Chapter 13.3 "Falling into hell"

Underworld. Three days later.

- What do I do next? - My voice lit up the Embassy hall.

The question wasn't addressed to anyone, just a lonely soul trying to block out that unpleasant feeling of loneliness.

It was only after losing all my loved ones that I realized how much I valued them. How much they brightened up my everyday life.....

That's it. Sitting on the third sofa from the Embassy entrance, calling the table and the tea set that were preserved in my spatial pocket, I sipped the tea, which now was just a reminder of my mistakes, causing even more hopelessness than satiating....

But it didn't matter... It didn't matter.

All that matters is... I don't know what I should do next.

"Become the strongest creature in Hell?" - what's the point if I can't somehow reach Lucifer, a being older than Sin and humanity. The only way to reach him is through Lilith or Charlie, but I'm not yet ossified to the point of touching innocents for the sake of... To use the enemy's family against him.

"Learn dark magic?" - I'll be doing it one way or another, and it's not magic. The Art of the Aether is more complex than that word. It's a goal that will be fulfilled regardless of my activities, it's just my nature.

"Become the most powerful demon in Hell?" - one question "why?", just... What am I supposed to do with that influence other than putting a huge target on myself? This is Hell, there's a constant power struggle. If I take part in this struggle, maybe even win, it's only until others unite against me, organize a perfect elimination and that's it.

I'm not a sinner. If I die here, I will not be resurrected like the other Doomed do. I am a Fallen Angel...

A fact not worth revealing in any way.

I don't know if there are other Fallen in Hell besides Lucifer, maybe even the Sins are Fallen Angels, but...

There was no mention of Lucifer's armed rebellion in the Paradise archives. He didn't put a third of Paradise's army under his command. He was alone with Lilith. His Rebellion was different. I don't know what it was, but it wasn't armed.

Which means, until I gather more information, I'll be a Sinner... I don't know how other Sinners feel to Sinners or beings like Lilith with the Sins... But I'll try to remain incognito, at least to the society of Hell, for as long as possible.

...And to return to the question...

"Return to Heaven?" ....

"Hell is forever." Here's Adam and Sera's response to this "Atonement." I don't know if I can...I don't know if Heaven has noticed...I don't even know what this "Atonement" even means. How am I even supposed to do this?

Some way to help the souls I've harmed? It's funny, because I don't even know if I can go to Earth...

Though, I'm a Fallen Angel... And my sentence... As Sera said (I ignore the pain in my soul at the mention of my Seraphim)....

"Your fate is to burn in the Flames of the Underworld"?

Maybe Sera was talking about a different flame, but....

What if I'm not held back by God's Curse or the Law? What if I can get to Earth?

"I can get to Earth...". As much as I didn't want to, my mind grabbed onto that thought like a lifeline. I just wanted to believe it.

No, of course I had studied the method of traveling to Earth, having carried tired Valkyries from our practice myself, but...

"It can't be that simple...", the thought ran through my mind as I made edits to the weave formula.

Remove some of the Light part, rewrite the part interacting with the Paradise matter over there, replacing it with Hell...

"If this works, I'll... I'll freaking be a better person than I was in Paradise," I conclude, straightening up, staring at the Embassy wall.

"God, please help..."

Concentration... Desire. Calculation of the formula...

The sound of matter tearing.

A white and blue line formed on the wall just above my height that abruptly opened up into a rectangle, revealing...

The ruins of my house.

"It can't be that simple..." a disbelieving voice echoed through the Embassy as the Construct appeared beside me.

A simple construct, the Final Prototype. An anthropomorphic black machine, the ancestor of the Suppressor Construct...

The construct goes through the portal. Nothing happened.

The construct picks up a wooden beam, slightly smaller than my hand. Nothing.

The construct walks back through the portal. Nothing.

The construct passed the beam of wood into my hand.

The weave showed that it was ordinary Earth wood, a little rotted from time, there were even insects hanging around....

"This is bullshit..." - leaving the mark and also creating another beacon construct to power the portal in case something happens to me....

I slowly walk through the portal.

First, I put my hand through the portal. Nothing happened, but there was a sensation of the Earth's wind.

"No way...," my mind kept going.

I slowly walked through the portal as if walking into icy water.


I was back on Earth.

I took a deep breath of the beautiful fall morning of London, when like.....

" Ha...?!" - sharp pain in my chest! Grabbing my chest, settling down a bit, but not losing concentration.

