not hear her; she must know that He has turned away from her, that she has lost." Sera finished, closing her eyes.

Silence returned, which I broke after a few moments.

"We must go." My words met Sera's agreeing nod as she quickly directed us toward the exit, allowing us to enjoy the last moments in Eden.

"…Tell me, Virgil…" Sera said quietly, somewhat melancholically. Our eyes met again. "Do you have a dream or a goal?" she asked with a strange intonation.

Once, a couple of years ago, I would have struggled to answer that question. But now…

"To change Creation." I answered firmly, looking at the landscapes of Eden. "To fix the 'anomalies' of Creation that appeared after the Fall, to help people reclaim what they lost, to find Eve…" Sera showed no reaction, gazing at me with an unreadable expression. "Those are more like goals, perhaps except for the first, but still." I shrugged, looking again into the expectant eyes of the Seraphim, not giving her a chance to respond to my words.

"Since we've come this far, it's my turn now." I emphasized the lightheartedness of my words with a carefully crafted joking smile. God knows the reason for such strange questions, especially after our recent conversations and how a Seraphim, older than humanity itself, would react. "What is your dream and goal, Sera?" I playfully poked my finger, leaning closer to Sera as much as her wing allowed.

"To maintain Order in the Golden City and keep its souls safe." Sera replied without blinking, to which I sighed heavily.

"Sera." I closed my eyes, looking straight into her soul. "That's what Duty tells you." Sera's cheek twitched. "But what do you—" I pointed at her. "What do you want? What is your dream or goal? Not the Supreme Seraphim Sera, but Sera, who loves my chocolate-milk bars with hot tea." Sera rubbed her face, exhaling deeply, without saying a word.

We floated in silence through the air along the familiar path to the Gates. The exit was close. Finally, almost at the Gates, Sera stopped, looking at them and whispering her words as if revealing a terrible secret of the Universe.

"I…" Sera's voice was timid, almost trembling. "I would like my loved ones to be safe," her head turned to me, her eyes opening. "Emily, Adam, maybe Lut… Virgil." Sera smiled quietly, and I echoed her. "Souls of Heaven." As if just remembering, Sera hurriedly added, "I just want them to be happy and to be free from threats." Sera raised her eyes to the sky, gazing at the stars through the daylight. "I will do everything in my power to make that happen, whatever it takes." She said quietly but resolutely, lowering her gaze again to look into my eyes with her bright, white energy-filled gaze. "I will shield them from demonic hatred, from the threats of Goetia and the Princes of Hell, who will seize any opportunity to expand their interests, disregarding the innocent souls that will perish in this harvest." Sera added grimly, her eyes beginning to glow even more.

"Careful, Sera," I shook my head, smirking. Sera narrowed her eyes warily. "Such rhetoric oozes Pride; you could fall straight into a visit with your brother." My mocking smile and gaze came naturally, and Sera shook her head, chuckling softly.

We left Eden, literally passing through the material of the gates, or at least that's how I perceived this transition.

In a moment, with a gesture of my fingers and a snap from Sera, we found ourselves in the realm of the Constructs, receiving the last memories of the Constructs. Conversations about work, discussions on Emily's growing up, debates about her behavior, which had become overly dependent on me, words from Sera the Construct, essentially based on Sera's personality matrix, meaning she too wanted to discuss similar matters…

"…Are we just going to sit here by these gates, or do we need to do something?" I stood up from a small bench opposite Sera's seat, a white cloud, brushing off my clothes and extending my hand to Sera, who promptly accepted the unnecessary help. "Or is this what you call 'rest' through 'watching'?" I didn't even have to feign irritation; it was indeed frustrating news that hindered me from analyzing the gathered data about Eve's body. Naturally, I planned to conduct the analysis on Earth, in Eve's home.

Eve, for some reason, was nowhere to be found, not even the Guardian Angel of the First Circle, whom I personally, as the assistant to the Supreme Seraphim, had asked (read: given a task) to first locate the woman's home and then provided a description of Eve, which was in the documents.

Damn it, I even turned to a regular, as applicable as that term is, Afanim, who can find any human soul.

But no one succeeded. They found neither Eve nor the Construct I modified to be easily located, nor a single cultist who was part of the Goat's Eye Cult, one of the most prominent in Europe, rumored to be able to summon Lucifer himself.

So, Eve, or rather her Curse, seemingly works both ways. Eve cannot be heard by God, and Angels cannot find her… Unless it concerns all souls except for the Seraphim of the High Council and God Himself, since that Demiurge Seraphim somehow found her.

Though even that Seraphim is almost a legend… A mythical figure, seemingly a fabrication, because if it weren't for Sera's words, whom I tend to believe, I would have long thought that other Seraphim helped Adam's children or somehow found Eve. There's no precise information about this Seraphim, just records indicating he was once there, without specific dates, like a Bible quote describing his rank as a Seraphim, his role in Heaven, again indistinguishable from the usual role of a Seraphim, and that he once helped Adam's children.


No specifics. It seems… I'll have to somehow convince or guarantee a positive conversation with Lucifer, which… is very scary.

"…so we'll be here for a couple more hours, finishing up the paperwork, and then…" Sera's words pulled me from my thoughts. Blinking, I listened. "We… We could come to your place and work on your projects?" Sera said awkwardly, looking away and nervously fidgeting with her fingers. I shook my head.

A quick flash, and I found myself behind Seraphim, causing her to flinch but not take any action.

"If you want to unwind, just ask." I whispered in Sera's ear, biting it lightly at the end, eliciting a soft moan and shiver from Sera.

"…Y-yes…" Sera's heavy breathing, the rise and fall of her chest, a small wisp of visible vapor. "…I would like to 'unwind' afterwards." Sera nodded.

"What a good Seraphim, perfectly fulfilling her duties…" I wove a spell that would… warm Sera up a bit while we worked.

"Is that necessary?" Sera asked, her cheeks flushing. It's true; I'm practicing this for the first time myself.

"If you don't want to or feel uncomfortable, then no." I said quietly but firmly, stepping out of character. "I thought you'd like it, considering your earlier preferences…" I glanced at a few stacks of paper that appeared in the flash of white light when I was lost in thought earlier.

