The Ghoulish Haunted Mansion: Chapter 14

Once Tom and Susan got outside, they saw a jack-o-lantern on the porch. Susan picked it up, looked at it, and saw the candle inside lit. The jack-o-lantern said, “Hello, love.” Susan couldn’t believe what she saw. The talking jack-o-lantern scared her, so Susan tossed it to Tom. Tom caught it and looked at it. The talking jack-o-lantern said, “Hello.” Tom said, “You’re creepy.” Tom and Susan kept tossing the talking jack-o-lantern back and forth to each other until Susan screamed and threw it to the ground. When it landed, it landed in front of the house, but it didn’t break. The talking jack-o-lantern said, “Will you two knock it off?” Tom and Susan stood still and listened to the talking jack-o-lantern. The talking jack-o-lantern said, “Listen, kids, you got to save me.” Susan said, “From what?” After they asked, a cool breeze blew in, and the talking jack-o-lantern knew what that meant.