Chapter 12.3 "With good intentions........"

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions"

Sky. The spire of the Supreme Seraphim, the office of the Supreme Seraphim. 1930, five days before the Annihilation.

Here it is.

After years of research and preparation, striking a deal with the Devil himself, who, in reality, turned out to be not as terrifying as they said. Of course, this could all be a perfect mask worn by the Incarnation of Deceit and the First Traitor. But even so, Lucifer Morningstar, the Lightbringer, provided truly invaluable assistance.

With his help, things moved much faster than if I had worked alone, even with the implicit support of my close ones. Dante assisted with formulas and concepts, but for his sake, I forbade him from asking anything about my project. Dante accepted this demand with understanding, not angry at all. He knew very well the scale of my undertaking and what could happen to him if something was found in his memories. With some maniacal fervor and efforts worthy of his best, he helped me. "His most important project in the last thousand years," he told me.

Before, I would have been angry that my Supervisor regarded me merely as a means to test something. But now I don't care. I have my own affairs; I also used Dante to obtain information that even Sera couldn't get, without drawing attention to myself, of course. Nothing personal, just each of us has our own interests.

Sera, Emily, and Adam... They were the ones I told the least, the ones I wanted to surprise, so to speak, but... I had the feeling that Sera, especially in the last year, had begun to suspect something, but kept her questions to herself. She and Emily have been sympathetic to my secrets, trusting me completely in this matter.

Emily... A sweet woman that will always be Baby Girl to me, because she has such a funny reaction to that old nickname... After that punishment, Sera and Emily and I... I don't know how to describe it, but she has blended into our relationship without any problems at all. It was as if we hadn't even talked about it or started a new relationship, it was just that Emily had begun to desire closer physical and spiritual contact, limiting it to other souls.

Sera expressed her desire to find someone, leaving that part of the relationship entirely up to me... and choosing more souls to 'expand'. Adam was clearly a bad influence on these Seraphim, or it was his, hidden even to the wise Sera, manipulation.

If it's the latter, I just have to give him Eve back. I can't imagine a greater gratitude, I just don't know how to express it.

We made a sort of 'schedule' where Sera and Emily would schedule dates and times for 'extra close attention' when either of them wanted to spend time with me alone, or all of us together. There was no group sex unless they wanted it, and Adam, when giving me advice on the subject, pointed out accurately that such 'intimate' things for women, without the informed consent of the women themselves, was a terrible idea that would 'bite you in the arse as badly as the worst anaconda'.

Sera and Emily had a relationship that was unusual even for Seraphim, for these creatures of Light did not have the same feelings for the Younger ones that Sera had had for Emily almost two centuries ago when she had taken her under her wing.

Adam had shared his experience, but he had also warned him to be careful not to inadvertently damage the relationship between the two Seraphim. I totally agree.

...Emily found out about the Weave, it would have been foolish to keep it from her. Sera didn't even take the Oath from her, trusting Emily with it, and she appreciated that trust very much. Our relationship hasn't changed in any way, except that Emily has started pestering me even more, wanting to find the limits of my abilities with the Aether.

Hypothetically there are none, but I explained my limitations to Junior.

The possibilities of Weaving depend on my understanding of the Universe and my personal resources, like energy for transformation, Quintessence, to give it a term, so, for the Plan I need energy, a lot of energy of pure Willpower, channelled by a single desire of the soul.

Willpower that I will take from three thousand criminals and scum taken from the worst prisons or kidnapped from their gangs. With Lucifer's weave and help, I can artificially push their Will to a limit that should be enough for me and Eve to pull off the Plan.

The Plan... it's ready.

The plan is for the impact of the Song to be seven days, covering the entire globe. It's not symbolism, it's just that the calculations came up with that number, even though Dante and I double-checked it dozens of times.

With the help of Eve, or rather the Fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil as a symbol of the Curse of God, I will be able to cover all mankind, having the opportunity to influence their souls.

The Curse of God is, as it was said, a curse, but it is still a part of the energy of God Himself, He literally touched the soul of Eve, giving the name to this Curse, from which this Symbol has acquired Meaning and Significance. This Fruit will allow to influence the Earth as God Himself would have done, which is definitely exciting!

My task is to use my Will, fuelled by the Will of others, the help of Lucifer's power, as it were... To imagine and encompass the Concept of the Fruit, one of many, but the one I needed, and then... To direct it, using it as a brush and remake it necessary, as if rewriting a part of the book, rewriting the Book of Genesis, written by God and read by him for fun....

Eve's Sincere Desire, my Will, Lucifer's Power. All this should be able to influence all mankind. I will do it through my own halo, which is my part and the Symbol of Holiness, in addition to this, I will have the energy of Adam, which was still full of Light, Fury and Desire of the First.

All of this should guarantee success, but still.....

"You look tired," Sera said quietly, looking at my face while I was lost in thought. I blinked, meeting her gaze, and smiled slightly.

"The project I've dedicated so many years to is almost finished," I replied, closing my eyes and smiling wider. "Next month, I'll show you the results, and I hope you'll like them." I opened my eyes again, looking at Sera, whose eyes held a seed of excitement and apprehension.

"I trust your mind and caution that you will know your limits," Sera said softly, nodding in agreement. "I wish you success; may the Lord bless you." For a moment, Sera closed her eyes, praying.

I immediately felt… nothing? Maybe I just didn't notice, or I don't really know how the Blessing of a Seraph feels. Unlike ordinary prayers, the words of Seraphim directed to God have a good chance of being clearly heard, and the blessed one has a non-zero chance of receiving support from the Lord Himself. I don't know if that's true, but…

I don't need help; I'll succeed.

Doubt and fear are the death of reason and success. Wavering will only lead to failure and disaster.

Shaking my head, I returned to filling out the paperwork, where I signed and passed it to Sera.

"How strange," Sera remarked quietly, examining something in the words of the application. "You've never taken a day off, especially not a week before the Son of God's Birthday." Sera looked up at me again, her eyes filled with genuine concern and worry.

"I just want to spend this holiday with my family on Earth, to let them feel a drop of Paradise, so they truly end up here," I shrugged, turning my gaze to the floating clouds with the sun.

We both know that's a blatant lie.

But you're still taking advantage of the trust of the poor Seraphim.

I shook my head again, pushing my doubts aside. These… feelings. They've been gnawing at me since the beginning of the year. It seemed like I had a sense that I was missing something, that I hadn't calculated something right, that I hadn't taken something into account, but the Plan was ready for execution; everything was prepared…

I will succeed.

…Hmm… It came out a bit weak, but never mind.

I took the document from Sera's hands, officially granting me the agreed-upon week off, at the end of which I would return to Sera, Emily, and Adam with Lute in Victory.

I nodded gratefully, smiling at my beloved Senior Seraph, receiving a soft smile in return, and turned to leave. The Weavings of the Song for Sera were crafted as enchanted items; she wouldn't need me during these days, so she could spend this time with Emily.

But this might be our last meeting.


I turned back to Sera, who had returned to her documents, catching her attention.

"Sera, I know this is a bit unexpected and strange..." – her gaze lifted to mine. Again, that concern mixed with worry; I'll be fine (but why do I think otherwise...). "I just wanted to say... I don't often say things like this compared to other souls, but..." – Sera listened to me carefully, allowing me to find the right words. "I love you. Just so you hear it once more." – I confessed with a breath, prompting Sera to let out a sharp sigh, which drew a short laugh from me.

"...I know, it's kind of jumbled, but sometimes I feel like this..." – I stepped closer to Sera, who immediately set her papers aside and turned to me as I approached her at the table. "In short, I wanted to say I really appreciate having you and Emily in my life," – I gently bypassed Sera, who immediately enveloped me in her wings.

"Virgil." – Sera whispered joyfully with a soft smile. "You really don't have to..." – her gentle whisper interrupted my voice.

"...But above all, I'm grateful that you allowed all of this..." – I nodded, as if showing her everything that had happened between us. "My new position as your assistant, our relationship, the wonderful times with you, the knowledge, that Date... You even allowed Emily to be a part of this relationship and you're not against it..." – I leaned in quickly, kissing her lips.

"I can't ask for more. This is truly divine luck, and I'm so grateful for all of it." – a new kiss. "I love you, Sera." – another kiss.

I would have liked to pull away, but Sera…

"Does someone want to take an intensive break?" – I smiled playfully, feeling her start to caress my torso, unbuttoning the buttons of my shirt and jacket. "What a naughty Seraphim." – I shook my head playfully.

"Is the Servant of God, the Archangel, going to punish this Fallen Soul?" – Sera replied in the same teasing manner, feeling the familiar sensations of her weaving. Heightened sensations, delayed orgasm, and a bit of sharpness in the erogenous zones. Sera let out a soft moan, shuddering all over. Her wings wrapped around me.

It seemed I would linger a bit longer before saying goodbye. But what fool would be against that?

Earth. Europe, Kokblaud, a small clearing with a solitary tree. 1930. Four days until the Annihilation.

