William felt the space distort again, but this time the pressure wasn't on him... The clock continued to tick.
- "I'm not the First Woman to abandon someone close to me over a whim or tears," Sera spoke quietly, enunciating every word clearly. "If you want, we can end our story, but if... if we want..." Sera hesitated, allowing herself a moment of vulnerability. "If we want to continue *Us*, then we... need to work together." Sera exhaled, her shoulders slumping tiredly. "So... only if you truly want it... I..." Her voice was still tinged with anger, still filled with resentment and hurt, but... "I'm willing to try to trust you again."
Sera exhaled those words, lowering her gaze, while William...
- "I... I want to," William took a deep breath, looking into Sera's slightly trembling white eyes. "I want to prove to you that I can be trusted."
Sera nodded. Her movements showed no emotion, nothing William could discern... as if she were deliberately hiding...
- "I'm still..." The long white table that had separated them earlier grew smaller, and now William could reach out...
Sera jerked her hand away. Sharply.
- "I understand, Sera," William nodded, slowly withdrawing...
William's forearm was grabbed and squeezed tightly. His blue eyes met Sera's piercing white ones.
- "I just can't forget all the pain you caused. Me, Emily, the souls..." Sera's voice was barely audible. "But you did help Eve... You did save her..." Her grip on William's forearm loosened. "I want to believe it wasn't a trick, but..."
- "I understand," William nodded, looking into Sera's eyes. The Seraph still showed no emotion, but William could feel...
- "How are you here?" Sera asked dryly, evenly, as if reporting. William smiled bitterly, nodding and pulling his hand back.
- "Slowly losing my mind. Befriending the Princess of Hell, running a district, provoking Lucifer, and embarrassing Lilith..." William shrugged, leaning back in his chair. Sera only raised an eyebrow, not reacting further. A pang shot through William's chest. "Friendship with the Princess helps delay the inevitable... I'll try to hold out for a century... But if Adam ever mentions my 'disappearance'... Just forget about me."
Sera flinched. Her eyes dropped, looking at William, then at the table, and... lower?
- "How is Lucifer's daughter helping you?" Sera asked quietly, her voice even, almost disinterested, lifting her gaze to William.
- "Ask Adam for details," William nodded, receiving a short, barely noticeable nod from Sera in return.
They both fell silent, sinking back into the quiet, but this time William... still felt terrible, though his thoughts were no longer tangled in the question of Sera's feelings. At least that was something.
- "What... What do you need to... 'delay' the inevitable?" Sera said quietly, not even looking at William. The fallen Archangel sighed, preparing to answer... "You can use and resort to anything necessary to survive and preserve yourself," Sera whispered, closing her eyes, straightening up.
- "Sera, what are you...?" William began, but the Seraph didn't give him a chance, raising her voice.
- "Everything you need... I'll be satisfied with these... reports," Sera murmured, her eyes still closed. William...
He wasn't sure if Sera had peeked into his soul, guessed, or simply knew in advance... William nodded gratefully, knowing full well she'd see it.
A new silence, accompanied by the soft, pleasant sound of the ticking clock. Cracked, but behind it, something could still be seen...
William tapped the table, steadying his breathing, slowly inhaling and exhaling, performing an oddly effective breathing exercise Charlie had come up with.
Sera didn't move, her eyes closed. She seemed like a statue, an inhuman being so unlike the one William knew. He sighed.
- "...So... What about these 'reports'?" William began, in their usual manner, trying to change the subject and start a conversation...
Instead of answering, he was pulled toward Sera, whose hands gripped his body. The surrounding space shifted slightly, and...
Sera fell onto the bed, pulling William with her, as their clothes...
Several hours later. The Embassy of Heaven.
William stepped out of the previously unused room, feeling... refreshed.
For a moment, it felt like he was back on Earth, bathed in heavenly light... He wouldn't complain about the new body, even if it ached in this "magical meeting," but William still managed...
A chuckle echoed through the empty halls of Heaven's Embassy.
"Can't trust my soul, but can trust my body... That's Sera for you," William smiled softly, shaking his head, draping his dark blue cloak over his shoulders and adjusting his cane.
William was even curious about how things were going with...
He found Charlie in the main hall of the Embassy, the entrance seating designed for far more souls than it had ever hosted. Heaven had always been overly optimistic, especially in its earlier years.
The Princess of Hell sat on the nearest chair, thoughtfully fiddling with the hem of her dress, then suddenly looked up at the approaching, slightly limping William, whose body still ached. Charlie smiled, jumping up to William.
- "I see... the meeting with Adam went well..." William tilted his head, smirking weakly. "No signs of a fight on your body, you're not angry, quite the opposite!" William chuckled quietly, watching Charlie nod cheerfully.