"No, it's fine." Sera shook her head, trying to steady her breathing and calm her shivering. "Just… tone it down a bit…" she asked, breathing heavily. "…Or should I not?" she questioned, not so much me as herself. I smirked and tilted my head, but Sera pointedly wouldn't look my way.

"…Leave it as is." She nodded firmly, creating a new cloud beneath her as she sat down and summoned her quill. The first sheet flew into her hands, while the rest landed on the table I had already created.

"If we manage to get this done in two hours, then you'll have a little surprise waiting for you later." - I whisper into her feather-like ear, still behind her. The ear twitches under my breath. Sera nods jerkily.

The remaining time, we truly filled out documents, managing to finish in an hour and a half. Considering my updated "Song of Quill and Parchment" weaving, it was too easy.

Sera sometimes twitched, breathing heavily, and when she was particularly close, she would moan plaintively when she didn't get the desired discharge.

Her indignant and offended glances thrown at me during our work quickly changed to ecstasy with bliss at my home when I introduced a few sex toys: those strange beads for both lower holes with vibration, ropes and candles. That damned Eve, she talked me into it…

Sera was very happy with the new experience and asked for a repeat, only more extreme, meaning either to apply today's weaving with a delay in sexual discharge unexpectedly for her, or to do it at some kind of meeting… Most likely with Adam and his Department, they would at least understand and silently support it.


Heaven. Office of the Supreme Seraphim. 1920.

After a whole year of studying and analyzing almost all the data I could access at the time, I am pleased to report:

"Changing humanity is fucking hard."

At first, it was fun. I even imagined how wonderful the new humanity would be, how Eve would meet Adam and her family when she entered Paradise, or how much I could learn when my achievements were recognized and I became a Seraphim as a reward…

But when I started working on this…

Fuck, how many details, how much there is to consider, and this is only the most basic!

I'm currently at the main stage, not even working on the part about cleansing Eve, no…

I'm stuck on what seemed like the simplest question.

"How do I spread my influence over all humanity?"

Before, I thought that Adam's strength or the energy of the Apple would be enough, but…

The Apple doesn't emit any energy or anything similar that can be converted into it.

Even the Ether, the basis of my Weaving, has limitations. I need Willpower, Intention, or some other vessel for this, expressed in formulas or songs, and most importantly – Knowledge of what I am doing.

I can't just create a Pattern or Weaving to become a Seraphim or gain the power of God. At best, I'll get nothing, and at worst, I'll be torn apart by energies or just maimed with my soul's shell.

Ether is fucking dangerous; it wasn't forbidden for nothing. It's literally the sharpest razor in the world, and you can carve anything you want, but if you cut yourself… you might as well hang yourself, because what could happen to you…

Let's say, Cherubs didn't appear due to the imagination of Paradise at that time. Moreover, that's the most harmless version. In other variations, you could just get stuck in the flow of time, becoming a ghost that can never remain in any time segment. The experience of several Archangel-Righteous Ones who wished to go back in time to change Eve's decisions and prevent the emergence of Sin…

Or, you could simply get stuck in an eternal moment of agony, where to others, you would be dead, while your soul, or what remains of it, would suffer in agony for eternity until you simply stop thinking, becoming part of time.

So, when I need to "Separate the concept of the Apple that encompasses all humanity"… it's complicated.

It's not about the Apple, which replaced or transformed the heart of Eve. Biologically, it's just a working organ with a strange shape that performs its functions properly, with a nod to the topic of "The Curse of God."

No, the Apple or the Fruit – is a symbol. A symbol of Sin, of all the horror and terror that has engulfed the Universe, because it is also the reason for it. My initial idea was to invent a way to separate concepts, but it turned out to be… a level higher, let's say.

Even though it seems simple, the process of "separating the concept"… What is a concept, how to see it, how to interact with it, how and with what can it be extracted, what will happen if it is extracted or affected? Even if you just affect it, then how and with what? What will happen? Will I kill Eve, or will I transfer the curse onto myself?

These questions tormented me for the past year; even the weavings of the mind didn't help, because you can speed up your thoughts as much as you want while you're racing towards a wall – it won't help.

And now, I'm filling out more paperwork while Sera, who for once went out for a walk with Emily, is relaxing.

An ordinary day, an ordinary Tuesday. At the edge of one of the five streams of thought, a meeting of the Departments is being held, led by the Construct in my form, using a dedicated stream of consciousness.

The smell of paper, the sound of parchment rustling, which is part of the stream flowing like a river above the ceiling, a reverse waterfall rising from the table or droplets flying towards me if the Song cannot process this piece of paper.

A cool breeze from the last days of summer; August was surrendering summer to autumn, the seasons were changing as a chilly gust from the recent rain swept through the office, creating a perfect balance of cold and warmth.

Closing my eyes, I let the weavings finish their work while I take a sip of freshly brewed tea… In the background, some instrumental music plays, which I stopped paying attention to after the first hour of work.

Bliss, until this idyll was interrupted by those I least expected…

"Virgil!" A flash of light brought Sera's indignant voice, next to her stood a shyly smiling Emily, who waved at me cheerfully. "We need to put Adam in his place." Sera ominously announced, as if talking about the weather.

I take another sip while Emily fidgets slightly.

"Sera, it was just a playful photograph, Adam won't…" Emily's attempt to appeal to Sera's reason was rejected by the designated Seraphim.

"It's not just a photograph; it's a compromising photograph aimed at ruining the image of two Seraphim." Sera said in a raised voice, usually crystal calm.

"We just hugged; it was sweet." Emily said softly, searching for my support with her gaze. "Sera even picked me up..."

I take another sip while Sera hovers slightly above the floor in the office.

"He dared to capture that intimate moment on camera, the impudent scoundrel!" Sera continued in the same tone while Emily quietly floated closer to my desk, watching the moving figure of the Seraphim. "Such personal things are strictly for the close ones, not for outsiders and especially not for photos meant for publication or jokes." Sera feigned outrage, looking me in the eyes, receiving a supportive nod.

"That's exactly what I'm saying, Virgil; I knew you'd understand." Sera nodded importantly with her eyes closed, amidst Emily's quiet laughter as she covered her mouth with her hand.

