Training in advancement

Alex sat facing me at the camp fire with a pleased look on her face. "Tell me what do you know about the process of true immortality? Did Cadre teach anything of it?"

I shook my head. "He taught me nothing beyond the basics of magical use. Everything else I have learned are self taught and from books. Though. I don't expect his instructions on the subject would have been much good. Neither he nor my father from what I know were able to attain it." I said.

Alex shook his head. "No. Your father and grandfather achieved such. They were just destroyed in the last battles in the demonic invader wars. You have the ability in you and with your mixed heritage you more then enough chance to do so in the next fifty or a hundred years." He said.

This was news to me. Something still bothered me. "Why didn't Cadre do it then? If my father and grandfather could achieve it why was he such" I said and stopped forgetting myself. "My apologies I over stepped myself." I said in apology.

Alex narrowed his eyes He said nothing as the other elders came to sit down near the fire. One of them passed out wood plates for us. While the other one stared at me silently. "I'm Elder Gains. I will help you along side Alex in your instruction." He said.,

I looked at his grey eyes as he stroked his thin white beard and smoked his pip. "Elder Gains. You have something to say to me." I said.

Elder Gains nodded. "I'm sorry." He said.

I frowned at him. "I don't understand. What are you sorry about?" I asked.

"We should have dealt with Cadre decades ago. We honestly never knew about his dealings and how much of a disappoint he was until you showed us how beneath you he was." Elder Gains said. 

The other Elder nodded. "I'm your Elder Petros. I will help you in your sword style and fill in for the knowledge your lacking. We made an allowance for Cadre for your sake in allowing him to be in the library for your sake. He abused that allowance and our respect when saw the gulf in power between you and him. He used have been destroyed many years ago. It is our biggest embarrassment that he was allowed to be your foster father. The weak are not fit to under the heel of the strong and capable." He said bluntly.

Alex reached into his back and took out a book. He handed it to me. I took it and examined it. It was a history rites of meditative immortal strengthening. "Thank you. I didn't know there were such books as this." I said look at the book.

Silence met my answer. I looked up to see the old men staring at me. I smiled. "So what is the first steps I need to take?" I asked.

Alex grunted. "You'll to master known magic of the elements and enchantments and then when you've reached a level of competence you will have to be tested by taking on the trial by lightning on the mount." He said.

I nodded my head. "I see." I said.

Elder Gains nodded. "It is a long process, Lady Wells. You will have challenges during and after the process to take on your position once you advance in both the Draconian and Mage-born communities." He said.

Elder Petros held out his hand and orb of magical energy hovered over it. Lightning and water moved about it. "When you have achieved a level of immortal status as a mage-born this is a type of level you will need to show and maintain along with consent study and keeping your mind strong against brain rut as you advance in age."

I frowned. "Brain rut?!" I asked.

Elder Petros nodded. "Yes. You are still a material being. You will have to be on consent guard against brain rut to happen as you grow in power your mind has to be maintained in good care. If you allow yourself to slip into lack of care of your health and mind then you will go mad and one of us will be charged with the duty of eliminating you. However with your mating contract with Lord Big you can use your relationship with him to maintain your hold on reality." He said.

I stared at him. "I would charged with this duty to eliminate mage-born if necessary?" I asked.

All three men nodded. Alex turned to me. "Gaining true immortal status is hard and some don't have the talent or courage to make the attempt. You have the talent but with it comes responsibility. Immortals Mage-born are a rare now sense most of them were killed off in the last major war. Six of us remain and one is not a mage-born."

"His Majesty is this one remaining." I said.

The others nodded. Alex tapped a finger to his chin. "You would also do well to study him as well. His level of mental control is strong. He exercises it well in his strict beliefs in role of law, his marriage to the fairy kin lady and his belief in loyalty." He said.

I nodded my head. "I will. I will study him and think and take everything you tell me now not to achieve my goal." I said.

Alex nodded and took off a rabbit from the fire pit that was done roasting. "Take this. eat and try out some of the chants in the book to get started in your road to immortality." He said.

I took the roasted rabbit and bowed to him raising up and heading toward a spot where I waved a hand and my tent appeared and I walked inside to a fully furnished came sit with a bed on the floor and books sitting on the bed. A lamp turned on a above my head as I came in and sat down. I opened the book and then began to read. 

Several hours passed and I almost about to turn in for sleep and stop reading my book when I felt Mr. Big arriving. I looked up at him and smiled. "Hello, my lord and master." I said.

Mr. Big nodded to me but frowned at the book in my hands. I held it up. "I asked Alex to help me become a true immortal." I said.

Mr. Big folded his arms across his chest. "What are you thinking about?" He asked.

I started to put the book aside. "Do you want to have sex?" I asked him with a smile.

Mr. Big countered my smile with arrogant Tempestuous grin of his own but shook his head. "No. There are some things we must discuss. I talked with the others and told them what I saw ahead of our journey toward the farm." He said.

I put the book aside and reclined on pillow. I lay on my side staring up at him. He frowned at him. "Is something troubling you?"

"I don't like what you have on." He said.

I snapped my fingers and my clothes disappeared and I lay before him naked. "Is that better?" I asked.

"Yes." He said with a nod. His own clothes disappeared and he came to lay to me with arm around my waist drawing me closer to him. "It is much better. The farm is over run with more then a few Draconian lords and ladies besides his Majesty's mother and Lord Randell and his slaves. I found more then a few invaders into the realm." He said warmly. 

I pondered this words as his hands rubbed soreness from the ride from my upper thigh and back. I arched against him and sighed. "Thank you my Lord. That is interesting. Are they humanoid new comers or some invaders of your kind?" I asked.

Mr. Big Arched a single eye brow. "What kind would that be?" He asked with a little playfulness in his deep tenor voice.

I smiled at him and rubbed a hand up and down his right muscled forearm. "Of the Godhood kind my lord." I said.

Mr. Big looked smiled but nodded his head. "Yes, my dear. I'm afraid so. Though less civilized them myself or sister." He said.

I stared at him. "You have sister. Oh she must be extremely heavenly beauty." I said.

Mr. Big chuckled. "Many would think otherwise because of mean temperament but she. She is very much my female version. I'm sure you will her one day. The god-kind at the farm are pure breast form and evolved minds. They will be tricked to defeat but I'm here with you and will teach you the way. I have no intention on getting rid of you know? You are mean forever?" He said easily slipping into another conversation.

I stared at him. "Oh so you heard my thoughts on my conversation with the elders." I said.

"Yes. I did. I found the conversation rather odd. Those elders of yours haven't the faintest idea of what it means to be me?" He said.

I stared at him. "I am greedy to keep your interest me my Lord. It is only natural. I am your female and slave to your desires." I whispered to him.

Mr. Big's eyes brightened at my words. "Indeed. That is why shouldn't have any thoughts of me losing any interest in you what so ever. As long as I am, you are mean forever." He said.

I closed my eyes at the feeling his words brought my soul. "Hmm. Are we done talking? I would rather like to start having sex my Lord and Master." I said.

He chuckled. "As you wish." He said softly and kissed me.