It feels like I'm melting from the inside out, like gasoline has been poured through my veins and set on fire... Simultaneously with icy nitrogen!

Leaning on my cane, I rise up, allocating part of my consciousness to creating weaves for protection...

Back through the portal. The sensation is gone.

"If I can go to Earth, I'm not going to be stopped by some chest pain." - In a firm voice, in which the otherworldly echo was clearly heard, I notify the wall with the portal, as if it is the one that prevents me from enjoying the old sensation.

Those weaves that saved me from the Flame... as an option....

So, by trial and error, I managed to make a weave that allowed me to stay on Earth for about three hours. After that, I was like a squeezed lemon.

I spent about a week at the Embassy trying to find the right parts of the formula. The only thing that distracted me was a feeling of terrible hunger, but the food from my supply of spatial soul pocket, allowed me to forget about eating hell food for the time being...

"If this works out, I won't even have to choke on this stuff...", an excited thought passed through my brain.


I was enjoying the forest air of the small forest that was not far from my house. The Weave's defenses were as if doused in lava or constantly in a state of corrosion. Slowly but surely it was drying up, allowing me to be here.

"I guess Lucifer can do that too, but he has much harsher restraints, and probably a much harsher Sentence as well... Especially since he didn't have a Seraphim to be intimate with or sleep with...", a fleeting thought passed as I lay naturally on the grass.

Three Constructs, dressed in the guise of ordinary men from the city, immediately went to steal..... Yes, stealing provisions for me. Tea, water, meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, spices... Everything that could be useful.

"Of course..." the silence of the forest was interrupted by my voice. - "One day Lucifer or Heaven will use it and my cover will be blown in a blink of an eye... They will also check the Sentence, or even execute it themselves...."

But despite such thoughts, I enjoyed some relief. I might not be able to get to Paradise without being seen, and I don't want to check the Aphanim's reaction to the Fallen One, but...

At least I can be on Earth. I won't sleep or eat, but I'll maximize my time on Earth. That will be a top priority. Maybe even level out this eating away at my body. Realize it and stuff.....

"By the way, how much is the Ring of Pride willing to give for goods from Earth...?", a good idea popped into my head.

That's right, though. Who among the Sinners can get something from Earth without the help of demons, hounds, or other demons? No one, as far as I know...

And if you twist the story a little bit, putting yourself in the right position...

And that's some kind of influence...

"We need to occupy the territory, enchant it, and put oaths or treaties on the neighbors so they won't touch it." - I had a plan in my head. No. A plan.

This time it didn't involve me turning into a burning chicken.

I sighed sharply of the earthy air that was like good oil, helping my body. The sound of thunder could be heard behind the tree crowns. It's going to rain soon. Just fine...

It's simple.

One. We need to find some unoccupied territory, preferably unoccupied. I haven't engaged the Overlords yet, so until I've scouted at least something with the Constructs... I won't engage. Weak-strong, I won't think I'm worth anything until I've had my baptism of fire.

Adam and the Valkyries may have trained me, but back then I had the body of an Archangel, and here I have... a pathetic travesty that needs to be improved with runes (those symbols should be rewritten...), weavings, and rituals. Ideally, to the level of Archangel, but it's up to you.

Second. Having found the territory - enchant it from unnecessary souls and deploy the "police" of Constructs. To do this, you'll need to get to grips with the Constructs. Scout and Suppressor aren't really suited for that, so I have a problem.

I don't want any extra degenerates, just ones I can tolerate and who won't get in the way. Ideally, they will obey my Construct leader and just go about their business, dealing with each other through my police... I'd have to create that Construct.

The level we have is insufficient for the task at hand, which means we need to force the Construct project into a new stage. Instead of "Executor", develop it to the level of "Ideal", which will be able to independently make decisions in its field... Okay, let's see the progress....

Third. Once I can take over a territory and defend its independence to the other Sinners, it will be necessary to negotiate with the other Overlords. I don't know what they'll want, but I'll push through my one advantage. Magic.

I can naturally create almost anything. That's what I'll tell them, even if it's not true. I can create money for them, supply them with drugs, deliver goods from Earth. I'm sure some of them could use some fresh beef or pork... Especially if it's cooked by my "servant" cook....

Let's say I make a deal, and then--

I've done all this. I created and keep my territory, in which live, ideally, the most adequate Sinners, patrolled and controlled by my Constructors. The quarter will be automatically controlled by Perfect Constructs, almost living beings, completely loyal to me... Androids from science fiction, if you simplify it. Only, it would be necessary to be concerned with methods of control and destruction, in case other demons take over my creations....