Here's the thing. Adam decided to teach Sera some friendly teasing and went overboard, while Sera, as usual, reacted too sharply. I mean, she just wants to joke around while being in our company. To spend time with us, relaxing.

I'm so proud of her, even though…

Sera has a rather… peculiar sense of humor, especially when it comes to friendly jabs and jokes. When Adam simply calls you a "loser and a piece of crap," Sera will draft a paper that you need to sign, or else you'll end up working for the Cherubs as their boss… which is usually considered a pretty humiliating position for an Angel, especially in that form.

Or that time when Adam teased Sera just before my first project with them. She sent him to cleanse a cult with the demon Goetia, adding heightened activity from snakes. Although Adam was just joking…

Then there was that joke of Sera's when some smart guy decided to hide the main text in the water of an entire book, stretching a simple report-request to a hundred pages, and Sera just responded in kind. She replied with three thousand pages, demanding that he give her a response in key words hidden throughout the text, in exactly the same phrasing and symbols, and there were several modern languages involved…

Thank goodness my weaving checked that paper; otherwise, Sera's joke would have been even harsher.

I finish the delightful liquid, draining my cup and placing it on the coaster.

"Can't we just delete the photo or break the camera?" I cross my arms in front of me, tilting my head to the side.

"Adam probably has backups; we need to find something in response." Sera exaggerated her anger a bit, nervously watching my reaction. "Or is there really a lot of work right now?" Sera's eyes flicked momentarily to the still-ongoing stream of paper, and after a couple of moments, she sighed in relief.

"We could just order Adam not to use the photo?" Emily said innocently, overly naively, the corners of her lips betraying her playful mood.

"Too simple and boring." Both Seraphim nodded at my words. "I propose we set up surveillance on them using my wonders, staying close to them, initiating scenarios where we can catch them in a similar situation to Sera, if not worse." I enumerated in a steady voice, gesturing to use my weaving to clear the tea set and other items to free up another stream of consciousness for working with the papers.

"Or we could just ask Lute to delete the photo from the camera…" Emily said, playfully swinging her legs while sitting in the chair opposite me, to which Sera shook her head.

"Adam needs to learn an important lesson, Emily…" Sera said, ominously looking out the window. "To learn and remember for all eternity." Sera nodded while Emily quietly giggled.

So we did just that. First, using Sera's Eye, we found Adam walking with Lute; they were engaged in their usual activities. Eating at cafes, stopping in parks, just strolling and chatting with some Righteous Ones who occasionally approached. An ordinary day for a Righteous One, really.

Then, Sera transported us near where Adam and Lute were eating, so that she could cast some wonders on us. I also applied weavings to divert attention, making us less noticeable.

We followed them like hounds after prey, like Death stalking soldiers in war. Relentlessly and inexorably, secretly from everyone, even from ourselves (from our common sense), we waited for the right moment, which I had to organize, nudging Lute toward more decisive actions with the help of the Song.

Finally, when Lute said something to Adam, her face flushed with embarrassment, Adam awkwardly glanced around, strangely enough, not noticing us hiding in the distance behind the beautiful, well-kept bushes of the park where our company was gathered…

Adam picked Lute up. "Princess hugs" or "carrying on hands." Both displayed very noticeable signs of embarrassment until they were interrupted by a flash of light.

"Sera?!" Adam exclaimed, dropping poor Lute.

The light from the camera, for Sera's face was truly menacing. Her wide eyes and completely emotionless expression instilled fear that surpassed even Adam's.

"Did you really think your actions would go unpunished, foolish child?" Sera asked in a monotonous voice, ending with a sly smirk as she held the camera in her hands, while Emily and I, standing below Sera and thus still undetected, sighed.

Then followed the standard discussion between Adam and Sera. Adam was outraged – Sera stood her ground, parrying his words. Adam was indignant – Sera made a remark, pinning Adam down, almost making his helmet "sweat."

In the end, when the pleasantries were over, our group joined Adam and Lute.

"The paperwork can wait," Sera said, shocking Adam, who didn't hesitate to involve Lute in his reaction, though she seemed rather… calm for someone Adam and I had used.

While Adam walked ahead with Sera and Emily, who were discussing something together, Adam added some points and explained a few things that both Seraphim listened to attentively. But that's not important right now; what matters is to apologize to Lute.

"Lute, I would like to apologize." I said softly, aligning myself next to Lute, who was walking behind the main group, placing my hand on her shoulder. Lute seemed to notice me for the first time, snapping out of her thoughts and looking at me with an expressionless face.

"I don't remember you ever harming me or Adam, Virgil." Lute said, her voice slightly tired as she blinked slowly.

Our group was just walking through Paradise, looking for some entertainment, a common practice for strolls in Paradise. Adam gestured to grab two ice creams that were ready for delivery at the nearest ice cream vendor, taking one for himself and handing the other to Emily, who joyfully started devouring the sweet ice. Sera chuckled a bit and continued their conversation.

"That 'joke' of Sera's…" I hesitated, averting my eyes, drawing Lute's attention more as she looked into my eyes. "It was initiated by me when I nudged you toward the initiative with Adam." Instead of a furious reaction or any negative response, Lute simply nodded slowly.

"I wanted something like that too." Lute said, stretching her words slightly. Did she have bags under her eyes? "These ways are quite popular among some angels; at least you had the courage to admit it. I appreciate that." Lute smiled faintly, turning her head forward to look at Adam. "At least I liked that joke." Her smile grew a bit wider.

"Even so, let me apologize and thank you at the same time." My words caught Lute's attention, her eyes focused intently on me. I snapped my fingers, summoning eight tickets. Lute's eyes widened in astonishment.

"This…," Lute gasped. "Tickets to the premiere of the new animated film 'Crusaders of Stardust: Requiem'?! Her eyes widened in disbelief, her tone filled with excitement.

"And the release of the Shield Sisters for Adam so you can officially spend your new day off." I smiled gently, handing over seven colorful tickets and some small paper to Lute, who nearly snatched them from me, pressing them to her chest and looking at the tickets as if they were real treasures.