Here it is. It.

The place for summoning the forces of Lucifer is set, cultists obeying Lucifer's commands and driven by his magic for flawless execution of orders are in position. The prisoners who will be sacrificed for the good of all humanity, as well as Eva, who stood nearby, in…

A very vulgar outfit, even by Fedelia standards. Just a top in a red-and-black check pattern, covering only her breasts, leaving her shoulders and most of her stomach exposed, tightly fitting torn jeans, and high-heeled boots that reached above her knees.

Black gloves, a tattered red cloak with a white horizontal stripe, sleeveless, a red hat with long tips and a beige bow, matching the top's colors. The look was completed with a natural iron collar around her neck, with a short chain leading to her chest.

I just needed Luc...

"How's it going, Savior of the World?" – a familiar mocking voice of the Fallen Seraphim sounded close to my ear. "Checking everything twice before you inevitably defeat everyone and everything, Hero?" – Lucifer was indeed a master of voice, as he was clearly mocking, yet his tone sounded as casual as if he were talking about the weather.

Lucifer was currently in the form of a small bird, with feathers matching the Devil's color palette and a little hat like the original appearance.

"Personally, I'm ready to cover your backs." – the little bird remarked importantly, perched on the nearest branch with Eva, looking directly at me. "When you're ready, just whistle and we'll start this fun..." – Lucifer-bird flew off towards the cultists while Eva and I remained with the tree.

I don't know what Lucifer thought of Eva, but Eva… Let's just say that when she found out the identity of our future ally, she chased me with a frying pan, throwing knives at my back. Eva doesn't like Lucifer, to put it mildly and without curses.

The streams of profanity she unleashed about "Lucifer's character, which she definitely knows..." She knows about Lucifer's behavior during the Old World, when Adam was still alive and Cain had not yet killed Abel. Eva tends to be extreme, but who am I to judge her for that?

Lucifer and Lilith naturally destroyed her and Adam's lives. Adam managed to escape it; Eva did not. Adam could enjoy the afterlife, while Eva suffered. Moreover, Eva and Adam can't even pinpoint "why?" Why did Lucifer and Lilith treat these people this way? Why did they take away everything the angels and God offered? Why did they destroy the original Design, and a whole list of "whys?"

"Do I just need to sit under this tree?" – Eva asked quietly, staring somewhere through the trunk of the oak. "...Sit and burn..." – Eva lifted her gaze to the canopy. "...Not a bad end, if it really comes." – She shrugged, turning back to me.

"With the help of miracles, I will transfer the necessary images for concentration to you; your task is to focus and stick to this template as long as possible. Then, if I haven't made any mistakes, I will be able to pull your soul out, leaving the Fruit to bake within itself." – I said calmly, looking into Eva's red eyes. "The main thing is to give me control over the energy, then I can begin my part of the Plan." – I nodded, rubbing my chin.

"As you say, boss." – Eva replied indifferently, plopping down in the spot I had indicated near the oak's roots. The tree itself was prepared, making it much more substantial than its forest companions, and simple weavings reliably diverted the attention of humans and, partly, angels. "If anything goes wrong, just tear my soul apart so that nothing could ever be restored." – In response to her melancholic voice, I simply nodded, turning toward the ritual site.

"The souls of the prisoners are in place, Eva has taken her position, Lucifer is ready to cover our spot..." – I went through the checklist of preparations again, slowly pacing back and forth.

Am I making a mistake?

Another foolish thought. The closer the day of the Song came, the more these worries occupied my mind. I had a strong feeling that I was missing something, even though I had checked the calculations and the readiness of the participants countless times…

The Fruit! The Fruit could also influence the ritual, but…

Lucifer and I had already worked that out; it was one of his first warnings… But then what…?


"Good luck, Virgil!" – Emily whispered into my neck, tightly wrapping her wings around me. "May God help you achieve everything you desire and have a wonderful Christmas with your family!" – Emily released me, nodding.

"Of course, Emily." – I nodded, stroking her head, causing her to blissfully close her eyes. "Thank you so much."

"And you too, Virgi!" – that playful nickname… My sigh only encouraged that rascal, but it's fine; once I build up resistance to it, I'll show her… "Take care of yourself, or I know you! You'll see some ancient note and sell a stranger's soul for it!" – Emily chuckled quietly as I irritably pulled her ear.


I quickly shook my head, pushing away unnecessary thoughts. There shouldn't be any other considerations or musings right now. Everything must be perfect. This is something that God Himself created; it cannot be taken lightly!

I sighed heavily, rubbing my face with my palm.

One more time…

Lucifer is providing cover for our Song of Light from the eyes of Heaven for these seven days. Just under seven days, but a slight shortfall won't be as critical as if we were interrupted earlier. If Heaven doesn't intentionally seek us out, Lucifer's power should be enough for us to remain hidden for that long.

Then, Eva… Eva must be the center of the Plan; she will be its Heart and Concept. A vast amount of energy will flow through her, which will likely set her ablaze. The calculations are off, but one way or another, I need to start "burning" this curse with the power of my halo as a clear sign of holiness. Just in case, I will channel Adam's energy, which is still near my soul—the shell of Adam himself, his golden statue, his Construct. The Construct will protect Eva, assist her, but not kill. Its task is to help her reach Heaven without destroying her soul.

Finally, the last part. Using my Will, the strongest Weavings of the Song I can create, and the Will of other people who will be my amplifiers, I will need to weave my corrections into the Pillar of the Universe that corresponds to Humanity as a Species.

As Lucifer said, there's a high chance I might just go mad, let alone survive. He will likely help by adding something of his own, but that's an acceptable price. If Lucifer does something that threatens the Universe, then the High Council will gather the Armies again and conduct a Holy Cleansing of Hell, looming over his wife, who is the reigning Queen of Hell, the active ruler under whose shadow Lucifer entertains himself.

Alright… Alright! Everything… Everything is ready. It must be ready.

But is everything?

Again, that nasty voice of Doubt. Even the weavings don't help, since my thoughts stem from my very soul, and using Weaving directly on the soul is fraught with… something bad… I still haven't explored this phenomenon, but it's fine… After the Song, there will be free time—I'll investigate it while the question isn't pressing.

For such a transgression, I would fly straight to Hell.

Nonsense. Just tension and adrenaline.

I shook my head. It was time to signal Lucifer…

To signal…

A sign…

"Damn it..." – I muttered quietly under my breath.

Alright, once more... Lucifer and his part, Eva and her suffering… Me and my Intention… The help of Desires in Adam's energy…

I wiped the sweat from my forehead with my hand.

Alright, Adam's Construct is near Eva. Lucifer, judging by the feelings, is bored on a branch not far from the clearing. Good. Everything is in place (no). No… Something is missing, but what?

"I believe that Virgil will never harm an innocent soul without good reason!"

Emily's words rushed through my mind. We had been discussing the morality of modern people versus that of the past… Greece, it seemed…

"God is Light, and Light is God, Light is the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit does not..."

Some admonition from some Righteous One in Heaven; I had listened along with Lute while we dragged a drunken Adam back home. At that time, Adam wanted to grab something to eat for himself and his children, which forced Lute and me, much to our chagrin, to endure such speeches while Adam was in the realm of dreams…

"If God truly condemned me to such a fate, what is the point? Why would this 'All-loving' and 'All-forgiving' being bestow such suffering?!"

Eva's scream echoed in my mind. We had argued about God, his hypocrisy and duplicity in caring for his creations… Eva hadn't changed her opinion, though I partially agreed.

"The Creator made everything that exists in the Universe. Law and Order, Angels and Humans; He desired the prosperity of His kingdom..."

Sera's words… She spoke of the beginning of Creation, how it was made and how everything we know today came into being—everything that we, as humans, will never attain…

"God is absolute; He is in all of us, in me, in you, even in the dirtiest bum at the edge of the Earth. He is in everything, and He… Must love us all… Must, but in reality—how can it be…"

Lucifer's melancholic words… He spoke of God, how He was perceived from the Seraphim's perspective, for Lucifer had seen God with his own eyes… But he couldn't explain it in a way I could understand.

"With no alternative choice between two opposing entities, both will represent one exceptional mess."

Adam. He was drunk at the time but still shared his experiences with Heaven and Hell. I had also drunk then, which is why I finally stopped, having forgotten what else Adam said.

I'm missing something, but…

I shook my head.

"It's time." – My quiet voice ended with a whistle, and all the prepared weavings and the Song flowed into my consciousness.

The energy of this place began to move. At the edge of my awareness, I felt Lucifer's energy, and behind me, twenty meters away on the hill, Eva emitted her first painful sound. The weaving penetrated her heart, which was clearly not a pleasant sensation.

My hands turned black in an instant, the stream of Aether emanating from my body was off the charts. I had never had such powerful magic before…

The energy coursed through every particle of my shell, causing my wings to appear, glowing as the tips of the feathers began to emit a soft white-blue light, and the patterns on the feathers started to radiate a small trace of energy.


