"So, what you're saying is that we're in a world called Teyvat. Right now, we're in the middle of a war where every god of this world is fighting to become one of the seven gods that the Heavenly Principle, Celesita, had said caused not just here but the entire world to fight to an Archon."
Chara spoke in pure disbelief as it was something they would have never heard of. A god they could believe, Asriel did become the God of Hyperdeath as he absorbed six human SOULs along with all the SOULs of Monsterkind just to make the seventh SOUL for the barrier to break.
"More importantly, how long has this war been going on?"
Frisk asked with concern as they and Chara were in the blizzard and were now in a shelter in a cave with more people. Frisk wanted to know when and why this had happened, as it sounded like this place was not the only place where gods were attacking each other.
And the fact that two gods are fighting each other where the two Dreemurrs are.
"It has been happening for nearly two thousand years; at least, that is what I heard from people who heard it from stories passed down. Right now, we're planning to start a rebellion against Decarabian, the God of Storms, as his rule brought nothing but pain and suffering to the people here. And the fact the war between him and Boreas did not help the situation. Boreas's power caused a horrible blizzard, it was lucky that we found you both."
The boy who found them told them about what had been happening while showing a look of struggle. He also told the two how he found them.
It seems that he is on his way to meet up with the small army after getting more people for the rebellion; he finds the two lying on the snow, not moving but also not freezing entirely. He had the spirit push away the wind as it also woke them up.
"That many years!? That… Insane! Horrifying!"
Frisk shouted, never thought they would ever speak for something this serious. Chara also looked shocked. They'd recall the history of the war back home, but it was unknown how the war lasted until the monsters surrendered.
The boy understands Frisk's reaction; it seems he, too, couldn't believe it had been that long.
"Indeed, it is a miracle that there are still people surviving, and now are working on a plan to hopefully overthrow the tyrant."
"Hmm… Looks like the rebellion army might be a bit small if I am being honest."
Chara glances at the people who are in the cave as they don't seem to be wearing anything that is protecting, just clothing to endure the harsh blizzard. So it was unclear how it would be possible to fight back a god. Unless they had some kind of power that this world offers.
"So it seems, we're still gathering people as we knew this amount wouldn't be able to overthrow the tyrant. So we have been recruiting people who do not wish to endure this war much longer. We are also trying to gather supplies and equipment for the battle of the war."
The boy pointed at the supplies and equipment they had gathered so far. It wasn't much, but it was a start.
Frisk could not help but want to help these people. And if they're being honest, who knows what could have happened if… Wait!
"Oh, we forgot to introduce ourselves. My name is Frisk Dreemurr, and this is… My twin brother Chara Dreemurr. And thank you for finding us, or else we would have frozen to death."
Chara offered a small wave, they would have introduced themselves but their "twin" beat them to it.
The boy smiled at the introduction as he greeted himself.
"Well, my name is Ventus, and you're welcome. Hey, if you don't mind me asking how did you both get here? I have never met anyone from another world."
The boy, named Ventus, asked out of curiosity as Frisk and Chara looked at each other. Chara knew that Frisk might know the reason why they were here instead of being back home, as well as being alive again. Meanwhile, Frisk was thinking about how to explain this, as they didn't know much about their sudden arrival.
Frisk knew that it was better than thinking of a lie based on the truth.
"If I'm being honest, Ventus, I've been pulled away from my world by strange and mysterious cubes. I was not sure when or how it got there but I was absorbed by the cubes and fell unconscious. The next thing I knew was you woke me up, saw that Chara was alive, and that I now have half a SOUL."
They proved it by showing half of what seems like a broken heart like it was cut in half. The other half was with Chara. As well as some things from Frisk's bag. The two broken pieces floated in front of them but did not look like it was going to reconnect anytime soon.
As if the two pieces have managed to survive and were able to not only bring back Chara from their ghost state but to also breathe the same air as Frisk without anything problematic happening.
It was a miracle that neither Frisk nor Chara were struggling to stay alive. But it still felt strange that they didn't have the other half of the SOUL. Even though the SOUL did belong to Frisk, it was also the same trait that Chara once processed.
"Hmm… Well… I am not sure if I'm the person who should offer some advice. But all I can say is that it might be possible to find out how it happened. But not today, or tomorrow, maybe someday. The best you and Chara can do is to just accept the situation you both are in."
