After they lost Sarah's ghost, Victoria and Violet started to hear somebody playing the piano. They followed the music down a hallway and saw it was coming from behind a door. They opened the door, walked into the room where the music was coming from, and saw the piano playing itself. Violet shouted, "Haunted piano!" Victoria said, "No, it's not. It's a player piano. It must have turned itself on automatically." Victoria turned off the piano, and it stopped playing music. Then, the piano started playing itself again. Violet said, "Hey, Victoria. I thought you turned that thing off." Victoria said, "I did. Now I believe it's haunted." Victoria jumped and ran in the air, and when she landed on the ground, she ran for her life and took Violet with her. Victoria said, "I do not believe what I just saw." Violet said, "Well, when it comes to this place, nothing's impossible."