- "Adam turned out to be...!" Charlie hesitated, her enthusiasm fading. "Something between what my parents said and what you told me..." She tapped her chin thoughtfully, nodding. William gently patted Charlie's neatly styled hair.
- "He's always like that at first... You should've seen how he treated me in the beginning..." William smiled, looking at the Embassy's stained glass windows.
- "You showed me," Charlie said, and William definitely heard that Adam...
- "He mocked me, didn't he?" William sighed, seeing Charlie's embarrassed nod. "It's fine, that's just how he expresses his feelings... Adam is just Adam."
- "...He could've been more polite," Charlie grumbled, squeezing her hands tighter on her forearms as the shouts outside grew slightly louder. "All his jokes about women, men... food, and that weird cartoon..." Charlie spoke quietly, her voice tinged with resentment, looking to William for support.
- "...He lived in a time of strict gender roles, and only relatively recently have men and women been able to freely choose their roles in society, no longer as constrained by circumstances," William shrugged, smirking. Charlie just turned her head away but didn't move. "And besides, it's... Wait, what 'cartoon' was he joking about... Not 'Crusaders of Stardust,' was it...?"
- "Yeah, 'Crusaders of Stardust,' I think..." Charlie nodded uncertainly, looking at William with interest. "He joked about the main character, some weird situations with 'yes-yes-yes'... Anyway, it was strange, but at least Lute participated too, without insulting me."
- "...I didn't think he'd take an interest. Before, he actively disliked that work... Guess he finally checked it out." William's eyes widened, exhaling afterward. "Either way, I hope he..."
- "He gave his blessing for the proof of Redemption... sort of." Charlie nodded more cheerfully, though her voice still carried uncertainty. "...What about you and Sera?" Hearing Charlie, William sighed heavily.
- "...Better than the worst, but less than the best," William said, seeing Charlie's confused look. "...We... it's complicated, but... I think we're still together..." William exhaled, leaning on the golden chair in the Embassy's entrance hall. He saw Charlie's silent question as she practically bounced in place. "...She gave the okay to use anything to stay myself for as long as possible... If I can't fully break free from this curse..."
Charlie seemed to light up. Her eyes grew brighter, the crimson light almost shimmering, and her movements became more energetic. Charlie suddenly hugged William around the shoulders, looking up at him.
- "Then... Let's go to your place?" Charlie asked with a smile, looking at the tired William with half-closed eyes. "Mom and dad made it clear they want to be alone today... Maybe we can spend it together? Just you and me?" Charlie asked excitedly, looking straight into William's eyes...
"Fuck me sideways," was all William could think, seeing familiar traits in her voice and behavior. "No, it can't be... She has... Lucifer and Lilith will kill me, bury me alive... Lucifer definitely will!"
William... William saw Charlie's gaze, desperately hoping she was just being friendly, just expressing her open and physically affectionate nature... Otherwise, her parents would murder him. No, maybe Lilith would understand, but Lucifer... If William were just a Sinner, maybe he could overlook it, but their history...
Maybe William was overthinking this... And Charlie probably didn't...
- "Alright," William nodded, watching Charlie's smile widen, her eyes almost glowing with crimson energy. "No other business?" William didn't even finish before Charlie practically jumped on him, quietly cursing her dress, wrapping her legs—clad in stockings and shoes—around his torso. Her wide eyes, her smile revealing the tips of sharp fangs...
William shook his head, silently transporting them back to his mansion...
William's eyes widened in surprise as he looked around... his mansion.
The soft daylight, now hidden by a warm snowfall, illuminated the common room for guests and relaxation... which was now brighter than it had been that morning.
The wood was lighter, the soft carpet practically begging to be enjoyed barefoot. The fireplace burned, lighting up the cushions and seats nearby, while above hung a green wreath adorned with garlands, tied with a red ribbon.
The scent of a fresh Christmas tree hit William's nose... its needles, its resin, the new ornaments hanging on it... William turned his head, seeing not one but three trees in the far part of the hall—one large and attention-grabbing, the others varying in size. Each tree had its own unique scent, its own set of ornaments, and each bore a large golden star... with a blue center, radiating energy similar to his.
- "This..." William trailed off, looking around. Garlands were everywhere, and above his sofas hung a chandelier, illuminating the room, adding the scent of candle wax, though there were no candles...
- "I wasn't sure how people celebrate... Especially since I didn't know your taste... But, do you like it?" Charlie asked quietly, her dress already gone in a crimson swirl, leaving her in the familiar sweater that exposed her shoulders and upper chest, paired with light jeans and no shoes, letting her red hooves breathe.