"…T-This…," Lute said, breathing heavily, her sparkling eyes darting between me and the paper pressed against her chest. "…Thank you so much! But… what are you thanking me for?" Lute asked, puzzled.

"You and the girls provided excellent assistance to Sera and me." - I grin, receiving a matching grin from Lute. - "I really liked all the undergarments and the behavioral changes, and what can I say about the educational part…" - giggling, I close my eyes, looking directly into the amused Lute's eyes. - "Thank you very much."

"I'm glad the girls conducted several researches and ordered the necessary parts themselves, secretly delivering them to Lady Sera." - Lute nodded. - "How are you doing with this now?" - Lute smiled, closing her eyes, and with a circular motion of her hand, made the papers vanish.

"Excellent." - I nodded, receiving a reciprocal nod from Lute.

"And what have you tried already?" - Lute asks slyly, leaning closer, switching to a whisper.

Sera, Emily, and Adam ahead were engaged in their own conversation; Emily was eagerly asking Sera something, and Adam was adding his comments.

"Regular sex, rough sex, rope play, wax, " we both chuckled, "- various toys, for both parts, a few clothespins and tacks…" - I list, bending my fingers, speaking exclusively in a whisper.

"Gags, whips, role play?" – Lute replies playfully, glancing at Sera's back, whose wings gently enveloped Emily walking beside her.

"Later, but…" – I momentarily linger my gaze on Sera's back, then look back at Lute's face. "Role-playing?" – I ask with genuine curiosity, to Lute's delight.

"O-oh, innocent summer soul…" – Lute drawls, smirking. "Haven't you ever looked for ways to spice things up in roles? Haven't you tried acting out scenes like 'An angel surrendering to a demon,' 'Teacher and student,' a classic?" – Lute's smile began to resemble those moments when she talked about her killings of Sinners, only… with a twist? "Or even, 'A guardian angel rewards a soul for ascending to Heaven,' a classic role play?" – Lute spoke with a breathy tone, her breathing quickening and her gaze becoming unfocused.

"… " – I raised an eyebrow and silently stared at Lute, who blinked and straightened up abruptly.

"I apologize, I meant to say…" – Lute adjusted her hair, exhaling. "You could try it, it's quite a good variety, if, of course…" – Lute quickly corrected herself, avoiding eye contact. "You might need it, just keep that in mind." – At her words, I nodded.

With that, we wrapped up, and Lute's mood noticeably changed. Now her step had a spring to it, a slight smile played on her face, and the bags under her eyes seemed almost smoothed out. She was even humming something to herself. Probably something from those "Crusaders"...

Later, our group somehow split up. Adam, looking at me strangely and winking, came up with some absurd reason for Sera to go with him to his Department, and they walked there instead of using light travel, leaving only Emily with me.

"What were you talking about with Sera and Adam that has you glowing with energy now? Literally." – I quietly ask Emily, who was hovering just above the ground and humming a little tune.

Emily really was glowing; her eyes sparkled, even the one in her halo, but not the one on her chest. It was surprising that the Eye on her chest now looked more like a drawing, unlike a few years ago when it clearly resembled the distinguishing feature of a Seraph.

Could it be that Adam and Sera taught Emily to better change her form?

"Oh, nothing special, just catching up on the latest news and getting to know each other better." – Emily said, almost swaying in the air as she looked my way. "How about we tackle one of your projects? Maybe you need the help of a Seraph, but you don't want to burden Sera? Or perhaps…" – Emily's voice became increasingly awkward as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"…I suppose some help from a Seraph wouldn't hurt." – I sighed and nodded, glancing towards the Green District. "I need everything at home," – Emily's face lit up a bit, "how would you like to get there, by flying, walking, or teleporting…" – I was abruptly interrupted.

"Teleport!" – Emily exclaimed, wrapping her wings around me.

In a flash of purple or blue light, we found ourselves not far from my territory in the Green District.

"…Great job, Emily." – I smiled gently, stroking her head, causing her to blissfully squint her eyes. "Good execution of a complex miracle. Would you like to celebrate with some sweets?" – I tilted my head, continuing to stroke the Seraph's head. She nodded but didn't stop my petting, which went on for a couple more moments. Then, with a sigh, Emily quickly flew towards my house.

I shook my head, quietly following her.

We settled in the living room; Emily sat on the couch, energetically swinging her legs while I prepared tea for us.

"Hold on, I'll send a message to Sera so she won't worry…" – I finished with the hot drinks, conjured the teapot, and set a cup in front of Emily.

"Sera already knows; I warned her they'll be by later." – Emily responded a bit too briskly, taking a sharp sip from her mug while wearing a twitchy smile.

…What is this little one up to this time, luring Adam and Sera into her plans? Fine… If I ask her about it now, we'll just get stuck arguing for half an hour. Let's allow her to have some fun.

"…So what do you need to do?" – Emily asked, scooting a bit closer to me, making me sigh.

"…Look…" – I began explaining the concept of "parts of one thing and metaphors," these wonders that require some knowledge to apply, and how it even pertains to the official "Doctrine of the Ether"…

We discussed this topic for a while until I confirmed a few facts. Emily still wanted to "try," just a bit "deeper," while starting to drop hints about sex. Close contact, insinuations in her voice and words—damn, even more revealing clothing that I only noticed when I paid attention to it.

Emily knows that I already have Sera and that I won't discuss this without her involvement, let alone allow it.

That was the very question I posed to Emily, abruptly changing the tone of the conversation, which became more awkward and… erotic? Emily's voice quivered, but she continued nonetheless.

"…I asked Sera, and she said it was okay?" – Emily said, her words nearly making me spit out my tea.

"What do you mean 'you asked and she said it was okay'?!" – I asked a bit more sharply than I should have, quickly correcting myself with a cough. "Is that what you two were discussing near Adam recently?" – I tilted my head, watching Emily's nervously darting eyes.

"…Maybe I asked her not so much about myself as about the possibility of… expanding your relationship…?" – Emily awkwardly said, avoiding direct eye contact. What on earth is she talking about?

"What do you mean by 'expanding the relationship'?" – I closed my eyes, looking straight at the sweating Emily.

