Chapter 2

Sometimes, all we need is the courage to take the leap—to mount the horse and charge into battle. 

That had been Su Dong's struggle in the past. There was always a hesitation, a fear that held him back. But now, things had changed. After all, even the impossible had happened to him. Not only had he won special prizes, but he also had the system by his side—an unexpected gift that gave him a sense of confidence he'd never felt before. 

If he still didn't dare to pursue his dreams now, even with all this in his favor, he would never forgive himself. 

His lungs were burning, his breath labored like a horse after a long sprint, and his legs felt like they could barely carry him any longer. Finally, Su Dong allowed himself to stop and take a much-needed break. His body was drenched in sweat, the result of an intense session of training. 

Curious to see the fruits of his effort, he opened the system to check his Glory Tokens. 

"Goodness," he thought, amazed. His points had skyrocketed to 1,264. 

He glanced at the clock. He had been training for over three hours. During that time, he hadn't just been aimlessly kicking the ball around. He had focused on a series of basic drills—passing, dribbling, and ball control. Each successful drill had rewarded him with one Glory Token, slowly but steadily increasing his overall total. 

Looking at the numbers, Su Dong couldn't help but feel satisfied. He had made solid progress, and the effort was paying off. If he kept this pace, he could potentially reach the next level within the next two days. 

The thought of upgrading filled him with renewed motivation. He wasn't just training for the sake of it anymore—he had a tangible goal, and that goal drove him forward. 

At 16 years old, Su Dong had boundless energy. No matter how tired he felt, there was always something inside pushing him to keep going. He wasn't done yet—not even close. 

With that thought, he caught his breath, tightened his laces, and returned to the training ground with a burning desire to keep improving. 




"Isn't it boring to play alone? Mind if I join you?" 

Su Dong had just finished resting, ready to dive back into his training and the pursuit of leveling up when an unfamiliar voice called out from behind him. Startled, he turned to see a boy about his age and size approaching the training ground, walking toward him with a relaxed, easygoing stride. 

At first glance, Su Dong thought the boy seemed like any other Portuguese kid, but as he drew closer, Su Dong noticed the slight darkness in his skin—perhaps a hint of African descent. In Portugal, this was hardly unusual. Mixed-race individuals were common, and over the years, many Portuguese clubs had recruited talented players from African countries. 

"My name's Cristiano. I live nearby and come here to practice pretty often," the boy introduced himself with a friendly smile, his teeth white and perfectly aligned, radiating warmth. 

Su Dong, always polite, returned the gesture. "I'm Su Dong. It's my first time here, and to be honest, I'm not that great at playing," he admitted, trying to manage expectations. 

To make things interesting, Su Dong decided to test the newcomer. He gave the football a quick, hard pass, aiming to challenge Cristiano's ball control. The pass wasn't casual either—Su Dong had deliberately put some force behind it to see how Cristiano would handle it. 

But to his surprise, Cristiano didn't seem fazed at all. He kept smiling as if the powerful pass was nothing more than a casual toss. "It's okay," Cristiano said, his voice calm. "Let's just have some fun." 

When the ball reached him, Cristiano stopped it with such deft precision that Su Dong barely had time to register what had happened. With a swift and graceful motion, Cristiano used his right foot to bring the ball to a complete halt, all in one fluid action. 

Wow, he's good, Su Dong thought to himself, feeling a twinge of admiration. 

Over the last few months at Clube Atlético de Portugal, Su Dong had gained a decent sense of the skill levels of the youth academy players, but this kid in front of him was clearly a cut above the rest. He could tell—Cristiano was exceptional, likely better than any player he had encountered so far. 

"Alright, it's my turn now," Cristiano said with a grin, dribbling the ball forward. 

Su Dong quickly adopted a defensive stance, eager to see just how skilled this boy really was. As Cristiano started to move, his light, bouncy footwork was deceptive. On the surface, it seemed like he was simply moving the ball forward, but Su Dong sensed a subtle complexity. Cristiano's movements weren't random—his head, shoulders, arms, and legs were all involved in tiny, calculated motions. 

