A New Dawn

A New Dawn

The morning sun rose slowly over Veridonia, casting a warm, golden light across the landscape. For the first time in what felt like years, the kingdom was quiet, the sounds of battle replaced by the soft murmur of rebuilding. The fields that had once been soaked in blood were now filled with workers clearing debris, planting crops, and raising new walls. The war was over, but its impact lingered, etched into the land and its people.

Seraphina stood on the balcony of Avaloria Castle, her gaze fixed on the distant horizon. There was a strange mix of emotions stirring inside her—relief, grief, hope, and fear. Victory had come at a high price, but for the first time, she allowed herself to breathe, to imagine a future beyond the war. The kingdom had been torn apart, but now, there was a chance to rebuild. A chance for Veridonia to rise stronger than before.