- "...Did you do this?" was all William could say, looking around at the... celebration. A quiet Christmas melody played in the background. "But Christmas is still a month away?" William turned to Charlie, whose cheeks were flushed crimson.
- "...I thought we'd be busy... And mom invited you to our celebration again... So, how about we celebrate Christmas or New Year's? Just the two of us?" Charlie asked quietly, rocking on her hooves. "I've never celebrated Christmas like humans do... Can you show me?" Charlie looked into William's eyes, her gaze so... open, so...
William sighed, smiling.
- "Of course, Charlie," William patted Charlie's head, her cheeks blending with the red marks on them, as blue energy washed over William, leaving him in his favorite robe. "How about...?"
William was about to turn to the kitchen, but two steaming mugs were already waiting on the table. Nearby, two red imps, Razzle and Dazzle, saluted them. The scent of fresh coffee and tea hit William's nose. He smirked.
- "You said it'd just be the two of us, liar," William chuckled quietly, watching Charlie's embarrassed smile quickly turn cheerful.
- "But I couldn't leave Razzle and Dazzle at home! They want to celebrate too, especially here!" Charlie puffed out her cheeks, glancing as William, laughing, took his tea mug from Razzle, nodding to the imp. Charlie got hers.
- "Who said I'm against it?" William shook his head, sitting on the couch and turning on the TV. He had a few Christmas movies in mind...
Charlie sat next to him, the imps somehow settling on the other side of the couch, curling up together. Charlie pressed close to William, who covered them with a blanket, snapping the curtains shut and darkening the room, leaving only the glow of the garlands.
William even noticed a few gifts wrapped in gold and crimson paper.
- "...Thanks for arranging this meeting... I don't know when I'd have been able to meet Adam on my own," Charlie said quietly, sipping her coffee. "He doesn't believe in me, but... he's willing to be wrong." Charlie sighed, a small smile on her face as she looked at her reflection in the coffee mug.
- "Sera..." William only sighed but nodded. "We'll work on it, 'call' each other sometimes, which is much easier now... I hope we'll make up in the end."
Charlie gently took William's hand, resting her head on his shoulder, not even paying attention to some Christmas cartoon playing.
- "I'm sure we'll figure it out..." Charlie whispered quietly, closing her eyes. William nodded, sipping his tea.
- "Happy New Year, Charlie," William smiled, letting his thoughts release the other tasks. The district and the Extermination could wait for these twenty-four hours.
- "Happy New Year, William," Charlie replied just as quietly, nodding against his shoulder.
They sat in silence for a while, enjoying the quiet music and each other's company. William closed his eyes, mentally running through possible Christmas viewing options...
- "By the way... Did you know Santa Claus exists and he's in Heaven?" William smirked, watching Charlie immediately perk up, her wide eyes fixed on him. "His name's Saint Nicholas, and he even..."
They spent the evening like that. Chatting, watching some Christmas-themed cartoons... Playing board games, cooking something...
William allowed himself to relax. For the first time, he let go of his worries...
This time, William said a New Year's prayer, and this time, it truly felt easier.
This time, he didn't have nightmares, and he slept well. For the first time since arriving in Hell
**Several hours later. The end of the Extermination.**
This time, Sera was personally greeted by Adam.
She wasn't in her office, where she had… "spent" the last few hours alone. This time, she wanted to talk to Adam right away.
- "Hey, Sera," Adam waved at her casually, as if he hadn't just slaughtered countless doomed souls. Sera winced slightly, quickly pushing the unnecessary thoughts out of her head. – "I see you…"
- "So you knew," Sera interrupted coldly, her tone sharp as she looked down at Adam. But the First Man just shrugged.
- "Free movements, a joyful smile or something resembling it… Sera, you had se…" Adam spoke more energetically, encouraged by Lute's nods, which threw Sera off.
No, the fact that she had once again felt long-forgotten touches and embraces… Sera shook her head.
- "Don't change the subject, Adam," Sera said sternly, though slightly more relaxed, as she looked at Adam and Lute. The other Valkyries passed by them, guided by the Shield Maidens and other officers. – "You knew…!"
- "Sera," Adam said more seriously, his gaze stern. – "Yes, I knew, but I didn't say anything. Would you have wanted to hear something that Vergil wouldn't have wanted?" Adam pressed, his tone firm, causing Sera to sigh. – "Besides… are you really going to lecture me about secrets?" Adam drawled, making Sera wince.
- "You're right…" Sera's shoulders slumped, her form relaxing. Adam returned to his usual laid-back demeanor.
- "So… how's it going with you two? Made up or is it over for good?" Adam asked, and Sera could see the look of support and understanding in Lute's eyes. The Supreme Seraph sighed.