Every slight shift in Cristiano's posture sent a signal, a feint that hinted at where he might dribble next. Su Dong, trying to anticipate the direction, found himself increasingly unsure. He couldn't predict which way Cristiano would go, and before he knew it, Cristiano had closed the gap between them. 

In a split second, Su Dong lunged in an attempt to steal the ball, but Cristiano was quicker. With a sharp cut, he smashed the ball away from Su Dong's reach and slipped effortlessly past him, driving forward toward the goal. Before Su Dong could react, Cristiano fired a powerful shot into the back of the net. 


It had all happened so fast. Su Dong barely had time to process the play before the ball was in the goal. He stood there, dumbfounded, completely outclassed by Cristiano's skill. He hadn't even put up a fight. 

Cristiano turned around, still smiling. "Your turn," he said, his tone friendly but with a hint of playful challenge. 

Su Dong, still reeling from the experience, didn't respond immediately. He couldn't believe how easily Cristiano had passed him. The ease with which Cristiano had beaten him was a stark reminder of just how far he still had to go. 

For a moment, Cristiano felt a little guilty. He had noticed early on that Su Dong was just an amateur football enthusiast. As someone who had undergone years of formal youth training, Cristiano realized that he had a clear advantage, making their matchup unfair from the start. 

But while Cristiano might have felt he was simply toying with an amateur, Su Dong's shock came from something far deeper. At the exact moment when Cristiano had dribbled past him, something extraordinary happened. 

A message appeared in Su Dong's mind: 

"By taking on the challenge, you've gained the maximum 100 Glory Tokens at your current level." 

One hundred Glory Tokens? 

Su Dong's heart raced as he processed the message. He could hardly believe it. Entering the system interface, he saw that his total had indeed increased by 100 Glory Tokens—clear proof that the message was genuine. 

But what does this mean? Su Dong wondered. 

He thought about it carefully. The message hinted at something significant—the maximum number of Glory Tokens he could earn from a single challenge at his current level was 100. This meant that Cristiano's skill level was much higher than his own. In fact, based on the system's reward structure, Su Dong should have earned even more Glory Tokens from facing someone of Cristiano's caliber, but the system had capped his reward. 

Even with the limit, Su Dong was overjoyed by the 100 Glory Tokens. After all, he had spent more than three exhausting hours training earlier that day and had only managed to accumulate just over a thousand Tokens. Now, in one brief encounter, he had earned a full 100. It was unbelievable. 

But beneath the excitement, curiosity gnawed at Su Dong's mind. 

Just how good is this Cristiano? he wondered. 

What level was Cristiano at according to the Path To Glory System? 

Su Dong was now more determined than ever to push himself, to reach new heights. Cristiano had shown him what it was like to be on the receiving end of top-level skill, and Su Dong was eager to one day be the one dishing out such performances. He tightened his grip on the ball, the fire of ambition burning stronger than ever. 




"Hey, are you okay?" 

Cristiano noticed Su Dong standing frozen in place, eyes wide in disbelief. He walked over, waving a hand in front of Su Dong's face to snap him out of it. 

"I'm... I'm fine, don't worry." Su Dong quickly regained his composure, shaking off the shock. 

Cristiano smiled sympathetically. "Maybe you should take it easy. Play slow, no pressure." 

"No." Su Dong blurted out, surprising even himself. 

Cristiano raised an eyebrow, taken aback by the sudden response. 

"I mean, I can't just let it go like that," Su Dong clarified, his voice steadier now. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I wasn't paying attention earlier, got distracted. Let's go again," Su Dong insisted. 

"You sure?" Cristiano asked, intrigued by the determination in Su Dong's eyes. 

Su Dong's answer was clear in his stance—he was already preparing to dribble the ball again, ready to charge at Cristiano. 

No way am I letting this go. Su Dong thought, the weight of 100 Glory Tokens hanging heavily in his mind. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and there was no way he'd let it slip by. If he missed out on earning those tokens, he'd never forgive himself. 

Cristiano watched Su Dong's posture and smiled, nodding in agreement before hooking a finger in a playful challenge, motioning for him to come. 