"…That Sera wouldn't mind if you took someone else, to hide the fact of your relationship, or if you found someone else, as long as you all agreed?" – Emily said tensely, barely looking at my face and constantly darting her eyes across my body or the room. I covered my face with my hand.

"That's Adam's idea, who also advised such an approach that avoids unnecessary worries and broken hearts!" – Emily continued, waiting for my response.

"…Adam is not the best role model for relationships, no matter how well they seem to be working…" – I quietly said, continuing to rub my face with my palm. "Besides, it should work both ways, and I don't want to see Sera looking for someone on the side just because 'Smart Adam and Sweet Emily told her it was okay.'" – I couldn't help but add a tone of accumulated irritation at the end.

Emily rarely evoked true negative emotions, as she often corrected her mistakes, but this… This little brat was intruding into my personal life. Infatuation or love, it's simply not beautiful or right, no matter how it's justified.

And if I find out that Sera has already found someone on the side while I'm getting caught up in the Project… I will seriously consider a serious, natural, and unpleasant punishment for those two "smart guys"…

"Adam explicitly advised that you understand this better, and therefore only you should deal with it," Emily said, clearly having seen something in my eyes, which is why she suddenly started justifying herself. "Moreover, Sera reacted sharply back then, not wanting to handle it herself, trusting this choice to you… So, it means she doesn't like anyone except you, in that sense, I mean…" Emily explained somewhat panickedly, looking into my one eye peeking from behind my hand covering my face.

She's not lying; even in memories that haven't been altered or fabricated, Sera said exactly this. A sharp dislike and… trust in me on this issue… The silly girl thinks that such a question should already be on the table in our relationship, that by Heavenly standards it has only just begun, although by earthly standards, it's long overdue for us to marry…

It's amazing how quickly time flies when you're not aging and have a personal connection on an emotional level, as well as numerous ways to test a partner for lies, merging into even more intimate closeness on a soul level… You could go on for a long time about the chasm that separates relationships on Earth from those in Heaven with all their wonders… Just divine wonders, yes…

But since Emily set this up for Sera, and even involved Adam, who could have simply shared his experience…

"And now you want to try becoming that 'extension of the relationship,' being the third?" I said tiredly, looking out the window, catching the slight tremor in Emily's body from the corner of my eye. Closing my eyes, I turned my head toward her, meeting her nervous but determined gaze.

"As you said, I haven't stopped thinking about this, I haven't stopped feeling all these emotions…" Emily's cheeks darkened, shifting from dark gray to a deep violet. "So… " Emily took a deep breath, leaning slightly in a bow. "Please, allow me to be your girlfriend alongside Sera!" Hearing her words, I suppressed the urge to take a deep breath; after all, Emily was extremely serious.

Someone reads too many romantic books and listens to the wrong Valkyries…

Damn it. Sera doesn't mind; I don't know for sure, but the very fact… But where did she get such ideas? Did Emily try, or was it Adam? Maybe it's old customs? But why should Seraphim be affected by them? No, theoretically, Adam was before her, who, after his death, started actively developing in this area, so to speak… And Sera has seen this relationship for so long, not paying attention to others, and so… I sighed, and Emily began nervously glancing at my face with my eyes closed. I could literally feel her tense gaze occasionally cast upon me.

Nonsense. I have no idea why Sera decided this, why she doesn't want to seek this "extension" herself, although I'm sure there are souls in Heaven who would want to start a romance with Seraphim, while Emily…

Damn it. I'd be lying to myself if I said I hadn't thought about this. About that sweet idyll where the three of us are together, being friends with Adam and his family of women… Usually, such nonsense came to my mind when I was particularly tired or had a drink of "Bouncer" while hanging out with Adam.

Now, I was faced with the same choice as a few years ago. A genuinely in-love or even loving woman awaits a response to her feelings, considering she's the one who took care of my "official" woman, getting an informal permission for such…


I wouldn't mind myself; it's just… Old ingrained moral values? The feeling of betrayal towards Sera… But she gave her consent, right?

I'm such a scoundrel…

"…Fine…" I said in a quiet voice, causing Emily to noticeably flinch. "But we're going straight to Sera and seriously discussing this. If she refuses, then…" I shook my head, and Emily burst into a joyful smile and nodded.

"Of course!" - Emily said, abruptly closing the distance, wrapping her arms around me and encircling me with her wings.

…I'll explain everything to Sera, tell her everything I felt and everything that happened between me and Emily, and then, if she decides to end our relationship, I'll accept that… Emily… If she wants to continue, then… maybe, but it will leave a bad taste in my mouth…

"…Maybe we could…" - Emily said quietly, barely audibly into my neck, attracting my attention. - "Do… "this"? - her cheeks flushed completely, and her breathing quickened. …

"Every couple has their own pace, and they decide when they have sex," right Virgil? I wonder if Sera told her that or if she figured it out herself? Although, most likely, she's just rushing into a new endeavor as usual.

And I even have a great idea of how to release all the accumulated irritation at Emily and make her first time unforgettable, although…

A brief survey quickly revealed Emily's preferences. Unusual and spicy. Unlike Sera, Emily prefers something sharp, rough (she wants to start with this type), filled with many new sensations. She expects it, at least.

"…Is this really "sex"?" - Emily asked uncertainly, lying on my lap. - "It's more like punishing bad children by their parents…" - a hint of realization crept into her voice as my hand lifted the hem of her dress and lowered her underwear. Emily swallowed nervously.

"You're totally right Emily, but it's also used in sex, to point out a mistake, usually." I explain with a hint of amusement to a flustered Emily, who looks over her left shoulder at my hand resting on her buttocks and gently stroking it, causing her sheath to tremble. Especially those who do rash things to those they love without asking permission or the opinion of those very souls.I squinted, and Emily's ears, which were clearly peeking out from under her hair, pressed down. Emily swallowed her saliva again.

"Count loudly or I'll repeat myself." - I warned, and then, before Emily could react, I slapped her right buttock, so soft and pleasant to the touch.

"Ouch!" Emily cried out, staring at my hand in slight panic.

"Count it, Emily". - I pressed my voice into her, causing her to flinch and nod. - Otherwise, we'll have to start from the beginning every time. - another nod as I savoured the feel of Emily's buttocks. They were just criminally soft and gentle.