A beautiful rain fell in the forest, covering my reclining figure with fast-jumping drops of water.


Even in Paradise, I didn't appreciate such a simple phenomenon as 'rain' so much....

I sigh deeply, savoring the distinctive smell of wet grass and damp air.

...What's next?

That's right.

I'll be... like a demon and a Sinner... helping people! Honestly and without deceit!

No one expects that trope, not even me!

I'll get a part-time job at a church somewhere. Even if one of the Anaphim found me, he wouldn't believe me. After all, how can a sinner serve in the church, instructing on the true way? Oh, I'm gonna laugh.

...No. My task for these years is to undo what my Song has done. I didn't hurt the Pillar of the Universe in any way, it was too strong. Just distorted souls... Which would also have to be investigated.

I will help souls, their loved ones... Perhaps those who suffered from my Song will populate my Quarter, turning it into a mental hospital. But I'm ready for that.

I will need an Ideal Medical Construct, which I will fill with the knowledge of psychologists and medics from Earth and what I have learned in Paradise. On top of that, there will be entire hospitals with staff from the Constructs.

The rain was getting heavier, but it didn't interfere with my thoughts.

And beyond that... We'll see. If I can go to Earth, I can look at other Circles, and there I can talk to the Sins themselves... With Goetia there... With the most adequate and not pompous of them.

In general, I have plans, I have goals.

I stand up slowly, stretching the moment, enjoying the drops sliding down my face without the white mask.

Deep sigh.

...Yes. Let's see what tomorrow brings.

Sera... Emily...

If I somehow managed to get back to Earth, then I... could alert one of the angels or Heruvs to call at least Emily back to Earth... to tell Sera through her that I'm okay....

...Should I? I saw her face, felt her emotions through the link... She was angry.

I had hurt Sera very badly. In fact, I betrayed her. I showed my distrust of her by my actions.

Even more so... Considering the peculiarities of Hell for Sinners... I just might turn into a parody of myself. Fallen Angel's a sinner, all changed by Hell.

Lucifer, according to Sera, has become much more impulsive and emotional, and that's just an outside observation. He is punished just like the other Sinners, if not worse.

Lilith has undergone a change as well. Desires for control and disobedience elevated to the absolute, appearance forever changed... Though, here I can't say for sure.

Both of these creatures could resist the influence, but somehow they must have changed.

The rest of the Sinners... Become shells, faded shadows of their former selves. Some voluntarily give up their humanity, some cling to it to the last, but the outcome is the same, no matter how much they delay it.

"Your soul will rot here, becoming part of this reality."

I just might not make it. Especially... I could hurt Emily and Sera. I just might ruin our relationship with my new character, which I hadn't even realized, for my body's new impulses hadn't yet stood the test of time. That walk under the constant reinforcement of the Weave doesn't count.

...If, after the first hundred years, I don't turn into a degenerate that has completely forgotten my original purpose, then I will contact Paradise.

Adam. Sweeps.

Now that's a good question...An answer I have!

"Tomorrow." - for there is no point in loading a weakened mind as it is. Only three streams of consciousness and the third is barely hanging on.

I sighed, getting ready to go back. It was still raining, and my new clothes were soaking wet, making me feel unaccustomedly cold. Thankfully, it wasn't the first time, so the warming weave helped.

Turning around, brushing my clothes with the weave, leaning on my cane, walking towards the ruins of my home.

"One thing is clear. I will correct my mistake, and from here on out, it's as it goes.", I summarize my plan.

I don't know if Emily and Sera will want me, or if Adam and Lut will kill me, but I'll try my best not to mess up. Even if I have to make a deal with the Devil.

"Preferably through his daughter...", a devious thought flashed through my mind. Shaking my head in irritation...

I don't know if I'm such a scum, or if I've become one, or maybe I was, but to use the child of a reasonable man to get what you want?

...Though I've done unproven experiments on my friends, so... I was.

"Okay..." my voice says quietly with an otherworldly echo. - Let's see where my new chapter in life takes me....

I walked back through the portal to the Embassy.

Underworld. The Ring of Pride. The Embassy of Heaven. 1930. A week and a half after the Extermination.

There was a problem common to all Sinners in Hell.


Each Sinner not so much lacked a home as... Occupied a temporary shelter, a place that could change in an instant. One explosion, one showdown of the tougher Sinners and the weaker Sinners had no homes.