He could tell that, despite Su Dong's lack of skill, the boy had a fierce competitive spirit—something Cristiano himself knew all too well. 

Didn't someone once say? Cristiano thought to himself. You can't become a great footballer without a burning desire to win. 

As Su Dong charged forward, attempting to dribble past him, Cristiano remained calm. He could already anticipate Su Dong's next move. From his experience, it was clear that Su Dong's dribbling was unpolished, his touch heavy. Cristiano knew he wouldn't need to exert himself too much. With a simple, well-timed interception, he could easily win the ball back. 

And sure enough, it played out just as Cristiano expected. A quick shift in position, and Su Dong lost control of the ball in an instant. 

But once again, another message floated into Su Dong's mind: 

"By taking on the challenge, you gained the maximum 100 Glory Tokens at your current level." 

Su Dong's heart skipped a beat—It's really 100 Glory Tokens every time! 

Despite losing the ball, a smile crept onto his face. This was too good of an opportunity to pass up. 




"You should give up now, right?" Cristiano asked with a playful smile. 

The gap in skill was undeniable and increasingly obvious with every encounter. 

But to Cristiano's surprise, Su Dong shook his head with determination, a defiant gleam in his eyes. "Is this all you've got? You think I'm just going to give in?" 

Cristiano chuckled at Su Dong's stubbornness. "Alright, your turn to defend. Let's see if you can handle it." 

Another face-off followed, and once again, Cristiano breezed past Su Dong with ease, leaving him behind. 

"What about now?" Cristiano asked, grinning. 

"You nutmegged me? Watch, I'll nutmeg you right back!" Su Dong shot back, his competitive fire burning. 

But when Su Dong went on the offensive again, Cristiano easily took possession of the ball with a well-timed interception. 

"Ready to accept it?" Cristiano teased. 

"Accept it? No way! You got lucky—I stepped on my heel, that's all. Let's go again!" 

They went again, and once more, Su Dong found himself outmatched. 

"And now?" Cristiano asked. 

"Not convinced!" Su Dong snapped, setting up for another round. 

Again and again, they went at it, each time with the same result. But no matter how many times Su Dong failed, his answer never wavered. 


"Not convinced!" 

"And now?" 

"I still won't accept it!" Su Dong growled, eyes burning with determination. 







Unknowingly, the two continued their back-and-forth on the indoor football field. Su Dong had lost track of how many times they had faced off. 

At first, Su Dong played by the rules, trying to keep his composure. But as the losses piled up, his frustration grew. His face flushed red, and soon, the rules went out the window. He began using his hands and feet, even clinging to Cristiano at times, desperately trying to strip the ball from his feet. 

Cristiano, used to playing alone for hours, hadn't met anyone with Su Dong's kind of persistence in a long time. What started as a playful match had turned into a serious contest. Initially, Cristiano thought it would be fun to toy with Su Dong, but Su Dong's tenacity started to irritate him. Soon enough, Cristiano's competitive nature kicked in. He wanted to prove to Su Dong—this stubborn amateur—that he was leagues ahead. 

With his reputation and status, Cristiano couldn't let someone like Su Dong walk away without being humbled. It would be a blow to his pride, and Cristiano was too competitive to let that happen. 

On the other hand, Su Dong's resilience only fueled Cristiano's determination. The more Su Dong pushed, the more Cristiano wanted to outdo him, to finally earn his submission. 

And so, the two of them kept playing, completely losing track of time. 

It wasn't until their stomachs growled in protest that they realized the sun had already climbed high into the sky. 

"You're too stubborn," Cristiano said between breaths, panting. 

Su Dong grinned, wiping the sweat from his brow. "So what? With those half-baked skills, you think you're going to convince me? You wish! Let's go again, if you're not scared." 

"Come on, who's scared of who?" Cristiano shot back, equally defiant. 

They were both at that age when male hormones ran high, their competitiveness making neither willing to back down. 

Just as they were about to start another round, their stomachs interrupted again with loud, grumbling protests. 