Another slap on her left buttock elicited a shriek.

"R-raz...," Emily voiced twitchily, covering her eyes. Her sheath began to shake and her bottom lip began to secrete lubrication. Someone had clearly done their research, when had she had time? - "V-vergil...,'" Emily moaned, but was immediately interrupted.

"Do the math." - I replied in an even tone, taking a swing.

A new slap on the right and a new shriek. Emily's legs trembled, her breathing quickened.

"D-two." - Breathing hard, eyes closed, Emily stretched out, sprawled across my lap.

A slap on the right, the shriek grew louder.

"Three!" shouted Emily, stretching out the wings folded tightly on her back.

Add the weave for her lower body and the careful work of her left hand for her lower lips...

Emily moaned softly, breathing heavily, staring straight ahead somewhere.

Another spank on her right, a painful shriek and a more extended moan.

" W-four!" - Emily stammered, her whole body shaking, including the wings she tried to keep folded, though occasionally one of the six would straighten a little.


The spanking continued, Emily moaning louder and louder after the first ten, almost without crying out from the pain. Emily couldn't quite decide if she liked these new and strange sensations, or if it was the work of her Virgil's hands, or if it was a strange miracle that was somehow changing the sensations of her shell, but... Emily felt great!

She was bathed in new sensations, which was certainly not equal to her attempts at self-pleasure, certainly not in this strange way! But she could start to get used to this... interesting way of doing things.

Everything would have been just fine if in this time, in twenty-one spankings, she had been able to get a release from that itch in her bottom at least once, but Virgil, as if sensing (and it seemed to Emily that he really did know for sure) that she was close to the finale, was deliberately not letting her finish!

"Punishment should carry a lesson," Virgil had said at the time, but....

Okay, Emily realised that she partly (she'd asked permission!) deserved it, but... Emily even so adjusted and tried to taste the strange sensations.

When the count reached twenty-five, her shell was in a rather sorry state. A small puddle of pleasant-smelling liquid under her pelvis, dark purple spots on her buttocks in the shape of palms, the shell was constantly shaking, and her legs were exhausted, causing Emily to collapse on Virgil's legs, resting against the couch cushion. The only sound in the living room was her heavy breathing and Virgil's quiet soothing whisper, gently stroking her buttocks, easing the uncomfortable sensations but, as if for evil, leaving a barely perceptible tugging sensation, though Emily, after a little thought, didn't mind.

"Are you alright?" - Virgil asked just as quietly, to which Emily, not trusting her saliva-filled mouth, simply nodded tearingly.

"Good, then do you want to rest or maybe get on with the main process?" - There was a kindly chuckle in Virgil's voice, and as his new wonder spread across her shell, offering cooling and relief, Emily let out a grateful moan.

"...Seychs want to.." Emily mumbled as she lowered her head onto the cushion of the brown couch they'd been sitting on all this time.

"There's nothing wrong with taking a break, especially..." - Emily felt Virgil's grin in the back of her head as he looked at her buttocks. If Emily had more energy, she would have been embarrassed, but now the thought just ran through her head, centred on a flood of new emotions.

" I want it now." - Emily lifted her head, turning to meet the caring eyes of Virgil, whose concern caused even more heat to rise in her chest.

"All the more reason to hurry.."- ran through Emily's mind as Virgil gently laid her shell back on the couch.

An effort of will, a blink and her dress vanished in a violet light, leaving her naked shell. Her white body markings did not confuse or alarm Virgil as she had feared, apparently he was used to the ones Sera had, so she let out a mental sigh of relief as she watched most of Virgil's clothes disappear into the blue energy, leaving his shirt and trousers.

For some reason, Emily found this much more arousing than if Virgil had undressed completely, though she definitely wanted to feel his naked body later...

Emily excitedly spread her legs, tucking her arms up to her chest, watching as the standing phallus - 'cock, that's what you should call it, Dick,' Emily repeated to herself - cock, gradually approached her vul... pussy?

'What strange names people have for their body parts,' Emily thought aloofly as Virgil gently stroked her sheath, perfectly taking away the intense shivering. Emily regained her breath with one long sigh. Opening her eyes, Emily nodded confidently at Virgil's questioning look, gazing excitedly at their 'genitals'.

Emily watched as if in 'slow motion' as Virgil's cock penetrated her pussy. A moment and the cock penetrated fully inside, eliciting a loud moan from Emily and Virgil grunted slightly.

Emily stretched out a little on the couch, bucking up a little, finally getting that long-awaited release, causing a brief flash in her eyes that made her collapse exhaustedly back onto the couch.

"It's too tight." - Virgil muttered, leaning one hand on the cushion, placing his hand on the right side of her head.

" I'm sorry". - Emily replied quietly, taking a moment to return her gaze to Virgil's eyes, who simply shook his head.

"It's okay... Do you need a break?" - This time, Emily nodded briefly, getting used to the new sensations.

There was no pain, no matter what Freya, Frigg or Sigryn told her, but the sensations were definitely pleasant rather than in any way painful, which made Emily more pleased, though slightly... disappointed.

A moment more and Emily's eyes met Virgil's, she nodded briefly, and Virgil began to move his pelvis. Emily covered her eyes and placed her right hand on her breast, beginning to knead and play with the nipple, sometimes sipping it or twisting it, pinching it between her fingers.

Virgil's pace was slow and smooth at first, allowing Emily to get used to the initial rhythm, but soon it quickened. The thrusts became stronger, intensifying her moans. She tried to wiggle her hips in response, learning to catch the rhythm of their movements to give them both more pleasure, until Virgil, seeing Emily playing with her breasts, moved his free hand down to her pussy, rubbing and playing with her clit, causing Emily to open her eyes and roll them upwards.

" V-vergil!" - Emily screamed, her legs wrapping around his pelvis, making Virgil's thrusts even harder.

He understood her shriek in his own way, moving even faster, somehow intensifying the thrusts even more, causing heavy, obscene sounds to echo through the room, arousing the two even more.

Emily wrapped her wings around Virgil, forcing him to lean closer to her face, which Emily immediately took advantage of by kissing Virgil, closing her eyes.