Strong Sinners, either the Overlords or those who served them, could enjoy such a privilege, but others...

The commonplace picture was that it was not uncommon to come across 'shelters' of such 'homeless'. These were usually small camps of "their own" that had previously lived either in the same house or territory, the owner of which could change in a day-week-month-years.

As imagined by humans or angels, not all Sinners sought power, strength and dominance with destruction. Some simply gave themselves over to Sin. Sloth, Gluttony, Lust, Envy... even Wrath.

This was the conclusion that could be drawn from the observations of the last few days by the Messenger Designer. The messenger is simply a small black owl with enlarged wings, claws, and a white mask with black eyes. The size is slightly larger than a cat. The construct, based on the name, is supposed to deliver something somewhere, but... William has no acquaintances in Hell. Lucifer and Charlotte don't count as acquaintances.

The first William has a dubious business deal with, which led him to where he is now, and the second... a very pushy and persistent girl... a girl. Knowing how age works for such creatures, then they have an appearance dependent on their desires and mental age...

Is she really "younger" than even Emily? Couldn't the two most fearsome creatures of Creation simply... spoil their daughter...?

"...Sounds plausible, though.", the thought ran through his mind as William worked on another Construct.

There was nothing more important than working on the Construct right now.

Here, what happens if you send a Messenger out to scout and gather information?

There's a reason there are no birds in Hell, or they're not very common. They just get eaten. The messengers had to constantly hide, gathering general information, until William created a replacement for them that was specifically for scouting and gathering information.

Sitting in the Embassy, sleeping on the couches and fully into research... William could only say one thing, Sinner needs to eat, drink, sleep. Even go to the toilet. And there was enough food from Earth to cover the rest of his needs.

How surprised he was to fall asleep. He didn't even notice all those body signs about the need for sleep. That's when the new Weaves were created. They only mimicked what he had as a Sinner, but... They helped him to go without sleep at the cost of absorbing more resources.

Anyway, William got to work on research and development...

The Construct Crawler was created. A coin-sized construct designed to gather information and nothing more. Reconnaissance - the size does not allow to cover the necessary radius, rather - being in the role of a kind of "camera" or the Eye of Aphanim, which is in Paradise.

William was so accustomed to repeating the same thing, which he had previously considered too painful and complicated, that he was able to summarize the general process into a couple of sentences.

Creation of the Concept, creation and writing of the formula, Incarnation of the formula into the physical world in the form of a shell, the material and strength of which depends on the energy and type of Weave. The Mind Matrix, Knowledge Matrices should already be included in the formulas.

Here is a brief instruction for creating a Constructor of the "Executor" type. Nothing simple from the outside, but the very fact of working with Aether and different types of energy... Especially since he learned to use Entropy, "Dark Aether", from Lucifer... Constructs gained some... independence. They are no longer just mechanisms that follow exactly what you tell them to do, but... have a semblance of a mind, like a plant or a receptor that reacts to a stimulus, giving them some semblance of autonomy.

For William's project, this means he can diversify the Matrices of Knowledge and Intelligence. More complicated and complex variations were the result.

This Embassy... was surprisingly welcoming. A warm room, no cold or excessive heat, almost like Paradise. No. It was a slice of Heaven in this hellhole.

Nothing extra, not a soul in sight. But it couldn't go on like this forever.

Lucifer, Lilith, or one of the Sins could use this Embassy for their intended purpose. Heaven... Only those who know about the Extermination. The High Council, the Supreme Seraphim... Adam and the Valkyries.

The former... Lucifer, Lilith - acceptable, William can explain himself to them. The Sins... May disrupt his plans, for he doesn't know if he can come to an agreement with them in principle... He certainly wouldn't want to get caught by Mammon, Asmodeus or Satan....

The latter... No.

Though... Adam could be negotiated with, but you'd have to plan around his reactions to seeing Sinner here... He's not the fool or impulsive idiot he might seem. If he sees him here, he won't kill him immediately.

William needs to urgently find a place he can control and set up his lab. At least a shadow of what he had in Paradise. He knew his equipment perfectly well, because he knew the value of having a telescope or a microscope at hand from Earth.

So William continued to process the data from the Crawlers, planning how to automate such things... Plus, he was developing new variations and "subtypes" of Constructs, using Entropy or Quintessence individually or in combination.

William returned to his work, drinking his tenth mug of tea, the leaves of which had been fairly privatized for the needs of the Fallen Angels of Hell, an endangered species.