"Alright, fine," Su Dong said, trying to mask his own hunger. "I don't want to hear you say I bullied you. Let's get something to eat first, and then we'll settle this in the afternoon. Whoever doesn't show up is a coward!" Su Dong grinned, deliberately provoking Cristiano. 

He could tell that Cristiano wanted nothing more than to make him yield, but Su Dong wasn't going to give in that easily. Plus, how could he pass up the chance to keep racking up Glory Tokens? 

Cristiano, who had originally suggested stopping for lunch, was taken aback by Su Dong's challenge. Su Dong was practically inviting him to another battle in the afternoon, and Cristiano couldn't back down now. 

In his heart, Cristiano knew that Su Dong's skills weren't on the same level as his. They had played for hours, and each time, Cristiano had easily gotten past him, scoring at will. Su Dong had never once gained the upper hand. 

But it wasn't about that anymore. Cristiano was fired up—he needed to win. He needed Su Dong to admit defeat. Whether or not the contest was fair or meaningful didn't matter anymore. 

So, instead of calling off the challenge, Cristiano swallowed his protest and pointed at Su Dong. "Fine, you wait." 

As Cristiano turned and walked away, Su Dong couldn't help but smile. Once he was out of sight, Su Dong entered the Path to Glory System and checked his current total of Glory Tokens. The number made him nearly laugh out loud. 

"Glory Tokens: 25,184." 

Su Dong's eyes lit up. He had accumulated more than 20,000 Glory Tokens already! Cristiano, it seemed, was a god-level training partner. Su Dong's admiration for his skills only deepened. 

But alongside his excitement, curiosity began to gnaw at him. 

Just how strong is Cristiano? Su Dong wondered. 

And more importantly, Is he a professional player? Which team does he play for? 

Lisbon, as the capital of Portugal, was home to dozens of football clubs. Everyone knew about the big names like Benfica and Sporting Lisbon, the two most famous clubs in the Primeira Liga. There was also Belenenses, though they weren't as renowned. Below them were many more teams in the lower divisions, like Clube Atlético de Portugal, where Su Dong played. Lisbon had several clubs in the third and fourth divisions as well. 

Which team does Cristiano play for? Su Dong pondered. A teenager he had never even heard of was this talented? Then how strong were the players at the professional level? 

What about superstars like Ronaldinho and his idol Ronaldo? Su Dong's mind raced. How skilled were they compared to Cristiano? 

His admiration for professional players grew, but so did his resolve. 

At that moment, Su Dong's determination to improve and become stronger was solidified. He wasn't just playing for fun anymore—he was on a path to greatness, and he wouldn't stop until he reached the top. 




With more than 20,000 Glory Tokens in hand, the first thing Su Dong wanted to do was upgrade his level. 

"Current level: Beginner footballer. Next level: Amateur footballer. Upgrade costs: 10,000 Glory Tokens. Do you want to upgrade?" 

Without hesitation, Su Dong selected the [Yes] option. 

"Upgrading, please wait..." 

In his mind, a black and white football began to spin, signaling the process of upgrading. Su Dong watched eagerly, anticipating what lay ahead. 

Soon, the football stopped spinning, and a new message appeared. 

"Congratulations, the upgrade is successful." 

"Current level: Amateur footballer. Next level: Semi-pro footballer. Upgrade cost: 50,000 Glory Tokens." 

"Congratulations on your successful upgrade to Amateur footballer. The Path to Glory system has unlocked 'Glory Potential. " 

Glory Potential? Su Dong was intrigued by this new feature. What exactly did it mean? 

Curious, he entered his personal attribute interface and immediately noticed some changes. 

Before the upgrade, the interface had been quite simple. His level had been marked as "Beginner footballer," and there were only three main attributes: [Offense], [Defense], and [Physical]. The system had explained it was a simplified version to help him understand his abilities. But in reality, Su Dong felt like the system had been underestimating him. 

Now, with his upgrade to "Amateur footballer," the attributes had been refined and expanded. 

The [Offense] attribute had been split into [Technique] and [Shooting]. [Defense] was divided into [Positioning] and [Tackle], while [Physical] was now separated into [Speed] and [Strength]. 