Starting the formulas.

Beginning of the Song.


The Song began… Or rather, the gathering of energy and its conversion started. The prisoners, starting from the first and ending with the three-thousandth, gradually began to emit Will, which accumulated in enchanted reservoirs, to be used tomorrow when the Song truly begins, for the Influence on the Pillar of the Universe.

"The show has begun, hasn't it, Partner?" – the same mocking voice of the bird. "Let's see how good of a Mage you are." – The bird shook its head. "Especially…" – Lucifer's puppet smiled. That kind of expression, if I'm not mistaken, only animals have in "cartoons"... "How good do you think you are…" – Lucifer's puppet almost mimicked the grin of the Fallen, even the little fangs were in place.

"Even if something goes wrong…" – I sighed, tiredly hiding my wings and examining my hands. "I'm grateful to you, Lord Lucifer. Without you, none of this would have been possible." – Gratitude slipped into my weary voice. I turned at the sound, but the bird was already gone.

"No problem, Partner." – Lucifer's voice, his puppet for projecting power onto Earth, echoed from… above me? "Welcome to the 'Defiled Hands' club, membership requires the necessary attributes, regular meetings, complete anonymity, and understanding for the fallen from the path…" – Lucifer's puppet sat on my halo while it examined my hands along with me. "You should wash your halo; it's gotten quite dirty…" – The puppet scratched at the spot where it was sitting with its claws.

Intentionally ignoring this and further jabs from the Fallen Seraph, I continued to make my diagnosis.

Bad news. The hand will be difficult to return to its original state. Good news – now instead of nails, there are small claws like Lucifer's in his "original" form. My hands bear symbols in the form of curved, sharp lines, forming a pattern reminiscent of runes that could glow with white-blue energy when the Aether flows through them… the Weaving.

Do my wings also seem a bit darker?

Not just a feeling.

Damn it.

"So how much longer will the Accumulation Stage last?" – I pulled the needed thought from Lucifer's verbal stream. "Although, why am I asking…?"

"Until the next day begins." – I replied with slight irritation, shaking off the bird, which immediately flew to the nearest branch. "How's the cover and protection?" – The bird huffed in a human-like manner.

"Who do you take me for, a pathetic mage or an angelic dropout? Everything is at the highest level; this barrier will withstand even Michael's attacks." – Lucifer shook his head importantly. "The first few…" – he added quietly, looking away.

Giant walls of light grew around us, creating a Tree that was supposed to bring Hope to the people, transforming them for the better. The clearing hadn't changed much; only the small trees swayed slightly, and golden roots hung down from above.

Eva had grown accustomed to her current level of pain and was now sitting calmly, radiating the necessary energy, awakening the Curse that would help extract it from her soul. The Construct in the form of Adam sat beside her, embracing her. Eva held the Construct's hand, tensing her eyes shut.

So far, everything is excellent.

Three days to the slaying.

The first step is the hardest.

Energy of Will... Pure Will, as if I were a Seraphim....

A sea, no, an ocean of energy. The feeling that you can roll mountains and conquer the sky. If the latter is false, the former is true.

With such power, you can naturally translate your ideas and whims into reality, and if your wish is not too much out of the Universe, coinciding with the Laws and Pillars, it can even become permanent, without falling apart or disintegrating afterwards.

Eve twitched, but Adam's Construct was helping her through the pain, which was getting worse. Eve fulfilled her part of the Project by giving me control of herself... Allowing me a natural look at this miasma....

It's hard to describe in words, for it's more than even Lucifer can see, not like the eyes of some Archangel. Even the Weave didn't help much, but it definitely gave something away.

It was like layers of onions or... A Club of Thread. Yeah, that's the best way to put it. My job is to find the right one in this clump and... Circle it, starting to quietly use it for my sewing. Without taking that thread out of the ball of yarn.

A very difficult task, but it will take me seven days.

The first quarter of the prisoners are dead, the weakest of the lot who should never have survived. Such a loss is a tolerable margin of error at the start, which will be greatly reduced once we get past the third day, where I can influence people directly, instilling in them the necessary pattern and style... Until then, I leave such things to the Song of Weaving, hence the name.

Lucifer, on the other hand... In addition to the help outlined above: counselling, protection from surveillance and, in the last resort, if Evil itself decides to interfere with us - to intervene. He'd also have to save Eve if things got too bad. He agreed to the last point without a word, which is odd and interesting, but not enough to ask Aspect of Deception to elaborate.

Anyway, by starting the Song, so that the people who are covered by the radius that should gradually increase to the entire globe... These people will feel inspired and energised. They will gather a melody from their thoughts in their heads, no matter the words or the notes, but the melody is mine.

Next, it's necessary.

And what are you doing...?

It's those doubts again, isn't it? After the Song began, their regularity increased dramatically. Even this feeling of tugging at the bottom of my belly, which as my earthly experience suggests is the anticipation of danger... Really what? Could it be demons or ang...

The danger is us. To these people, to Eve.

Okay. That voice is not only in my head, as I've managed to notice, but also... In the mirror?!

Looking up at the mirror that had come from somewhere, a simple glass with a reflection, I looked round once more. Where in the empty clearing some one had come from... My office when I worked in London.....

The same place your halo and wings came from.

Answered... Me!

In the mirror, this mirror that I don't know where it came from, was me... As I was before I died, before I became an Angel. William, a simple grief scientist who had a passion for the mystical.

At least I didn't threaten people with my stupid ideas.

W-what nonsense?

I... William looked at me judgementally from the mirror, leaning on his cane, which I had to use when my knees started to fail.

Delusion is a bargain with Lucifer for some sort of advantage and to speed up this 'plan', because Lucifer is so sincere and wears his titles simply by the filing of evil tongues.

Hallucinations from an overabundance of energy? Some sort of mental self-defence mechanism? If it was before.

You've heard these thoughts on the edge of your consciousness, successfully pushing them into the furthest corners of your stubborn mind, but there's no getting away from it now. Fucking arrogant arrogant arrogant idiot.

He stepped closer to the mirror, tapping his finger on the glass as if tasting for sound. I don't have time for this nonsense, Eve's pain should be getting worse soon, and Lucifer...

Lucifer has never once helped with this project directly, it's not his job to help supermeasures, no matter how much you ask or hope. If you haven't noticed, he doesn't give a shit about this project and all your ideas. The most he can do is to somehow save Eve and that's not a fact, he just doesn't want to get what has been brewing in Sin for ten thousand years.

It's all true, albeit not the full, one-sided truth, but... If you take my hallucinations as reality.....

Yeah, yeah, fuck you too.

...What do you want, then? Why talk to someone you think is a stupid sheep?

False William leaned against the glass, as if hovering over something leaning on the glass mirror with his free hand. His gaze penetrated me, giving me slight goosebumps.

Just so you dumb fucker can finally realise you're fucked up.

It's amazing how quickly you've adopted such jargon, considering you're me....

The figure behind the mirror snorted silently, shrugging his shoulders.

As if you weren't cursing the husbands who rejected that photo study...''

The figure shook his head in annoyance.

Arrogant nits for not even wanting to allow for the possibility... On second thought, though, it could just be the influence of one of the Cults or Angels with the Church.

Silently, False William sighed. His eyes narrowed angrily.

You're the False William, you bastard. If you look at everything that's happened, how characters and principles have changed, you're the fake.

False-William... William leaned over and jabbed his finger at me, and memory after memory began to fly through my head. Image after image.


Fuck what. I'm telling you to finally get your head out of your arse and look at what you're doing.

William opened his arms wide to the sides, looking around the place theatrically. He stretched his arm forward, taking his other hand behind his back, curling his fingers.

You spit on other people,' he said, "more than usual, there's no particular complaint here," he said, 'and have a sincere relationship with a woman older than the human race, only to take advantage of her position and connections, her naivety and kindness to you.

William lowered his index finger, keeping his eyes on mine.

As soon as the opportunity came, you forgot your old friends. Neither you nor I can even remember the names we met in the early days of Paradise. I'm not talking about some of the Sin Department, neighbours on the block who never wished you any harm at all, and what to speak of other souls....

Curling his middle, ring fingers, William shook his head judgementally. His eyes filled with anger.

You didn't give a shit about your family. You didn't even look for your grandparents, you only remembered your family on holidays, almost forgetting it in the routine of Paradise. - William's eyes narrowed dangerously. - Just telling them about himself, he said: 'Go to church and do good works,' and that was it. Nothing more, just moved them to another city and continent and then just bolted.

William lowered his pinky finger.

I'm not going to mention Emily anymore, with your inability to say no to a girl in love, but no... You just couldn't afford to stop. You sought and sought knowledge, even harming your friends or strangers. Theodore was just being a good friend, and Carl a good Righteous man for sharing the family secret of brewing a type of beer with you out of the mercy of his soul. But noooo, you wanted to have it all.....

William rested his forehead against the glass, looking at me ominously, making me recoil slightly.