- "It's complicated…" Sera drawled, opening her eyes to see… the unimpressed looks of Adam and Lute.
- "It's really simple," Adam frowned, crossing his arms over his chest, with Lute doing the same. – "Two idiots just need to accept their feelings and take it one step at a time… You've already started talking, you've already begun your path to reconciliation."
Sera wanted to argue, wanted to object, but…
A small smile crept onto Sera's face. Maybe… Maybe she and William really could… But what about those souls?
What did she care?
Sera shook her head, nodding at Adam and Lute.
All three could hear the Christmas music drifting from the Golden City. The righteous had decided to celebrate several types of Christmas… The birth of God's child, some other holidays that Sera didn't want to delve into right now…
She now had William's Weave, she could afford to skip some paperwork for a friend!
Snow was falling, carried by a light, barely cold wind, as the sky was hidden behind a thick layer of white clouds. The tall spires, even the Pearly Gates, were covered in snow and adorned with all sorts of decorations, from green and dark garlands illuminating the already dark streets with golden light, to more exotic ones, like strange lanterns or toy statues.
- "Now that's the spirit!" Adam pumped his fist, supported by Lute. – "That's right, think about how you're gonna get fu… Fuck!" Adam abruptly cut himself off, drawing surprised looks from Sera and Lute.
- "Emily?" Sera whispered in shock, watching as her younger sister hung onto Adam's back. – "What are you doing here… How much did you hear?!" Sera asked, barely hiding her panic, but Emily just shook her head.
- "As soon as you started talking about William!" Emily grinned widely, immediately… returning a small smile that somehow scared all three angels. – "I cast a small Miracle on you three, and as soon as Adam and the Department got back from practice and started talking about William, I'd hear it!"
- "My lady… How much did you see?" Lute asked calmly, not letting fear seep into her voice.
- "That you got back from practice on Earth!" Emily blinked innocently, looking at the three angels. – "Lute started copying the style of the 'Crusaders' hero again, and I didn't even know you were taking that blood from Earth!" Emily's cheerful words pierced Lute's armor, making her turn away in embarrassment.
Adam's gaze hardened as it fell on Lute.
- "Emily…" Sera shook her head, rubbing her face tiredly. – "Weren't you supposed to be organizing the pre-New Year's fair?" Sera asked wearily, relaxing, but Emily just waved her hand.
- "I already finished everything a couple of hours ago, now I'm waiting for you so we can celebrate… Whatever number New Year this is…" Emily muttered thoughtfully, tapping her cheek as Adam chuckled. – "By the way, Adam, Sera, Lute… Happy New Year!" Emily flew up, spreading her wings and manifesting three boxes wrapped in white paper, tied with dark blue ribbons.
- "Happy birthday to old man Christ, little one," Adam shook his head, pulling Lute close.
- "Happy holidays, Your Grace," Lute nodded with a slight smile, starting to walk with the others toward the Golden City.
Sera simply picked up Emily, who had jumped into her arms, smiling and shaking her head, quietly grumbling about premature congratulations… Though humans really had so many holidays that you could probably congratulate someone every day.
- "Happy New Year, Emily… and everyone else," Sera said softly, receiving joyful laughter from Emily and Adam, while Lute just shook her head but didn't interrupt her boss.
They walked through the snowy Golden City, filled with countless scents… Christmas trees, strange statues, garlands, or even totems… Heaven was home to countless righteous souls from every corner of Earth, which now resulted in an overwhelming amount of… everything.
Heaven really was…
Sera smiled, shaking her head. She had only spent a couple of hours with William, but she had already remembered all his phrases during Christmas.
Sera looked up at the sky, catching falling snowflakes, squinting slightly and continuing to carry Emily, who was chatting about something with Adam and Lute.
Sera… for the first time in the last few years… had rested.
She thanked God for His help, the Speaker for the advice, and…
She was simply glad she had been able to see a kindred soul.
Besides… She couldn't wait to see William prove her wrong…
P.S. from the Author:
I congratulate you, dear readers, on the upcoming or already arrived 2025 year! I wish you to celebrate well, have a great time, and for everything to go well for you. High salaries, excellent work, and great people around you...
After all, you support me, allowing me to constantly write new chapters for you. Thank you so much.
Yes, this is not a New Year's special in the form of a separate chapter, but I simply didn't have enough time. I was helping around the house and preparing for the New Year celebration myself.
What will I do, how will I celebrate? Either I will write more for Baldur's Gate, as I need to finish the chapter because I've been paid, and well, or for "The Hotel," where I'll write the meeting with Asmodeus.
Have a great weekend, and see you in the new year!