Mall System Unlocked

In the week that followed, Su Dong never saw Cristiano again. 

This left him feeling uneasy. 

Every day, he continued his routine, heading to Edward VII Park for training, following Pontes' program with unwavering dedication. He pushed himself relentlessly, afraid to fall short in any way. But without Cristiano's presence, there was an undeniable void. It wasn't just about the training; it was the camaraderie, the sense of competition and drive that came from having someone like Cristiano by his side. 

Jose Semedo had shown up a few times, but it wasn't the same. Semedo had a great personality, always friendly and approachable, but he lacked Cristiano's intensity. Despite his easygoing nature, Su Dong could sense that Semedo wasn't pushing himself as hard. Whenever they played one-on-one, it was always Semedo who called for a break first, leaving Su Dong dissatisfied. The desire to push himself further, to earn Glory Tokens and improve, was met with frustration. 

Nevertheless, Su Dong was grateful for Semedo's company during those quiet days. 

These monotonous, yet fulfilling days continued until mid-August. 

Clube Atlético de Portugal was about to kick off their new season in the Segunda Divisão B, the third tier of Portuguese football. The senior team was preparing for their upcoming campaign, while the youth team, where Su Dong trained, was finishing a grueling summer program inspired by Soviet and Eastern European methodologies. The hard training sessions were designed to build both physical and mental resilience. 

For the past several weeks, Su Dong had been training in Edward VII Park, barely showing up at the club's facilities. When the youth coach finally called to check on him, he even asked Su Dong if he was still in Portugal, thinking the young player might have left without notice. 

After reassuring the coach that he was still in Lisbon, Su Dong was informed of the upcoming assessment date. 

Su Dong felt a sense of resignation toward the club. Clube Atlético de Portugal operated like a semi-professional outfit, with their structure often chaotic. Players would frequently leave or join with little notice, and organization was far from ideal. Still, he couldn't afford to be choosy at this stage of his career. 

The night before the assessment, Su Dong called his parents in China. Despite the struggles he had faced, he didn't want to burden them with his worries. Instead, he chose to paint a rosy picture of his experience in Portugal. 

"There's this coach named Pontes who's made a personalized training plan for me. I've even made a new friend, Cristiano. You'll want to remember that name—he's a genius, the best young player in Portugal right now. One day, he'll take the world by storm," Su Dong said confidently. 

He continued, "I'm improving a lot here, but I still need to work harder. Even if I don't pass this upcoming assessment, I'll try other clubs. I'm not giving up." 

As he hung up, Su Dong sat on the edge of his bed, gazing out at the moonlit night. Homesickness crept in. Being an only child, he carried the weight of his parents' expectations. They had always given him the best, sacrificing their own comforts so he could pursue his dreams. He didn't want to disappoint them. More than anything, he wanted to make them proud, to show them that their sacrifices were worth it. 

He decided to check his progress in the "Path to Glory" system. 

Opening the system, Su Dong looked over his personal attributes. 

Over the past month, his relentless training had paid off. His technique, shooting, and speed had all reached the maximum value of 99. His strength had improved too, now sitting at 87. Defense, however, remained his weakest area, with only 63 in positioning and 71 in tackling. He knew this was largely due to Cristiano's absence. Their intense one-on-one duels had sharpened Su Dong's defensive abilities, and without that competition, his progress in this area had slowed. Pontes' training program included defensive drills, but the lack of a worthy opponent had hindered his improvement. 

Initially, Su Dong's goal was to max out all his attributes at 99 before moving on to the next level. But time was running out. The assessment was looming, and he knew he couldn't afford to wait any longer. 

"Current level: Amateur Footballer. Next level: Semi-pro Footballer. Upgrade costs: 50,000 Glory Tokens. Do you want to upgrade?" 

Without hesitation, Su Dong selected [Yes]. 

"Upgrading, please wait..." 

The black and white football spun slowly on the system's screen. A moment later, a notification popped up. 

"Congratulations, the upgrade is successful." 

"Current level: Semi-pro Footballer. Next level: Professional Footballer. Upgrade cost: 250,000 Glory Tokens." 

Su Dong couldn't help but feel a sense of disbelief. The leap from Semi-pro to Professional required five times the Glory Tokens it had taken him to reach this level. The gap between the two levels was staggering, a reminder of just how far he still had to go. 

But before he could dwell on that thought, more system notifications appeared. 

"Level successfully upgraded. The Mall system has been unlocked." 

"The Mall system has been activated. You can now redeem items at any time." 

"As a reward for your first-time use, you have been awarded a Glory Ability Card. You can redeem it in the Mall." 

