Shifting Alliances

Shifting Alliances

The atmosphere in Avaloria Castle was charged with tension as the court prepared for what was to be one of the most significant meetings in Veridonia’s history. It had been years since the kingdom had faced a threat as dire as the one that now loomed on the horizon. The possibility of war with Tyros, the unrest in the northern territories, and the shadowy forces Darian had warned them about all seemed to be converging at once. Yet, as Seraphina stood before her people, a new development was unfolding—one she had not foreseen. Former enemies were arriving at the castle, not with weapons drawn, but with proposals for alliance.

It was an uncomfortable but necessary step. With Veridonia’s future hanging in the balance, Seraphina and Lucien knew that the time had come to forge new alliances—even with those who had once sought their destruction.

The Return of House Greystone