Sentencing and future lessons

The began to rise over the hill of the farm. Mr. Big and I along with everyone else stood outside waiting. Well not everyone entirely. My mage-born elders had gone back to the city leaving Mr. Big and I with the Draconian here. It was strange feeling. We could feel him approaching soon from the direction of the city. His presence and power was felt on the winds that drifted toward us from the north West.

He arrived soon flying through the air speeding toward us unlike a bird or anything Iron born steam flyer in the sky. His long jacket flapped behind him like a cape and he was dressed in a dark suit his white collar open free from any trappings of tie. He had a stern look on his scared face and the closer he got the more I could see his dark gaze was fixed on me for some reason. I could see it now. Though I didn't see it before. We were similar in coloring and expression around the eyes.

His Majesty finally arrived stopping suddenly before moving on and then he floated down to stand beside me. I bowed to him. "Your Majesty." I said.

His Majesty smiled at me before turning toward Bill who stood next to the dowager who was dressed in a hooded cloak that hid her body. Her hood was up revealing on her glowing amber gold eyes that glared at him.

He approached as her silently. Bill didn't move aside but remained next to the dowager watchful. His Majesty stood over her. "Show me. Now." He commanded her.

"It is unnecessary." She said.

"I command it you obey that is the Draconian way. No matter what has happened to you you are still Draconian." His Majesty said.

Bill touched the dowager's wrist and she seemed to relax. He then let go of her wrist. She then calmly revealed her face to him. Her skin had changed to a bronze gold brown and her blond hair was dark midnight with strains of red and gold in it. Her ears were a pointy as well and stuck out from her long hair. There was movement behind her back and I also caught sight of a long crimson tail move a bit behind her.

"Don't!" Annabella said to his Majesty.

His Majesty shrugged. "You don't look that bad to me. We have the same hair color now. I don't see the insecurity you harbor with your appearance." He said calmly.

"Damn you. Damn you. Damn you. I did not ask for your encouragement or the like. You could have just imprisoned the bastard in Hellgate. You had to command for him to be killed." She said.

His Majesty turned to Bill. "I ordered for invader to nailed here so that I could judge him. What happened?" He asked.

Bill stared at His Majesty. "It was a battle you Majesty. I could not prevent myself from holding back to save my life. I did plead with him to stay in place. He refused me. His body lies nailed inside to the floor of the mansion." He said nodding to the mansion.

His Majesty kept staring at Bill. "Your full blood Draconian." He said.

"Yes. Full blooded but no of the dominant royal line. I am a servant as all of my people have been before me." Bill said.

His Majesty stared at him. "Look away." He said.

Bill stared back without blinking. His Majesty smiled. "Do you wish to challenge me then?" He asked.

"No. I am a servant as was my fore-fathers before me." Bill said.

His Majesty shrugged. "You shall before fifth-in line of power to the thrown. In the time you wish to challenge me for the hill and top position then you must defeat then Draconian males ahead of you. This is not up for debate. This is what you are. My mother had your child and she has her sights on you then you are strong and worthy of being a contender. If your total domination of the invader and wiping them out I will allow my mother to live because you claim her as you mate and mother to your heir. She is your mother, correct?" He said.

Bill nodded. "Aye the dowager is my mate your Majesty." He said.

His Majesty nodded. "Good. Good. As long as she remains so she lives. She will remain with you on this farm. You are the master here. I am also giving you governorship over the other smaller farms to keep them in line and keep back any invaders or problems in food being produced for the people aboard. There will be no refusal. You do not have a choice. This is the law of our people the strong bare the burden of leadership and protection you have tried to evade this responsibility. This is against our ways. You will not go against the law of our people. If you so do so I will destroy you and your mate and pass on your son unto someone to be his caretaker. Do you understand me?" He said.

Bill stared at him. "You are our lord and master. Your word is law. You say. I do." He said.

His Majesty nodded. "That is a proper answer. I am merely explaining to what is. Slavery is illegal in my domain. If you are Dominance decides the male on the top of the hill. Where is your son?" He said.

Bill turned and waved over Seth to his side. The young male came forward hesitantly. He stood in front of the king. 

His Majesty stared at the boy. The boy stared back. 

"When you are ready I will be at the hill waiting for you. If not me then my son or someone else. Do you see the lady behind me?" He asked referring to me.

Seth nodded. "I do, your Majesty." He said in quiet voice.

"She is forth strongest of our female kind. Above her are three males you will have to challenge before you can meet me on the hill. You will do well to learn from her and find a mate equal to her or on pair with your mother." His Majesty said. 

I didn't react to this news at all I just processed it as best as I could. Seth frowned staring up at his Majesty. 

"She is female. A female can not rule the Draconian." He said in a voice of confusion.

Bill put a hand on Seth's shoulder. "You must rise to her position in power and knowledge if you so wish to challenge me and then rise up the ranks to fighting with his Majesty up the hill." He said.

Seth still looked confused but he nodded his head. "I will heed your wisdom your Majesty." He said.

His Majesty nodded and then turned back to his mother. "Well. This will have to be our last time meeting each other until at least you get over yourself and become more agreeable to my way things." He said.

"I am Draconian." The Dowager said in haughty voice. "I was made to breed rulers and Kings. I will never be agreeable to anyone least of all you." She said with snarl in her voice.

His Majesty rolled his eyes. "Have it your way, dear. I will send your grandchildren your love as always." He said to the shocked opened mouth expression on Annabella's face. He then turned toward me. "You did good Lady Wells. I will reward you with one gift. Name it." He said.

I smiled at him. "Good you teach me how to fly." I asked. Mr. Big laughed but his Majesty smiled and winked at me. 

"Well. Hell. I must certainly find it to be honor to do so." He said.