A flood of information filled Su Dong's mind, leaving him momentarily overwhelmed. 

Curious, he navigated to his personal attributes once more, eager to see how his upgrade had affected him. 

After Su Dong upgraded from amateur footballer to semi-pro footballer, his personal attribute panel underwent a significant transformation, with the changes being quite striking. 

The most obvious difference was the substantial increase in attribute categories. The system was now even more detailed, breaking down his abilities into finer elements that reflected the complexity of football at a higher level. 

The attributes were still divided into three primary categories: offense, defense, and physical, but now each of these areas had been subdivided further. Offensive attributes were split into passing, control, dribbling, and shooting—each crucial in its own way for different styles of play. Defensive attributes had been categorized into tackling, marking, teamwork, and defensive positioning, emphasizing not just individual defensive actions but also a player's ability to work within a cohesive unit. Finally, physical attributes now included speed, acceleration, strength, and endurance—each vital to competing at the semi-professional level. 

The system also provided a helpful explanation for each attribute. 

Offensive attributes, like passing and shooting, were self-explanatory, being the bedrock of any player's attacking contribution. Control and dribbling, essential for maneuvering in tight spaces and maintaining possession under pressure, were equally crucial for offensive players who looked to break down defenses. 

Defensive attributes, while including individual components like tackling and marking, placed a strong emphasis on teamwork and positioning. Su Dong learned that defense at higher levels required more than just winning one-on-one battles. A defender needed to anticipate, communicate, and maintain the structure of the team's defense, especially when marking zones or covering for teammates. 

The physical attributes now provided a clearer distinction between speed and acceleration. The former referred to a player's maximum pace, how fast they could run at full sprint, while the latter measured how quickly they could reach their top speed from a standing start. Acceleration was particularly important for attackers, as the quicker they could burst past a defender, the more dangerous they would be. Strength and endurance rounded out the physical attributes, each essential for handling the physicality and demands of a full match at higher levels. 

The system's detail indicated that with each upgrade, the expectations became more specialized. As Su Dong rose to the semi-pro level, he could no longer simply focus on improving everything. He would need to make deliberate choices, fine-tuning his strengths while addressing his weaknesses. The system seemed designed to simulate the reality of professional football, where players often specialized in certain roles. 

He realized this shift meant making trade-offs. If Su Dong wanted to excel as an offensive player, he might need to sacrifice time spent on defensive attributes. Similarly, focusing on his physical development would mean making decisions about how much to improve each individual attribute. 

However, the system also warned him: from this point onward, all attributes would need to meet certain requirements for further upgrades. This was consistent with professional football, where even offensive players needed a basic level of defensive awareness and vice versa. 

He thought of Cristiano, the young player he had trained with. Though Su Dong didn't know much about his background, Cristiano had impressed him with his exceptional skills, especially in attack. What stood out was Cristiano's raw talent and the potential to become a complete player. Su Dong had seen glimpses of how Cristiano could contribute defensively when needed, though it was clear his main focus was on breaking down defenses with his speed and dribbling. Players like Cristiano had the natural ability to dominate, even at such a young age. 

Then there was Jose Semedo, a physically imposing central defender. Su Dong recalled how Semedo's combination of speed, strength, and surprising technical abilities had made it difficult for him to compete during their training sessions. Despite being primarily a defender, Semedo's skill set demonstrated that modern players, even at the semi-professional level, needed to be well-rounded. 

The "Path to Glory" system seemed to mirror these realities, requiring Su Dong to develop his skills on a solid foundation before progressing further. 

Su Dong didn't dwell too long on these thoughts. What caught his attention next was the increase in his potential after the upgrade. 

His new attributes stood out on the personal panel: 

Offensive Attributes: 

Passing: 38 [57] 

Control: 43 [60] 

Dribbling: 45 [61] 

Shooting: 47 [64] 


Defensive Attributes: 

Tackling: 31 [52] 

Marking: 27 [48] 

Teamwork: 21 [42] 

Defensive Positioning: 23 [45] 


Physical Attributes: 

Speed: 51 [73] 

Acceleration: 46 [71] 

Strength: 37 [50] 

Endurance: 44 [69] 

Seeing these detailed statistics laid out, Su Dong was able to clearly identify his strengths and weaknesses. His speed and endurance were solid, as he had always relied on these traits. However, his strength lagged behind, which made sense. He hadn't done enough strength training, focusing more on technical and endurance-based drills. 