'I want to know,' 'I want to know.' Like a fucking child who goes on emotion, you stopped at nothing. You want to deceive the woman you love? Please, she won't even realise you're not sincere in your love. You need to harm a friend and conduct a dangerous experiment on him? Give me two! To get into the very depths of Mystery and Intent despite the fact that we both know that the locks were not hung on them from censorship and nothing to do.

William slowly bent the last finger.

'Just look at what you've become, William...' he said.

The ghost spoke menacingly... I blinked and the image changed, making me flinch.

There was a distorted copy of me staring at me, no other way to put it. No halo, no wings. Instead of well-groomed clothes, white rags that didn't even cover my left arm. Strange drawing lines on his open arm, and a look... The look of a madman, a fanatic who would stop at nothing, but would get his own way, dragging others with him.

His gaze looked solemnly at me, his acerbic half-crazed grin telling me that he had almost achieved his goal, he had almost won, though this victory...

The image grew distant, that one... The figure released its wings, in a white glow. One pair, a second, a second, a third, a fourth... a twentieth. The creature resembled some sort of mishmash of long, somewhere half a street long, wings. Red eyes opened on the kiqi, that all as one looked at me. The mirror shook.

I shook my head, recoiling. The image was gone, leaving only mine. A true reflection.

I rubbed my face with my hand. Damn it, what the hell is this nonsense? Do I really think like this...?

Can you think of anything other than 'knowledge of the Universe,' Odin?


I really hope it's just the influence of the Fruit or Evil that's now filling part of the Tree, diligently controlled by Lucifer. It definitely has to be an Evil influence, otherwise I just can't explain - what the fuck?

I just don't want to see my nature... Hypocrite.

Shaking my head once more, harder, I turned away from the mirror. and met my gaze with the bird. Lucifer's puppet, staring back at me with an unreadable gaze.

Without a word, Lucifer in the guise of a bird flew away. Probably to his own place, or to check on Eve.

When I looked back at the mirror, he was gone.


Two Days Until Annihilation.

It was getting worse.

I was no longer tormented by dark thoughts, but now… those thoughts had been replaced by anxiety. Eva… now she almost constantly moans in pain while the Adam Construct shares fragments of power with her, transforming them through weaving to alleviate her suffering. Although I don't think it helps Eva; it's just instinct or the influence of Adam's Desires on the Construct. An interesting phenomenon to study later…

But now is not the time.

I began to "plant" the first "seeds" for changing people. Lust would be replaced with Chastity, which would prevent excessive indulgence in desires while maintaining needs. Anger would turn into Understanding, allowing people to feel each other's emotions and feelings, not wishing to cause harm, as they would suffer themselves. Envy would shift to Awareness, helping people recognize each other's strengths and weaknesses, leaving no room for sin. Greed would become Restraint, as unnecessary material possessions won't accompany you to Heaven. Sloth would transform into Activity, for all people would do what needs to be done… Gluttony would become… Humility, since people wouldn't need to overeat?


A sharp pain shot through my head, forcing me to clutch it in agony. Is this the backlash from the Pillar of Existence? Am I doing something wrong?

I glanced into the nearest mirror.

I saw myself again… completely black, no, gray from ash. Naked, but my genitals were hidden. My arms to the shoulders and legs to the thighs pulsed with painful darkness, while various white-blue runic symbols throbbed across my body. Instead of beautiful wings—black appendages, unworthy of being called the Symbol of an Archangel; these appendages also pulsed with runes. My hair was black, and my eyes… the black sclera of the abyss with a single blue star within it. Like the last hope of a drowning person in a vacuum…

All over my face and body were numerous cracks, like a shattered vase or sculpture… The eyes of this Vergil looked at me with a vacant, weary gaze. He had nothing to convey, nothing to say, just…


I blinked, and the mirror with that strange image disappeared. What the…?

Is this… all those mirrors with images… a part of me?

…Nearby, I heard the rustle of bird wings…

I was missing something, something very important that could directly impact the outcome, if it wasn't already harming the situation…

Could those thoughts and feelings of anxiety be about this… but what?!

"God is Light, and Light is God…"

"If God truly destined me for such a fate, then what is the meaning of it…?"

Could it really be…?

"God is the Absolute; He exists in all of us, in me, in you, even in the dirtiest bum at the edge of the Earth; He is in everything…"

It would be… foolish, right?

"The Creator made everything that exists in Existence. Law and Order, Angels and Humans…"

It can't be that simple; otherwise, Angels and Heaven would have long spread this knowledge. It can't be so straightforward…?

"In a situation with a binary choice between two opposing entities, both will manifest as exceptional nonsense."

God… is Alpha and Omega. The Beginning and the End. He is the Creator of this world, who made everything… Heaven and Earth, Angels and Lucifer, Adam and Lilith; He allowed Hell to be created, allowed Lucifer to spread his ideas and lead the First Rebellion, even though He could have crushed Hell and all its demons with a snap of His fingers. He is the Absolute; you can't do anything with Him, for He is this World. You would just be sawing the branch you're sitting on.

God deliberately planted the Tree of Good and Evil in Eden. God Himself shaped Eve, making her curious yet gentle. God created Lilith, granting her a great passion for the new.

God created Lucifer, instilling in him his Pride. Lucifer created Hell, and God did not hinder him.

God created this world… He is Light… and Darkness. Good and Evil.

He sincerely loves all He has created but also sincerely hates them. He will grant you His divine miracle just so you can destroy a demon He created.

God will give you Heaven, but only after you pass trials, each of which He also created…

Adam received Heaven without tasting the Fruit… without being tempted, surrounded as Eve was by the likes of Lucifer and Lilith, the Exiles of that time.

Did God want to test the woman who came after Lilith…?

Or is it simpler…

"Ask God for a trial, and He will give you what you will fail."

God did not create a utopia or a place where souls could simply… stagnate, for even in Heaven there are problems and irritations. Seraphim have flaws and shortcomings, no matter how much they try to hide them from the public eye…

Humanity lost immortality, for then it would not understand death, just as the Angels did not understand it before the First Rebellion, which ended with monstrous losses of ordinary angels.

Humanity lost Heaven, for otherwise, it would not have created all that is used in Heaven and even astonished the Seraphim.

Eve tasted the Fruit, for otherwise humanity, as we know it, would not exist. Only Adam managed to resist temptation, and only because he was protecting Eve, as Lucifer and Lilith were nearby, the Exiles of the time.

God is Good and Evil, for how else could He have created the Curse for Eve…?

The Curse… damn it.

If all this time I was missing the opportunity to impact the negative aspects of the Ether… to interact safely with the Concept of the Curse, if I missed the chance to simply change its Meaning…

"Lucifer." I heard a branch crack behind me. "Please, Lord Lucifer, tell me more about Evil and how to work with its energy using the Ether?" I turned to the bird, who was watching thoughtfully.

"…Interesting questions, Partner?" the puppet of Lucifer tilted its head playfully. "That wasn't in the contract, so…" Lucifer's mocking voice fell silent as soon as I interrupted him.

"Eva's soul may depend on this; otherwise, I fear something irreparable might happen, if it hasn't already." The playful image of Lucifer shifted to complete seriousness. He looked me in the eyes for a moment. I didn't look away.

"Listen carefully, for I do not intend to repeat myself…" Lucifer said in a stern voice.

He shared knowledge that I could never have obtained otherwise. Not until I became a Cherub and took several dozen Oaths and Vows.

Manipulating the negative side of Existence… invoking some kind of reverse reaction… Entropy. Darkness is the force of destruction and chaos; you simply cannot operate it as precisely as you could manipulate Light.

The so-called "Ether of Darkness" is far more dangerous and chaotic than the "Ether of Light," which I constantly used. But this approach has undeniable advantages.

Since Darkness, or Entropy, is a simpler Concept, so to speak, more primitive than Light, by controlling the Ether of the negative side of Creation, one can achieve much more… interesting results.

When Lucifer discovered this method of using the Ether, he primarily used it, just as I did with my Weaving. This method allowed him to create more unusual, incredible things that other Angels could not even imagine.

If to use Weaving for controlling positive energy I needed to know "How?", "Why?", "What's the meaning?" and so on… then to control the negative part, managing Entropy, I only needed Will, pure Will and Desire, backed by Emotion as fuel for the Desire.

I only needed to envision the result, leaving the details to luck. Lucifer was therefore a "stray," as he himself did not know the limits of his creations, which often (almost always) spiraled out of his control, constantly causing chaos and concern.

Lucifer showed examples, briefly and clearly outlining the theory. No formulas were needed, just Intention and Will. One could use some device to make it easier to focus and use Magic. Lucifer's cane or his violin was originally designed to help concentrate.

Weaving my staff, I raced toward Eva, who was under the watchful eye of the golden Adam Construct.

Eva was softly moaning, tightly closing her eyes, holding some golden branch in her teeth. Her whole body was drenched in sweat, and her hat had long slipped down, now serving as a cushion for her back. Her heavy breathing was erratic, speeding up and then slowing down.