Ventus sure didn't look like the person who is best at making this situation less confusing but at least he tried. Chara just snickers at Ventus' words.
"Heh, thanks. Honestly, I should be thankful that I got another chance at life. But I better be careful as we are in the middle of a war. At least in this region. You mention it also happens all over the world, correct?"
"Yes, outside from here, many more gods are fighting each other. I hear that four out of seven seats have already been claimed. So if I am being honest, it is only a matter of time before the remaining three seats will be taken by someone. Maybe someone from here, as you can see, I truly doubt the two gods here would be a good Archon."
Chara glanced at the cold outside the safe, they'd thought of what Ventus had told them. One god is a tyrant who is making people suffer, while the other is causing this unforgivable winter storm.
"...So right now, all we can do is to gather more people, supplies, and gear to achieve this rebellion."
"Yes, we hope that we can recruit more people from… Wait, 'we'?"
"Yes, 'we'. We're going to help you to end this long war. We haven't properly thanked you for saving us, so the least we can do is help you all with the rebellion."
Chara looked back as their brown eyes locked on Ventus' eyes. Ventus notices that Chara is showing so much determination they're showing, not before noticing the surprised look from Frisk.
"Wow! I thought I was the one who should be saying that."
"And let you do all the talking? Well, you would have done the same if I hadn't said anything. Or kept my mouth shut."
Frisk sighs, knowing that Chara was right. But still, it was good for them to show appreciation, especially when it was rare for Chara to express it and talk about it.
Venus couldn't help but smile at the two speaking. He was glad that two more people were willing to help, even if they were not from this nation. Speaking of the nation, Frisk suddenly wanted to ask…
"Oh, by the way, Ventus. What is the name of this nation?"
"It is called Mondstadt. Well, there's a city that is called Mondstadt City."
"Wait… Isn't that the German word for 'Moon city'?"
Frisk thought as they recalled learning the language of Germany when they visited the country Europe. But they shrugged it off as just a coincidence. So Frisk continued the conversation.
"So, is the blizzard causing problems in Mondstadt, too?"
"Not exactly, but like I said, Decarbian is a tyrant there, which was why we left. But we severely underestimate the blizzard here. But thanks to Barbatos, he was able to clear away the snow that was freezing the people here."
"Barbatos? You mean the spirit?"
"Yes, you see, before he met me, he saved a group of people who originally wanted to escape the blizzard by residing in Mondstadt City but grew to hate the God of Storms and left the city back in the blizzard. But because of the terrible blizzard they nearly died until Barbatos heard the prayers of the group and helped them."
"Wow! Barbatos, I didn't think you were this amazing!"
The spirit hummed in agreement as if he was enjoying being praised. Barbatos then looked at Chara, as if he was to be praised by the others as well. Chara notices this and sighs.
"You're amazing… Barsibato? Bartobas?"
Chara spoke with a smirk on their face as if they were messing up Barbato's name purposely. Barbatos did not take the joke too kindly as he tried to do a headbonk on Chara which they laughed at as they pet the spirit.
"I'm kidding, Barbatos, you're a good spirit. Jeez, cannot take a joke."
The spirit still continued on head bonking Chara as they ignored the wind spirit's ongoing attack. Ventus chuckled at the sight before him.
"Seems like we all are going to get along so well. But back to the group, Barbatos blessed the group with his power for not only survival but the strength to potentially help with the plan. And honestly, I believe the group saw Barbatos as a guiding wind, to worship. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Barbatos somehow becomes a god."
"Well, Barbatos did save them, and offer them power. So if it was me, then I would be very grateful and would follow Barbatos for my whole life."
Frisk speculated as they saw the clan speaking about training, speaking of who else they should gather from the city, and eating and drinking.
"So it seems… Hey, Frisk. Do you or Chara know how to use a sword? We only have a few people who know how to fight, and we cannot have people unable to fight or defend without any training. The best I can do is to teach a few how to use a bow."
Ventus asked as he knew that the clan here needed training to ensure that no one would die without proper training. Everyone needs to make sure to know how to protect themselves and others.