Offensively, Su Dong had decent all-around skills, though there was room for improvement in every area. On the defensive side, his abilities were lacking, especially in teamwork and positioning, areas where experience and football intelligence were crucial. 

What stood out most was that his potential values were much higher now. For example, his dribbling had a potential of 61, and his shooting could reach as high as 64. His speed and acceleration, two key aspects of his game, also had impressive potential ceilings of 73 and 71, respectively. 

One critical observation was the increase in the cost of developing his potential. Now, it would take 500 Glory Tokens to increase each point of potential—five times more than before. This staggering cost made him glad that he hadn't rushed into upgrading earlier. Instead, by focusing on building a strong foundation, he had positioned himself well to make the most of the system's opportunities. His methodical approach had paid off, allowing him to reach this level without gaps in his development. 

Looking over his upgraded attributes, Su Dong felt a deep sense of satisfaction. If he could unlock all of his current potential, he believed he would stand shoulder to shoulder with some of the better players in Clube Atlético de Portugal's first team. And that was at the semi-professional level—where most players struggled to even catch a scout's eye. 

At only sixteen years old, this was a promising start. 




After reviewing his personal attributes, Su Dong turned his attention to the newly unlocked mall system that had opened after his upgrade to semi-pro footballer. 

Upon entering the mall, he was immediately greeted by an overwhelming array of products, displayed with precision and clarity. The sheer variety left him feeling momentarily disoriented, as if he had stumbled upon an untapped treasure trove. 

The system's voice chimed in with a set of rules: 

"Here, everything can be purchased using Glory Tokens. If you cannot acquire a certain item, it means either you lack sufficient Glory Tokens or your current level is too low." 

"All items in this mall are clearly priced—no discounts, no negotiations." 

"Once an item has been exchanged, there are no returns, and no refunds will be accepted." 

Su Dong couldn't help but let out a dry laugh. The person who designed the mall must have had quite the personality, he thought. The rules were strict, leaving no room for error. Yet, as he browsed through the offerings, his mood quickly lifted. He realized this was no ordinary shop; it was a goldmine. 

In the "Daily Necessities" section, the mall offered an assortment of different flavors of Bull Sports Drink. The bold slogan underneath read: "Its energy is beyond your imagination!" 

There was also an extensive variety of food items. Su Dong was taken aback by the international selection. For Chinese cuisine, there were rice dishes with hearty flavors. Western options included dishes like Tomahawk steak, while Korean food featured the distinctive spicy popeye kimchi. Japanese food offered more delicate choices like cherry-flavored treats. 

The menu was as diverse as it was tempting, allowing Su Dong to exchange his hard-earned Glory Tokens for a taste of home or a culinary adventure from another culture. 

As he scanned the prices, he was relieved to find them affordable—well within his current token balance. Considering that in real life, his living expenses in Portugal were entirely funded by his parents, who worked tirelessly to support his dream, he felt a sense of relief. He had always been frugal with their hard-earned money, but now, with the option to exchange Glory Tokens for food, he could ease some of that burden. 

"For food, I don't need much," Su Dong muttered to himself. "As long as it keeps me going." 

The fact that the food and drinks in the mall looked both appetizing and functional made the decision even easier. 

But the mall didn't stop there. Moving beyond food and beverages, Su Dong discovered a variety of performance-enhancing potions in the "Medicine" section. Unlike the daily necessities, these were considerably more expensive, but the effects they promised were astonishing. 

There was the Titan Mixture, designed to temporarily increase the user's strength for two hours, ideal for overpowering defenders or pushing through intense physical battles. 

The Energy Mixture claimed to boost endurance, giving the user the stamina to keep running for two hours without tiring—a crucial edge in a long match where fatigue often determined the outcome. 

Perhaps the most enticing was the Swift Mixture, which could enhance speed and acceleration for a short period. In football, those two attributes were game-changers. Being able to outpace opponents in critical moments could be the difference between victory and defeat. 

These potions were clearly designed for use in competitive matches. Though highly effective, they came at a steep cost—10,000 Glory Tokens each. Su Dong couldn't help but grimace at the price tag. For a moment, he wondered what the system considered "good quality and low price." 

"As you progress through levels, the mall will unlock higher-quality potions and items at more affordable prices. Stay tuned for future updates," the system's voice assured him. 

Su Dong raised an eyebrow skeptically. Good quality and low price? Each potion cost 10,000 tokens! He shook his head, amused at the system's definition of a bargain. 

But then he remembered—the system had rewarded him with a Glory Ability Card after his recent upgrade. Intrigued, Su Dong navigated to the special rewards section of the mall. What exactly was this Glory Ability Card?