Alaric’s Choice

Alaric’s Choice

The soft glow of the morning sun poured through the arched windows of the grand hall as Alaric sat alone, his mind burdened with a decision that had the potential to change not only his life but the fate of Veridonia. His heart was conflicted, torn between duty to his family and kingdom, and the possibility of a love he had never known. The marriage proposal had come as a surprise, presented in the form of a beautifully scripted letter sealed with the emblem of a neighboring kingdom. It offered a union that would strengthen the political alliances Veridonia so desperately needed—but at what cost?

Alaric was no stranger to the pressures of leadership. As the eldest son of Seraphina and Lucien, he had been raised with the knowledge that one day the crown would rest on his head. Yet this proposal was more than just a matter of strategy; it was a choice that would shape his future and define the legacy he would leave behind.

The Proposal