"Well, I have proper training with a sword, so I can teach everyone how to use one. But Chara is an expert on using a knife. So if people prefer the three weapons that were said, then we can start with training for those with their preferred weapon choice."
Frisk said as they took out a sword that was from their bag; it looked polished and very durable. They even gave Chara their old dagger, which was also polished; it now looked like it was brand new.
Chara was surprised by their old dagger but accepted their old item. It was about time that it returned to its proper owner.
Ventus looked very appreciated as he took out his bow. You could see how well-prepared he was when he held it.
"The rebellion is definitely going to be prepared for what's to come. And I think I know someone who would be very eager to be good with a sword. Let me introduce you to her."
Ventus guided Frisk to a beautiful woman who had blond hair, blue eyes, pretty white skin, and was wearing clothing that matched Germany but with a bit of armor. The woman notices the two and approaches them.
"Ventus, and… Oh! This is someone else from the city?"
"No Gunnhildr, this is someone outside of Teyvat along with his twin brother. This is Frisk Dreemurr, and from what he told me he's an expert on using a sword."
The woman named Gunnhildr looked at Frisk in shock to hear that there was someone who wasn't born in Teyvat. But to also hear that Frisk is someone who can use a sword, she has been longing to learn how to use a sword to protect her people, now she has the chance to do just that.
She notices Frisk offering a handshake as she shakes hands with them. But she couldn't help but feel skeptical as Frisk's eyes were closed and it didn't seem like they would be opening soon. Still, she has to be polite to this newcomer.
"Nice to meet you, Frisk Dreemurr; like Ventus has said, I am Gunnhildr. I am the first head priestess of Lord Barbatos."
Frisk could only smile as they knew from what Ventus had told them. It makes sense that the people would feel like they've been heard, feel safe, and feel like they had a chance for survival, all because of a spirit. Which turned to worshippers, to worship a spirit.
"Well, it's nice to meet you too Gunnhildr, so, you wish to learn swordsmanship, is that what I am hearing from Ventus?"
Gunnhildr showed a sad smile as she explained.
"Yes, ever since my father's passing, I have been leading my people to have a stable home, but because of what's happened, we knew it would only be a matter of time before the gods would destroy everything around Mondstadt because of this war."
She glances at the ongoing blizzard as if it were showing no signs of stopping. She then looks back at Frisk who showed an apology expression when her father's passing was mentioned. She smiled as she continued.
"We all wanted better lives, but we didn't have the means to do anything as we're just mortals. And I'm sure Ventus has told you about our story. My father wanted the best for our people, and so did I."
From Frisk's point of view, it looked like Gunnhildr was doubting herself.
"But it feels like I'm not doing enough. Even when I had training, it doesn't feel like I've been doing great."
A sword appeared in her hands which made Frisk jump. A sword appears out of nowhere, like how they use their menu to equip a weapon.
"There are others who can use swords, but it's like we're not making good progress. We needed an expert, and then another miracle happened."
She bowed in front of Frisk as they looked at her.
"Frisk Dreemurr, could you please teach not only me but my people the way of swordsmanship to fight and protect? We want freedom for our people, our ancestors and descendants."
"I'll do my hardest."
Frisk declared as they raised their sword like a knight swearing an oath.
"I, Frisk Dreemurr, swear to help you and Mondstadt to be free from this long-suffering."
Gunnhildr smiled as she copied the same oath as Frisk. Then, without any preparation, Frisk immediately started on Gunnhildr's improvement on her sword.
Ventus and Chara watch on with amusement, Chara especially.
"Just what I expected from Frisk. Always lending a hand for anyone."
"So that's the kind of person Frisk is. I bet you're the same Chara."
Ventus was expecting an answer but didn't receive one. He looked at Chara, who was just staring at Frisk.
"Not… Entirely."
Ventus watched on as he noticed the look on their face. As if they'd still held a long-old regret. Barbatos also noticed this as he floated around Chara.
They watch Barbatos trying to cheer them up. It brought a smile to their face as they patted it so gently. They now showed determination within them.
"Heh, well, we can't get left behind. Ventus, Barbatos, come on, we got a rebellion to build."
The two nodded as they began to gather everyone as they all watched Frisk teaching Gunnhildr. Everyone's hopes began to rise even further. Everyone's dreams of freedom from this suffering are coming closer than they thought.