Not only that, but each of these attributes now displayed two values: one for his current ability and one for his Glory Potential. 

Su Dong studied the system's explanation of Glory Potential carefully and began to grasp its mechanics. The current ability represented the skill level he currently possessed, while the Glory Potential showed how much he could improve if he fully unlocked his potential. 

But there was an important distinction between the two: his current ability could only be increased through hard training, while the Glory Potential could be raised by using his Glory Tokens. 

In short, with the Glory Potential unlocked, Su Dong could now invest Glory Tokens to increase his potential. However, to turn that potential into real ability, he'd still have to work hard on the field to maximize it. 

Despite the excitement of this new feature, Su Dong felt a pang of frustration. After the upgrade, his personal attributes had been recalculated and had dropped significantly. 

For example, before the upgrade, his offense was 33, but now, it had been split into [Technique] at 15 (Glory Potential: 29) and [Shooting] at 18 (Glory Potential: 37). 

His defense, previously 28, was now split into [Positioning] at 13 (Glory Potential: 25) and [Tackle] at 15 (Glory Potential: 31). 

And his physical attribute, which had been 29, was now divided into [Speed] at 18 (Glory Potential: 33) and [Strength] at 11 (Glory Potential: 25). 

Su Dong was mostly convinced by the system's evaluation, except for one thing—his speed. He knew he wasn't the fastest player, but he was definitely quicker than his stats suggested. In the youth training setup at Clube Atlético de Portugal, he wasn't the fastest, but he was at least average among his peers. 

Yet the system rated his speed as 18, with a potential of 33—not even close to what he thought of as a passing grade. 

After thinking it through, Su Dong realized the system's evaluation took more into account than just running speed. It likely included factors like dribbling speed, movement agility, and physical flexibility. 

In that sense, the evaluation wasn't entirely wrong. 

But why had his attributes dropped after upgrading from "Beginner footballer" to "Amateur footballer"? 

The system explained that his abilities were now being measured against other amateur players worldwide. In this new tier, the best amateur player would be rated at 99, which meant Su Dong's skills were recalculated based on that new benchmark. 

The system also issued a warning: his current ability and Glory Potential would influence future upgrades, and as his level increased, the cost to improve his potential would rise significantly. 

Understanding this, Su Dong realized that upgrading without careful planning could actually hinder his progress. Rushing through levels wouldn't help him in the long run. He needed to focus on improving both his strength and potential at each level before moving up. 

With that in mind, Su Dong made his decision. 

After spending 10,000 Glory Tokens on the upgrade, he had 15,184 Glory Tokens remaining. 

Each increase in Glory Potential would cost him 100 Glory Tokens. So, Su Dong invested his remaining Tokens wisely: 

40 points in [Technique] 

40 points in [Shooting] 

40 points in [Speed] 

30 points in [Strength] 

As a forward, Su Dong knew that defense was important, but it wasn't as crucial for his position. Technique, shooting, speed, and strength were the most critical attributes, and they needed to be improved as quickly as possible. 

With the adjustments made, his Glory Potential now looked much stronger: 

Technique: 25 (Glory Potential: 69) 

Shooting: 27 (Glory Potential: 77) 

Speed: 28 (Glory Potential: 73) 

Strength: 21 (Glory Potential: 55) 

Although his immediate abilities hadn't changed much, the increased Glory Potential was significant. Now it was up to Su Dong to train hard, unlock that potential, and transform it into real, measurable strength. 

Determined, Su Dong couldn't wait any longer. He left the park, grabbed a quick meal at a nearby spot, and immediately returned to resume his training. 

With a new level and a plan in place, he was more motivated than ever. 







"Are you still here?" 

Cristiano's voice rang out from behind as Su Dong, drenched in sweat, caught his breath. 

The Portuguese boy observed Su Dong with a trace of admiration. Despite his exhaustion, Su Dong's focus and dedication were unwavering. Cristiano couldn't help but respect that. In Su Dong, he saw a reflection of his younger self—driven, stubborn, and unwilling to give up. 

"Why are you so late?" Su Dong panted, glancing at his peer. "I thought you were too scared to show up." 

