
"What? Let's go to the bar later guys, it's our day off tomorrow anyway," one of my friends exclaimed. Among all of us, she was the one who loved going to bars or inviting us to go.

I don't drink much, I can only handle up to four or five glasses when I do.

Our other companions agreed, looking in my direction which made me raise an eyebrow.

I knew what that look meant.

"Don't be a party pooper, come with us, my treat," she said with a smile.

I just shook my head. "I might get scolded by my mom, like before when I didn't ask for permission," I reasoned.

But it seems like he wasn't swayed by what I said, and he just shook his head.

"Oh, you're just making excuses," she grinned mischievously. "We have a way for that so you won't get scolded."

I furrowed my brows, focusing my attention on him.

What is this girl planning now?

"Let's ask for permission from your mom that you're going to the bar..." I thought it was something else. "So she knows that we're with you," she added.

If my mom allows me.


"She'll allow you." He assured me confidently, as if he already knew what my mom's answer would be.

"Mom!" I called out as I arrived in front of the house. Mom was just about to enter the house when I saw her, it looked like she had just come from a nearby store to buy something.

She looked back in surprise, then we greeted each other as I approached her. "Oh, you came home early today," she asked in surprise.

She then looked behind me and seemed surprised. "And you're with your friends."

"Oh, I haven't cooked dinner yet because I thought you'd be home by six." She teased.

"Ah..." What should I say first, oh well. "Mom, Lesley has something to tell you," I pointed to Lesley who was just behind me.

Lesley Ann Baduria, the one who invited us to go to the bar.

Mom's attention shifted to Lesley and she looked puzzled.

"Oh, do you need something, dear?"

"Good evening. I would like to ask permission for Zhanielle to come with us to the bar..." she said politely with a forced smile, as Mom furrowed her brows. "I'll take care of her, she'll stay with us if we're late coming home."

"And besides, Mom, she doesn't drink much so there's no problem with her being with us," she added.

I looked at Mom, waiting for her response.

I'm okay with not being allowed to go, I'd prefer that than going to the bar.

"Okay... Just make sure she gets home safely! No injuries and especially no men with her when she comes home." Mom agreed. It's crazy to have a man with me when I'm just going to drink.

"Thank you, Mom, you can count on us..." Lesley turned to me, a triumphant smile on her face because Mom agreed.

"Thank you, Mom!" I thanked her, hugged her, and whispered, "I hope you wouldn't agree, they'll just make me the babysitter."

"Take care here, especially since you'll be alone at home later." Mom is in her 60s, Dad passed away 2 years ago due to a stroke, his body couldn't handle it anymore probably due to old age.

As we entered the bar, the smell of cigarette smoke hit us first, and you could hear their sounds from the entrance of the bar.

From here, you could see people dancing on the dance floor, groups of friends, some kissing on the side.

All I can say is they're so wild.

If I were a first-timer entering here, I would definitely prefer to work overtime than to go.

That's what I first thought when I was new here.

"Let's go there, it's empty." Our male friend pointed to a table near another table where some men were drinking.

There were six of them sitting near the table our friend pointed to. They seemed wealthy based on their attire and their faces weren't clearly visible because the place was a bit dark and there was dim light there.

The table that Rex pointed was fine since it wasn't too visible. We immediately went there, and I even saw the six men glance in our direction.

Maybe because my friends were laughing and joking around.

We waited for a moment for Rex, who was the one to get the drinks.

"One more glass, Elle." They offered me, I had already drunk four glasses and was starting to feel dizzy.

I shook my head immediately.

The alcohol was too strong, I couldn't handle it.

"Come on! This is only your fifth glass, you won't get drunk from this." I had no choice when he took my hand and placed the glass with alcohol in it.

I just closed my eyes as I felt the bitterness of the alcohol in my throat.

"There you go!" he exclaimed.

After a few minutes, I felt the need to go to the bathroom, so I excused myself from them.

"I'll go to the restroom." I swayed as I walked towards the comfort room, my vision spinning.

I even had to hold onto the wall for support when I felt dizzy.

I quickly went to a cubicle once inside the girls' restroom.

Afterward, I washed my hands and splashed water on my face to get rid of the drowsiness I felt.

I was alone in the comfort room, so I looked at myself in the mirror.

I'm wearing a fitted black dress with a slit on the left side and sleeveless, the length is 6 inches above the knee, showing off my fair thighs.

"Why did it take you so long to come back, you girl?" Lesley raised an eyebrow, looking me up and down. She seemed relieved when she saw that I still looked presentable. "Are you dizzy from the alcohol, that's why you took so long?"

What does she think of me? That I'll give in to the men here. That's something I won't allow.

"I'm feeling a bit dizzy, so I stayed inside for a while," I explained.

She pulled me to sit beside her, our gay friend, so I sat next to him.

"Beh... There are so many handsome guys here!" He nudged me, making me feel dizzy again.

"Oh..." They handed me another glass of alcohol.

I didn't complain anymore, because my reasons wouldn't lead anywhere. I drank the alcohol and stood up.

"I'll step outside for a bit, I'll call Mom first." I said as I passed by the spot where the six men were earlier, but now there were only four of them sitting there.

I just kept walking until I was outside the bar.

I took out my cellphone and looked for Mom's number in the phonebook. Why is there no signal inside?

I saw a luxury car parked nearby, so I headed towards it and sat on the hood of the car.

My phone kept ringing, Mom must be asleep by now.

"What time is it?" I whispered to myself.

It's already eleven, we've been here for so long. Before, we would only stay for three hours and then go home, but now I don't even know when we'll leave.

"D*mn!" I heard someone curse.

It sounded like the person was nearby.

I looked at the car door that I was sitting on, and I heard it close.

"What are you doing here?" I heard a baritone voice, so I quickly looked in front of me.

A tall man with messy hair, slightly red lips on his fair face down to his neck, and sharp eyes were staring at me.

He looks so familiar, like I've seen him before but I can't remember.

"Done checking me out?" He raised his thick eyebrows.


He was the man from earlier, he was with the six men.

"Can you please... D*mnit!" He cursed and looked up as if asking for patience.

"Can you please get off, I want to go home."

My eyes widened in realization.

"Is this yours?" He nodded.

I quickly got off, even though I was feeling dizzy, I almost stumbled if he didn't hold my waist.

"Thank you... Ahh I'm sorry for sitting on the hood of your car, I was looking for a signal. I'm really sorry, sir." I bowed as an apology.

"You're drunk, young lady!" He said firmly. "I think I saw you earlier, oh the noisy group near our table. Where are your friends? It's not safe for a drunk woman to be alone."

"Oh, they're inside."

"I'll go first." I said goodbye.