Good. Concentration. Desire. Will. A swing of the staff. I open her closed eyes.

Whoa… We were surrounded by golden lines, intertwined with red ones that pulsed like veins. Eva was… a mass of painfully pulsating appendages. A Knot of Pain, if I were to name this… this picture.

Now that I could look… more openly or with a better measuring instrument? It felt like, instead of a simple lens, I had taken a full microscope, trying to see atoms before… Now I could fully see my mistake.

My weaving was very rough and careless, almost tearing as it constantly tugged at a specific appendage-thread of this Knot. It felt as if the weaving was pulling hair without tearing it, tugging at a millimeter of skin, providing the sensation of complete fresh removal, exciting all the nerves, making…

Not the time. Now, I need to close my eyes and change the outcome…

Rewrite this mistake.

Instead of pain—oblivion, instead of a heart—the heart of a female prisoner, who was still alive, instead of vessels—the blood vessels of the healthiest person.

Concentration… Embodiment of Desire and Will… Quintessence and Entropy…

I managed to alleviate Eva's suffering; her moans ceased, and her breathing began to stabilize.


The vessels, one by one, thread by thread, transformed. Like a flaring rope or a burning wick, the roots inside Eva's body were reshaping, extending out behind her.


Excellent! The damned Apple, still "connected" to Eva with blue threads of Weaving, was moved higher on her body, and within Eva's chest beat the living heart of a human.

Now Eva, as much as possible at this moment, had become human. She "felt" like a person; I could sense her, whereas before she had been a blot in perception that simply could not be noticed… Now the knot had turned golden, and her body felt as it should. Adam's energy was able to fully assist Eva's pain.

The first step was taken. Now Eva could be saved. She had a chance. Now she did.

"Remarkable…" an astonished voice came from my left shoulder. "An interesting combination of Quintessence and Entropy, and the embodiment of Light and Darkness…" Lucifer spoke in an evaluative tone. "Alright, Child, I admit it. You have some skill." Lucifer nodded, patting my shoulder as if to congratulate me.

"Shut up, Lord Lucifer." I said wearily, wiping the sweat from my brow under the approving laughter of the bird.

This magic… No, the Magic came at a great cost. It felt like I was fighting a storm in the center of the ocean… Or trying to wrestle Jörmungandr with my bare hands…

I tried to steady my heavy breathing and not collapse. Wiping my hand across my forehead, I noticed cracks appearing on it, and the tips of the damp hair that fell on my face began to blacken…

I don't care. If this damned idea—no, this just idiotic endeavor fails, at least I will save Eva. Of all of us, Lucifer, me, and Eva, she deserves happiness the most.

Lucifer has a family. His wife Lilith, who, they say, is as beautiful as Jophiel. His daughter Charlotte, who is still unclear, but I don't think Lucifer would keep someone he doesn't love alive, or at least keep them close at home… And he spoke of her very positively…

Huh… More than half of the victims are dead, and I'm already indifferent to the Plan… Well, not indifferent, but my motivation has dropped.

Now, I just have to go to the end, because there's no stopping now.

One day before the Extermination.

Everything has gone to hell.

No, damn it, I can't say it any other way.

Everything is bad. Terrible. Everything is wrong.

What's going on? I just decided to use the new knowledge, which has been supplemented a bit by Lucifer, who, as I now understand, simply gave me everything for the sake of a joke, so I could see what I'm doing.

…What was said in one book?

"And he beheld the scope of his own folly" or however it was worded?

Either way, this quote, whether incomplete or directly related to the main villain of that book, perfectly describes my… How can I say this more gently?

As my reflection used to say – "bullshit," right?

This bullshit has done more harm than good, I can say.

Right now, I'm not even angry that the Song has only spread over Europe, North America, and part of Africa. Although, by the calculations I can confidently wipe my ass with, the Song should have already encompassed the entire planet.

What was I planning to do? Replace Sin? Change human nature? With a scalpel, without threads to stitch the wounds? And now I have those wounds. On every damn person, on every soul.

I literally ripped open the shells of souls and crapped inside them, and there's no other way to put it. I vomited in there and moved on, to put it simply.

Now… Instead of expanding my Meaning and Desire, I have to fight with my past self.

I'm literally extinguishing the fire I started myself. Trying to heal all the wounds I caused with my actions, while more and more people are suffering.

Eve is sleeping peacefully, it seems for the first time in the last thousand years, she's sleeping a calm sleep, nestled in the arms of the Construct Adam. There's a barely noticeable smile on her lips, and sometimes tears flow from her eyes.

Lucifer, however… With the new branch of Weaving, Entropy, I can now sense Lucifer's presence. He's almost always with me, watching and… something else that, to be honest, I currently don't care about.

I need to correct my mistakes before it's too late.


I agree.

Better said than not said. What are these voices that have gained relative independence in this Tree? The Tree of Light that allows the mind to embody reality?

It's the embodiment of that part of my mind that wasn't an idiot. Morality and Doubt. An amazing tandem, but it's this twist of my mind that helped me stop in time.

I close my eyes and grip my cane.

The feeling of flight, the feeling of connection… It's as if I'm the center of the tree, from which countless, thousands of roots of different sizes stretch in all directions from me.

And now… Let's try to minimize the harm.

— So this is what it looks like from the outside…— Virgil said tiredly, watching the huge beam of Light causing panic and confusion among the people who stood bewildered in the street. They were talking to each other, praying, believing that Judgment Day had come.

— Not this time…— Virgil quietly replied, watching the children pointing at this Miracle.

Virgil remained unnoticed, like a ghost passing by people who still didn't suspect they were in danger. Like invisible death, they were subjected to the radiation of the Beam, which shone monotonously… Virgil inhaled.

This light, this Tree of Light, was supposed to warm people with its warmth and give them Hope, as if embracing their souls, comforting and assuring them that they still had a chance. But now…

Now that Virgil had already cleared a few bodies that before were part of the panicking crowd, just falling dead between their loved ones. It was funny when a criminal who was being arrested by the police fell, but when a child fell dead, into the arms of an uncomprehending mother...

Virgil nearly vomited despite the fact that he wasn't physically capable of it. He tried not to think about what had become of his family, who had his markings on them, which meant... They would be the very first victims of the Ray.

Virgil was desperately delaying the moment of discovery of their fate, the fate of his mother, his father, his sister, her husband, their daughter and son. Each had a mark on them, so that their souls would linger a little longer in the death of their bodies, so that Virgil would have time to send his blessing, so that they would definitely go to Paradise, or at least have every chance...

But Virgil was no longer deluded by being in a state of melancholy. He almost didn't care. He spent a glance at the new fallen body, he watched as some men snapped to rob, to rape. 'We're all going to die soon anyway,' these men thought. Even some of the women didn't escape this style of thought, giving themselves to everything and everyone, trying to get everything done in what they thought were the last few minutes of their lives.

Virgil did everything he could to minimise the consequences of his actions. Everything he could think of. He no longer cared if the Angels of Heaven noticed his actions, most likely they did. Angels, as usual, should get all sorts of paperwork and shit, which gave Virgil a little more time and Lucifer's shield that would win him another share.

He knew he was screwed. He wouldn't be forgiven for such an act. Sera wouldn't be able to brush him off by winging it. Neither Adam's authority, Emily's help, nor Sera's power would save him.

They'll make him a Heruve? Too lenient a punishment, since he'll still be in Paradise, in one form or another. Torture and imprisonment? If there's one thing the Celestials were better than humans at, it's that they don't stoop to such a primitive level. They're tougher, more brutal.

They're gonna take him down to Hell. Straight to Lucifer. With full knowledge of everything, they will chew him up thoroughly, explain all the details of his mistake, and then just drop him into Hell for eternal torment. God will leave him, and he'll live with the realisation that he's lost everything.

Sigh. Clutch the cane. Concentration.

Virgil felt as if he were in the ocean, diving deep beneath the dark water. His mistake. His blunder and his arrogance.

This ocean is the energy of the souls that were sacrificed for the ritual. What's the big deal? Sacrifice is the energy of death and a sea of negative emotions, whether realised or not. Eve's suffering? Also, because her desire was to end her torment. The fruit as a symbol of God's curse? Virgil wished to purify the polluted spring with the most horrible poison of pus. Yes, he was able to recruit the reach of the people, but so many variables that affected the Song... He didn't stand a chance from the start.

All of his calculations are wrong and don't take into account a lot of parameters.

His Meaning and Concept is rubbish, the Pillar of Universe just sneezed and that house of cards named Virgil's Pride collapsed.


Virgil thought he knew something, that his knowledge, gathered only from Paradise, not even accounting for half of what was actually needed, would be enough for the sake of changing human nature. A concept laid down by God himself, making it the most monumental of all.

Humans themselves must change, without an outside factor. As Virgil realised today.

Sin? God is Sin, he is the Darkness of this world. Men are his children, they are not so much subject to his influence as they are just... living with it. They choose. They can choose, they can get help, they can get better. It's their choice.