Their tongues played, drooling on Emily's breasts, she wrapped her arms around Virgil's neck as he pulled her kogi up to her shoulders, stretching the joints of her sheath painlessly.

The thrusts sped up even more, Emily felt Virgil's cock throbbing, beginning to move her pelvis harder and deepening the kiss.

The slaps of flesh became even louder, and Virgil squeezed one white nipple of Emily's sharply, the sharp sensations allowing her to finally reach another orgasm.

With a quiet growl, Virgil followed her, making nervous thrusts, pouring inside her. He bit the back of her neck, applying some more of that wonder, making the sensations even more intense.

Emily shrieked loudly, feeling the rush of a new wave of orgasm that came second. Her fingers clenched on Virgil's back, scratching it a little, but Emily didn't even notice the movement, her eyes blazing with the small stars she was trying to count for some reason.

Heavy breathing filled the room, both of them trying to catch their breath, regaining their normal pace. Virgil collapsed onto Emily, propping himself up with his hands on his elbows. Emily blinked exhaustedly, running her fingers over Virgil's back.

"W- Virgil-" she would have said something probably stupid by now, but then they were suddenly interrupted.

"Fucking hell!" Adam's strangely quiet voice came from the front door.

Emily's eyes widened sharply in shock, she and Virgil looked sharply at the front door where Adam stood turning his head away.

"Fuck, you hero-lovers, get yourselves cleaned up..." Adam hissed quietly, looking somewhere towards the path, as if casually covering the view of the room with his wing.

Virgil immediately picked himself up, surprisingly quick to perform some miracles, dressing in all his clothes, quickly fixing his hair and throwing a beige bedspread with patterns of flowers over Emily, who had not yet come to her senses.

Emily blinked in surprise, not yet fully recovered, covering herself up to her chest.

"Adam?" - As if only now noticing the Archangel, Emily stretched out. - "Really..."

" Yes, yes, Fluffy, all later, now you'd better make yourself as disposable as possible." - Adam whispered, translating with his golden eyes between them and those walking behind them. - Virgil.

The archangel nodded, with a flick of his fingers he cast the image, Emily could clearly feel her skin and the plaid and the illusion of her dress, with some flaws, created an image of the relative innocence of what was happening.

Of course, if Sera hadn't been dating Virgil for some seventeen years now, her Elder would have believed that they were having anything but intense sex here, with some sort of miracles used to enhance the sensations....

Emily would need to spend a few hours penning something like this, for she had a feeling she would become very addicted to it. Emily shivered, propping herself up on the armrests of the couch, resting her back on the cushion. She couldn't feel her legs, which was a little alarming, but Emily knew that the clinic would definitely help her and provide her with the proper level of anonymity. At least Emily hoped so, she was a Seraphim after all... Seraphim do have sex, don't they? Sera's other young ones do too, so maybe she'd be forgiven for her age if they asked?

"Ready?" – Adam's quiet voice receives two nods, then he discreetly nods back, raising his voice. "Finally, you got rid of that thing, I was getting tired of waiting…" – Adam shook his head as he entered, looking around the house.

"Not a bad shack, it'll do for a couple of winters, but you better watch out for large animals; they'll break the windows and not even notice." – Adam shook his head dramatically, carefully observing Emily, then nodded as he sat down on the couch.

"Predatory animals in Paradise?" – Virgil drawled sarcastically, gesturing to clear away unwanted stains and airing out the smell. His comment went unnoticed.

"Wine for me, peasant, and make it a lot!" – Adam sprawled on the couch, scrutinizing the room with a keen eye. "Bring Emily over here." – Adam said quietly, patting the back of the couch beside her. "Grab another blanket, we'll cover our own."

"Don't command in my house, or you'll fly straight out into space." – Virgil replied irritably as he moved further into the kitchen.

"Are we having a movie night?" – Emily asked softly, trying to distract herself from the sharp pain below her belly and summon her dress.

"A movie night, maybe even those 'Crusaders'…" – Adam replied irritably, just as two more figures appeared in the doorway.

"That was rude, Adam." – Sera shook her head, while Lute nodded in agreement, carrying four brown woven bags. "Lute, you can put the bags in the kitchen over there, and I'll start setting up our place and begin… with the nonexistent TV." – At the end, Sera sighed.

Lute nodded and quietly walked into the kitchen, just like Adam, carefully inspecting the room, giving Emily an approving smile. She responded with a light smile and slightly flushed cheeks.

Virgil, as Emily noticed, was already somewhere in the kitchen preparing some food, the smell of which she couldn't identify at the moment.

Emily was having trouble with her sensitivity. After all, she had a limit that they, in their foolishness and overconfidence, had crossed by about two times…

"It was worth it," Emily thought with a satisfied smile, eliciting an approving hum from Adam. "We'll have to do it again…"

"Though… depending on what Sera says…" Emily thought cautiously, watching as Sera snapped her fingers irritably, changing something in the created TV. The TV was thin, with edges that were almost imperceptible.

Emily didn't know much about these technologies, but thanks to miracles, the Celestials could enjoy the benefits of human ideas before the humans themselves. While they had natural boxes with black-and-white images and distorted sound on Earth, they had color pictures and perfectly transmitting sound devices.

Many channels without this "advertising," just various movies, those "series," cartoons, and other forms of cinema.

Emily was finally able to summon her dress, though without the palettes; she didn't need her regular shoes in Heaven.

A flash of light didn't attract Sera's attention, while Lute returned to the living room, starting to draw curtains to create coziness with the pleasant light of the house.

"Snacks and drinks are ready, Virgil is preparing a couple of appetizers, making sweets and meat…" – Lute reported almost proudly, looking sternly at Sera with her back straight. Sera, who was still adjusting the summoned TV, nodded silently, continuing to work with the device.

"Ribs! Virgil, add my special sauce; you have the recipe!" – Adam shouted, receiving a short "okay" from Virgil in the kitchen.

"And everything else, soon we can get started." – Lute nodded, sitting down to Adam's right, nestling under her Commander's side.

After another two minutes, Sera grimaced irritably, almost sulkily sitting down on the couch next to Emily, pushing Adam and Lute onto the adjacent mini-couch.