"Ha! You've got to be kidding," Cristiano laughed heartily. Scared? Who's afraid of whom here? 

As he stepped onto the field, Cristiano noticed a few bottles of water and some bread on the sidelines. It seemed Su Dong had prepared not only for himself but for him as well—fuel for another round of their never-ending contest. 

This guy's a lunatic, Cristiano thought, amused. He was even crazier than Cristiano had been at his age. 

Su Dong caught Cristiano's gaze and, with a mischievous grin, teased, "I even bought your share. So, no excuses this time. We're playing until one of us gives in today." 

Cristiano smirked, amused by Su Dong's cocky attitude. "Shouldn't I be the one saying that to you?" he replied playfully. 

Su Dong's skills might still be rough around the edges, but his confidence was sky-high. 

"That's up to you to prove," Su Dong shot back. 

Without another word, Cristiano began taking off his regular clothes and putting on his sports gear, ready for action. No more talking, no more teasing—it was time to play again. 




The two of them played relentlessly, pushing each other until the sky began to darken. The sun dipped below the horizon, and soon, it was just the faint glow of the moon lighting their way. 

Whenever they got tired, they would head to the sidelines to rest. When thirst struck, they'd stop to drink water, and when hunger crept in, they shared the bread Su Dong had brought for dinner. It was an intense, continuous duel. 

Since upgrading his level, Su Dong's upper limit for earning Glory Tokens in each duel had increased to 200 Tokens—a massive boost in efficiency. This new cap only fueled his desire to keep going. Every point counted, and playing against Cristiano was the fastest way to accumulate them. 

They didn't know how long they'd been playing, but eventually, exhaustion took over. Both collapsed onto the pitch, lying side by side, panting heavily from the hours of effort. 

"It's been a while since I sweated this much. What a game!" Cristiano said between breaths, smiling with satisfaction. 

Su Dong, however, barely registered Cristiano's words. His mind was elsewhere, focused on his points total. His grin stretched ear to ear. Playing against Cristiano had been the most efficient way to stack up Glory Tokens—something that made him feel almost giddy with excitement. 

"Eh, what's got you smiling like that?" Cristiano asked, nudging Su Dong with his elbow. "Are you a student at the University of Lisbon?" 

They were playing in Edward VII Park, an area surrounded by several campuses of the University of Lisbon. 

"No," Su Dong replied, shaking his head. 

"So, which team do you play for?" Cristiano asked, his curiosity piqued. 

Su Dong's smile faded, and his face darkened. A mix of emotions welled up inside him. He sighed, avoiding the question. 

Seeing his reaction, Cristiano paused, sensing there was a deeper story behind Su Dong's silence. But since they had only just met and barely knew each other, he refrained from pressing further. 

Instead, Cristiano shifted gears, offering some friendly advice. "You know, playing against you like this, I've noticed your technical movements are really... unpolished. Were you playing street football before?" 

Su Dong nodded and shrugged. "Not exactly street football, but it might as well have been. The youth training back home is pretty awful." 

Cristiano chuckled, then in a teasing tone said, "Want me to teach you a few tricks?" 

To his surprise, Su Dong didn't hesitate. "Yes! It's settled then. Starting tomorrow, I'm training with you. You'll help me fix my technique." 

Cristiano was taken aback. "Wait... you're serious?" 

"Of course. Unless you're afraid I'll become stronger than you," Su Dong added with a smirk, leaving no room for Cristiano to back out. 

"Afraid? Me?" Cristiano shot back, grinning. His competitive spirit sparked once again. "You've got a deal." 

"Great, then it's settled. Tomorrow morning, here again. See you or you're a coward," Su Dong declared. 

"Fine by me. What time?" 

"Five o'clock in the morning," Su Dong replied without a hint of doubt. 

Cristiano blinked, stunned. "Five in the morning?" he echoed, incredulous. 

Seeing Cristiano's expression, Su Dong laughed victoriously. "What, never seen Lisbon at five in the morning?" 

Cristiano chuckled, shaking his head. "I've seen it," he replied, accepting the challenge.