Virgil didn't realise it, but he just wanted to make people into willless puppets. Now, he sees it.

Do all people go to Heaven? Sure, if all people have one twist for the whole species. Be as dumb and naive as Eve was in Eden, and the demons and Hell would take full advantage of that.

Now, humans... Humans will be more impulsive. Evil and Darkness had no influence on them, no matter what Paradise said or Virgil or anyone else thought before. People are free.

There is no 'World Evil that makes everyone evil and lays down Sin.' There is only the force of nature, the Law of the Universe, which the angels fight against. Not to their detriment, it is simply their nature. Like antibodies in the human body fight viruses.

Now... People really are going to change. He's added impulsiveness to people, made them more... sinful. I mean, the exact opposite of what Virgil wanted.

His body... No longer resembles the body of an angel. The grey skin the colour of ash is no longer a pleasant shade, but a sickly one. Whites blackened, arms up to his shoulders distorted in blackness, and his legs up to his knees became the colour of darkness. Her hair became a raven black colour. On the plus side, the energy of Weave, both parts of the energy, became easier for Virgil to give.

The cracks on his body... Virgil didn't pay attention to them anymore. He didn't care anymore.

He was wrong. He was wrong about almost everything. It was the Weave of Song that opened his eyes, but not people's.

But... Virgil has hope. If he lives, he can try to undo what he's done. He won't give up like Lucifer did. He doesn't have some ephemeral Angel's Duty and Responsibilities now, no. He has the Responsibility and the Weight of Sin.

If not for his own sake, then for the sake of all those souls that have fallen today.

The Day of Annihilation.

What was supposed to be my Greatest Triumph has become my Shame.

What was meant to help all humanity has only harmed it.

The only thing that went according to plan was saving Eva.

If I can't complete the Song and will have to deal with the consequences in Hell… I'm not fooling myself; I know where I'll end up for such a transgression.

"I want to at least help Eva, Lord Lucifer," I quietly ask the bird that was idly staring into the distance, sitting next to me. The doll's eyes slowly fell on me.

"Wasn't your 'help' enough?" Lucifer drawled sarcastically. The bird stretched its back in a too-human way, swaying slowly from side to side. "The angels have already begun their activities; my help won't even last half a day. You have just a couple of hours left, and you haven't even set all the people right." The doll lazily elongated its words, not taking its gaze off me, even as it swayed.

"I want to send Eva to Paradise." The quiet remark stopped the bird, freezing mid-step. "I, you, Lord Lucifer, the Remaining Power of Adam." I chuckled and shook my head. "There's a small team to guarantee a ticket to Paradise for one innocent soul; the main thing is to burn that rotten fruit." I finished with irritation. Lucifer's doll scrutinized my figure with curiosity, as if seeing something new in it for the first time.

"Burn the fruit?" the bird sang quickly. "Won't your Idea of Saving the World go to hell?" the doll asked with a smirk.

"I don't care." I replied tiredly, closing my eyes. I didn't need to see to know that the bird's eyes widened in surprise. "Let this idea burn in hellfire, including me, but if anyone deserves salvation from it, it's Eva." I slowly concluded, standing up.

"…Agreed." The bird replied quietly, nodding and flying to my right shoulder. "How will we do this, especially considering the state of your shell, Partner?" Lucifer asked, waving his hand dramatically.

"Simply." I replied, heading to Eva's resting place. Adam's construct had already begun preparations. "I'll conduct a small psychotherapy session, and you, Lord Lucifer, will ensure that neither Heaven nor Hell bothers us." I said, receiving a nod from the bird. "By the way, what about the Cult?" I asked quietly, not bothering to hide my indifference.

"Who died from your Plan?" Lucifer teased, reveling in my grimaced expression. "Someone, a small part, is distracting the Angels all over the country, which will delay Heaven for a couple of hours, considering that Adam and the Valkyries, as the main military force of Heaven, are currently in Hell." Lucifer replied, glancing around the ceiling of the Tree of Light where we were located.

"…So how do you want to do this…?" Lucifer said thoughtfully, looking at me expectantly.

I shared my idea, which made him laugh again, this time praising my concept.



Grief. Pain. Loss. Agony.

And water.

Lots of water. Like a whole ocean.

It was the Flood. The one that took the Old World and split it into two eras.

But what was it like for those souls who survived it? Now Virgil had found the answer to that question.

Eve, who had managed to change several bodies during all this time, becoming the honoured Mother of Mankind, who preached Faith in God, striving to atone for their common Sin and so on....

She was just swept away by the Flood.

It washed away everything. Plants, animals, trees, cities... her children and Eve herself.

She couldn't die, she didn't know why, but she just suffered for lack of air, deep beneath the water, bumping against rocks, debris and underwater animals trying to escape the current.

Eve prayed. Prayed to God, to the Seraphim, to Adam... Prayed that her children would survive, that they could survive this nightmare. That she might have something left.

Her prayer was not answered.

When the flow of water ended, Eva lay on her back and floated. Not knowing the direction, she simply surrendered to the current and continued to pray. She asked for the salvation of her children's souls, she asked her husband to help her children to a better place, to have their sins forgiven.

Her prayer was not answered.

There were no answers to all her pleas, no-nothing.

Silence and no sign.

As the water began to gradually recede, under the influence of God, Eve did not give up hope of salvation. After all, if she could survive, could others?

She was wrong.

All that met her was a bloody lake decorated with the mutilated bodies of her children. Not bodies - the biomass that remained, in which one could barely make out anything, much less their own faces.

Then, Eve had lost all hope of redemption.


But Eve would not give up.

If she never received redemption, if she was never destined to receive the peace of Paradise or the torment of Hell, she would help her children.

The last ray of hope was Noah's family, that she was able to escape and take out some of the animal world. She stayed away from them, watching and helping the children of Noah's children, never trying to conceive new children, but....

She'd already fallen victim to temptation, and subsequent temptations are much easier if you're used to giving in.

Each time, she cursed herself, deeply disgusted. All the men she'd been with weren't worth a single bone of what Adam was. No connection, no affection, to them she was just a thing through which to create children. It was then that Eve learnt genuine hatred.

She began to censure this way of life, but there was no way she could get rid of it. Sex brought at least some distraction from the constant pain of her bodies. She had long ago got used to death being a new pain, a new adulthood and a new Eve.

Deep down, she was still the same Eve. An overly naive, kind, caring wife of the First of Men, a help to one who had lost his Love.

After the first millennium, she stopped waiting for Adam to come and save her. So, she decided to take matters into her own hands, but surprisingly, she failed.

Then Eve began to despise herself. Even more.

No sign from God, no help from, as she thought, the angels close to her and Adam.....

Until, in the second millennium after the Flood and the creation of the New World, the Seraphim Demiurge found her.

Eve couldn't believe her eyes and blamed herself for her disbelief, bowing and humbling herself, only to find out the answers to her long-standing questions.

She didn't get them, for Seraphim himself had none. This... Seraphim, was strange. The figure resembled an elm doll, no facial features as such, just these strange figures in the form of curved symbols and Ok Raya all over his body. The strange wings, the strange layered halo didn't add to the sincerity either.

Then, Eve decided that Paradise was mocking her. The Demiurge didn't speak much, more like showing images that Eve barely understood and that she wasn't sure she saw anything at all. He had tried to do something with her there, even giving her one pair of his wings and one disc of his halo, trying to fly her to Paradise, but...

She burned up, being born much later in a new body, and the bugger never flew back. He didn't even bother to listen to her request and send a message from her to Adam.

To tell him that she was on Earth, that she still loved Adam, that she was willing to take any punishment for his infidelity, to allow him to have as many new wives as he wanted, to accept her again, to feel that connection again....

Eve cursed herself for agreeing to Lucifer's offer, that bastard, to 'try to make up for her Sin'... which was that he would sleep with her and she would spread her legs like a sow!

How ashamed she was, but Adam, after listening to her, praying, just accepted her without kicking her out of their bed. Chilled for a little while, but Eve didn't blame him, finding other ways to please him than using her defiled...

Eve's life had not been easy.

Years and centuries, centuries and centuries. Thousands of years.

She saw her children. How they changed, how they lied, killed, robbed and raped. How they betrayed, how they cheated, how they hated and how they destroyed.....

But she saw the good. How the few helped the refugees, she saw a warrior who refused violence and the sword, protecting his family with his skill. That one died before he could pass on his paradigm, but Eve was glad she was able to raise that one much later. Somehow.

So, Eve tried to help people. It almost always ended in disaster, but she never gave up. Until the eighteenth century came along.

Eva didn't understand the reason herself, but she... She just... Just woke up one day, then, she seemed to have a big fight with someone there, but... She somehow abruptly didn't care.

Why try if it doesn't make a difference? Why try if it never works? What could she change in the meantime?


She made acquaintances, some interesting and some not so interesting, but she found interesting people. Warriors, engineers, scientists, bandits, tramps and aristocrats.

