Chapter 5 Retouching

Chapter 5: Retouching

He started with the walls, smoothing out the jagged rock with a single touch, His technological cells replicated several times over, creating a few nano-bots which emerged from his pores, fusing and compressing the stone into a seamless, polished surface.

The rough, uneven ground was next, the floor leveling itself out as the nano-bots worked in perfect synchronization, creating a smooth, solid foundation that felt firm underfoot.

As he worked, the air inside the cave began to change, too. The damp, musty smell faded as Gift activated a microclimate system within his suit or should he say nanotech system, purifying the air and regulating the temperature to a comfortable warmth. The oppressive darkness lifted as he directed some of the nano-bots to gather bioluminescent minerals from the surrounding rocks, embedding them into the walls in intricate patterns that glowed softly, casting a gentle, ambient light throughout the space.

He didn't stop there. Moving faster than the eye could follow, Gift began to craft furniture from the materials at hand. Using his suit’s advanced fabrication capabilities, he transformed wood, stone, and even metal deposits into elegant, functional pieces. A bed frame formed from the solid rock of the cave floor, the surface carved into smooth lines and curves. Over it, he layered soft furs and fabric made from the woven fibers of the plants outside, creating a comfortable and inviting resting place.

He then created shelves and storage spaces, carving them directly into the cave walls with precision. The debris scattered around the cave was gathered and compressed into a durable composite, which he used to craft a low table and seating, the surfaces smooth and polished to a high sheen.

Finally, he turned his attention to the entrance of the cave. With a thought, he created a few more nano-bots which he used to reinforce the outer walls, embedding themselves into the rock to create a barrier that was nearly impenetrable. He left a small opening at the top to allow fresh air and light to filter in, but he also added a retractable barrier that could be deployed in an instant, sealing the cave from any unwanted intruders.

When he was done, the cave had been transformed into a sanctuary, warm, safe, and filled with a quiet beauty that blended seamlessly with the natural world outside.

Gift stood back, with his hands crossed Infront of his chest, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction as he surveyed his work.

Sera had been outside for only a few short moments, Seeing such a transformation after she'd come in, left her stunned in silence, her beautiful emerald green eyes wide with disbelief.

She slithered forward now, her hand reaching out to touch the smooth walls, her fingers trailing over the polished stone. "I... I don't believe it," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "How did you do this?"

Gift turned to her, his expression softening. "It's the least I could do, considering the fact that you've helped me so much already."

" I know... But this, it's really too much, Thank you " Sera said as she looked at him, her eyes shining with a mix of gratitude and something deeper, something she couldn’t quite put into words. She had never known kindness like this from a human before, even her own kind couldn't have done something as heartfelt as this for her.

She never imagined that anyone could do something so incredible for her, a creature hunted and reviled by so many.

"Thank you," she finally managed to say, her voice thick with emotion. "No one’s ever done anything like this for me before."

Gift smiled, feeling a warmth in his chest that had nothing to do with the suit’s internal systems. "You’re welcome, it's nothing really. I just thought that you deserved a place where you can rest and feel at home instead of a simple dirty old cave."

Sera nodded, still overwhelmed by the transformation around her. The cave was no longer just a hiding place; it was a refuge, a home. And for the first time in as long as she could remember, Sera felt a flicker of hope.

As they stood there in silence , taking in the wonderful appearance of the now transformed cave, the caves bioluminescent minerals began to give of a soft glow which added to the already stunning scene before them.

Feeling compelled by the enchanting scenery, Sera silently glanced at Gift from the corner of her eye, The tip of her tail twisting and turning mildly while her face turned a light reddish hue before she closed her eyes and calmly shook her head as if discarding a certain thought that came to mind.

Gift had already helped Sera settle inside so now he was already planning on heading to the village to acquire more information.

"I won't be long," Gift assured her. "I'll find out what I can and come straight back."

Sera's gaze softened slightly, her tough exterior momentarily giving way to concern. "Gift be careful, The people here... they're afraid of anything different. And i think the both of us can agree that you're definitely different."

Gift nodded, his expression serious. " I know, I promise I’ll be back before you know it."

He left the cave at a blur like speed, heading towards the village with quiet determination. As he entered the outskirts he carefully slowed down.

Gift felt like he had stepped back in time when he saw the strange scene before him.

The village was a cluster of medieval structures, their thatched roofs and stone walls glowing softly in the lantern light. The people he passed were dressed in simple, old-fashioned clothing, their faces etched with the weariness of hard lives.

Gift suddenly noticed that his figure was attracting a lot of strange looks, mostly those of curiosity and bewilderment.

_Pixel, any leads on why they keep staring at me_

[Judging from the direction of their gazes, I think it's safe to say that they find your clothing a bit strange and non-conventional]