"In the name of God, these new ideas from the Department of Knowledge…" – Sera muttered quietly, stroking Emily, who responded with a slight, somewhat tense smile.

Adam and Lute settled comfortably in their places, Lute leaning against Adam as she summoned several documents, skimming through them with quick glances, while Adam kept a close watch on Emily, the room, and shifted his expectant gaze toward the kitchen.

Finally, after another three minutes, Virgil came in with two plates. One had pancakes with chocolate filling, while the other held waffles with peanut butter. A snap from Virgil, as he set the plates on the coffee table, summoned four vases filled with sweets, placed closer to Emily and Sera, along with one large plate of ribs, emitting a small puff of steam from the freshly prepared dish and the excellent smell of meat and aromatic sauce.

At last, once the preparations were set on the slightly enlarged table, Virgil spoke in a slightly nervous voice.

"Adam, Lute, can I ask you to step outside for a moment? Emily and I need to talk to Sera." – For Emily, these words felt like a sentence. Adam simply nodded, picking up Lute, who wrapped her arms around his neck, as he removed his helmet, and they stepped out the door.

Sera looked bewilderedly back and forth between them while Virgil began to explain.

Emily anxiously approached Virgil, as if sharing their collective guilt, occasionally interjecting her thoughts into his explanation. She talked about her crush, about Virgil's words and actions regarding it, her motives, and how she had acted and felt all these years.

"…That's it, Sera." – Virgil concluded, closing his eyes after finishing his explanation.

Sera listened to their explanation with an impassive expression, calmly looking at both Virgil and Emily, her gaze scanning Emily's figure, clearly noting the haste and the marks left by teeth on her neck. The traces of their recent actions still lingered on her shell, but Sera showed no reaction.

"I… I will accept any decision you make. I took advantage of this situation without warning you." – Virgil said, lowering his head in guilt.

"It was my haste, I jumped into action too quickly!" – Emily added anxiously, pressing her hands to her chest.

"Emily…" – Virgil began, but Sera interrupted, raising her palm.

Sera slowly blinked, looking at each of them in turn until her gaze stopped on Virgil, who was steadily looking her in the eye.

"…Virgil, I'm not upset." – Sera said calmly, surprising both of them. "Honestly, I'm a bit confused." – Her gaze fell on Emily, who had shrunk her head into her shoulders, looking down.

"I didn't think Emily was asking this for herself; I didn't realize she had such feelings for you, Virgil…" – Sera said in a strange tone. "I…" – She looked back at Virgil. "I thought you might be tired of me," – Sera glanced down for a moment. "That you might want to mix things up, take a break from my shell." – Sera paused, hearing Virgil's shocked cough as he looked at her with wide eyes.

"…Did the Sisters of the Shield tell me that?" – Sera said, oddly guilty for the situation. "I thought…"

"Sera…" – Virgil began, sitting down next to her, covering his face with his palm and wearily rubbing it. "Such facts… are somewhat fabricated, perhaps even made up." – Virgil said as Emily sat to his right, placing her hand on the Archangel's thigh.

"So… that's exactly why they come up with all sorts of toys, games, and role-playing…" – Sera's eyes widened as Virgil continued. "Partners discuss such things; there's no need to be shy or to hide your discomfort." – Virgil shook his head, removing his hand from his face and taking Sera's hand, which she eagerly squeezed in return.

"But still…" – Virgil sighed heavily. "I still want to apologize, to apologize again for doing this…" – His eyes briefly darted to Emily, whose cheeks had darkened. **"Without notifying you in any way. I'm…"

"Virgil," – Sera said gently, raising her voice slightly. "I understand."

Virgil truly felt it. In her tone, in her eyes, but most importantly in their connection, he sensed it. Sera was not judging him, was not angry about what she had already suspected, was not afraid of loss, knowing that Virgil would not act that way, because she felt and knew the same. They sensed each other, understanding each other's true feelings. Sera did not need more; she wanted Virgil to share the light of his soul, and in return, she would give hers and keep giving it as long as he desired.

Virgil's wide-open eyes slightly amused Sera, who looked at him as if he were a silly child worrying about some trivial matter until the Archangel himself began to chuckle.

Virgil leaned back on the couch, closing his eyes.

"Thank you, Sera." – Virgil tried to repeat Sera's earlier gesture and express all his feelings, to which Sera blissfully closed her eyes.

Emily watched their dialogue, holding her breath and gazing intently with a dreamy sparkle in her eyes.

"What beauty, such harmony, such synergy, so…" – Emily's thoughts, unfortunately for her, were interrupted.

"And you, Young Seraphim, will receive your share." – Sera said just as calmly as before.

"What?! Why?!" – Emily exclaimed, amidst Virgil's hearty laughter.

Of course, the punishment for Emily was decided later, the next day, and it involved her substituting for Sera in Virgil's place, partially taking on her duties while the Constructs worked on other tasks. Sera and Virgil had a wonderful day, strolling through the park and going to see a movie whose title none of them cared to remember, since Sera was interested in the "romance of the last rows," as she picked up from the Sisters of the Shield, while Virgil was simply glad to spend quality time with Sera, starting to appreciate the wondrous Weaving that formed the foundation of their bond. Though it was lesser than that of Adam and Eve, even those echoes were magnificent in comparison.

That same day, they called back the bored Adam and Lute, who were eagerly awaiting the resolution of their "conflict." Sera promised to remind Adam of his antics, to which the First of Men simply replied, "Someday, but not today!" and, with enthusiasm worthy of a better cause, dove into the slightly cooled food that nearly every angel had reheated in a flash.

Everyone was on edge: Adam wary of another "joke" from Sera, Sera planning punishment for Emily and dates with Virgil, Archangel Virgil continuing to ponder the "Song of Light" Plan, striving to advance in a way he hadn't been able to that day, while Emily feared punishment and battled the pains in her shell, which she refused to remove.

Only Lute was able to fully and calmly enjoy the movies that night. After all, Lute was educated, well-mannered, and polite, which is why no one heard her opinions.

Moreover, she simply didn't care about all this drama; she just wanted to watch movies in Adam's embrace, and that's exactly what she got.