Every stratum of society had its nuggets.

...Right. In the eighteenth century, she learnt about magic. Magic that was the gift of Lucifer, the arsehole and traitor to his wife, that people had been using all through that time and Eve, stupid Eve, hadn't noticed.

Then she saw that people just don't want Paradise. They just don't want to reform and atone for their Sin. They wanted the knowledge of the demons of Hell, they wanted Magic.

Then she did what she did best. Listened to someone better and smarter than her.

'If you can't win, lead.'

A phrase that had many variations throughout the ages now made sense to her. Why try to change something if you can't change the system?

So she began collecting and selling magical items.

Angels and Demons couldn't find her, much less her stuff, and her 'immortality' proved quite useful to steal old tombs and demon habitats. Just littering the place with bodies and wishing her away.

And so she lived year after year, century after century, until....

She got hit with a frying pan.

By some crazy angel that seemed like a mirage. She could interact with angels, could find them, but not them her... But this angel....

For the first time in her entire life, he gave her a choice.

The rotten Lucifer hadn't given her a choice, he'd framed his words so that she, naive and foolish, would take the Fetus anyway. The Seraphim didn't give her a choice, they just gave her tasks. Adam... Adam didn't have a choice either, he was just as adrift as she was.

Maybe there in Paradise, he could overcome it, but Eve...

That was the first time she did something on her own. A real choice that would change her destiny. To die for someone or to die and go to Paradise.

Eve was finally given a chance.

And when...


Eve opened her eyes again.

Again a strange dream, again some angel that would definitely save her....

The angel had said it was Adam, or rather a strange copy of him... The angel had said it was Adam, but Eve had believed him for some reason, because the image of him smelled of her husband... The echoes of those emotions, of their connection, were in that image. So she let herself be taken care of.

That dream was strange. That angel wanted to do something there for some reason, making her feel agony. Scum.

Eve realised she'd been tricked again.

Eve blotted her eyes, looking around.

This dream was unusual. Instead of a battleground or another nightmare from the past, she was surrounded by something in between.

A wide, voluminous clearing full of the smell of ash and cinders. Red flowers everywhere. Lilies, red lilies. She hated those flowers. Adam had created those flowers in honour of that Ungrateful Traitor.

She shifted her gaze further. There were swords, spears, knives everywhere... Pieces of burnt wood?

She looked up to the edges of the clearing. Walls made of the trunk of a large burnt Tree... Was it the same one that had been in Eden? Eve never asked what that tree was called... She called it Eve's Big Tree. The seraphim laughed, but Adam immediately established it as their common name.

And the sky... Dark, with many grey clouds, and the sun... The sun was covered by the moon, creating a kind of red stream....

What's going on here...?

Eve tried to get up, but was surprised to find that her muscles, which she shouldn't be feeling, were reluctantly giving into her. As if... Was this the first time she'd ever stretched them?

She lowered her gaze downward.

She was... herself! She had the Same Body she had in the days of Eden, only... Strange?

Like it was stitched together from many parts. Her arm was white, her leg was brown, and her breasts... Her beautiful and sensitive breasts were different sizes and colours! Even her nipples were different colours and shapes, how...?!

Only now Eva noticed that she was holding something in her hand. Something that her hand refused to let go of.

The Fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The damned Apple that Eve had cursed dozens of times, scolding herself for her foolishness.

"Did she… want to eat it?" Eve felt so hungry… As if she hadn't eaten for a thousand years, and the pain in her stomach was too strong… Eve didn't want to, but the temptation was so powerful…

She had already leaned in to take a bite when suddenly…

"STOP!" — it was as if a whole choir screamed in her head, making her jerk back in fright. She hit the trunk of the tree.

Eve looked up.

Ah… The Tree of Good and Evil. Of course, if she had the Fruit in her hands, the Tree must be nearby. Eve tried to get up, leaning against the trunk, but miscalculating her strength, she fell again, still holding the Damned Apple in her right hand, unconsciously clutching her only food.

Her stomach hurt so much. She was so hungry…

Eve reached out to take a bite.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do that." — a new voice. Eve turned towards the voice and saw…

A white-skinned, white-haired angel with a halo as black as night, dressed in blue garments and wearing a white-blue stone on his chest. His face… Well, he himself was… battered. There were signs of wear everywhere. His clothes were torn; the cloak was shredded in nearly every spot, with small cuts all over, and his shirt seemed to barely cover his snow-white chest, where the muscles were hardly visible due to terrible scars. Even on the angel's face, there was a scar running across his nose.

His blue eyes, shattered like glass, met hers.

"What a sight, however..." — the wingless angel crossed his arms over his chest, ostentatiously surveying the surroundings. "It looks like a storm passed through, don't you think, Eve?" — the angel tilted his head questioningly.

For some reason, Eve began to feel angry. Unconsciously, she covered the Fruit with her hands, pulling it closer, causing the angel's light smile to fade.

"Who are you?" — her voice… She didn't recognize it, and the hair she had fallen onto… It was so similar yet so different from what she was used to… and what she remembered. "What do you want, Angel?" — Eve replied angrily.

"I tried to reach out to the one who didn't want to listen." — the angel shrugged, making Eve even angrier.

"I didn't hear any cries." — Eve replied cautiously.

"You weren't listening." — the simple tone of the angel began to get under her skin.

How dare he…?!

"Either way, I finally found you!" — the angel smiled widely with a kind smile, spreading his arms as if wishing to embrace the whole world. "At last, you can go back to your family, Ev…" — the angel didn't finish.

The roots of the Tree, obeying her emotions and desires, attacked the angel, piercing him through and scattering golden blood across the ash-covered glade. When the angel's body fell onto the ashes, and the roots retracted, Eve wanted to satiate her hunger and have breakfast, but then she was interrupted again…

"And this..." — the angel, as if nothing had happened, slowly stood up, brushing himself off. There were no wounds on his body, but there were more holes in his clothes. "That wasn't very nice, Eve. A wife shouldn't throw herself at the guests of her home." — the angel shook his head disapprovingly. Eve growled in anger.

"Leave me alone, damned Angel!" — Eve didn't understand why, but for some reason, seeing this angel filled her with rage. She unleashed it. "You've already taken everything from me—my children, my husband, my happiness, my sanity. Everything!" — Eve waved her hand, leaning forward on her knees, still not letting go of the Fruit. "You took from me Life itself, Body, Face, Name—what else do you WANT?!" — Eve shouted angrily. The angel seemed to react to her outburst in no way.

"I would argue with that." — the angel said in a strange tone, pointing at her hand. Eve reluctantly averted her gaze, looking at her left wrist, from which blood was dripping.

She should bandage herself, but while this Ang… Wait.

Blood?! Had she lost blood since her first death? When did that happen…?!

"You see…" — the angel slowly approached, taking cautious steps with each word, as if trying not to startle a frightened, wounded beast. "It's all right, you're in a much better state than you think, and if you let me help you..." — the angel was interrupted by a new flash of Eve's anger.

"Help?! When has the Lord's Servant ever helped a miserable Traitor and Mother of Sin, his Queen?!" — Eve exclaimed venomously, trying not to touch the Fruit with her wounded hand. She didn't understand why, but she really didn't want that.

The angel took two more steps. They were five meters apart. Eve cautiously hunched her shoulders. She glared like a wild beast. The angel raised his hands in a calming manner, still smiling.

"I am not the servant of the Lord." — the angel said simply. Eve gasped in surprise, choking on her breath. "I do not fulfill His Will, I am not a servant of the Fallen Bastard, I am not the Fruit of your imagination." — The angel took another step. Eve watched his movements closely, his lips, trying to catch the slightest lie, and found none.

"I am the Violator, I am the one who always wanted to save you, I am the one who has always been beside you." — a gentle smile and a new step. "I am the force that kept alive that Mother who forgave the First Murderer," — Eve's eyes widened in shock. "I am the naivety that made you try again and again to find a way out of the situation we are in, I am the love that was preserved from the Lord," — Eve's lips twisted, but she didn't interrupt the angel, who stepped closer. "I am your Hope, Eve." — His soft voice reached her ears as he took another step.

Eve looked at the towering figure of the angel with skepticism. He stood directly in front of her, three steps away from her body.

"…Let's say…" — Eve nodded slowly, re-evaluating this… her part. If that's the case, then the angel's appearance matched his words… She didn't remember exactly why, for some reason she couldn't recall, but she was sure that this is how her Hope would look. Almost dead, barely alive, yet still moving forward, seeking her Salvation. Eve fell silent, delving into the past until the angel's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Have you ever thought that apples are somewhat overrated?" — out of nowhere, her Hope began to ramble. "All this talk about apples." — The angel shrugged, sitting down beside her. Eve continued to hold the Fruit in her right hand, not covering it. The blue eyes of Hope examined the fruit in her hand intently. "Apples as a symbol of purity and divinity, as a symbol of life and fertility…" — Hope said sarcastically, gesturing with his hand. "So why not pears, huh?" — he tilted his head questioningly.

