The night my world changed

I lay in my apartment bed staring at my ceiling thinking about my past before I had to get up and go to work for a job tonight. I was assigned my first hunting job for the elders as hunter though I already had designs on becoming a spell sword as my father and grandfather were. I thought back to when my life went down this path. I remember the year it all started.

It happened thirty-five years ago. On the eve of my day of first spring of maturity as a mage-born. My uncle and adopted father had told me little of the man I was supposed to be wedded for the longest time my betrothed remained mystery. I was given little information in the beginning about him from the day he was to claim me as his mate and wife. Over time I was told little by little about him. Still, I had had no notion of who he was I was only told that he was a powerful being of power and nobility. My opinions about the matter were never asked or regarded as valid to addressed or heard.

I was a female. I was to use my position as his wife to tie him to my family i.e. my uncle's control to strengthen our family. I can remember the day that changed my life like it was yesterday. I had been studying in my uncle's library throughout the entire day. My favorite study books at that time were on mental control and magical beasts of different dimensions. Looking back I find it odd how and why I choose to apply mind to those subjects or how much the those subjects would help me later in life.

This was my habit and the daily devotional of my life. For several years sense the age of seven and my powers had awakened. My cousins Lilly and Delia had come into their powers at the same time and studied with me in their father's studies but at some point they had given up the practice when they turned fifteen and gotten more interested in the hubbies of shopping and attending balls when my Uncle Cadre Wells private businesses and entrepreneur instincts had bared fruit. 

I wasn't invited to attend the parties or have friends so I took up studying more and practicing privately what I learned in the instructional books on magic. I worked hard and by the time I advanced to fifteen I had already read all of the books in the library. Uncle Wells had given up teaching me anything more then the basics as he did his daughters. Again, in Cadre's eyes I was a woman. Something to be kept and used in a business transaction the same as he had planned out for his real daughters.

"Angela. It is time you met your husband to be." Uncle Cadre said in a strange tone of voice.

I looked up from my book and noticed him looking at me oddly. I knew the look. It was strangeness about him. I got up from the floor and walked toward him as he held the door open for me and led the way down the hallway down the staircase silently and down toward the basement that was usually kept locked up and no one in the house was supposed to go down to in there. Ever. It was Uncle Cadre's secret laboratory and secret second library where he kept his expensive books of study in the darker arts.

I said nothing but I did wonder what he was about. I saw a book on a desk as I entered the library. Uncle Cadre wasn't watching me so I picked it up leafing through quickly and then I set it down as he turned to me frowning. I smiled.

Cadre didn't return the smile and waved me toward a jail cell in the back where a dark smoke and energy was inside the cell. "Go into the cell and meet your husband." He said and pointed his wand at me. The tip of the wand glowed red with a curse spell on it.

I walked toward the cell quietly and the door opened for me. I saw eyes in the mist. I could feel the presence of power in it. I felt the tip of Cadre's wand at my back. I forced myself to move into the cell.

The door was slammed shut behind me. I wondered what the hell was in the cell and then I saw him. He was a very tall tall black man that stood over me like I was a child of five. He took hold my shoulders as I entered the fog and I knew nothing. Energy circled around me.

My clothes were gone and I stood naked in the storm of his being. I stood in the storm and I felt strange. I wondered about it. Though looking back on this memory I think it was peace and safety.

"Do you understand what is happening?" the being spoke into my head.

I nodded. "My uncle has sacrificed me to a demon of another universe to obtain power and wealth." I said honestly though something about this whole situation was off to me. Why wasn't I afraid. Why did I feel so at ease in the presence of this dangerous demonic being.

There was a short pause as the being weighed my words. "You don't sound so sure." He said.

I nodded. "I feel strange. This is not what I read a sacrificial demonic event to be. I feel warm and very safe." I said.

"I wish you to feel this way. This is the correct way for you to feel in my presence. Tell me. Why do you assume I am demon?" He asked.

I stared at nothing. "Oh. I apologize. So does Uncle Cadre know you are ah ah god?" I asked in careful voice. I wasn't sure if I was right.

"No. He doesn't. He is a very foolish mortal as I'm sure you are most aware of with depth of your own insightful brilliance. I will use his tricks that brought me to this realm to my advantage to stake out my position here among the demi-gods and then I will get rid of him." He said.

I didn't know what to do. "Do you wish me to tell uncle Cadre his mistake?" I asked.

I heard a sound of approval from my new ancient supreme being. "You are learning. No. Let him believe what he will. Well my dear. You now belong to me for the remainder of you existence your life is mean. Do you understand." He said.

"Yes." I said.

It was the only thing I could think of saying. That was my first night with a god from another realm. It was an odd experience being with a god. He imprinted onto me something strange. I didn't have a name for what he made feel that night or twisted nature and plans that led me to that position. The experience had been short and I had been awaken by my aunt Devona and given a dress to wear after I waken in the cage.

I was allowed to leave it but before I left the basement Cadre had put a image on my body. "You will tell no one of this event. For now your life is to safe guard the beast demonic king and keep it here and entertained with your body. You will do it no matter how much pain you endure from it." He said.

I kept my mouth closed and knew for certain now that my uncle was a stupid dumb bastard of the first order. He had no idea what type of being he had called to our realm. One day I knew the god from the cage would break through whatever enchantment held him the cage. Uncle Cadre was a dead man. There was no stopping the death that would come to him.

I just didn't know if he would get the whole family destoryed afterward with him. I just nodded to him saying nothing and I was quickly waved to the entrance of the basement. "Get the hell out of here and don't you ever touch anything down here again." He said again with that strange tone in his voice.

I didn't realize it until I had become much older that it was fear in Uncle Cadre's voice. He was afraid of me. It was only as I aged and became more powerful that I noticed the look and then smell of fear whenever people looked at me and saw the real me behind the face of pretty mage-born face. Mr. Big taught me to understand this over time and use it to my advantage.