"…I don't know?" — Eve replied, confused, not catching the point of Hope's words.

"Neither do I!" — Hope raised his index finger in a didactic manner. "Why not oranges, or bananas, for that matter…" — Eve chuckled softly.

She had heard that her… husband? Yes, her husband; there was a joke about him creating bananas in honor of his reproductive organ. That wasn't true; he had created them before her, and bananas were much smaller than her husband…

"I think it's absurd!" — Hope nodded in agreement, as if… he was her part, meaning he knew her thoughts. "So, if I offered you pizza with pineapple or an Apple, which would you choose?" — Hope leaned closer, and Eve felt uncomfortable.


"…I don't know?" — Eve raised an eyebrow, looking at Hope in confusion. He sighed heavily.

"Are you really going to eat that rotting, long spoiled fruit? It's so infested with worms that it's completely rotten!" — Hope pointed indignantly at the Fruit, causing Eve to pull her hand back in fear, but…

At the spot where his finger poked, the skin of the Fruit actually caved in. With a disgusting sound, a foul-colored and smelling pus oozed out of the apple. Eve grimaced; she pulled her hand closer to Hope, pushing the Fruit as far away from herself as she could while still holding it tightly. The Fruit bent under her fingers, spilling even more pus. Eve winced at the smell and the revulsion. Hope shared the same opinion.

"…Are you seriously going to eat THAT?" — he asked, doubting her sanity, and Eve's cheeks flushed, but she didn't respond to his words. Hope sighed.

"We've been through this before, more than once." — His eyes met hers. A blue ocean of shattered glass. "You must learn to make decisions for yourself, or you'll be pushed around your entire life." — Hope grumbled discontentedly.

"…Just like you?" — Eve replied a bit hurt, though she didn't deny his words.

"Don't play with words; you know what I mean." — Hope shrugged irritably, taking a deep breath as if preparing to dive into the depths, he continued. "Just drop that disgusting thing, and we'll go somewhere else. Adam and your children are already waiting for you." — Hope slowly got up from his place, and Eve hesitated.

Her husband… Adam, that's his name… Their children… are waiting for her? They had always been waiting?

Eve lifted her gaze, searching for and… finding answers in Hope's eyes.

Yes, they were waiting, they had waited for ten thousand years. They waited for their mother to come and hug them. Tears flowed from Eve's eyes.

"…I… I can't…" — Eve's head drooped, her black half-wavy, half-straight hair falling over her face. "I…"

"You just need to let go of that damn fruit." — Hope gently but firmly finished for her, looking at her with his arms crossed over his chest. "I can't do this for you. It's your decision." — Eve shuddered.

She… really wanted to remove that pus from her hands, she desperately wanted to… drop the Damned Apple that poisoned her… She just wanted all of this to finally end.

But she--


I'm ordering you.

It's a gift.

You're hungry...

...How dare you?! ...

...Just one bite...

It's your choice. Stop listening to someone else, it's not their life... it's Yours.

Eve let go of the Apple.

Her eyes watched as the Fruit slowly fell to the ground, as it flattened under its own weight turning to ash...burned...?

Hope's hands immediately grabbed her by the shoulders, lifting her up and away from the suddenly burning Tree.

She watched the burning trunk in bewilderment until her view was blocked by dark blue (more like black?) wings. Very large wings. She hadn't seen them even on Seraphim... She thought...?

"Let me…" — Hope produced a damp cloth from somewhere, wiping her hand first and then tending to her wound. A warmth spread in Eve's chest.

She was no longer surprised that a heart she hadn't noticed before was beating within her.

"…Now then," — having finished tending to her, Hope turned, covering her back from the flames with his enormous wing, beginning to walk away from the Tree, pulling Eve along with him. "We can go visit Adam and your children!" — Hope nodded importantly, causing Eve to let out a quiet laugh, which…

It felt as though a whole mountain had fallen from her shoulders, and for the first time, she could breathe. She felt so good, as if she had just been created!

Then Eve noticed that the trees surrounding the glade had caught fire. She understood where the ash came from…

"Hmm… Looks like this path is closed, but whatever…" — Hope waved his hand, turning to her, towering above her. She was significantly shorter than Adam, somewhere around his waist, while Hope could reach Adam's chest.

"You know, to get to where the party is happening, you need a special hat." — He nodded importantly, lowering the tip of his halo. "Like this one, but you don't have it… That won't do." — Hope shook his head.

Eve wanted to say something, thoughtfully looking at her hands, trying to remember… A curse? What curse? She was a free woman, the Second Woman and the Mother of Humanity—why would she be under some silly curse?

"…So!" — Hope took Eve's hands, holding them in his. "For being such a good girl, an obedient wife, a wonderful mother. I, on behalf of God and Light…" — he placed his hand on his chest with a serious expression, dramatically closing his eyes. Eve chuckled softly.

The flames around them grew stronger.

"…I want to give you a gift, Eve." — Hope gently finished, bringing his hand… to his halo?

He reached for the cross at the very top of his halo and… simply took it as if it were a real hat, not a symbol of Holiness. Eve watched in confusion as Hope held the Cross in his hand, placing it in her palm, and then…

It transformed.

From the red light emerged…

A pink halo. Three little sticks, resembling a small crown. A pleasant and sweet pink halo. Her own… Tears welled up in Eve's eyes once more.

Hope smiled softly.

"Yes, Eve. This is yours." — Hope gently wiped her tears as Eve looked in disbelief at the glowing pink halo in her palms. "You've earned it. You are worthy, more than many." — Hope took Eve's hands, raising them to her head.

Slowly, as if afraid the halo would crumble or vanish, she watched in disbelief as the cherished Holiness settled upon her head.

When the halo was on her, she felt… lightness, joy, and… relief.

New tears streamed from Eve's eyes as she tentatively touched the halo, sobbing, unable to find words. Not even words of gratitude.

…Is it all over?

After so many years… Would she finally be able to enter Paradise?

"The main thing," — Hope interrupted her thoughts, "is not to lose it, or they won't let you in." — He shook his finger playfully, causing her to smile. "They are very strict about that." — He threatened, and Eve chuckled softly.

"But the main thing," — Hope gently took her hands, enveloping her with his wings, which began to glow with white and blue light. In the distance, a tender red light began to emanate from the sun… strangely familiar… "Promise me you'll forget all the past horrors and mistakes; that wasn't you." — Eve nodded, not understanding his words. "Promise me you'll be happy, that you won't seek me, for I have always been and will always be with you." — With more white and blue energy, she soared upwards. The clouds in the sky formed an arch, revealing a sea of stars… How beautiful the world was, away from this Tree…

A lovely pink-red dawn greeted them as the fire blazed more intensely nearby.

She… Is this Paradise? That white sphere with disks? Up there in the sky?

" And remember, Eve." - Eva began to take off into the air, towards the cleft between the clouds, looking worriedly at Hope that remained in the ever increasing fire. - It wasn't your fault, you were just a child for not knowing any better. "You". - Eve's heart sank, '" Don't." - tears spurted from her eyes again and she felt sleepy. - "Blame."

A light smile was on Eva's face as she sank into the best sleep of her life.

A white-blue star, accompanied by red energy with a golden core, flew towards Heaven.

Only a solitary figure, whose outlines were losing their former colors, watched the departing star with a barely noticeable weary smile.

Virgil was left alone.

After Eva ascended to Heaven, Lucifer double-checked.

Yes, to his disbelief, they managed to lift the Curse from Eva, and she had indeed gone to Heaven. Perhaps late, but sooner or later, she would reach it and find her Happiness. Fully deserved. Her nightmare was over.

"At least something good happened today," Lucifer said then, but his gaze suddenly shot to the ceiling.

In that moment, he jerked sharply, his eyes losing focus, but still warning that the Angels were already here and starting to burn their ritual place. Lucifer's doll was thrown into the sacred flame of the Afanims, instantly incinerated.

Virgil remained in place.

Deprived of all clothing except one – the enchanted coat with a sapphire, which he had given to Eva so she could cover her shame when she arrived in Heaven, tailored to her proportions and helping her navigate through the Cosmos.

Virgil sighed wearily.

He was tired. Tired of running from the consequences of his actions. Tired of his selfishness and Pride. For the first time, perhaps in his entire life, he wanted to stay at the scene of the crime and see what would come of it.

"Good deeds never go unpunished, right?" Virgil thought, when…

A spear pierced his chest, literally pinning him to the ground. With a heavy thud, Virgil felt the full force of the projectile. The Holy spear, whose energy Virgil recognized immediately.

"…Michael…" – Virgil whispered, looking at the distant silhouette of a winged figure swiftly approaching him. The usually kind and understanding commander, who had given way to the Ancient General of the Army of Heaven, having fought in countless battles for Heaven and Earth.

Virgil smiled weakly, slowly lowering his head.

Right now, he just wanted to sleep.

Virgil closed his eyes, watching the fading lights of the Song of Light, performing its final verse, hoping to open them once more.